
France's First Atomic Submarine

France's First Atomic Submarine
Clip: 425797_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1759
Original Film: 040-028-05
Location: Cherbourg, France
Timecode: 00:27:19 - 00:27:50

France's first nuclear-powered sub, the Redoubtable is launched by President DeGaulle at Cherbourg. The ship cost a quarter-billion dollars, will be armed with 16 missiles, and she's the first of three. Atomic submarine in hangar. TLS "Le Redoubtable" on hull. President CHARLES DE GAULLE standing with French dignitaries at launch, March 29, 1967. President Charles de Gaulle pressing button, pan right to atomic submarine easing from moorings, sliding into slip. Gallery of French dignitaries saluting.