
13 Alarms: Gas Leak Starts Spectacular Fire

13 Alarms: Gas Leak Starts Spectacular Fire
Clip: 425620_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1756
Original Film: 040-006-01
Location: New York, New York
Timecode: 00:36:00 - 00:37:35

A gas main explodes and burns sending a torch of flames 200 feet into the air in one of New York City's most spectacular fires in its history. 600 firemen fight the flames which destroy nine homes and damage eight others. Several hundred persons were evacuated with no deaths or serious injuries reported. This is an evening shot so the trees, telephone post and firemen fighting the blaze are in silhouette. CU Telephone wires is all that can be seen among the fire, flames and rising smoke. The silhouette of a truck is completely surrounded fire. Silhouettes of trees and firemen battling the fire. Two firemen fight the fire back with a hose. Fire trucks and cars burn. CU Building where fire and black smoke billow out of the windows. Firefighter holds a hose of gushing water working to extinguish the fire near the telephone lines. A team of firefighters use the hose to spray water. CU house burning with telephone wires in the frame. Aerial POV of the fire. Fire Hoses fight the blaze that rages out of control for four city blocks. CU Rear shot of a utility worker on a pole working on the lines. CU burned out fire truck and smoldering fire and smoke. A crowd of firemen still fight the remainder of the fire into the early morning. Fire hoses and water cover the street.