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July 29, 1994 - Part 1
Clip: 460004_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10051
Original Film: 102859
Location: Washington DC
Timecode: -

(10:32:05) OPENING STATEMENT OF SENATOR PAUL S. SARBANES Senator SABARNES. Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman. Mr. Chairman, I want to commend you. for the care, thoroughness, and fairness with which you have prepared the Committee for these hearings. The Senate first provided for the holding of these bearings, such as the one now taking place, in the sense of a Senate resolution approved last March. In that resolution, it was directed that any such hearings, and I quote: Should be structured Find sequenced in such a manner that they would not interfere with the ongoing investigation of Special Counsel Robert B. Fiske, Jr. In late May, the Independent Counsel, Mr. Fiske, informed Congress that he would soon conclude one portion of his investigation and that a congressional inquiry of matters included in that portion would not interfere with his efforts. Accordingly, on June 9, the Majority Leader, Senator Mitchell, proposed initial hearings that would avoid interference with Mr. Fiske's investig ation, Under Senator Mitchell's proposal, the Senate would conduct hearings on three subjects that were part of the first phase of Mr, Fiske's investigation and which the Independent Counsel indicated he was likely to finish by early summer. On June 21, the Senate passed Senate Resolution 229, which directed this Committee, the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, and I quote. to: Conduct hearing-, into whether improper conduct occurred regarding one., communications between officials of the White House and the Department of the Treasury or the Resolution Trust Corporation relating to the Whitewater Development Corporation and the Madison A Guaranty Savings & Loan Association Two, the Park Service Police investigation into the death of White House Deputy Counsel, Vincent Foster. And three, the way in which White House officials handled documents in the Office of White House Deputy Counsel, Vincent Foster, at the time of his death, From the Senate resolution. Now, the Senate Banking Committee meets today to carry out the directives contained in that. resolution. Since the, enactment of the resolution, Independent Counsel Fiske has announced that, contrary to his earlier expectations, lie has not concluded his inquiry into the handling of documents in the Office of the White House Deputy Counsel, Vincent Foster. 10 Therefore, consistent with the March 17 Senate resolution that hearings should be structured and sequenced in such a manner that they would not interfere with the ongoing investigation of the Special Counsel, the Committee will not address that issue in these bearings. Next week the Committee will hold an extensive set of hearings to review the communications that took place between officials of the White House and the Department of the Treasury or the Resolution Trust Corporation and the Madison Guaranty Savings & Loan Association. The Committee will have the opportunity, then, to hear from and to question a number of officials as to the propriety of their conduct. In that -regard, it is important to note that on June 30, the Independent Counsel, Mr. Fiske, issued a statement that be bad completed his investigation of contacts between White House and Treasury Department officials and reached the conclusion that the evidence does not justify a criminal Prosecution. Now, of course, I'm mindful that conduct can be improper without being criminal, but it is essential to be clear, I believe, about any question of criminality in, these matters. In his statement, Mr. Fiske concluded, and I quote him: After a review of all the evidence, we have concluded that the evidence is insufficient to establish that anyone within the White House or the Department of the Treasury acted with the intent to corruptly influence an RTC investigation. Therefore, the evidence of the events surrounding the contacts between the White House and the Treasury Department does not justify the prosecution of anyone for a violation of section 1505. We have also concluded that the evidence does not justify a criminal prosecution for violation of any other Federal statute.

Modern Housing For Refugees
Clip: 425595_1_1
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1756
Original Film: 040-001-04
Location: Hong Kong
Timecode: 00:03:54 - 00:05:17

Some 11 hundred villagers are moved from one community to modern apartments in the British Crown Colony of Hong Kong. The exodus is necessary since a man-made reservoir, sorely needed to boost fresh water, will soon cover their homes with a lake. The exodus of a whole village in Hong Kong. A dragon dance asking for God's blessing. CU Two men carrying a large chest, with cigarettes hanging out of their mouths. An elderly couple sitting among their worldly possessions. River boat ferries carry on the exodus with the new found refugees. A boat making it's way across the river loaded with refugees. Exterior shot of a new apartment building to house the refugees. The new residents from the old village acclimating themselves to a new environment, a new apartment building. A new resident looking down from his window to the street below, light traffic on the street.

London Wig Clinic
Clip: 425596_1_1
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1756
Original Film: 040-001-05
Location: London, United Kingdom
Timecode: 00:05:16 - 00:06:38

Europe's first wig-clinic, in London, is a huge success. The false top-mops are cut, styled, dyed, shaped, shorn, and returned to the wearer with an entire "new look". The transformation is startling and so is the towering style, but not a strand's out of place! A woman walks into a Beauty Salon in London. CU Woman sits in a chair, it looks like she's wearing a wig, and she is. The stylist takes off her blond do. CU the wig is cut, dyed and restyled. Wig pieces are attached to her real hair and a new hair style is created. CU woman modeling her new hair style. Model is showing off her new hair style with a 2-ft braid sticking straight up in the air. It's a very bizarre looking braid.

55 Dead: Korean Air Crash Worst in History
Clip: 425811_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1759
Original Film: 040-030-01
Location: South Korea
Timecode: 00:37:55 - 00:38:33

55 dead and seven missing in Korea's worst air disaster in history. A Korean Air Force transport plane crashed into the heart of a slum area, plowing into a church, then setting homes on fire. Engine failure is suspected. All 11 aboard the plane were killed. Smoldering wreckage of downed airplane (air force transport). TLS Firefighters using fire hose on smoldering wreckage. CU Korean girl crying. Rescue crew, including South Korean air force officers, standing amidst the wreckage. TLS Disaster site, rescue teams milling about.

Svetlana Stalin Defects to the U.S.
Clip: 425845_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1760
Original Film: 040-034-04
Location: New York City, New York
Timecode: 00:10:41 - 00:11:13

"Josef Stalin's daughter, Svetlana, arrives in the U.S. seeking asylum. She'll publish her memoirs soon. She said religion had changed her and that Communism had lost its significance for her. She'll seek seclusion in New England to translate her autobiography." Panning TLS Russian migr SVETLANA ALLILUYEVA STALIN alighting plane, walking to podium laden with microphones. MS - Svetlana Alliluyeva disembarking from a passenger plane. MSs Svetlana Alliluyeva Stalin standing at bank of microphones, NYPD police officers milling aout behind her. High angle MS - Tightly packed crowd standing, listening.

New Nizam
Clip: 425846_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1760
Original Film: 040-034-05
Location: Hyderabad, India
Timecode: 00:11:13 - 00:11:41

"The Kingdom of Hyderabad, India, gets a new Nizam. He's Nawab Mir Barkat Ali Khan Bahadur, successor to his late grandfather. His yearly take-home pay: 275 thousand dollars! His wife, Princess Esra Birgen, was a Turkish student in London when they were married, 8 years ago. Panning MS Nizam of Hyderabad NAWAB MIR BARKAT ALI KHAN BAHADUR and Princess ESRA BIRGEN entering royal hall. MS - Nizam Nawab Mir Barkat Ali Khan Bahadur assuming throne, stepping onto platform with sword, waving to royal subjects. TLS - Muslim men in crowd. MS - Princess Esra Birgen sitting on throne beside elderly man wearing uniform marked by medals. TLS - Nizam of Hyderabad receiving subjects on throne. CU - Beautiful Princess Esra Birgen. Side view CU - Nizam.

July 29, 1994 - Part 1
Clip: 460005_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10051
Original Film: 102859
Location: Washington DC
Timecode: -

(10:37:16) Today's bearing will carry out the provision of the Senate resolution that the Committee conduct hearings into whether improper conduct occurred regarding the Park Service Police investigation into the death of White House Deputy Counsel, Vincent Foster. In addressing this matter, it is important to note that the Independent Counsel on June 30 released a complete report on the death of Vincent Foster. And in his statement accompanying that report, Mr. Fiske stated, and I quote: This report concludes that on July 20, 1993, Mr. Foster committed suicide in Fort Marcy Park, Fairfax County, Virginia. The report lists a number of factors which may have contributed to his suicide and rinds no evidence that matters relating to Whitewater, Madison Guaranty, or CMS played any role in his death. I know the Committee is aware of the concerns expressed by the Foster family about the stress upon them from continuing inquiries into his death, and I am hopeful that the Committee, in carrying out the responsibility placed upon it by the Senate, will be sensitive to those concerns. Finally, Mr. Chairman, let me simply note that the Committee has been charged by the Senate with the important responsibility to make such findings of fact as are warranted and appropriate, to make such recommendations for legislative and administrative action, as the Committee may determine to be necessary or desirable; and to fulfill the constitutional oversight and informing function of the Congress. Mr. Chairman and colleagues, I look forward to the Committee's successfully carrying out that responsibility. 11 The CHAIRMAN. Senator D'Amato, Senator DAmATO. I'll take just a moment. I'd like to make an observation, that should have been made earlier. You touched on it Mr. Chairman, but I want to say that we have had the benefit of having a terrific staff that has worked in a very bipartisan manner. Mr. Codinha and Mr. Chertoff have exemplified the highest standards as they have undertaken their tasks examining witnesses together,. and working in a cooperative effort to earlier facts and information so that we may be in a position to ask proper questions and deduce the facts. I think that's very, very important. I might make one other observation and then leave it to the Chair and others to think about, but we have an MIA today The gather I'm going to introduce him in just a moment, Senator D'AMATO. Is lie here? I'm talking about another MIA, Captain Charles Hume of the Park Police who has decided not to show up after be has given us assurances be could be contacted. And I'm suggesting that staff find a way to either get him in, because be told us lie could be reached all the time, or to get his chief to come in to explain how it is that he's not here and to let him know if he ducks today we're going to bring him in in the future. I think that's important and I want to share it with you. I want to thank the staff for an outstanding job and for the professional way in which they have helped to undertake it. The CHAIRMAN. I want to go down through the opening statements so that every Senator has a chance to make their comments in order. I do, however, want to take a moment to welcome Senator Hatch to our Committee. Senator Hatch is not normally a Member of the Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee but has been assigned to this Committee to represent some of the jurisdictional concerns and ,Judiciary Committee where he serves as the interests of the Senate Ranking Member. So we welcome you. I should also say at this point that other Committees with jurisdictional interest, in these matters are otherwise represented by the present membership of the Senate Banking Committee, So we welcome Senator Hatch. Let me now, in order, go to Senator Gramm of Texas.

July 29, 1994 - Part 1
Clip: 460008_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10051
Original Film: 102859
Location: Washington DC
Timecode: -

(10:53:08) This is a sign of how heightened our expectations of ethical Government have become. We're not examining whether Executive Branch officials altered the course of an investigation or even whether they tried to alter the course of an investigation. With the demand for these hearings, Mr. Chairman, we have raised the ethical bar considerably and all ought to be aware of that. We have every right to expect nothing but the highest standards of ethical behavior in our elected and appointed officials. I'm not suggesting in any way whatsoever that these are not important issues. However, I sincerely hope that we will do our best to keep our focus in perspective as we conduct these hearings, Mr. Chairman. We should be aware that the Independent Counsel's investigation continues and I don't think that we ought to do anything to short-circuit his efforts. 15 You should also be aware that these hearings are costing the American people $400,000, and they expect us to conclude their business thorou hly and promptly. I know my constituents want us to determine Nether there was any wrongdoing here and they don't want us to go on and on and on ad nauseam, There are many other concerns that worry our constituents, Health Care and Crime being two that come to mind immediately. Let us do this job, Mr. Chairman, do it right, and then move on and address the real and serious problems that our citizens and constituents have faced.

Copter Record
Clip: 425992_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1762
Original Film: 040-054-02
Location: California
Timecode: 00:36:38 - 00:37:22

Copter Record "A weird-looking aircraft, a cross between a helicopter and a stubby-winged jet, sets a rotorcraft speed record of over 302 mph in an experimental flight. It's the Army's XH-51A. " TLSs Lockheed XH-51A Compound rotorcraft on ground. MS Army pilot Ray Gaudy (sp). Panning TLS XH-51A taking off. MS cockpit during flight. Aerial of XH-51A in flight. Panning LSs rotorcraft in flight. Aerial to Aerial - View from another chopper or plane looking down at the helicopter in flight. Low Angle shot - The XH-51A helicopter flying overhead.

Jet Tragedy: 2 Killed, 44 Hurt At Crash Scene
Clip: 426120_1_1
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1749
Original Film: 039-051-02
Location: Hampton, Virginia
Timecode: 00:16:05 - 00:17:05

A mother and her 1 year old son are killed, 44 persons hurt, when one of two Marine Jet Bombers collide in mid-air, comes down in Hampton, Virginia. Ten homes are leveled. The four Marine crewmen bailed out safely. Evening, smoke fills the sky as firemen try to put out a smoldering burned out garage with firemen's hoses. A completely demolished car and a roof has been torn off as water is still being sprayed. Daylight: A ranch home with lots of damage and no roof, people standing by the outside of the home taking in the amount of damage that was done. The whole front of the house has been destroyed and gone, a sofa, dishwasher, front door of a car, the aftermath of a bad plane accident. Various shots of rubble that was once a home. US Army picking up bits and pieces of the plane and other wreckage. Red Cross nurses setting up an area for hot coffee and other drinks. Medium LS of men inspecting the remains of the accident site.. One man wipes his forehead. MS of a car with no roof and a piece of a steering wheel looking out towards three burned down houses.

De Gaulle In Russia: Asks Unity Between Nations For Security
Clip: 426121_1_1
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1749
Original Film: 039-051-03
Location: Moscow, Russia
Timecode: 00:17:06 - 00:18:12

President deGaulle arrives in Moscow for a 12 day State visit. He's greeted by both Premier Alexei Kosygin and President Nikolai Podgorny. At a Kremlin banquet, following a triumphal motorcade, de Gaulle urges French-Russian unity toward increased world peace. President Charles deGaulle, wearing his army uniform, disembarking from a plane that's landed at Sheremetyevo Airport in Moscow. President DeGaulle and his wife 'Yvonne' are being greeted by President Nikolai Podgorny and Premier Aleksei Kosygin. He is given flowers which he hands off to someone behind him. President de Gaulle marches past reviewing Russian troops. Close Shot - Children and some adults waving paper French flags as President de Gaulle walks past them. President de Gaulle walks up shaking the hands of children and some adults. CU of Russian uniformed troops, some holding flags others guns, march in unison past. President de Gaulle reviews the troops. High Angle of Throngs of people lining the streets as President de Gaulle's motorcade drives past them. CU of President DeGauille standing and waving in the motorcade. Horizontal Lines appear at 00.17.29- 00.17.32.

Arab King In US: Faisal's State Visit Urges Understanding
Clip: 426122_1_1
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1749
Original Film: 039-051-04
Location: Washington, DC
Timecode: 00:18:14 - 00:19:13

Pomp and ceremony mark President Johnson's greeting to King Faisal of Saudi Arabia, on a three day State visit in the nation's capital. The two leaders discuss the entire world situation. Faisal pledges increased understanding. Camera shooting from behind the Honor Guard the exterior of the White House. Medium CUS - President Johnson shaking hands with King Faisal of Saudi Arabia. President walking on the grounds of the White House with King Faisal. CUS - An Arab flag. CUS of President Johnson and King Faisal walking towards camera. Crowds gather to watch the festivities. A banner stretched across the street "Welcome Majesty King Faisal" Medium LS - Motorcade parade down the street's of Washington DC, you see the Capitol Building in the background. High Angle Shot - Camera panning the people standing at curb side watching the motorcade go by. Exterior shot - The White House. Military Honor Guard holding the flags of two countries. King Faisal and President Johnson (wearing a white tuxedo) walking out the front door. CUS - King Faisal of Saudi Arabia and President Johnson.

US Open: Casper Tops Palmer In Playoff
Clip: 426123_1_1
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1749
Original Film: 039-051-05
Location: San Francisco, California
Timecode: 00:19:14 - 00:20:46

Billy Casper and Arnold Palmer meet in an 18 hole playoff to decide the winner of the 66th U.S. Open Championship at Olympic Golf Club, San Francisco. The day before, Palmer had blown a 7-stroke lead to Casper. Casper cards a 69 to win it by four strokes! Wide Angle Shot of the Olympic Golf Course and the throngs who turned out to watch the 66th US Open. Arnold Palmer,36 years old, tees off. Billy Casper tees off. High Angle Shot - Throngs move along to follow the golfers. Arnold Palmer swings and hits the ball and the ball stops 3-feet away from the hole. Palmer's putt is dead center to the cup and sinks it. Casper putts and he too putts his ball dead center. He raises his right hand as he walks to retrieve his ball. High Angle Shot of the golfing crowd is in motion. Palmer putts but his golf ball refuses to go into the hole. Casper and his golf caddies reach the 18th hole, Casper has a 3-stroke lead. Casper sinks his golf ball in a final 3-foot birdie and wins the US Open. High Angle Shot of a seated golfing crowd applauding. Casper's wife, Shirley and his eleven year old daughter Linda and son 9-year old, Billie hug and congratulate their dad.

An Abandoned Giant: Brooklyn Navy Yard Closes After 165 Years
Clip: 426125_1_1
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1749
Original Film: 039-052-02
Location: Brooklyn, New York
Timecode: 00:22:50 - 00:25:00

The closing of the Brooklyn Navy Yard (New York Naval Shipyard, NYNSY) in a special ceremony marks the end of a 165 year era of ship building and repair. Some 70,000 men and women worked in the yard during the peak employment years of World War II.

July 29, 1994 - Part 1
Clip: 460006_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10051
Original Film: 102859
Location: Washington DC
Timecode: -

(10:41:34) OPENING STATEMENT OF SENATOR PHIL GRAMM Senator GRAMM, Mr. Chairman, thank you very much. On February 24, Roger Altman in his capacity as the acting bead of the RTC, appeared before' this Committee. I asked him about contacts between him or his staff and the White House with regard to Whitewater and Madison. I asked him about the nature of those contacts, the number of contacts, and I asked him about what be or they were asked to do by the White House. Mr. Altman responded that there had been one substantive contact, it had occurred on February 2, and that the sole subject matter of that contact was procedural concerning the statute of limitations. He repeated that statement not once, but three times. When be continued to use this evasive term "substantive" be was asked point-blank the following question: "You are not suggesting you 12 had more than one?" To which be responded: "No, I'm just saying that if you run into someone in the ball, if you see that thing in the paper this morning, I'm not including that." We now know that when Roger Altman testified before this Committee, be did not tell us the truth concerning the number of contacts between him and his staff and the White House. We now know that Roger Altman did not tell us the truth concerning the nature of those contacts, We now know that there were somewhere between 20 and 40 contacts. We now know that in the meeting to which be referred before the Committee on February 24, the February 2 meeting at the White House, that the subject matter of that meeting, at least in part, was about Roger Altman and whether he should recuse himself. We now know that the day before that February 24 hearing, Roger Altman and many members of his staff spent, for all practical purposes, the entire day communicating back and forth with the White House on this whole issue of whether Roger Alt-man should take himself out of dealing with the Whitewater affair. And yet, one day later, he did not see that day of activity as substantive, nor did be tell us anything about the subject matter that it contained. In fact, I think it's very interesting, Mr. Chairman, when you look at this diary of Josh Steiner. He writes about our hearing on the 24th, and here's what be said: At the hearing, the recusal amazingly did not come up. The GOP did hammer away at whether Roger Altman had had any meetings with the White House, Ile admitted to having bad one to brief them on the statute deadline. They also asked if staff had met but Roger Altman gracefully ducked the question and did not refer to phone calls he had had. We now know, Mr. Chairman, that the White House staff contacted Roger Altman about omission of the fall meeting from his testimony. We now know that Mr. Altman was contacted by the White House on March 1, and that on March 1, they told him they were concerned about omissions in his testimony concerning the subject matter of February 2 and also concerning two meetings in the fall which they clearly thought be knew about. We now have sworn statements that he did know about at least one of the meetings in the fall. We now have a memo, given to him by one of his staff members, about those meetings. Now, Mr. Chairman, you have said that you set standards of testimony before this Committee. Those standards, you say, are that testimony should be accurate, complete, and fully responsive. I would submit that based on what we know, the testimony of Roger Altman was neither accurate, nor complete, nor fully responsive. But there is another standard that I think we must keep in mind during this hearing. That is the standard for Robert C. McFarland when he pled guilty to lying to Congress, in that lie "willfully and knowingly did make default.'' By refusing and failing to answer fully and completely despite four efforts to clarify his testimony, Roger Altman has yet to provide any degree of explanation as to why there are so many inconsistencies between what he said in his testimony on February 24 and what we now know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, occurred, 13 based on the testimony of others, based on the sworn statements of others, based on diary entries by Mr. Altman himself and others. It seems to me, Mr. Chairman, if we do nothing else in this hearing, that it is vitally important that we are absolutely certain that when people testify before our Committee, they tell us the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. And I think Roger Altrnan bears a heavy burden of trying to explain to us all these inconsistencies between what he said on February 24, and what he has done and said, and what others have done and said. I thank you, Mr. Chairman. The CHAiRmAN. Senator Dodd.

Girl Pool Player
Clip: 425783_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1759
Original Film: 040-026-07
Location: New York City, New York
Timecode: 00:15:15 - 00:15:53

"At the World Pocket Billiards Championships, little 7 year old Jean Balukas wields a mean cue stick. Although too young for competition., her exhibition marks her as a star of the future. She cleans the table like a pint-sized Minnesota Fats. Future BCA Hall of Fame inductee JEAN BALUKAS playing pool, sinking tricky shots while her father watches on. CU Little Jean Balukas holding the cue stick and taking a shot at a cue ball.

Motor Cross Rally
Clip: 425784_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1759
Original Film: 040-026-08
Location: France
Timecode: 00:15:53 - 00:16:45

"The top motorcycle rides in Europe are in the saddle for an international motor-cross event. The bikes go flying uphill and down at near record speeds, while the riders risk serious injury from sudden spills. Panning TLS Start of motocross race, one rider popping a wheelie. Motocross riders taking motorcycles up dirt hills, over dales, taking bumps, etc. Panning LS winning rider crossing finish line, judge waving checkered flag. Winner being kissed on cheeks by young woman holding flowers.

Ocean of Flame: Jets Bomb Tanker to Save Beaches
Clip: 425785_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1759
Original Film: 040-027-01
Location: England
Timecode: 00:17:11 - 00:18:28

The SS Torrey Canyon causes oil wreckage, spilling 120,000 gallons of crude oil into the ocean off the coast of England. The government authorized the Royal Navy and Air Force to destroy it with rockets and napalm bombs to keep the oil afire. Aerial of SS Torrey Canyon stuck on a reef. Panning thick, sludgy, oily waves crashing ashore. People standing & watching the oil cover the beaches. CU Sea bird covered in oil on rocky shore. MCU Oil-covered sea bird being washed by rescue workers (cleanup crew). Aerial shots of oil tanker Torrey Canyon split in half, spilling more crude oil. Oily water washing onto sludgy beach. Panning TLS Uniformed police using hoses to wash the beach. LS Explosion in the far distance, Royal Air Force jets bombing the tanker. Panning LS British (Tornado?) jet fighter in flight. Aerials of thick black smoke rising from burning bombed Torrey Canyon.

July 29, 1994 - Part 1
Clip: 460007_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10051
Original Film: 102859
Location: Washington DC
Timecode: -

(10:47:52) OPENING STATEMENT OF SENATOR CHRISTOPHER J. DODD Senator DODD. Thank you very much, Mr, Chairman. Let me join Senator Sarbanes and Senator D'Amato in commending you in the manner in which you prepared this Committee for these hearings. It's not an easy task and I think you've done a very, very fine job. I'm struck at the outset, Mr. Chairman, having listened to two of our colleagues and friends on the other side and getting ready for these bearings, that they seem to be following the advice of Judge Roy Bean, the famous old hanging judge, who once said that we'd have a fair trial for the defendant and then we'd hang him. In listening to opening statements, that seems to be the case here. Mr. Chairman, I want to make it very clear why We're here today and I want to lay out what I see as our role. The scope of these bearings, as you pointed out and Senator Sarbanes has stated, is rather narrow, pursuant to a Senate resolution adopted by the U.S. Senate. The question before this panel is not whether the laws have been broken. The Independent Counsel, Robert Fiske, and the courts would be the proper people to answer those questions. I believe Mr. Fiske has a staff of 10 attorneys, some 25 FBI agents, and countless others, and hundreds of hours. He has done his job to look into and identify if there are any illegal activities and then to seek punishment for the perpetrators. I believe be has done that job for the issues that we will review in this phase of our bearings: The investigation of Vincent Foster's suicide and the contacts between the White House and the Treasury Department. The answer as to whether or not there have been any illegal activities, I think, has been answered resoundingly and that is no. As Senator Sarbanes has pointed out, the report from Mr. Fiske concluded that no one within the White House or the Department of the Treasury acted with the intent to corruptly influence an RTC investigation. They also concluded that the evidence does not justify a criminal rosecution for any other Federal statute. I think that deserves being repeated and being repeated firmly. I'd also like to point out at this particular . juncture, if I could, Mr. Chairman, I understand we're under a resolution from the Senate to look into the suicide of Vincent Foster. I regret that. We watched-a Committee report, some 170 pages here-while some 125 people were interviewed. Countless others were examined 14 and the conclusion was, tragically, this was a suicide, and that the suicide had nothing to do with Whitewater. This panel is a Banking Committee, not a medical board of inquiry. We're Senators, not coroners. There are legitimate questions that ought to be examined but probing in a macabre way into a family tragedy will conclude that it was tragically a suicide and nothing more. I hope we can move very quickly and get to the issues that are more serious in my view. At any rate, Mr. Chairman, there's been a definitive statement as to the legality of questions. The only outstanding question, it would seem, is whether or not there was any improper conduct, and I'm not going to prejudge that question. We are neither defense attorneys nor prosecutors on this panel. Our role as Members of the U.S. Senate, our coequal but separate branch of Government, is to find out what happened and if what happened was improper. That's our responsibility. We don't want to minimize what is at stake here. But we also don't want to exaggerate beyond all proportion what has happened here. To compare Whitewater with Watergate and Iran-Contra, as some have done, borders on the ridiculous. Watergate led to more than 30 criminal convictions and the resignation of an American President. Iran-Contra yielded 11 criminal convictions. Both scandals arose from direct and conscious attempts by high Government officials to subvert democratic Government in this Nation. That's clearly what is not at issue here. As I said previously, at least on the matters before us in this bearing, there is no evidence of illegality. There is no evidence of obstruction of Justice. There were contacts between Administration officials and the regulators over investigations that concern the President. It has been alleged that those contacts were improper. That's a proper question, and we ought to examine that and we will. But as we examine that question, we must remember that nothing actually came of those contacts. Government officials may have discussed the status of an investigation. That may have been improper, and we should examine that, but did they do anything to actually change that status? There is no evidence, none whatsoever, that that was the case. Several of those

Ryun Mile
Clip: 425849_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1760
Original Film: 040-034-08
Location: Lawrence, Kansas
Timecode: 00:13:20 - 00:14:09

"World record-holder Jim Ryun wins the Glen Cunningham mile at the Kansas Relays, setting a national intercollegiate record of three, fifty-four, seven. His world record is three, fifty-one, three. He aims for a flat three-fifty mile by the end of the season. LS good-sized crowd in spectator stands of outdoor stadium at University of Kansas before track & field event. CU/MS - Retired runner GLEN CUNNINGHAM talking with young man on track. Panning TLS - Start of mile race. Nice low angle TLS - Fans in spectator stands standing up, watching race. TLS - Runners during race. TLS - Jayhawk runner, devout Christian, and current 2nd District Congressman of Kansas JIM RYUN crossing finish line, winning race. MS - Jim Ryun winding down after race, cameramen following him.

Adenauer Funeral
Clip: 425850_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1760
Original Film: 040-035-01
Location: Cologne, Germany
Timecode: 00:14:29 - 00:15:37

"The funeral rites for Konrad Adenauer, at Cologne's historic cathedral are marked by medieval grandeur and attended by international figures from all over the world. President Johnson and French President DeGaulle are among the many mourners at the final rites, a Pontifical requiem mass celebrated by Josef Cardinal Frings. Tilting MS - Main fa ade of Cologne Cathedral, stop at main entrance & banyan of flowers. TLS - Mourners taking seats inside cathedral. MS - Unidentified politician taking seat in pews. MS - President of France CHARLES DE GAULLE, President of the United States LYNDON BAINES JOHNSON and West German Chancellor KURT KIESINGER sitting together in pews. LS - Funeral mass, cam in back of cathedral. MS - West German soldiers carrying flag-draped coffin of Konrad Adenauer through cathedral. Panning side view MS - Chancellor Kurt Kiesinger, President Lyndon Johnson and President Charles de Gaulle walking aisle. Panning side view MS - SPD Party Chairman WILLY BRANDT (in FG) walking with former Chancellor LUDWIG ERHARD (to Willy's right). LS/TLSs - Funeral procession leading from Cologne Cathedral and onto street, soldiers carrying coffin of Konrad Adenauer.

July 29, 1994 - Part 1
Clip: 460009_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10051
Original Film: 102859
Location: Washington DC
Timecode: -

(10:54:43) OPENING STATEMENT OF SENATOR CHRISTOPHER S. BOND Senator BOND. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. As most of the Nation knows, Madison Guaranty was a Little Rock savings and loan which went belly up, at a cost of nearly $50 million to the U.S. taxpayers. It was owned by James McDougal, the business partner of the Clintons in the Whitewater real estate deal. Madison Guaranty was the classic S&L story of insider dealing, reckless loan policies, and ultimate failure, with the U.S. taxpayers picking up the tab. This Committee has followed closely the $105 billion cost of the S&L debacle and in that way this is a story repeated in many communities around the country. But one part of this case has made it famous. Many of its borrowers, directors, and Counsel were prominent figures in Arkansas politics and government. The tangled web of Madison, Jim McDougal , and the Clintons has led to two sets of criminal referrals, an ongoing civil liability investigation by the RTC, a potential conflict of interest for the First Lady's former law firm, a conviction of a Little Rock judge who improperly loaned Small Business Administration money to the McDougals and to Whitewater, and a range of subpoenas of top level White House and Treasury officials. I have said over and over that the American people have a right to know what happened to the millions of dollars we lost. We in Congress must fulfill our obligations to get the facts out in the open. To carry out this duty, on February 24, 1 asked Clinton Administration officials during the RTC oversight board bearings whether there bad been improper or illegal tip-offs of confidential material, whether the Clintons received special treatment or whether there had been interference or obstruction of ongoing investigations, In doing so, I asked Roger Altman, a friend of the President, who then was running the S&L bailout agency in charge of investigating Madison Guaranty, a series of basic questions. I asked Mr. Altman if there are any special measures taken when high- profile people are involved. On February 24, 1994, Mr. Altman assured me, the Senate, and the American people that his agency was treating the Madison case in an identical manner to other cases. And that his staff was directed to treat the criminal referral "in the exact same fashion" with "no deviation whatsoever, 16 I also asked about the criminal referral: "How was the White House notified of the referral?" Mr. Alt-man replied, "They were not notified by the RTC to the best of my knowledge." Mr. Chairman, we heard just 5 months ago these repeated assurances that the RTC did not treat the Madison case differently from any other case, that the head of the RTC bad instructed his people, from the moment that they were aware of Madison's new criminal referral, to treat the case no differently than any others, and it was not his people who had divulged confidential information to the White House and subsequently to the President. But we now know this is simply not true, from contemporaneous documents and sworn depositions secured by our investigative staff, in the course of next week, we will show that not only did Mr. Altman not tell the Senate the truth, but even after the White House had a several hour meeting over what White House press spokesman, Dee Dee Myers, called "Altman's misleading statements," that no effort has been made to get the full truth out. Based on the evidence we've gathered, we will show that Mr. Altman, as well as the White House, knew that Mr. Altman's testimony to the Senate, not only was untrue but it also violated the so-called high ethical standards that President Clinton had set for his Administration. In fact, it violated the ethical standards that any Administration must set in order to preserve and retain the confidence of the American people. At the same time, the White House should have called on Mr. Altman to resign immediately. It did not. It should have insured that the truth of the meetings, tipoffs, and efforts to influence should be exposed. It did not. Instead, even today, the White House continues to defend its actions. Mr. Cutler, in his testimony before the House, stated that Mr. Altman has been a very effective Deputy Secretary of the Treasury and that be "personally hopes be continues in that job."

Premier Visits Orphanage
Clip: 425788_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1759
Original Film: 040-027-04
Location: Saigon, Vietnam
Timecode: 00:19:37 - 00:20:14

Premier Ky and Madam Ky visit an orphanage in a Saigon suburb. The children, orphaned during the Vietnam War, get another chance at a new life when Ky and his wife present presents to the kids along with a grant to keep the orphanage running. Premier of South Vietnam Nguyen Cao Ky and second wife Madame Mai Ky walk along the street greeting orphan children as several United States and ARVN officers walk behind them. Smiling orphan girls are dressed well. Vietnamese Christian nuns show Nguyen Cao Ky and Mai Ky around the orphanage. Orphan babies & small children in cribs. Nun passes an orphan baby to Madame Ky.

U.S. Fashions
Clip: 425789_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1759
Original Film: 040-027-05
Location: New York City, New York
Timecode: 00:20:14 - 00:21:06

American clothing manufacturers making a broad effort to capture the European market send a fashion troop to tour European capitals. With bare back culotte, sparkling black lace mini-skirt evening dresses; silver spangled bathing suits and evening slack outfits they may lead the fashion parade. Fashion models in dark-colored clothing dance-walking in moving circle on stage. Low angle Female fashion model removing jacket, revealing black off-the-shoulder bare-back culotte dress; the exuberant model swings jacket, dances off stage. Model wearing black lace mini-skirt evening dress. Another model taking off jacket, revealing black miniskirt dress. Several models wearing evening wear slack outfits dancing on stage. Effervescent model wearing shiny sequined bathing suit. Several models wearing a-shaped mini-skirt dresses walking on stage, then moving in straight line, drawing their crooked right arms back and forth in unison.

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