
Winter Puts Mid-West In Deep Freeze

Winter Puts Mid-West In Deep Freeze
Clip: 425628_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1756
Original Film: 040-007-02
Location: Midwest, Minnesota, Illinois, Michigan
Timecode: 00:44:19 - 00:45:07

Ten deaths are counted as winter aims its worst blow at the Midwest, packing blizzards and freezing temperatures. Traffic is clogged, schools closed, cities virtually brought to a standstill. Cold warnings continued on the heels of the storms, winter's most severe so far. A winter scene with houses in the background and the wind blowing the snow where it almost looks like a cloud or smoke. Cars parked at the curb side, very foggy outside or the appearance of fog caused by the blowing and falling snow. In Canton, Minnesota, one lonely gas truck making its way down the road. CU of a parked car covered in a lot of snow. In not for the falling and blowing snow, you can hardly make out the parked car. CU Man scraping off the ice on the windshield of his car. A road construction tractor piling up snow. A parked car with snow all around it. Man shovels his sidewalk. A car backing out of his driveway, his car gets stuck in the snow and the wheels start spinning.