
July 29, 1994 - Part 1

July 29, 1994 - Part 1
Clip: 460015_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10051
Original Film: 102859
Location: Washington DC
Timecode: -

(11:22:24) The CHAIRMAN. Thank you, Senator Faircloth. I might say that issue has arisen a couple times and I want to provide a little information on it. On July 28, yesterday, the Park Police informed the Committee by letter that Captain Charles Hume, who went to the White 23 House to interview Mr. Foster's co-workers and search Mr. Foster's office, was out of town, could not be reached and would not appear here to testify. It came as a surprise to all of us. When he was deposed by the Committee on July 22, which was a week ago, be was told, and I quote: There are going to be hearings next week that also stem from Resolution 229, which brings us here today, an you may be called as a witness at those hearings. So he was under very direct and explicit notice. A joint letter of invitation was sent to him 2 days ago as we were formalizing our formal witness list, but be bad been on notice a much longer period of time. Although this may be an innocent misunderstanding and I won't make a presumption one way or the other, the notice given at the beginning of the deposition makes it difficult for -me to understand why he would leave town without checking with the Committee or leaving a telephone number where he could be reached. They tried to reach him and have been unable to do so, I would also say this: The area that be's most directly involved with, at least to my view, relates to the activities in the White House, Mr. Foster's office, and the documents there. We've been asked not to deal with this right at this time by Mr. Fiske, and so we respect that, I know you've just expressed your view on that matter. We do have people here from the Park Police who actually were on the scene and were central to the investigation of Mr. Foster's situation. They're going to be here before us later today, and so we'll have the ability to, I think, in a variety of ways to get all the information we need in this area, but let me put that information on the record at this point. Senator D'AMATO. Chairman, I'll tell you what's troubling this Senator that's come from my colleagues, as the Committee begins its hearing today without one of the most crucial witnesses to the Foster death investigation, and that is Captain Hume. Captain Hume testified, at length in his deposition last week, that the Park Police were unable to do their Job investigating the tragic death of Vincent Foster because the White House wouldn't let them do their job. He went on to testify, and I quote: It became a joke that the Park Police had to wait to get permission from the White House before they could do their job. Clearly, if we are going to go into the manner in which the investigation was conducted, Captain flume should be here. I would hope if we cannot ascertain with definiteness by some time that we would issue the necessary subpoena and also bring in his supervisors, because we were also told that he could be beeped at any time. We have some t" you can get us any time. Any time you want, beep us." So I don 't know whether he's been ordered Senator BOXER. Point of order, Mr. Chairman. I thought we would all be heard and then we would get into these decisions. The CHAIRMAN. We will. Senator DAMATO, I just wanted to make our point of view known, And I've concluded, but I think it's important certainly that we get his boss to find out bow it is and how can we get contact 24 with him particularly when we were told we could get him any time of & day or night, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, always has a beeper. The CHAIRMAN. I don't want to get us diverted on this. I'd like to make this statement and --:-' Senator KERRY. Well, be do- The CHAIRMAN. No, I want make my statement first. I under- stand you're seeking recognition. Let me make my comment and then if you want to be recognized, I will be happy to recognize you. I want to indicate that we have a sworn deposition from this individual. He will be called to testify beyond today. We're not going to et hung up on that point. So that's not an issue. We'll have him in here for and questions that need to be raised. His supervisor is here today an be can answer questions as well. So I trust that we'll settle that matter.