
July 29, 1994 - Part 2

July 29, 1994 - Part 2
Clip: 460029_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10052
Original Film: 102861
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(11:31:07) This investigation in some way now comes full circle to this Committee. Questions have surfaced about prior testimony before this Committee so it is particularly important for us to be satisfied about those questions. We have a responsibility to make certain that information coming to us from the Executive Branch is true, complete, and accurate. And the Senate has a responsibility to police the information which comes to us because no one else will do it for us. For myself, I join a couple of other colleagues in saying that there is a profoundly sad and even degrading aspect to this opening day subject. The FBI, the Park Police, the Foster family, and the Special Counsel have all concluded that Vince Foster tragically to his own life. The medical examiner, (11:31:54) (end of tape #10051) the FBI laboratory, the DNA analysis of the gun, the medical and forensic experts all agree, but somehow here is the U.S. Senate giving credence to the most insulting, degrading, lurid, and lunatic theories that people can invent, and, in doing of dragging a good person's reputation into the gutter. I think this is wrong, Mr. Chairman, but I understand you didn't ask for it. You don't like it, and that like it or not, some have asked for it and if we, don't do it, we feed the worst speculation and give license to the absurd, so we are here. It just leaps out at me that if some people had really wanted answers to the questions they have raised publicly, particularly in the other body, on the floor of the House of Representatives, and in some counts, they bad only to read and inquire. I am convinced that some were not as interested in the answers as they were in seeing to it that the questions received wide circulation. 26 This Committee has an opportunity to get at the truth. Nothing is more important. The principle that we should live by during these hearings is full disclosure, open Government, and let the chips fall where they may. That's the only way to a guarantee we fulfill our obligations as an independent branch of government. and individual Senators. I might say, though, there is an Alice-in-Wonderland quality to some of the comments we've heard this morning. I think the king of hearts said verdict first, trial afterwards, everything upsidedown, It is very clear that there are serious questions which we must ask, but we don't know anything beyond a reasonable doubt until witnesses have testified. It is important that the White House itself, for instance, undertook to correct Mr. Altman. It is important, obviously, that certain political realities could not have permitted some of the things that have been alleged here this morning. It is for the witnesses to determine that and it is for us to fairly and impartially solicit the answers and give them the opportunity to do so. The CHAIRMAN. Senator Roth.