
Biography: Princess Margaret

Biography: Princess Margaret
Clip: 460021_1_1
Year Shot: 1962 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: N/A
Original Film: WPA 1612
Location: Various Locations
Timecode: -

ON PREVIEW CASSETTE # 201932 0' to 100' ............. opening montage: tight LS of a roomful of English boys and girls singing while a school marm conducts. MS of Margaret applauding. MS of her standing at a microphone and asking if the kids can have the rest of the day off.... Opening credits and Wallace's introduction.... 1935, the Silver Jubillee. Tight LS of a carriage carrying King George V through a crowded London street. Tight LS of 3 generations of English royalty standing on the balcony of Buckingham Palace. 100' to 200' .......... MS of the Duke of York taking motion pictures of his daughters Margaret and Elizabeth (the former seems around 7 years old while the latter seems eleven or twelve) as they play by the side of a quiet country stream.... MS of the Duke and Duchess, dressed to the regal-royal hilt, getting into an open, horse-drawn carriage after a ceremony of some sort. Their girls, wearing adorable girlie clothes, get on, also.... CU, sideview, of a Scottish bagpiper, followed by a MS of 4 Scotsmen dancers doing a jig on a platform during mid-day.... 1936, King George V dies. Funeral procession montage, mostly tight LS's of the coffin on parade and the family following it.... MS's and CU's of Wallis Simpson and Prince David after their wedding. Taken outdoors, they smile and pose for the camera.... Coronation ceremony. The Duke of York becomes King George VI. Montage, mostly tight LS's of the Duke being crowned at the formal ceremony. 200' to 300' .......... MS of the King, Queen, Margaret and Elizabeth wearing their respective crowns and waving from the balcony of Buckingham Palace. Cutaway to high angle wide shots of the large crowd gathered in the courtyard below them..... MS montage of Marge and Beth at various public events. Art galleries, ground breaking ceremonies, and so on. MS of Beth and Marge standing outside with several others as a German Shepherd and a young panda bear chase and play with each other at their feet. MS of Marge riding a mule at a children's petting zoo..... MS's of Margaret and Elizabeth, now young women, riding and grooming horses in the countryside..... Publicity MS of Elizabeth, Margaret and future King Phillip standing inside for the camera. 300' to 400' .......... MS montage of Margaret at social events. She gets off of a train. She attends a formal symphony. She attends a ball. She goes on vacation to Capris (high angle tight LS of Margaret bikinied on a docked sailboat in a quiet, secluded bay)..... CU of a Christian Dior store sign, cutaway to Margaret shopping for a strapless evening gown (includes a tight LS of a runway model modeling the garment for her)..... MS of Margaret visiting a BBC studio set. MS of Danny Kaye..... 1952, King George VI dies. Funeral montage: high angle tight LS of the horse-drawn casket and London guardsmen accompanying it. Low angle MS of the funeral carriage on which the crown is displayed. CU's and MS's of weeping mourners on the streets. MS of the Queen and her daughters standing around, dressed in black. 400' to 500' .......... 1953, the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II. Montage, with real audio, of the ceremony. MS of the crown being placed on her head. Tight LS's of the procession walking slowly through the church..... MS, sideview, of Maragret standing on a podium at a microphone, the Union Jack flying in BG..... CU's of Peter Townsend in military oufit, then in polo gear. Tight LS of horses and jockeys jumping a trimed hedge fence. Low angle MS of horses and jockeys leaping over the camera..... The affair between Margaret and Peter is revealed. 500' to 600' .......... CU's of Peter, wearing sunglasses and looking rather modish, at an outdoor event..... CU's of several Brits voicing their opinions on the affair. Both men and women of various economic classes are featured. 600' to 700' .......... more on the affair. The press dogs Peter..... Cu of a radio dial, followed by excellent montage of people standing or sitting by radios in their bedrooms or family rooms and listening as an announcer proclaims the end of Margaret's affair. Real audio. CU's of newspaper headlines bearing the news, stacked one on top of the other..... MS's of Margaret, Elizabeth and Phillip attending the premiere of "A Farewell to Arms"..... MS and CU montage of Margaret attending outdoor events. 700' to 800' .......... MS of Prince Charles ( a young boy) standing with his Mum and Dad at a train station..... MS' s of Margaret and Armstrong Jones, together, publicity shots from royal grounds. They get hitched. Marriage montage: mostly high angle tight LS's of the church ceremony. 800' to 900' .......... MS's and tight LS's of the bride, the groom and the royal family after the ceremony's end, standing on the balcony of Buckingham Palace..... Wallace's final thoughts and closing credits. END AT 910'. :