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Night Signs
Clip: 440802_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 0
Original Film: 536-3
Timecode: -

ON PREVIEW CASSETTE 95519 Night signs

Old Hollywood
Clip: 440803_1_1
Year Shot: 1950 (Estimated Year)
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master:
Original Film: 536-4
Timecode: -

ON PREVIEW CASSETTE 220167 Old Hollywood, Palm trees, Cafe de Paris

Seafood Market
Clip: 440804_1_1
Year Shot: 1949 (Estimated Year)
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 484
Original Film: 536-5
Location: Los Angeles, Califonia
Timecode: 05:05:50 - 05:06:04

Seafood Market GVs Woman with umbrella walking below canopy for "Vallera's Cafe - Dilusso Seafood Grotto".

Street Signs - Hollywood
Clip: 440805_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master:
Original Film: 536-6
Timecode: -

Street sign (Hollywood & Vine)

Clip: 440806_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master:
Original Film: 536-7
Timecode: -

ON PREVIEW CASSETTE# 201570 Hollywood

Beverly Hills
Clip: 440807_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master:
Original Film: 536-8
Timecode: -

Beverly Hills homes with pools (aerial)

Clip: 440808_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 0
Original Film: 536-9
Timecode: -

ON PREVIEW CASSETTE # 201570 ?? Hollywood

Cottontail rabbit eating
Clip: 433595_1_1
Year Shot: 1996 (Actual Year)
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 2138
Original Film: 69 93
Location: North America
Timecode: 08:25:51 - 08:26:31

Master 2138, Tape 1 CU Cottontail Rabbit (Sylvilagus sp.) sitting in grass. The rabbit eats grass. The veins in rabbit's ears are visible.

July 29, 1994 - Part 1
Clip: 460002_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10051
Original Film: 102859
Location: Washington DC
Timecode: -

(10:21:48) The evidence will show that at the beginning of this year, the White House was "paralyzed" by Whitewater. "Paralyzed" is not my word. It's the word of Mrs, Clinton's Chief of Staff, as she warned Roger Altman around the New Year that Whitewater threatened to bring Administration initiatives to a halt. It's a message which rang . Roger Altman's cars in January as he confronted yet another investigation into Madison and Whitewaterthe RTC's investigation centering on a possible civil case, Mr. Chairman, in January, the RTC was faced with three choices on Madison and the Clintons: The RTC could file a case by February 28; it could seek a so- called tolling agreement from the private parties, including the Clintons, that would extend the limitations deadline into the future; or it could let the limitations period expire without any case being filed. On January 11 and January 25, several colleagues and I wrote to Mr. Altman urging him, to take appropriate steps to preserve the ' rights by seeking voluntary tolling agreements from all taxpayers I private parties. We insisted that a decision be made before the statute of limitations expired, But the problem was the final decisionmaker, Roger Altman. Altman should have recused himself-removed himself entirely from the Madison case-because of his personal and political relationships with the Clintons. Many Members of Congress thought so. The General Counsel of the RTC thought so, Members of Altman's own staff thought so. Jean Hanson, the General Counsel of Treasury, actually told him so. And the Treasury Secretary himself, Lloyd Bentsen, agreed. But, Mr. Chairman, there was a more compelling reason. Roger Altman knew that his impartiality was fatally compromised when Mrs. Clinton's Chief of Staff unmistakably informed him that the First Lady urgently wanted the Whitewater problem to be "solved." The picture is this: As he approaches the deadline for decision in the highly publicized Whitewater investigation affecting his friends and patrons, the President and the First Lady, Roger Altman, the decisionmaker, is told that the First Lady desperately wants the paralysis of Whitewater to end. Is there any doubt that Mr. Altman labored under an intense and clear and actual conflict of interest? The evidence will show that Mr. Altman understood this actual conflict of interest. He and his Treasury colleagues discussed the fact that filing, suit against the Clintons would be awkward. Mr. Altman's inclination going into the February 2 meeting at the White House was to, in fact, remove himself entirely from the case. Why did he change his mind? As Mr. Cutler himself has admitted, strong comments by White House personnel in this meeting "may have influenced Mr. Altman's decision on February 3 to defer recusal." That's an understatement. As Altman's former aide and Treasury Chief of Staff, Josh Steiner, put it in his diary-a diary written not to prepare for public testimony but at the time of events, when there's no motive to lie-Altman was under "intense pressure" from the White House. Sworn testimony from several witnesses establishes beyond a doubt that the reason the White House urged Altman to stay on the case was the fear that the RTC General Counsel who would take over the decision would be too "tough" on the Clintons. Mr. Altman told those assembled at the White House on February 2 that he would sleep on the recusal decision. He must have had a restless night because even now the full picture of the pressure placed on Altman has not emerged. But we do know from sworn testimony that Altman reversed himself to keep the White House-to use his word---"happy." What are we to make of this? Mr. Cutler concedes-as he mustthat the White House should not have influenced the recusal decision. But he argues "no harm, no foul," because in the end Altman was never faced with the need to participate in a decision about whether or not to bring an RTC case against Madison. Mr. Chairman, Mr. Cutler well knows that the only reason that the White House plan to have Mr. Altman control the decision did not succeed was congressional action unforeseen by the White House on February 2. Because it wasn't until February 11 that Congress gave the RTC Madison investigation a new lease on life when we extended the statute of limitations until the end of 1995. 1 have no doubt that if the unexpected congressional extension had not occurred, the White House effort would have triumphed. But there's an even more important fact-a crucial fact-about the February 2 White House meeting that has not been disclosed until now. This fact demolishes the Cutler conclusion that these White House meetings are forgivable. It is not true, as Mr. Cutler said, that Altman merely imparted public information to the White House. Sworn testimony by Deputy White House Chief of Staff, Harold Ickes, establishes that at the February 2 meeting Altman revealed more than legal procedure: Ickes testifies that he asked Altman about "the progress of the inquiry being conducted by the RTC." Ickes further testifies that Altman answered by telling the White House: "That it was his view, based on information from his sources-and I assumed one of them was the General Counsel of the RTC-that the investigation was going to take a longer period of time to conclude." According to Ickes, Altman said that it was: "Unlikely that the investigation could be completed and a recommendation made by 8 the General Counsel prior to the expiration of the statute of limitations."

Cottontail rabbit scratching
Clip: 433596_1_1
Year Shot: 1996 (Actual Year)
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 2138
Original Film: 69 93
Location: North America
Timecode: 08:26:55 - 08:27:32

Master 2138, Tape 1 MS Cottontail Rabbit (Sylvilagus sp.) sitting and eating grass. The rabbit scratches behind his face with his hind leg. The rabbit continues eating grass. The rabbit scratches behind his ears. The rabbit eats grass.

Cottontail Rabbit Baby
Clip: 433597_1_1
Year Shot: 1996 (Actual Year)
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 2138
Original Film: 69 96
Location: North America
Timecode: 09:40:58 - 09:41:21

Master 2138, Tape 1 CU baby Cottontail Rabbit (Sylvilagus sp.) partially concealed by clover. The rabbit is eating.

Gray Squirrel Searching for Food
Clip: 433598_1_1
Year Shot: 1996 (Actual Year)
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 2138
Original Film: 69 98
Location: North America
Timecode: 10:20:03 - 10:21:30

Master 2138, Tape 1 MS Gray Squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis) walking over leaf covered forest floor. The squirrel searches for food. The squirrel finds a small nut and eats. He continues looking for food.

Baby Cottontail Rabbit Eating
Clip: 433600_1_1
Year Shot: 1996 (Actual Year)
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 2138
Original Film: 70 99
Location: North America
Timecode: 10:32:40 - 10:33:15

Master 2138, Tape 1 MS Baby Cottontail Rabbit (Sylvilagus sp.) sitting in clover. The rabbit eats grass. The rabbit hops away.

Action With A Big "A"
Clip: 426348_1_1
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1745
Original Film: 039-013-03
Location: New York, New York
Timecode: 00:30:54 - 00:32:38

Every year the Golden Gloves amateur bouts are a slam-bang affair - and this year's 147-lb class sees knockout after knockout as the youngsters hope to fight their way to future fame and glory. New York, New York Dave Johnson takes on Howard Schneider. Dave swings with his left hand and knocks Howard on the floor. MS - In the third round Dave swings a left and then a right and ends the battle with a TKO. MS - Cecil Lucky fight Freddie Elmer. MS - Cecil Lucky gets Freddie into the corner and the fight is over. MS - Mike Wartola and Joe Bulger to do. MS - Mike Wartola ends the fight in 47 seconds of the first round knocking Joe Boulger down and out. LS - Miles Monague bounces Charlie Dion around like a rubber ball. Miles Monague hits Charlie Dion down and wraps it up in 1 - 12 of the first and it is the third and last.

Bob Hope Entertains Troops
Clip: 425594_1_1
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1756
Original Film: 040-001-03
Location: Cameron Bay, South Vietnam
Timecode: 00:02:52 - 00:03:53

For the 25th year in a row, Bob Hope brings his annual Christmas Show to troops in the field. At Camranh Bay, South Vietnam, he jokes, dances, sings, brings on pretty girls in a two-hour revue which has the GI's screaming for more. Throngs of military men cheering and waving their hands. Low Angle Shot - Dancing feet, camera pans up and it's Bob Hope dancing on stage entertaining the troops. Five soldiers climb a telephone pole in order to get a better look at the show. Joey Heatherton singing and she puts down the microphone and dances with Bob Hope. High Angle Shot - Our US military having a lot of fun, laughing, taking pictures and applauding. Some African American soldiers scattered throughout crowd. A baton twirler, twirling her flaming batons. High Angle Shot - Soldiers applauding. Low Angle Shot - Bob Hope entertaining the troops with Miss World 1966 Reita Faria, India. More US soldiers applauding and having fun. Korean Kittens- three Korean cuties dancing and singing and the US Army enjoying every minute of it..

July 29, 1994 - Part 1
Clip: 460003_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10051
Original Film: 102859
Location: Washington DC
Timecode: -

(10:27:39) This was not -merely discussing legal procedure, as Mr. Cutler -would have you believe. Make no mistake about it: It was revealing the bottom line on the investigation. As Mr. Ickes testified, Altman's assessment of the RTC case was not public information. It was not given to Congress. Roger Altman told the White House the single most important fact about the investigation. He told Ickes and others that the investigation probably would not be concluded "until after the statute of limitations bad expired." By then, the opportunity to file suit against the Clintons would be lost. This was the equivalent of giving an opponent a peek at your bole card. Before February 2, as Altman and the White House knew, the Clintons faced the likelihood of being asked to sign an agreement tolling the statute of limitations. But then on February 2, the White House was given Altman's inside information. Armed with that inside information the Clintons could safely reject any RTC request for a tolling agreement, Mr. Chairman, to underscore that point, when Altman later asked the RTC to brief Mr. Kendall, the Clintons' private lawyer, the RTC General Counsel refused. But the Clintons no longer needed a briefing for their lawyer because the White House already had the vital inside information. So the classic question emerges: What did the President know and when did he know it? Mr. Ickes again supplies the answer. Ile testifies that lie informed both the President and the First Lady of the "gist" of the February 2 meeting, the meeting at which Mr. Altman tipped the RTC's ha nds and then bowed to White House pressure to stay on the Whitewater case, Mr. Chairman, this evidence makes it clear why on February 24 Roger Altman deliberately failed to tell this Committee the full details of his February 2 White House meeting. Altman did not dare to open this Pandora's box. He persisted in concealing these facts in each of the four letters he wrote this Committee in a vain effort to supplement the record. And this deception was tolerated by others in the Treasury and in the White House. The White House was shocked by Congress's last minute extension of the statute of limitations. The White House realized that they had lost the chance to strangle the case before February 28. Now, it became critical for the White House to control who would actually handle the case against Madison. And that explains why in the words of Chief of Staff Josh Steiner, George Stephanopoulos "suggested to me we needed to find a way to get rid of Jay Stephens." The American people are entitled to the truth about the actions and intentions of the President, Mrs. Clinton, and other Government officials. The Senate has charged this Committee with conducting a fair and thorough investigation. Mr. Chairman, the American people are about to witness a story that has become too familiar. It will be told in the words of the witnesses under oath. Even more important, we will have the uncensored, candid admissions of the diaries and documents written at a time, when there was no reason to lie. We will see if witnesses, 9 under public scrutiny, seek to distance themselves from the words they wrote while their deeds were still undetected. This is a story of Government officials holding positions of enormous power and solemn public trust, falling short of minimum standards of ethical behavior and avoiding public accountability, it's about a ring of close and overzealous political associates of President Clinton ignoring lessons of history-recent 'history-by attempting to control and influence the actions of agencies intended by Congress to be beyond White House control and influence. It's a out officials who place the personal interest of the President above the people's interest, and about lying to Congress and to the American people in order to conceal this misconduct. The CHAIRMAN, Essentially, all Members were here as we gaveled the hearing to order this morning, SO I'M going to go in order of seniority down both sides in alternating fashion. Senator Sarbanes, let me recognize you at this point.

Humphrey Mission Begins Tour Of Asian Nations
Clip: 426349_1_1
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1745
Original Film: 039-014-01
Location: South Vietnam
Timecode: 00:33:23 - 00:34:29

Vice-President Hubert Humphrey begins a tour of Southeast Asia to implement the "Declaration of Honolulu" - the meeting between United States and South Vietnamese leaders that foresees new military and economic facets in Asia's future. The Vice-President's job will be to encourage self-help among Southeast Asian nations to bring faster and more fruitful economic conditions for all. South Vietnam Soldiers standing at an air strip in South Vietnam watching a helicopter land. CU - Vice President Hubert Humphrey wearing a lei around his neck sitting in a audience. MS - Vice President walking through the crowd of South Viennese people. MS - Profile of the Vice President. CU - Vice President Hubert Humphrey and Prime Minister Ky, who is wearing sunglasses. MS - Vietnam children holding up a home-made sign welcoming the Vice President to Vietnam. MS - Vice President Humphrey in a 'New Life Village' that will house refugees from terror of jungle war. MS - South Vietnamese villagers working the soil. ECU - Vice President Hubert Humphrey.

Royal Tour: Queen Elizabeth In West Indies
Clip: 426350_1_1
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1745
Original Film: 039-014-03
Location: British Guiana
Timecode: 00:35:36 - 00:37:15

Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip begin a tour of the West Indies with a visit to British Guiana - due to become independent next May. There is tension behind the cheering reception - for the country has been the scene of race riots between East Indians and Negroes. However, nothing mars the start of the Queen's five-week tour. British Guiana Majestic Orinduik Falls of British Guiana, located in the northern part of Amazon Basin of South America. MS - Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip visit a soon to be independent colony. High Angle Shot - Throngs turn out and they all wave at Queen Elizabeth and the camera with huge smiles on their faces. CU - Two very enthusiastic people waving at the Queen and her Prince. CUS - Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip standing on a balcony of the Capitol Building in British Guiana waving to the people. MS - In the legislative chambers two portraits are uncovered honoring the Queen and Prince. The first portrait is a young Queen Elizabeth II, just a brief shot of Prince Phillip's portrait. MS - An informal reception at the Promenade Gardens, Queen Elizabeth politely stops and chats with some of the residents. MS - Train pulling up at Guiana's train station. MS - Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip are standing in the open area of the end car and a young girl presents the Queen with a bouquet of flowers. The train pulls out of the station. Everyone is waving.

Slides Demolish Homes: Erosion Undermines Hillside Houses
Clip: 426351_1_1
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1745
Original Film: 039-014-02
Location: Bellaire, California
Timecode: 00:34:30 - 00:35:36

Loosened by heavy rains, a landslide in the exclusive Bellaire section of Los Angeles sends three homes tumbling into the street below. Eleven other homes are sealed off when the access road was blocked and a half-dozen others are threatened by new slides. The home are on a hillside that was the scene of a 1959 avalanche, the terrain was rebuilt only to have the same thing happen again. Bellaire, California High Angle Shot - Landslide in Bellaire, California, you see three houses that crashed into the street below. MS - Part of a hill side blocking a street a man walking over the rubble. CU - Part of someone's back yard just crumbled away, somehow the pool is still in tact. High Angle Shot - The hill side just crumbling away with homes and all.

Pennel Sets Another Record - Track & Field
Clip: 426352_1_1
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1745
Original Film: 039-014-04
Location: Los Angeles, California
Timecode: 00:37:16 - 00:39:07

The world's premier pole-vaulter, John Pennel, breaks the record he set just two weeks ago as he soars 16 feet, ten inches. In the two-mile race it is a battle between two friends, Bill Baillie of New Zealand and Don Clarke of Australia. Both the Down-Under boys outrace the field, with Baillie beating Clarke by ten yards. Los Angeles, California High Angle Shot - Overview of the whole floor of the indoor Track & Field meet. MS - Pole Vaulter - John Pennel running with pole in hand and clears 16-feet 10-inches. CU - Sport fans applauding. High Angle Shot - Two-mile race on a indoor track. Don Clark sets the pace and is in the lead most of the way, Keino is second and Bill Baillie is third. Bill Baillie wins the two-mile indoor track race.

Vietnam Report: US Drives Flush Vietcong Guerrillas
Clip: 426353_1_1
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1745
Original Film: 039-015-01
Location: Bongson, Vietnam
Timecode: 00:39:54 - 00:41:41

Operation "White Wing" enters its fourth week of a search and destroy mission 300 miles northeast of Saigon, near Bongson. Men of the First Calvary (Airmobile) clean out a village of the Viet Cong preparatory to rehabilitating it under the new economic program and returning its inhabitants to new and more prosperous surroundings. Bongson, Vietnam Helicopters landing, men of the 1st Cavalry jump out of the choppers and run into the jungle. MS - Soldier holding a semi automatic riffle inside a fox hole and the helicopters are kicking up dust as they take off. CU - A commanding officer sitting on the ground, holding his riffle and is talking on a communication device requesting back up. Low Angle Shot - Fighter bombers move in giving support to the men fighting on the ground. High Angle Shot - Soldiers of the 1st Calvary advancing through the dense jungle. MS - Soldier of the 1st Calvary shooting his semi-automatic riffle. MS - Women and children inside the village all is quiet. Soldiers checking out the huts to see if there are any snipers hiding inside of them. CU - Father with his children, soldiers are in the background. MS - People who live in the village are moved to a safer area by helicopter.

"Madame X" Hollywood Turns Out For Gala Premiere
Clip: 426354_1_1
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1745
Original Film: 039-015-02
Location: Hollywood, California
Timecode: 00:41:42 - 00:42:55

The Directors' Guild Theatre is the scene of one of the plushiest of Hollywood openings, The Ross Hunter production, "Madame X." The new movie stars Lana Turner and co-stars Ricardo Montalban, both of whom are here at the head of a long list of luminaries. Hollywood, California The Directors Guild Theatre exterior shot. CU - Spot light. MS - A huge crowd turns out to see their favorite movie stars. CUS - Lana Turner standing with her husband. CU - Cesar Romero and his date Agnes Moorehead. MS - Loretta Young. CUS - Mervyn LeRoy the noted director. CU - Marie Wilson and her escort. MS - Elke Sommer and her husband. MS - Rita Hayworth. CUS - Zsa Zsa Gabor. Ricardo Montalban. MS - Virginia Grey. MS James Farentino and Michelle Lee.

Canine Classic: 2,500 Bluebloods Strut Their Stuff
Clip: 426355_1_1
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1745
Original Film: 039-015-03
Location: New York, New York
Timecode: 00:42:56 - 00:44:24

At New York's Madison Square Garden 2,557 dogs put their best paw forward as they vie for Best in Show at the Westminster Kennel Club fixture. When it's all over the choice is a Wire-haired Fox Terrier, Champion Zeloy Moormaides Magic - "Biddy" to her friends. She outpointed a fine field and was immediately retired, quitting while she's still on top. New York, New York On the grooming table is an Old English Sheepdog and handler. MS - Handler and her Britney Spaniel. MS - On the grooming table Airedale and handler. MS - Two handlers working and grooming a Collie. MS - On the grooming table is a Scottish Terrier (scottie) CUS - A man who loves his two little Chihuahuas. MS - This little guy on the the grooming table is a Maltese. CU - Canaan Dog. High Angle Shot - Thsi is the final judging of all the winning breeds of the show. High Angle Shot - Handler showing off his Maltese, Miniture Poodle, Old English Sheepdog, Afghan Hound, Irish Setter, Low Angle Shot - BOS judge, James Farrow makes his selection of the BOS and that is a Wire Haired Fox Terrier. CUS - People in the audience applauding and approving of his selection. CUS - Biddy.

It's Mays' Day: Willie Signs Record Baseball Contract
Clip: 426356_1_1
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1745
Original Film: 039-015-04
Location: San Francisco, California
Timecode: 00:44:25 - 00:45:39

One of the most fabulous baseball players of all time becomes the highest paid player in history. Willie Mays signs a two-year contract to a reported $130,000 a year. Scenes of some of his outstanding plays on the field and at bat confirm the fact that he's worth every penny. San Francisco, California Willie Mays signing a contract. MS - News media and their 16 mm cameras recording this moment in baseball history. He will be making One hundred and thirty thousand dollars a year. High Angle Shot - Willie Mays at bat, he runs and he steels first base High Angle Shot - A baseball player slams the ball to center field and Willie catches it dropping only his cap. High Angle Shot - Willie at bat. He slams the ball getting a home run. CU - Willie Mays sitting with his manager after signing one heavy dollar contract. Why not? Willie is one of baseballs immortals.

Displaying clips 2617-2640 of 10000 in total
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