
Explorer's Banquet

Explorer's Banquet
Clip: 425802_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1759
Original Film: 040-028-10
Location: New York City, New York
Timecode: 00:30:01 - 00:30:46

The world famous Explorer's Club holds its annual banquet. On the menu: polar bear sauerbraten, iguana salad, baked boa constrictors, caribou stew, and a lamb's eye! Not exactly a treat to hamburgers and hot dog lovers but good enough for present day Stanley s and Livingstone s. Men in dark business suits drinking, mingling at Explorer's Club. CU Clay figure of venerable sea captain. CU Small statue of horned buffalo. CU Bust of African tribal woman with oblong, intentionally misshapen head, a result of head binding. Banquet table with queer delicacies, each with note card. Panning Myopic old man reading notecard of dish while leaning over table, using pen to maintain reading line. CU Unusual dish (looks like eyeballs). CU Baked boa constrictor dish. Young woman with messy hair loading plate, sampling a delicacy & somewhat enjoying it. Portly middle-aged man sitting on couch, eating from small plate; a morsel falls form his fork en route to his mouth, falling onto his tie.