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Guards International Formula Two Race
Clip: 425790_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1759
Original Film: 040-027-06
Location: Shepperton, England
Timecode: 00:21:09 - 00:22:05

The 108 mile Guards International Formula Two Race at Shepperton, England abounds with thrills and spills. The race ended in disaster for England's Chris Irwin and Andrew Flatcher who collided. Another crash scatters some panicked spectators while the race continues. TLS start of Formula Two auto race. Panning TLS Race cars taking turn. LS people racing to scene of two-car accident. Man using fire extinguisher to put out fire. Driver is pulled out of righted wreckage. Nice TLS several race cars taking turn, passing cam, Shell & BP ads in BG. Stunning race car spinning out of control on race track, slamming into dirt wall, spewing dirt high and far. It even sprays a small crowd of spectators gathered nearby. Rescue crews race to scene. The driver gets out and assesses the damage.

July 29, 1994 - Part 1
Clip: 460010_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10051
Original Film: 102859
Location: Washington DC
Timecode: -

(10:59:13) Which brings me to a key thread throughout this story: half truths, partial truths, nondenials, word games, and omissions of facts. The Kansas City Star put it best in their editorial on Wednesday. They said Cutler's statements were riddled with inconsistencies, unsupported assertions, and several claims that were immediately exposed as half truths or worse. They also stated evidence of a potential interference with a Federal investigation and subsequent high-level cover-up is mounting. I agree. When we ask questions in this Committee, we trust the Administration will tell the truth, be honest, and that we will get an answer. Unfortunately, it's a standard that Mr. Altman seems unable to comprehend. Mr. Altman forgot that his job is to serve the Nation, not just his old friend. Therefore, I believe his time is' up and it's time for him to go. The CHAIRMAN. Before calling on Senator Sasser, let me indicate that as we move through this proceeding, all of the documents that we have received, including the depositions that we have taken, except for a very minor part that have been redacted for privacy reasons, and agreeable to both sides, will all be made part of the final record and they will all be made part of the bearing record and they will be public and out into the light of day. 17 So as we proceed down through the hearings, it's important that we be able to retain our confidential use of these things in the decision of Senators to use certain parts of it as we bring witnesses in for cross- examination and particularly next week. But in due course, all this information will be made available and that should be understood by all. Senator Sasser.

July 29, 1994 - Part 1
Clip: 460016_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10051
Original Film: 102859
Location: Washington DC
Timecode: -

(11:26:56) Senator KERRY. Mr. Chairman, I just want to be recognized on this issue for a minute. The Senator from North Carolina said that the cover- up continues today and there's some impression being left, without adequate factual foundation, that this somehow may be something more than an innocent mistake or something. It's my understanding that while be was supposed to be available that be's on vacation because he didn't get the invitation prior to the time be was going on vacation and that he's available Monday. If be's available Monday and be is indeed, by mistake, legitimately on vacation-I'm not saying it is legitimate-but if that's true, then it's irresponsible to suggest that there's some great .99. cover-up going on and all I'm saying is we ought to be careful of the terminology we use before we understand the circumstances. He is going to testify. We all know he'll come here and we have the capacity to compel him to come here. The CHAIRMAN. He'll be here. Senator KERRY. We shouldn't The CHAIRMAN. He'll appear, Senator Kerry, let me call on make it a mystery that he isn't. as I've just indicated. you for your opening statement. OPENING STATEMENT OF SENATOR JOHN F. KERRY Senator KERRY. Mr. Chairman, one thing has become very clear through the discussions and bearings thus far on Whitewater and that is that the American people do not want these proceedings to become a partisan circus. They don't want to see Republicans and Democrats wasting dollars and time scoring points against each other. They want to know the facts. They deserve to know the facts, the truth, and they want to know that we are capable of find ing those facts without ourselves violating standards of decency and ethics. I believe thus far, this Committee has done a good job of laying the groundwork for serious examination of this issue. That groundwork has been the most comprehensive to date, benefiting, obviously, from prior work of the Independent Counsel. More than 37 people have been deposed, some for over 3 days at a time. More than 44 deposition days have been crammed into a small period of time with three lawyer teams working each day and sometimes all night. 10,000 document pages have been turned over, reviewed and, despite leaks, there will be information which will be 25 heard here for the first time. I believe that this first stage represents a serious inquiry that will not compromise the work of the Independent Counsel. We've set the stage for competent probative bearings and whether they will be is up to us. While it's inappropriate to draw conclusions fore witnesses have fully testified, we do knoW from depositions the parameters of their testimony. We know what these hearings are about and equally importantly, we know what they are not about Just as we have a responsibility not to dismiss or diminish we also have a responsibility not to exaggerate what may have occurred, or fantasize So an honest appraisal, a nonpartisan appraisal, requires us to make clear that we are not close to a constitutional crisis, to a grand conspiracy, and there is no indication whatsoever, of direct Presidential abuse or involvement. But this is a legitimate inquiry, and there are important questions which deserve to be answered. There are clearly legitimate questions about some individuals who acting on their own in what they deemed to be the interest of the President or themselves--or both-may have exercised questionable judgment. That is mostly what these bearings are about, judgment. There is a world of difference, obviously, between Presidential directives, instructions or actions, and the independent actions of staff outside of the President's involvement, and there is a world of difference between conversation and actions taken or not taken by that staff.

July 29, 1994 - Part 1
Clip: 460017_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10051
Original Film: 102859
Location: Washington DC
Timecode: -

(11:31:07) This investigation in some way now comes full circle to this Committee. Questions have surfaced about prior testimony before this Committee so it is particularly important for us to be satisfied about those questions. We have a responsibility to make certain that information coming to us from the Executive Branch is true, complete, and accurate. And the Senate has a responsibility to police the information which comes to us because no one else will do it for us. For myself, I join a couple of other colleagues in saying that there is a profoundly sad and even degrading aspect to this opening day subject. The FBI, the Park Police, the Foster family, and the Special Counsel have all concluded that Vince Foster tragically to his own life. The medical examiner, (11:31:54)

July 29, 1994 - Part 1
Clip: 460011_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10051
Original Film: 102859
Location: Washington DC
Timecode: -

(11:01:09) OPENING STATEMENT OF SENATOR JIM SASSER Senator SASSER. Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman. I want to compliment you, Mr. Chairman. You~ve well laid out the issues that are under scrutiny in this hearing, and the boundaries that should govern our inquiry, It's pretty clear that the subject before us today can be put to various political uses. Nevertheless, I cling to the hope, however faint, that we can do our jobs without political rancor here over the next few days. We all have a mutual interest in getting the facts. There are some legitimate questions of Government here but I believe we can get to the truth and keep the matters before US in perspective and also bring to them some ordinary standards of human decency. I hope, we can all agree, that there's no place in this hearing room for lurid speculation about the tragic circumstances surrounding the suicide of Vincent Foster. The Special Counsel has spoken on this issue. The Justice Department and the Park Police have concurred. The Foster family has suffered enough. Now, with regard to the contacts between the Resolution Trust Corporation, the Department of Treasury, and the White House concerning Madison Guaranty, there are some questions to be answered. Documents and depositions contain conflicting accounts of who talked to whom, about what, and when they talked with each other. I think we can begin with at least one fundamental certainty. The criminal referrals involving Madison Guaranty proceeded on schedule, without interference, through the regulatory and criminal justice system, These criminal referrals are now in the hands of the Republican Independent Counsel and before a grand jury. So any contact that might be alleged or even confirmed, we should be clear did not hinder this is process. Now, this is the bottom line. The Independent Counsel found no obstruction of justice and no criminal behavior at all in these contacts, As my distinguished colleague, Senator Dodd, said, this isn't Watergate. This isn't Iran-Contra. No direct abuse of Presidential power is at issue before this Committee in these hearings. Now, our charge under statute demands, however, that we go deeply. We're to determine whether or not "improper behavior" occurred in any of the matters under review. Obviously, there's no bright line task for ascertaining whether so vague a standard has indeed been breached. But Lloyd Cutler, the White House Counsel, has already acknowledged that mistakes have been made and I believe this Committee must examine dispassionately the circumstances surrounding these mistakes in judgment and get to the bottom of what happened. 18 We face issues, perhaps serious, about whether Congress bad been misled in the testimony before this Committee. We do have conflicting statements from high Treasury officials about what contacts were made and at whose direction they were made. But most important, our inquiry will be conducted in the ambiguous area of overlap between the Executive Branch's regulatory powers and its other responsibilities and interests. Now, this is uncertain terrain, to say the least. But clearly, we have reason to question the sensitivity of some in this affair. The bar on matters of this kind, as has been stated earlier, is set very high. People in positions of power must avoid even the appearance of conflict of interest. But having said that, let's not pull this matter out of proportion. The subject of this hearing is not comparable to the abuses of Executive Power we've seen in the recent past. As we move through these bearings, we should keep clearly in -mind the conclusions of the Independent Counsel, and I think it's worthwhile to quote them here. He said, and I quote: The evidence is insufficient to establish that anyone at the White House or the Department of Treasury acted with the intent to corruptly influence an RTC investigation. So Mr. Chairman, I look forward to bearing from the witnesses as these hearings unfold, and I thank you for your leadership in this hearing. The CHAIRMAN. Thank you. Senator Mack.

Paris Art
Clip: 425895_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1760
Original Film: 040-040-05
Location: Paris, France
Timecode: 00:52:24 - 00:53:01

This museum brings modern and impressionist paintings from Swiss private collections to Paris. TLS - Main entrance of art museum. TLS - Young woman sitting at table beneath Gauguin-like painting. MS - Middle-aged man in suit looking at Cubist painting. CU - Unidentified Edouard Manet painting (two women in room, one in bed, the other delivering tea). Rear view MS - Two women looking at impressionist painting of port landscape (looks like a Gauguin). CU - Impressionist painting of little girl. MCUs - Impressionist paintings of nude women. Panning TLS - Patrons viewing art in gallery of museum.

Movie Fund
Clip: 425971_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1762
Original Film: 040-051-04
Location: Los Angeles, California
Timecode: 00:18:07 - 00:18:44

Movie Fund "MCA Board Chairman Jules Stein announces that Universal will produce a major film whose profits will go toward the Motion Picture Relief Fund. A search is already underway for a suitable blockbuster property. Unions and Guilds pledge cooperation." TLSs board panel at press conference. MSs actors WALTER PIDGEON and GREGORY PECK sitting on panel. MS MCA Chairman JULES STEIN.

Korean Build Up: Westmoreland Greets Regiment On Arrival
Clip: 426249_1_1
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1748
Original Film: 039-033-01
Location: Vietnam
Timecode: 00:00:40 - 00:01:42

Some 3,000 ROK troops disembark from landing craft in Vietnam to reinforce Korean soldiery already active in the war. The Korean fighters are welcomed by U.S. General Westmoreland. Three thousand Korean soldiers disembark from their landing craft. General William Westmoreland welcomes the soldiers. The Korean soldiers continue to troop ashore. Korean soldiers climb aboard a flat bed truck with their riffles in hand, truck pulls away and other trucks follow loaded with Korean troops.

Hollywood's Nigh Golden Oscars Given To All Winners
Clip: 426250_1_1
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1748
Original Film: 039-033-02
Location: Hollywood, California
Timecode: 00:01:42 - 00:03:38

The big Hollywood show of the year. The annual awards of golden Oscars by the Motion Picture Academy was attended by screen notables. Awards were made to actor Lee Marvin, English actress Julie Christie. A special gold medal award went to Bob Hope. Theatre ushers directing traffic and throngs of movie fans gather to see their favorite stars, it is the 38th Annual Academy Awards, 'Oscar Night'. Julie Andrews standing at the podium announcing the 'Best Actor' award. Lee Marvin walking up to the stage while the audience gives him a hand of applause. Standing at the podium is Rex Harrison announcing who will win the 'Best Actress' award. An English star Julie Christie making her way towards the stage. Jack Lemon is standing at the podium announcing the "Best Picture' of the year... and that goes to...'The Sound of Music'. The first Gold Medal ever awarded by the Motion Picture Academy is awarded to Bob Hope. There is a little horizontal distortion at 00:02:26 to 00:02:28.

Accurate Prophet: Jules Verne Foresaw 20th Century Advance
Clip: 426251_1_1
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1748
Original Film: 039-033-03
Location: Paris, France
Timecode: 00:03:38 - 00:05:36

In Paris an exhibition of the idea of the Father of Science-Fiction writers, Jules Verne, is a big hit. A remarkable display of drawings show Verne as the greatest of 19th century visionaries, anticipating the inventions of the 20th century from the atom bomb to television. Visitors see Jules Verne prophesies told in his stories and drawings. Illustrations from the works and mind of Jules Verne are shown. Portrait of Jules Verne. A schooner that is a drawn of Jules Verne foreseeing a 20th century ocean liner. An amphibian vehicle compared to today s hover craft. Drawing of the Nautilus compared to today s submarine. The helicopter (Marines) first took shape in the mind of Jules Verne and he also described how it worked and functioned. A telephone that would transmit pictures and a television that would follow 50-years later. The atomic bomb exploding, the rocket bearing a close resemblance to today s rockets at Cape Kennedy and he foretold how they would land in the water. A Jules Verne drawing of his rocket reaching the moon. Also a drawing of Jules Vern's capsule orbiting the earth. A Jules Vern drawing of his space capsule floating in water and men in long boats rowing out to retrieve the capsule and the occupants

Oregon: Shooting The Rapids
Clip: 426252_1_1
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1748
Original Film: 039-033-04
Location: Oregon, McKenzie River
Timecode: 00:05:36 - 00:06:31

On craft ranging from inner tubes to rubber rafts to orthodox rowboats some 500 courageous college lads and teenagers brave boiling white rapids of the McKenzie River in Oregon's White Water Parade. Rubber rafts with some inner tube extensions making its way down in the turbulent waters of the River McKenzie. High Angle Shot - A bunch of young guys in a rubber raft that is almost engulfed by white water. Three men in a rubber raft. A couple of brave souls in a wooden row boat being tossed around like a cork, followed by a smaller rubber raft with three or four guys hanging on for life. The guys that were in the row boat seem to be beached. One young guy all by himself sitting in a inner tube wearing a wet suit. You have no fear when your young. High Angle Shot - A small rubber raft capsizing. A one person rubber raft is tossed over by right into the drink. Guys dressed up in wet suits having the time of their lives. Nineteen miles of white water.

Vietnam Hero: LBJ Presents Medal Of Honor
Clip: 426253_1_1
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1748
Original Film: 039-034-01
Location: Washington DC - Vietnam
Timecode: 00:06:51 - 00:08:27

Our nation's highest award for heroism is awarded, posthumously, to Private First-Class Milton Lee Olive of Chicago, in ceremonies in the Rose Garden at the White House. In attendance are President Johnson, the dead soldier's parents, members of his family and two of the four soldiers whose lives he saved when he flung himself on a Vietcong grenade. A extreme close up of the box that houses the Medal Of Honor. The box is open and there it is, our nations highest honor. Pvt. First Class, Milton Lee Olive of Chicago, IL. US Army men walking through the jungle's of Vietnam. Summer exterior of the White House. President Johnson greeting the family of Pvt. Milton Olive. also in the group are two of the soldiers the lives Milton saved. Mr. & Mrs. Olive. President Johnson standing at the podium set in the Rose Garden of the White House. Mrs. Olive, Mr. Olive and President Johnson, standing directly behind Mrs. Olive is Mayor Richard J. Daley of Chicago. High Angle Shot - A nice turn out of people came out to share this bitter sweet moment with Mr. & Mrs. Olive. MS - President Johnson presenting the Medal Of Honor to Mr. Olive.

Royal Pageant: Queen Opens Parliament
Clip: 426254_1_1
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1748
Original Film: 039-034-02
Location: England, London
Timecode: 00:08:27 - 00:09:58

Amidst pomp and pageantry, Queen Elizabeth opens Parliament on her 40th birthday. The Royal Court and Diplomatic Corps watch as all the tradition of this 700 year old law making body is on display. In the Queen's speech, she outlines a program of strong domestic economy, increased efforts to maintain world peace, and a step up in world trade. The Royal Coach and horsemen parading down London's street bringing Queen Elizabeth to the Palace of West Minster for the state opening of Parliament. The Back of Queen Elizabeth II head as she sits in the coach. Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip. The Royal Court and the Diplomatic Core. High Angle Shot - Queen Elizabeth II entering the House of Lords. Queen Elizabeth II sitting on her thrown. The House of Commons entering the House of Lords, headed by Prime Minister Wilson. Prince Philip. Queen Elizabeth II making her speech.

Spanish Ball: Jackie And Grace At Charity Fete
Clip: 426255_1_1
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1748
Original Film: 039-034-03
Location: Spain
Timecode: 00:09:58 - 00:11:15

Mrs. Jacqueline Kennedy and the Rainiers of Monaco arrive in Seville for the famous "Ferial" Debutante Ball. Some 61 debutantes from over half a dozen countries are introduced to the guests in a magnificent setting, the patio of a famous Seville Palace....Palates House. Jacqueline Kennedy disembarking from an airplane, US Ambassador Angier Biddle Duke accompanies her. Jacqueline Kennedy surrounded by people including the Duchess of Alba. Princess Grace Kelley disembarking from an airplane holding a bouquet of flowers. Prince Rainier and Princess Grace of Monaco. Jacqueline Kennedy. Young debutantes are presented to the guest. Jacqueline Kennedy, the US Ambassador and the Rainiers of Monaco.

July 29, 1994 - Part 1
Clip: 460012_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10051
Original Film: 102859
Location: Washington DC
Timecode: -

(11:06:32) OPENING STATEMENT OF SENATOR CONNIE MACK Senator MACK. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I believe we're here today to protect the rights of the American people. They have a right to know the truth and no individual, no matter what his or her position, is entitled to infringe upon that right: The public expects Government officials to conduct themselves with honesty and integrity. Government officials strike a bargain with the American people. The people confer power and authority upon them and in return, they are supposed to exercise that power within clearly defined limits. Unfortunately we have seen that this Administration has appointees that have not upheld their end of that bargain. When this happens, Congress can and must look into the matter. For some, I realize that muddying the waters, confusing the facts, and generally putting a lid on things is the goal. Some say that engaging in this kind of inquiry may prove harmful to the Presidency and will do damage to the public's perception of the Executive Branch. In the name of protecting against such harm, we have witnessed extraordinary efforts to limit this investigation and withhold the facts. I find these efforts deeply disturbing. While others may be willing to overlook the enormous number of inconsistencies and serious questions of impropriety in this matter, I am not. No matter bow disturbing this may turn out to be, I want to know all the facts. I simply do not accept that we shouldn't be doing this because it may damage the Executive Branch. Any damage that is done is 19 a result of the actions during the past year and a half by the people we will bringing before us. Our proper role as Members of this Committee is not to act as advocates for one side or the other, but rather to seek the truth. I view these hearings as a painful but necessary responsibility of our system of Government. To dismiss them as mere partisan exercise is both short- sighted and irresponsible. The documents and depositions before us prove that this, indeed, may be a difficult experience. We know that Mr. Altman's accounts of events during the spring and fall of 1993 differ sharply from that of a number of other witnesses. Notwithstanding his insistence to this Committee that be did not want to get "within 100,000 miles of the Madison case," he has become the eye of the storm. A storm so furious it stripped away the independence of the RTC when it came to a case involving the President of the United States. Contrary to his public statements, we can prove that Mr. Altman was briefed about the first criminal referral on Madison within days of his arrival at the Treasury Department, We know that he was briefed a second time in detail in the fall of 1993 regarding nine new criminal referrals involving Madison. We know that Mr. Altman directed an RTC official to brief Jean Hanson, the General Counsel to the Treasury, regarding the specifics of these referrals. We also know that Mr. Altman directed Ms. Hanson to speak to the White House about these referrals and she did what she was told. At a September 29, 1993 meeting, and again the following day, she gave confidential information about the referrals to Bernie Nussbaum and Cliff Sloan of the White House Counsel's Office. What that means is the Clintons had information at their disposal telling them in advance that they were going to have to testify under oath about their dealings with Madison. White House aides knew about what kinds of crimes were alleged in the referrals and who was alleged to have committed them. What alarms me most, about this fact, is that the Clintons bad all this information before the Justice Department ever received the referrals. This is just dead wrong. The White House's justification for these contacts is that they needed the information in order to respond to potential press inquiries about the criminal referrals. In *my mind, this raises a very significant question. Since when do we toss aside our standards regarding confidentiality and conflicts of interest just because the press might later have a question? The White House has said the Washington Post was inquiring at that time about the referrals. Well, according to yesterday's paper, The Post had no specific knowledge of what was contained in the referrals, and, in fact, printed no significant story on the matter until October 31, 1993. We want a credible explanation of these events. Finally, and more generally, I also want to know why Government employees were tasked with responding to questions concerning a purely personal matter to the First Couple. This blurring of personal matters and public duties recurs all through this controversy and to me, it is -simply improper, 20 We have White House lawyers doing the President's private business. We have White House interference with the investigation of the very private matter of Vince Foster's death. We have White House interference with the confidential RTC investigation of a small savings and loan in Arkansas with which the First Couple was formerly associated. All of these improper interferences raise very serious questions for me. The questions are very real and they must be answered. The American people deserve no less The CHAIRMAN. Senator Shelby.

Yacht Race
Clip: 425791_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1759
Original Film: 040-027-07
Location: Sydney Head, Australia
Timecode: 00:22:05 - 00:22:43

Dame Pattie, a new contender for the right to represent Australia in September's America's Cup, out sails Gretel in the first of a new series of selection trial races off Sydney Head, Australia. Aerial shot yachts Dame Pattie and Gretel sailing in ocean, several powerboats following behind. Side view LS yachts sailing. Aerial of the Gretel sailing. Dame Pattie sails as the Gretel lags behind on the left.

Vietnam: Big Enemy Force Repulsed by G.I.'s
Clip: 425793_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1759
Original Film: 040-028-01
Location: Vietnam
Timecode: 00:24:00 - 00:25:17

Spring at home but business as usual in the grim struggle of year round war. A VC ambush damages a U.S. Marine truck convoy, killing one leatherneck, wounded four. Elsewhere, an allied sweep clobbers an enemy shore base, killing eighteen troops, and taking many prisoners, some of them women. TLS Mildly damaged United States Marines Rough Rider trucks after Viet Cong ambush. South Vietnamese soldiers (ARVN) walking gingerly along muddy shore of village, boarding landing craft. Cut to from behind, Two Caucasian United States Marines (note the M1956 webbing and flak jackets) wading through waist high water. African-American U.S. Marine wading through river, walking & occasionally peering into cam. Several U.S. Marines wading through rice paddy, M-14 rifles slung over left shoulders (more flak jackets). Nice U.S. Marine kneeling with M14 in grass, guarding several blindfolded prisoners (suspected Viet Cong); Blindfolded, shirtless prisoner with long goatee laying in grass. Vietnamese women, suspected VC informers, being herded through rice paddy. Medium-sized group of suspected Vie Cong kneeling in grass. Nice Marine with cigarette in mouth, cleaning blistered feet in field after completion of mission (note the flak jacket beside him). Marine captain talking into field telephone. UH-1 Huey helicopter landing. ARVN loading Viet Cong onto Huey helicopter in rice paddy.

July 29, 1994 - Part 1
Clip: 460013_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10051
Original Film: 102859
Location: Washington DC
Timecode: -

(11:12:00) OPENING STATEMENT OF SENATOR RICHARD C. SHELBY Senator SHELBY. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I do not take the responsibilities that the Senate Committee would like. Regardless of the politics or the dy namics that have charged the subject of these hearings, whether they're legitimate or not, whether they're real or not, we have an obligation to this body and to the American people to conduct these hearings fairly and expeditiously and with one purpose in mind: To expose an to examine to the best of our ability the facts about what has come to be known as Whitewater/Madison. It's only by shedding light on the facts of these issues that we can come to some understanding about the truth of the matter and lay it to rest, lift the cloud of suspicion and innuendo that has dogged the Presidency over the. ears. We're committed, under Senate Resolution 229, to discover de facts about several specific matters which relate to Whitewater. It's my hope in discovering the facts here and I will take the broadest possible view of Senate Resolution 229 and this Committee's general oversight authority during these bearings. This Committee does not have the authority to grant immunity to witnesses in order to avoid directly interfering with Special Counsel Fiske's investigation. Short of this, however, I believe we should shine a bright light on these matters and the U.S. Senate should not allow the Special Counsel to dictate what the le gitimate bounds of this Committee's authority are, nor attempt to Met the institutional role this Committee plays in conducting 'hearings on these matters, nor can we or should we use the Special Counsel as an excuse for not looking into matters concerning Whitewater/Madison that may be embarrassing to the White House, The truth is often elusive but we should not hesitate to pursue the truth about Whitewater/Madison. I believe there's absolutely no reason why the documents, for example relating to Whitewater/ Madison, should not now be made available to the public. Publicly disclosing these documents at this point, I believe, would not compromise Special Counsel Fiske's investigation, but it would, Mr. Chairman, allow the American people to judge these matters for themselves, as we're doing right now. Of the several matters we will be looking at in these bearings, I'm most concerned with contacts that occurred between Treasury, RTC, and the White House relating to Whitewater/Madison. Lloyd Cutler, Counsel to the President, has testified that there were more than 30 contacts between White House aides and Federal regulatory officials concerning Whitewater/Madison. 21 I have serious concerns over such an extensive dialog occurring between the White House and regulatory officials responsible for directing and investigating civil and criminal charges. What was the purpose of these meetings? What influence did they have on the regulators, if any? Did they compromise the independent judgment and decision of the regulators or the independence of the agencies themselves? Were these contacts improper and did they violate any Government ethics rules or regulations? I believe that the Executive Branch should not interfere with or influence in any manner civil or criminal investigations conducted by the RTC. That's a matter of public policy. I'm deeply disturbed with evidence that important and necessary policy decisions at the RTC may have been directed by purely personal political damage control considerations. During the time in question, the Department of the Treasury was basically running the RTC with all press, legislative and legal functions, core agency functions being administered by Treasury. We set up the RTC here in Congress as an independent agency for a number of purposes, among which would prevent the politicization of civil and criminal cases that may arise from the failure of a particular savings and loan. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. The CHAIRMAN. Thank you, Senator Shelby, Senator Faircloth.

LBJ Visits Guam, Meets with Premier Ky
Clip: 425769_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1759
Original Film: 040-025-03
Location: Guam
Timecode: 00:02:32 - 00:03:20

President Johnson arrives at Guam for a two day conference with South Vietnam leaders. Crowd of local women gathered at chain link fence, one holding sign that reads "Welcome to Guam." President LYNDON BAINES JOHNSON shaking hands with outgoing U.S. Ambassador to Vietnam HENRY CABOT LODGE JR. and incoming Ambassador ELLSWORTH BUNKER at airport. LBJ shaking hands with General WILLIAM WESTMORELAND. TLS United States Marine color guard on tarmac. President Johnson shaking hands with Premier of South Vietnam NGUYEN CAO KY on tarmac; Premier Nguyen Cao Ky then shakes hands with Secretary of State DEAN RUSK and Secretary of Defense ROBERT MCNAMARA. LBJ wears a raincoat, shaking hands with an eager crowd. President Johnson walking along tarmac, horde of press & newsreel cameramen following him. Secret Service agent holds an umbrella over him.

North Vietnam Uses Bicycle Transport for Supply Line
Clip: 425770_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1759
Original Film: 040-025-04
Location: North Vietnam
Timecode: 00:03:20 - 00:04:05

"Films from Hanoi's news agency show a primitive bicycle transportation system, used to keep supply lines open. U.S. bombing raids in the North have forced the Cong to resort to this crude method of transport." North Vietnamese soldiers, many wearing pith helmets, loading large sacks of rice onto bicycles, then camouflaging them with tree branches. North Vietnamese men taking bundles of supplies and tying them on to their bicycles, One man is sticking branches into a bundle. Bicycle caravan meandering through village streets & over bamboo bridges in effort to reestablish supply line. Men with their bicycles, all packed up, walking in single file down a dirt road, surrounded by jungle overgrowth. Men walking with their supply packed bikes walking over bamboo bridges. Front view Vietnamese men with their camouflaged bikes crossing over bamboo bridge.

Arty Noise Machine
Clip: 425771_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1759
Original Film: 040-025-05
Location: Zurich, Switzerland
Timecode: 00:04:05 - 00:04:46

"Zurich installs a clock to end all clocks. It's a functioning timepiece, surrealistically designed and located in a central location. But for fifteen nerve-shattering minutes, each morning and afternoon, it sounds off with weird noises. The locals are up in arms." Man walking on a bridge looking over the roof tops of Zurich, Switzerland. TLS surreal art sculpture in park. It's a group of spinning gears. Crowd gathered to watch art installation, including two boys with scooters. Low Angle shot the noisy monstrosity of a clock.

Medical Simulator
Clip: 425772_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1759
Original Film: 040-025-06
Location: California
Timecode: 00:04:46 - 00:05:27

"Something new in medical training, a computerized dummy which simulates almost every possible function and reaction of a normal human patient. It speeds the training of medical students. Life-like computerized medical dummy Sim 1 (Sim One) on gurney in operating room. CU oxygen or anesthesia mask being placed over mouth of blinking dummy. Creepy! CU emergency intubation being performed on dummy (tube down airway, ventilator attachment). Medical student injecting fluid into left arm of Sim One medical dummy (who appears to be in arrest). MCU doctor manning Sim One computer controls. Sim 1 on stretcher, medical technician beside him. (could pass for operating room shot)

Whitewater Hearings July 29, 1994 - Statement of Senator Duncan Faircloth.
Clip: 460014_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10051
Original Film: 102859
Location: Washington DC
Timecode: 11:16:20 - 11:22:24

Hearings relating to Madison Guaranty S and L and the Whitewater Development Corporation. Opening Statement of Senator Duncan Faircloth.

Quebec Winter Carnival
Clip: 425669_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1757
Original Film: 040-012-07
Location: Canada, Quebec
Timecode: 00:28:14 - 00:29:01

The Quebec Winter Carnival is complete with an elaborate night parade and thrills for thousands of visitors to the old French-Canadian walled city. It's the 13th annual pre-Lenten carnival, originating from a 19th century celebration. It s evening time in Quebec as spectators join to watch and enjoy the Winter Carnival Parade. CU A horse drawn carriage with a snowman sitting in the back. CU A bundled up little boy sitting on his father's shoulders. CU A float with a genie on it. CU a Hula girl dancing on a float. She's not real. CU Vodou float with a snowman in a pot. A float advertising the Expo of 1967. The Winter Carnival Float with the Winter Queen waving to the crowd. An ice castle is all lit up with lights.

Displaying clips 2665-2688 of 10000 in total
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