
Iron Triangle: Troops Destroy Vietcong Stronghold

Iron Triangle: Troops Destroy Vietcong Stronghold
Clip: 425626_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1756
Original Film: 040-007-01
Location: Vietnam
Timecode: 00:43:14 - 00:44:18

"Operation Cedar Falls", biggest allied offensive in Vietnam so far, continues to blast its way through the "Iron Triangle", a Vietcong stronghold dating back to the French Indo-China war. Enemy installations are located, supplies and documents captured and the hideouts demolished. Two soldiers sitting in a fox hole a machine guns is at the ready. CU One soldier is firing the machine gun and the other one is holding and guiding the bullets, the one feeding the bullets has a cigarette in his mouth. CU Over the shoulder shot soldier firing the machine gun. The machine gun gets so hot that it is cooled off by squirting oil on it. As the oil is being applied, the barrel of the machine gun is smoking. Profile of shoulder with helmet on his head. Soldiers walking through the jungle searching for VC food and supply installations. CU Side shot of soldier in full gear holding a machine gun as he searches the jungle. Solder planting explosives on the ground. Military commanders watching their men. A grass hut is blown up. Another explosive is set off blowing up a underground installation belonging to the enemy.