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Displaying clips 2689-2712 of 10000 in total
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Blizzard Cripples East Coast
Clip: 425670_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1757
Original Film: 040-013-01
Location: East Coast, Virginia, Maine
Timecode: 00:29:43 - 00:30:59

A furious blizzard smashes Atlantic Coast cities from Virginia to Maine with heavy snows, gale winds, and sub-zero temperatures. 75 deaths are traced to the storm as schools are closed, traffic s paralyzed and air and rail travel are crippled. The Great Blizzard of 1967 hits the east coast. Snow and Ice cover cars and make vehicle traffic move at a snail s pace. POV looking out the windshield of a car in a Downtown shopping area, visibility is extremely poor and limited. Traffic on the streets is light and people have a very hard time walking in the weather conditions. Rush hour traffic picks up and movement is very slow due to the amount of snow, fog and poor visibility conditions. CU tires on cars and trucks make their way thru the snow and ice. A man and woman pull and push a garment rack thru the slush, ice and snow. A man shovels snow with a snow blower. People cross the street as snow keeps falling. Man shoveling the snow. Lots of people are in the shopping district as no snow falls.

Kosygin And Wilson
Clip: 425671_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1757
Original Film: 040-013-02
Location: England, London
Timecode: 00:31:01 - 00:32:06

Soviet Premier Kosygin meets in London with British Prime Minister Wilson for a one-week visit. Their visit includes discussions on possible peace negotiations in Vietnam. Kosygin insists no peace talks can start until the U.S. unconditionally halts bombing the north. Soviet Premier Alexei Kosygin disembarks from a plane and is greeted by British Prime Minister Harold Wilson. Kosygin and Wilson walk on the tarmac at the airport. Outside London's famous No.10 Downing Street a crowd of people have gathered. Demonstrators gather holding up signs. Kosygin pulls up in a limo and is greeted again by British Prime Minister Harold Wilson. Protestors standing on the street, the police are doing their job keeping everyone in line.

Released Prisoners Bridge of 17th Parallel
Clip: 425672_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1757
Original Film: 040-013-03
Location: Vietnam
Timecode: 00:32:06 - 00:32:44

On the bridge which separates North and South Vietnam, thirty VC prisoners are released by the Saigon government in observance of the Lunar New Year. Defiantly, the former prisoners throw off their clothing provided in POW camps in the south. Walking across the bridge on the 17th Parallel that divides North and South Vietnam are Viet Con prisoners. Many of the men have missing arms, hands and legs. Fellow VC at the North end of the bridge are also released. Low Angle Shot - In a gesture of defiance the released prisoners throw their ponchos given them in the Saigon prisons. Throngs are gathered on the bridge in celebrating the Lunar New Year.

"Rose Monday" Celebration
Clip: 425673_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1757
Original Film: 040-013-04
Location: Germany
Timecode: 00:32:44 - 00:33:32

Pre-Lenten festivities come to a climax in Cologne, West Germany with the traditional "Rosenmontag" or "Rose Monday" parade. The procession includes bright costumes, bands, floats and merriment preceding the somberness of Lent. A crowd of people gather and sway to the sounds of German folk music. There are clowns. Children skipping, walking and dancing down the center of the street. People dressed up in costume on the floats throwing candy at the children and people lining the sides of the streets. Make shift airplanes are in the parade. German political papier-m ch caricatures are showcased in the parade circa 1967. Some German people dressed up as Indians and Vikings.

Daytona 24 Hour Continental
Clip: 425674_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1757
Original Film: 040-013-05
Location: Daytona Beach, Florida
Timecode: 00:33:33 - 00:34:35

The 24 hour "Daytona Continental" sports car race is won by three Ferraris avenging their defeat by Ford last year. It s Ford s first loss in nearly a decade. All six Ford Mark Two's fail to finish after they have transmission trouble. It's an all-Ferrari finish as they cross the finish line. (Ferrari P3, Ferrari P4) Two professional race car drivers standing by their Ferrari No. 23. A mother leaning over a play pen attending to her baby. High Angle shot a little baby and a little Schnauzer puppy in the play pen. Racing officials. Cars slowly going around the track. Ford Mark 2's passing the camera. The fiery red Ferraris passing the camera. They are in tip top shape for the race. High Angle Shot a three car Ferrari finish in the race.

35th Annual Leavenworth Winter Sports Contest
Clip: 425675_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1757
Original Film: 040-013-06
Location: Washington State, Leavenworth
Timecode: 00:34:35 - 00:35:18

In Leavenworth, Washington the 35th annual Winter Sports Contest is underway. Despite the use of man-made snow, Norwegian World Champ Bjorn Wirkola breaks the North American ski jump record by 10 feet. Ski jumpers riding down a steep platform and into a high jump down onto snow that had to be trucked in from surrounding areas for the competition. High Angle Shot the mountain side is snowless. Another skier comes down the ski jump and lands a very clean and flawless landing. Norwegian World Champion, Bjorn Wirkola performs a text book ski long jump, breaking a North American ski jump record by 10-feet.

Ski Bob
Clip: 425676_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1757
Original Film: 040-013-07
Location: Soelden, Austria
Timecode: 00:35:19 - 00:36:21

The First World Skibob Championships are held in Austria. The sport is relatively new but has plenty of speed and thrills. Eighty-three competitors whiz down the slope and Austrian Willy Brenter is the winner with a time of two minutes, forty-four seconds. The Austrian Alps in Solden, Austria is the first site of the Skibob / snow bike championships. High Angle Shot all competitors are lined up preparing for the race. The contestants are off to a fast start. Skibob enthusiasts watch the race. Austria's Joseph Spitzer races across the finish line but Willie Brenter is declared the winner according to the corrected time.

Japan Today
Clip: 425677_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1757
Original Film: 040-014-01
Location: Japan, Tokyo
Timecode: 00:37:03 - 00:38:22

Today's Tokyo is a prime example of blending the old and the new in modern Japan. Premier Sato's pro-American government is re-elected forecasting continued economic strength and prosperity. An expressway in Tokyo has heavy traffic. Modern buildings are mixed in with traditional bridges. Japanese gardens are a nice blend of traditional and cultural architecture. Two Japanese women dressed in traditional costume. Japanese business men greet each other in the traditional Japanese way. LS car driving towards Tokyo's capital building. Japan's Premier Eisaku Sato greeting people. He paints the missing eye on a traditional Buddhist symbol. Cars parked on side streets. High Angle Shot - Japanese business men and women walking down a street and getting into a packed subway train. The train conductors seem to be pulling coats and arms into the train to force the doors to close. Night shot of Downtown Tokyo with moving traffic.

Defused 2-Ton Aerial Bomb
Clip: 425678_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1757
Original Film: 040-014-02
Location: Paderborn, West Germany
Timecode: 00:38:24 - 00:39:09

A two-ton aerial mine relic of WWII is found buried beneath a street in Paderborn, West Germany. With the area roped off and residents evacuated, a bomb disposal expert tackles the tedious job of defusing the relic. A street in Paderborn, West Germany is under construction by workmen. CU a large buried underground mine if found storing an active 2-ton aerial bomb. Police rope off a safety area. Residents in surrounding apartment buildings open their windows to prevent structural damage if the bomb is detonated. They are evacuated. CU a bomb technician attends to defusing the bomb. ECU the main fuse is removed from the bomb. ECU technician smiles with relief. CU a crane lifts out the bomb. Workers, Police and Resident breather a collective sigh of relief.

July 29, 1994 - Part 1
Clip: 460015_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10051
Original Film: 102859
Location: Washington DC
Timecode: -

(11:22:24) The CHAIRMAN. Thank you, Senator Faircloth. I might say that issue has arisen a couple times and I want to provide a little information on it. On July 28, yesterday, the Park Police informed the Committee by letter that Captain Charles Hume, who went to the White 23 House to interview Mr. Foster's co-workers and search Mr. Foster's office, was out of town, could not be reached and would not appear here to testify. It came as a surprise to all of us. When he was deposed by the Committee on July 22, which was a week ago, be was told, and I quote: There are going to be hearings next week that also stem from Resolution 229, which brings us here today, an you may be called as a witness at those hearings. So he was under very direct and explicit notice. A joint letter of invitation was sent to him 2 days ago as we were formalizing our formal witness list, but be bad been on notice a much longer period of time. Although this may be an innocent misunderstanding and I won't make a presumption one way or the other, the notice given at the beginning of the deposition makes it difficult for -me to understand why he would leave town without checking with the Committee or leaving a telephone number where he could be reached. They tried to reach him and have been unable to do so, I would also say this: The area that be's most directly involved with, at least to my view, relates to the activities in the White House, Mr. Foster's office, and the documents there. We've been asked not to deal with this right at this time by Mr. Fiske, and so we respect that, I know you've just expressed your view on that matter. We do have people here from the Park Police who actually were on the scene and were central to the investigation of Mr. Foster's situation. They're going to be here before us later today, and so we'll have the ability to, I think, in a variety of ways to get all the information we need in this area, but let me put that information on the record at this point. Senator D'AMATO. Chairman, I'll tell you what's troubling this Senator that's come from my colleagues, as the Committee begins its hearing today without one of the most crucial witnesses to the Foster death investigation, and that is Captain Hume. Captain Hume testified, at length in his deposition last week, that the Park Police were unable to do their Job investigating the tragic death of Vincent Foster because the White House wouldn't let them do their job. He went on to testify, and I quote: It became a joke that the Park Police had to wait to get permission from the White House before they could do their job. Clearly, if we are going to go into the manner in which the investigation was conducted, Captain flume should be here. I would hope if we cannot ascertain with definiteness by some time that we would issue the necessary subpoena and also bring in his supervisors, because we were also told that he could be beeped at any time. We have some t" you can get us any time. Any time you want, beep us." So I don 't know whether he's been ordered Senator BOXER. Point of order, Mr. Chairman. I thought we would all be heard and then we would get into these decisions. The CHAIRMAN. We will. Senator DAMATO, I just wanted to make our point of view known, And I've concluded, but I think it's important certainly that we get his boss to find out bow it is and how can we get contact 24 with him particularly when we were told we could get him any time of & day or night, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, always has a beeper. The CHAIRMAN. I don't want to get us diverted on this. I'd like to make this statement and --:-' Senator KERRY. Well, be do- The CHAIRMAN. No, I want make my statement first. I under- stand you're seeking recognition. Let me make my comment and then if you want to be recognized, I will be happy to recognize you. I want to indicate that we have a sworn deposition from this individual. He will be called to testify beyond today. We're not going to et hung up on that point. So that's not an issue. We'll have him in here for and questions that need to be raised. His supervisor is here today an be can answer questions as well. So I trust that we'll settle that matter.

Clip: 425542_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1767
Original Film: 040-104-04
Location: Vietnam
Timecode: -

The Navy's twin-jet "Sky Warrior" spends its time in the Vietnam skies as a flying gas-station. It has saved over 400 combat planes with mid-air refueling, allowing them to make it back to their carriers. A fleet of fighter jets is in formation in back of a tanker plane. The tanker releases a gas line for one of the jets. A jet moves into position to refuel. Various angles show the refueling process. A close-up is made of the fighter flying solo after refueling.

College Vacation - Spring Break
Clip: 425773_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1759
Original Film: 040-025-07
Location: Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Timecode: 00:05:27 - 00:06:00

The annual exodus to Fort Lauderdale brings vacationing college students from all over the country. Local law officials are on guard against the riots of past years, and have provided organized recreation such as street dances and supervised activities. Spring break. Panning MS two young white women walking toward beach carrying belongings, ocean in BG. Nice pouty blond woman wearing sunglasses sitting in passenger seat of passing convertible, boyfriend sport shades and buzz cut driving. Panning tall young white woman with long blond hair walking along beach wearing two-piece bikini. Beefy young man courting pale blonde girl in bikini on beach. Great CU t-shirt sporting the truth: "So Many Women, So Little Time." Brunette girl sitting atop shoulder of young man; girl touches mural that has been vandalized with the tag, "Thank you Fort Lauderdale." MCU billy club (baton) in hand of police officer standing on street. Sorority girl chewing gum, blowing bubble. Hip dude with arm around shoulder of pretty betty on street. Panning two steel beer kegs being transported on dolly. CU several cans of Budweiser and Busch on table, zoom out to MS white college students drinking beer, carousing.

Ethnic Riot Between Indonesians & Chinese
Clip: 425853_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1760
Original Film: 040-035-04
Location: Jakarta, Indonesia
Timecode: 00:17:00 - 00:17:54

"Indonesian youths, resentful and hostile toward local Chinese, riot in Jakarta, smashing shops, beating Chinese, overturning cars and trucks. The rampage is an answer to a previous peaceful protest by Chinese over increasing hostility toward them, traced to an abortive coup two years ago, allegedly led by Chinese Reds. TLS - Young Indonesian men walking on street, some throwing rocks at "Ko-Hin" sign in Chinese sector of Jakarta. MS - Parade of Indonesian men walking along street, toward cam, happy & smiling. TLS - Crowd throwing rocks at Chinese-owned stores. MS- Men smashing windows of microbus with sticks. MS - Indonesian and Chinese men clashing in street, the latter overwhelmed and beaten with sticks, switches, fists & other blunt objects. MS - Bloody Chinese man lying greatly wounded on street. TLS- Truck half-submerged in water, angry rioters apparently having had pushed the car into the reservoir. MS - Volkswagen Beetle on its side in street, Indonesian soldiers standing in BG. TLS - Soldiers riding in Jeep passing overturned car. Side view TLS - Armed Indonesian soldiers and small tank driving rioters from the scene.

Rock & Roll Reunion - Out takes 3
Clip: 460025_1_1
Year Shot: 1982 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10248
Original Film:
Location: Washington D.C. Club
Timecode: 09:21:37 - 09:45:38

This tape is out take footage from a WETA show titled "Rock & Roll Reunion". The premise of the show was to have a group of middle aged people meet in a club, dance to the music of their youth and possibly be set up to meet an old high school sweetheart. The show is hosted by TOM CURTIS a funny looking man reminiscent of a game show host. There is a lot of footage here of people dancing to oldies - the Beatles, Rolling Stones, Beach boys, etc. Their style of dance and dress screams early 80s - a lot of funny/silly stuff here.

Bird Rescue from Oil Spill
Clip: 425796_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1759
Original Film: 040-028-04
Location: Cornwall, England
Timecode: 00:26:35 - 00:27:19

A fight for life, the lives of thousands of birds, continues at Cornwall, England. The birds were contaminated by floating crude oil from a grounded tanker. A Holland bird authority uses a chemical detergent to clean them, saving them from death. Meanwhile, the Cornwall beaches remain black with tar-thick brown oil. Panning TLS Coastal town of Cornwall, England to the RSPCA bird sanctuary. People carrying cardboard boxes filled with live birds that need to be cleaned and rescued following the Torrey Canyon oil spill disaster. Several swans in pen. CU Ornithologist cleaning oily wings of bird. Woman placing clean bird into cardboard carrier. TLS Rocky beach, zoom in to oily rocks.

France's First Atomic Submarine
Clip: 425797_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1759
Original Film: 040-028-05
Location: Cherbourg, France
Timecode: 00:27:19 - 00:27:50

France's first nuclear-powered sub, the Redoubtable is launched by President DeGaulle at Cherbourg. The ship cost a quarter-billion dollars, will be armed with 16 missiles, and she's the first of three. Atomic submarine in hangar. TLS "Le Redoubtable" on hull. President CHARLES DE GAULLE standing with French dignitaries at launch, March 29, 1967. President Charles de Gaulle pressing button, pan right to atomic submarine easing from moorings, sliding into slip. Gallery of French dignitaries saluting.

LBJ Barbecue for Latin American Leaders
Clip: 425798_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1759
Original Film: 040-028-06
Location: Stonewall, Texas
Timecode: 00:27:50 - 00:28:20

"A barbecue for Latin-American diplomats at President Johnson's Texas ranch. The guests: some 30 foreign envoys and their wives. The menu: beef, chicken, pork ribs, and sourdough biscuits! Greeting the guests, the President, Ladybird, and expectant mother Luci.. A mature man (cook) wearing straw hat and kerchief around neck slathering the carcass of unidentified dead animal roasting on spit. A mature woman wearing scarf on head stirring biscuit batter in large bowl. Chicken breasts & wings cooking on large barbeque grill. TLS Several national flag of Latin American countries flying along roadside. President Lyndon Baines Johnson, First Lady, Lady Bird Johnson and pregnant daughter Luci Johnson Nugent greet foreign dignitaries. Lady Bird Johnson & Lucy Johnson Nugent greeting guests. TLS Johnsons and guests posing for picture on ranch, banner hanging from house in BG reading, "Bienvenidos." Nice President Lyndon Johnson and Lady Bird smiling, ranch house in BG.

Biography: Robert Taft
Clip: 460020_1_1
Year Shot: 1962 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master:
Original Film: WPA 1611
Location: Various Locations
Timecode: -

Preview Tape #210535 0' to 100' ............. opening montage of Robert attending a meeting; features the before, the during and after of said event. Opening credits and Wallace's opening statements. Tight LS of William Howard Taft waddling off the caboose of a train on a sunny day only to be mobbed by reporters and hangers-on. MS's of W.H. Taft, as well. Several LS's of early 1900's city street life. Several MS's of President Taft basically standing around and not doing anything at various outdoor locations (ah, that Taft magic at work for the press). 100' to 200' .......... stills of Robert as a young man. Several MS's of President Taft standing around for the camera... again.....MS of TR wearing a long gray duster and standing on the backseat of a convertible, speaking very adamantly to a crowd gathered offscreen...... MS montage of President Taft on the campaign trail; he meets and greets the public, cutaway to him giving speeches... to no avail, for he loses the election to Woodrow Wilson. Stills of Robert as a young man, a Yale graduate. MS's of a Taft family reunion in Canada. 200' to 300' .......... William Howard Taft dies. Funeral montage: tight LS of a flag-draped coffin on a horse-drawn carriage being carted through the streets of Washington; tight LS of the coffin being carried out of the family home by six strong individuals.....Republican National Convention in Chicago: CU's of signs bearing the names of states; MS's of the delegates; MS of Wendell Willkie accepting the nomination; MS's of pro-Robert Taft supporters wearing hats and carrying signs bearing Robert's likeness..... Wide shot of Capitol Building Dome, tilt down to a full shot on a sunny day..... MS, sideview, of Taft talking to a reporter, a film camera separating the two..... MS, pan left, of several reporters, cameramen and soundmen inside an office and doing their jobs..... MS of Taft talking to the camera about national spending and balancing the budget. 300' to 400' .......... Steel mill labor strike. Montage: tight LS's of stalled mills; tight LS's of striking mill employees with placards..... The Taft-Hartley Bill is born. MS's of signs for and against the Bill. MS's and tight LS's of marches, protests and rallies against and for the Bill, mostly against. MS of Harry S. Truman seated at the desk in the Oval Office, reporters to screen left, signing the veto of the bill..... Taft seeks presidential nomination... again. CU of a placard bearing the stirring likeness of Robert, gets pulled scren left to reveal several young ladies working in a campaign office, stuffing envelopes, making phone calls and so on. CU of a sticker bearing the eloquent, "Taft", being put into an envelope. LS and MS of Mrs. Robert Taft being interviewed by a press panel, reagrding her husband's chances. 400' to 500' .......... 1948 Republican National Convention in Phladelphia. High angle LS's of the large crowd. Level tight LS's of the largely pro-Taft sections of the crowd. MS of Thomas Dewey waving and smiling, accepting the nomination. 500' to 600' .......... MS's of Taft meeting steel workers and farmers in Ohio during his Senate re-election campaign. It works. He wins his seat for another term..... MS of Taft speaking at a press conference. He seeks the presidency... again?! Good cutaways of the mid-sized press-crowd-audience..... MS of Taft and two guys dressed as Indians (full regalia, including war bonnets). They smoke a peace pipe at an outdoor, radio-sponsored event..... CU of a baby doll being held up by a little girl (the doll holds a Taft pin); tilt up to the girl sitting on Taft's knee. 600' to 700' .......... LS and MS of Dwight D. Eisenhower at the Republican National Convention. He walks onstage with wife Millie, and stop at the podium. MS's of the exuberant delegates. MS's of pollsters. Wide shots of the crowd. CU's of signs reading the names of certain states, tilt d to CU's of delegates sweating. Taft loses the nomination... again. 700' to 800' .......... MS of Ike and Taft, surrounded by reporters..... MS of Ike and Taft sitting on a couch in a private library..... MS of taft standing at a podium, delivering a pro-Ike speech..... tight LS of the Senate floor, senators seated, get up to welcome the new president of the Us, Ike. 800' to 900' .......... MS's and tight LS's of Ike and Taft playing golf..... MS of several reporters scribbling into small notebooks..... Taft dies. Funeral montage, Washington DC. MS's of Nixon and his wife arriving at the ceremony, same with Ike and his wife. LS's of the Capitol Building, the streets filled with well-wishers. LS of the casket being carried by Marines. Wallace's closing words and final credits. END AT 900'

Be - In
Clip: 425800_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1759
Original Film: 040-028-08
Location: Seattle, Washington
Timecode: 00:28:45 - 00:29:18

"Another Be - In, students gathering to frolic on the village green. This time, its in Seattle, the guitars and long-hairs are out in force, but it's a peaceful, happy, Happening whose theme is love one another. Whatever happened to goldfish swallowing? TLS happy crowd of hippies hanging out at be-in happening in public park. Several young hippies grooving to music, one sunglasses wearing lad apparently a sergeant in the hipster army (three stripes on jacket sleeve). Great shots of Hippies dancing, frolicking, having a ball in circle. Great shot of young woman with long blond hair, dancing, spinning in circles with careless abandon.

Explorer's Banquet
Clip: 425802_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1759
Original Film: 040-028-10
Location: New York City, New York
Timecode: 00:30:01 - 00:30:46

The world famous Explorer's Club holds its annual banquet. On the menu: polar bear sauerbraten, iguana salad, baked boa constrictors, caribou stew, and a lamb's eye! Not exactly a treat to hamburgers and hot dog lovers but good enough for present day Stanley s and Livingstone s. Men in dark business suits drinking, mingling at Explorer's Club. CU Clay figure of venerable sea captain. CU Small statue of horned buffalo. CU Bust of African tribal woman with oblong, intentionally misshapen head, a result of head binding. Banquet table with queer delicacies, each with note card. Panning Myopic old man reading notecard of dish while leaning over table, using pen to maintain reading line. CU Unusual dish (looks like eyeballs). CU Baked boa constrictor dish. Young woman with messy hair loading plate, sampling a delicacy & somewhat enjoying it. Portly middle-aged man sitting on couch, eating from small plate; a morsel falls form his fork en route to his mouth, falling onto his tie.

Biography: Princess Margaret
Clip: 460021_1_1
Year Shot: 1962 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: N/A
Original Film: WPA 1612
Location: Various Locations
Timecode: -

ON PREVIEW CASSETTE # 201932 0' to 100' ............. opening montage: tight LS of a roomful of English boys and girls singing while a school marm conducts. MS of Margaret applauding. MS of her standing at a microphone and asking if the kids can have the rest of the day off.... Opening credits and Wallace's introduction.... 1935, the Silver Jubillee. Tight LS of a carriage carrying King George V through a crowded London street. Tight LS of 3 generations of English royalty standing on the balcony of Buckingham Palace. 100' to 200' .......... MS of the Duke of York taking motion pictures of his daughters Margaret and Elizabeth (the former seems around 7 years old while the latter seems eleven or twelve) as they play by the side of a quiet country stream.... MS of the Duke and Duchess, dressed to the regal-royal hilt, getting into an open, horse-drawn carriage after a ceremony of some sort. Their girls, wearing adorable girlie clothes, get on, also.... CU, sideview, of a Scottish bagpiper, followed by a MS of 4 Scotsmen dancers doing a jig on a platform during mid-day.... 1936, King George V dies. Funeral procession montage, mostly tight LS's of the coffin on parade and the family following it.... MS's and CU's of Wallis Simpson and Prince David after their wedding. Taken outdoors, they smile and pose for the camera.... Coronation ceremony. The Duke of York becomes King George VI. Montage, mostly tight LS's of the Duke being crowned at the formal ceremony. 200' to 300' .......... MS of the King, Queen, Margaret and Elizabeth wearing their respective crowns and waving from the balcony of Buckingham Palace. Cutaway to high angle wide shots of the large crowd gathered in the courtyard below them..... MS montage of Marge and Beth at various public events. Art galleries, ground breaking ceremonies, and so on. MS of Beth and Marge standing outside with several others as a German Shepherd and a young panda bear chase and play with each other at their feet. MS of Marge riding a mule at a children's petting zoo..... MS's of Margaret and Elizabeth, now young women, riding and grooming horses in the countryside..... Publicity MS of Elizabeth, Margaret and future King Phillip standing inside for the camera. 300' to 400' .......... MS montage of Margaret at social events. She gets off of a train. She attends a formal symphony. She attends a ball. She goes on vacation to Capris (high angle tight LS of Margaret bikinied on a docked sailboat in a quiet, secluded bay)..... CU of a Christian Dior store sign, cutaway to Margaret shopping for a strapless evening gown (includes a tight LS of a runway model modeling the garment for her)..... MS of Margaret visiting a BBC studio set. MS of Danny Kaye..... 1952, King George VI dies. Funeral montage: high angle tight LS of the horse-drawn casket and London guardsmen accompanying it. Low angle MS of the funeral carriage on which the crown is displayed. CU's and MS's of weeping mourners on the streets. MS of the Queen and her daughters standing around, dressed in black. 400' to 500' .......... 1953, the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II. Montage, with real audio, of the ceremony. MS of the crown being placed on her head. Tight LS's of the procession walking slowly through the church..... MS, sideview, of Maragret standing on a podium at a microphone, the Union Jack flying in BG..... CU's of Peter Townsend in military oufit, then in polo gear. Tight LS of horses and jockeys jumping a trimed hedge fence. Low angle MS of horses and jockeys leaping over the camera..... The affair between Margaret and Peter is revealed. 500' to 600' .......... CU's of Peter, wearing sunglasses and looking rather modish, at an outdoor event..... CU's of several Brits voicing their opinions on the affair. Both men and women of various economic classes are featured. 600' to 700' .......... more on the affair. The press dogs Peter..... Cu of a radio dial, followed by excellent montage of people standing or sitting by radios in their bedrooms or family rooms and listening as an announcer proclaims the end of Margaret's affair. Real audio. CU's of newspaper headlines bearing the news, stacked one on top of the other..... MS's of Margaret, Elizabeth and Phillip attending the premiere of "A Farewell to Arms"..... MS and CU montage of Margaret attending outdoor events. 700' to 800' .......... MS of Prince Charles ( a young boy) standing with his Mum and Dad at a train station..... MS' s of Margaret and Armstrong Jones, together, publicity shots from royal grounds. They get hitched. Marriage montage: mostly high angle tight LS's of the church ceremony. 800' to 900' .......... MS's and tight LS's of the bride, the groom and the royal family after the ceremony's end, standing on the balcony of Buckingham Palace..... Wallace's final thoughts and closing credits. END AT 910'. :

Clip: 440868_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 0
Original Film: 541-15
Timecode: -

San Francisco - statue

Clip: 440869_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 0
Original Film: 541-16
Timecode: -

San Francisco - street cars

Clip: 440870_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master:
Original Film: 541-17
Timecode: -

San Francisco - Fisherman's Wharf

Displaying clips 2689-2712 of 10000 in total
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