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August 4, 1994 - Part 1
Clip: 460671_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10087
Original Film: 104550
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(09:50:33) Ms. WILLIAMS. Well, it was not much of a meeting, quite frankly. People kind of drifted in. I remember it being around lunch time or lunch time for us. I do not know. I remember it being around lunch time and people kind of wandering in. I remember Mr. Altman coming in, standing near the door, having his briefcase in his hand, and saying, I just wanted to let you know I have decided not to recuse myself. And that is what I recall of that meeting. And then he left. Senator SARBANES. Did people say anything to him when he said he was not going to recuse himself? Ms. WILLIAMS. I do not know exactly what people said. I do not have a recollection of what people said. Senator SARBANES. What did you say? Ms. WILLIAMS. Well, I had already talked to Roger previously, since I had set up the meeting, and he said I have decided to recuse myself, and I am sure that I Senator SARBANES. Decided not to recuse. Ms. WILLIAMS. I am sorry, decided not to recuse myself, And I think Senator SARBANES. What did you say to him then? Ms. WILLIAMS [continuing]. I probably--- Senator SARBANES. This is on the telephone? MS. WILLIAMS. Yes. I probably said, OK, that sounds good. Because, of course, I had been a person at the meeting, the previous meeting who had said, if you are going to accept the recommendation of the RTC staff, which I think is a good thing to do, why then should you recuse yourself Senator SARBANES. How long did that meeting last? MS. WILLIAMS. Oh, not long at all. If it was 10 minutes, I would be Senator SARBANES. Ten minutes? Ms. WILLIAMS [continuing]. If it was 10 minutes, I would be Sur. prised. I remember that Mr. Altman had to get away. He had an appointment on the Hill and lie was hurrying off. It did not seem long. Senator SARBANES. So it is your recollection that that meeting lasted about 10 minutes? Ms. WILLIAMS. It is my recollection that it was not very long. I say 10 minutes because I cannot--everyone was standing is what I remember. It was not people sitting down, and I know that Mr. Altman had an appointment on the Hill that he was rushing to. Senator SARBANES. Well, there must have been some discussion then, if it lasted 10 minutes, beyond Altman simply saying, I have decided not to recuse myself. Could you tell us about that discussion? Ms. WILLIAMS. Sir, there may have been discussion. I cannot tell you exactly what that discussion was. I have to tell you that at the time this was happening, none of this seemed terribly significant to me in terms of the things that I should remember. This happened in February. I do not recall every discussion at every meeting. Senator SARBANES. If I could just make this. Mr. Altman I think told us the meeting lasted 30 seconds or Eggleston. Senator GRAMM. Mr. Chairman. The CHAIRMAN. Senator Gramm. OPENING COMMENTS OF SENATOR GRAMM Senator GRAMM. Thank you. Mr. Chairman, this February 3 meeting may not have been an important meeting for Ms. Williams, but it was a very important meeting for Roger Altman. I want to go back and set out the parameters for all of this, because I think people trying to follow what is going on here forget how it all fits together. Let me try to be brief, even though I am sorry I talk very slowly. Roger Altman was appointed by the President to head the RTC and be its Chief Executive Officer on a temporary basis. Roger Altman was a very close, long-time friend of the President, went to college with him. As any good friend should, when President Clinton ran for President, Mr. Altman raised for him hundreds of thousands of dollars. We should all have friends like that. Roger Altman, in his capacity as head of the RTC, was notified by Mr. Roelle, a career employee of the RTC, that there were 9 criminal referrals on their way to Washington, and that the President and the First Lady's names were mentioned in those referrals. Under normal circumstances, to communicate with people who are mentioned in criminal referrals would be improper, unethical, and, depending on the intent, could be an obstruction of justice. Roger Altman decided that, because this information could leak to the press, he was going to notify the White House. We have two sworn testimonies that in fact he ordered that the White House be notified.

Crisis In Brazil
Clip: 429608_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1722
Original Film: 037-027-01
Location: Brazil
Timecode: 00:13:13 - 00:14:18

Joao Goulart flees Brazil as he is ousted as President by an army rebellion. It was Goulart's leftist leanings and the fear that he would turn Brazil into a Castro state which led to his downfall. He began his regime as a middle-of-the-roader but runaway inflation and worker discontent led him to institute land reforms and legalize the Communist Party. Brazil Students marching with anti-Castro pickets. MS - Goulart disembarking from a plane. Army tanks being driven down the streets of Brazil. MS - Brazil s military marching down a street. MS - Soviet's hold a trade show in Brazil, a few motor vehicles that's it. CUS - Goulart smiling in the midst of a crowd. MCUS - Brazil s people riot breaking into the shops and looting. Military called in to restore law and order.

Sea Lion Takes Over Household: "Flip" Adopts Family And Runs The House
Clip: 429609_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1722
Original Film: 037-027-02
Location: San Francisco, California
Timecode: 00:14:18 - 00:15:45

There is a regular routine in the Francis Turner Household. Chasing "Flip" the sea lion out of the bedroom! Found on the beach, a sick little sea lion, the Turner children rescued him. He's now well but refuses to leave the house which he has just about taken over.... San Francisco, California A young sea lion sitting on a bed. MCUS - A man comes into the bedroom and shags the sea lion off the bed. CUS - "Flip" the sea lion, getting washed in a bath tub. MCUS - Flip sitting on a chair at the breakfast nook eating off a plate. MCUS -Flip making his way into the ocean, the Francis Turner Family watching and pointing at Flip in the water. CUS - Flip comes to the back door wanting to go back into the home. CUS - Flip laying on the floor napping.

Sports: Cambridge Oarsmen Defeat Oxford
Clip: 429610_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1722
Original Film: 037-027-03
Location: River Thames, England
Timecode: 00:15:47 - 00:16:54

In the 110th renewal of the famed rowing classic, the Cambridge "Eight" jumps into an early lead over Oxford defeating their traditional rivals by more than 6 lengths. There's a Yank on each crew and they row to the point of exhaustion with their English cousin. River Thames, England The Cambridge crew takes to the River Thames in England carrying their long boat. MCUS - Twelve Swans a summing in the River Thames. CUS - Moms, dads and other regatta enthusiast. MLS - The regatta is on its way. MS - At the half way mark Cambridge is ahead. MS - Cambridge wins by six lengths,

New York Worlds Fair of 1939-40
Clip: 429611_1_1
Year Shot: 1939 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1722
Original Film: 037-027-04
Location: Flushing, New York
Timecode: 00:16:55 - 00:19:04

With the 1964-65 New York World's Fair promising to be one of the greatest if not the greatest in history. Let's take a look backwards at the famous New York Fair of 1939-40. The terrific tune of the turnstiles was 50,000,000 people who came and were awed by "The World Of Tomorrow." (That's today!) Includes shots of King George and Queen Elizabeth attending and a roller coaster type of ride. Twenty five years later a bigger and better fair opens on the same site. Flushing, New York Aerial shot of New York's World Fair, April 1939. Franklin D. Roosevelt addressing the crowd (no audio) MLS - Throngs of people in attendance. MLS - Many Fountains grouped in one area. MLS - In attendance at the Fair is Queen Elizabeth I and King George V of the United Kingdom. The crowd is cheering for the couple as they walk towards a building. MS - A woman acrobat holding on a device by her teeth slides down a wire starting at great height and slides down right into the mist of a crowd. MCUS - This ride resembles a bob-sled ride only with no ice or snow. MS - A large man made water-fall with tons of water crashing down, and people are walking through a glass tube. A night time parade and of course many thousands of people in attendance watching. A huge fireworks display is put into action. MSOH - Many people waving their hands over their heads for the camera, and the 1964 World's Fair winds up it's two year run in a blaze of glory.

Death Of A Soldier - General Douglas MacArthur
Clip: 429612_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1722
Original Film: 037-028-01
Location: Various
Timecode: 00:19:12 - 00:24:49

The man who has been called one of the greatest military geniuses in the history of the United States is dead. General Douglas MacArthur, 84, succumbed after a long and valiant fight. Thus ends the military career that spanned 52 years. A career that began as a dream in childhood. Here are some of the highlights in the distinguished and fabulous life of this great military man.

The General: The Nation's Tribute
Clip: 429613_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1722
Original Film: 037-029-01
Location: Washington DC
Timecode: 00:24:58 - 00:26:52

America's final salute to it's greatest military hero. President Lyndon Johnson leads his countrymen in tribute to General of the Army Douglas MacArthur. His body lies in state, (sans his 55 decorations of honor) in the rotunda of the Capitol where many thousands file by throughout the night. Washington DC The Capitol Building, Rotunda. General Douglas MacArthur remains is brought to the Nation's Capital to honor and lay in state. MS - Military Honor Guard carrying the remains of General MacArthur up the stairs of the Capitol Building. MCUS - The son of General MacArthur, Arthur MacArthur escorts his mother, Jean Marie, the widow of the General up the stairs of the Capitol Building. NS - President and Mrs. Lyndon Baines Johnson, walking up the stairs of the Capitol Building. MS - In the name of the people of the United States, President Johnson places a wreath of red, white and blue flowers at the foot of the casket, with deep emotion President Johnson bows his head in prayer and then walks back to the crowd of people. MS - Throngs lined up to pay their last respect to the beloved General. MS - People file past the open casket of General MacArthur. OHS - The open casket of General Douglas MacArthur and the people paying their last respects.

Auto Antics
Clip: 429615_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1722
Original Film: 037-029-03
Location: Paris, France
Timecode: 00:27:57 - 00:29:01

With balmy breezes we can expect some balmy drivers. But this display is too, too much! Two Frenchmen have their country on it's collective ear, over their car balancing act. And maybe we're not a little bug-eyed too... Paris, France A car that is driven on two wheels on the driver's side of the car with a latter mounted on the back window. CUS - On of the stunt drivers wearing a crash helmet. A close up shot of the driver Jon ? and he's putting on his crash helmet. MCUS - Rigging up a standard car with a conventional latter sticking straight up in the air. MS - The driver of the car starts out on four wheels, drives up on a single wheel ramp, that put's the car on two wheels, driver side. MS - As one guy drives on two wheels, the other mounts the latter and doe's a hand stand as the other guy dirves,

August 4, 1994 - Part 1
Clip: 460672_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10087
Original Film: 104550
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(09:55:14) 283 Now, let us move to the first of the year. We are in a period where there is immense pressure on the Whitewater investigation with regard to the statute of limitations, which is about to run out. Roger Altman is concerned about people believing that there is something wrong with a very close friend of the President, himself being in charge of an investigation that might involve the President. He decides to recuse himself. We have all kinds of sworn statements that he decided to do it. He comes over to the White House on February 2 to deliver the message. He has a briefing paper saying he is going to do it. Yet he walks out of the meeting and he has not recused himself. Not one single person can recall anyone ever saying to him, do not recuse yourself. But in a diary that the Treasury Chief of Staff and sort of confidante of Mr. Altman is writing during the period, Roger- Altman is described as having originally decided to recuse himself. But intense pressure from the White House, Mr. Steiner then writes, at a fateful White House meeting with Nussbaum, Ickes and Williams, the White House staff told Roger Altman that his recusal was unacceptable. Obviously unacceptable that he take himself out of this Whitewater investigation, which is what recusal means. Again, in outlining the advantages and the disadvantages of the recusal, this same Chief of Staff puts on his computer, that the White House may feel defenseless prior to the appointment of a new CEO if Roger Altman left, stepped down, took himself out of the Whitewater investigation. Now, I assume, Ms. Williams, you do not recall anyone ever saying to Roger Altman that he ought not to recuse himself either? Ms. WILLIAMS. I believe in my testimony I indicated that I said why should you recuse yourself if you intend to accept the recommendation of the RTC staff, whatever that might be. Senator GRAMM- And in fact, we know from last night, that the President was upset when Roger Altman did recuse himself, be''cause the President felt he was being stampeded into it, though Roger Altman himself thought he should do it. Secretary Bentsen 'has told us he thought that Altman should do it. Now, he calls you up the day later, at least we think he does, land he says, I want you to set up a meeting. He is come on the 'road to Damascus. He has had a dramatic conversion. Nobody told him not to recuse himself, but he changes his mind for some reason. From the Treasury, Mr. Altman calls you up and says, I want to come over to the White House and tell people that I am not ,going to take myself out of the Madison investigation. I want you to get people together, he tells you, because I want to come over ,-there and tell them. Mr. Altman comes over to the White House, to your office. You gathered these people together. He sticks his head in the door and ,says, I have decided not to take myself out of the Whitewater investigation. You say that the meeting lasted 10 minutes. I talk pretty slowly. Mr. Altman's from New York. He talks real fast. There is a little problem there, but lot me ask you a question. Ms. WILLIAMS. Certainly. 284 Senator GRAMM. I do not think of you, as Chief of Staff for The First Lady, as being in the chain of command at the White House, Why would Roger Altman call the Chief of Staff of the First Lady and ask her to set up this meeting? MS. WILLIAMS. Well, first of all, let me try and explore with you a little bit your first premise, which is you do not think of me being in the chain of command in the White House. If I am an Assistant to the President, one of 17, when there are approximately, what, about a thousand employees in the Executive Branch, then clearly my position puts me, if not in the chain of command, certainly in an area where decisions that are being made might come to my attention. Senator GRAMM. But why you? Ms. WILLIAMS. Well, Senator GRAMM. On this issue, on the recusal issue, which you say you were not even interested in, and I do not doubt that, why you? Why did he call you? Ms. WILLIAMS. You would have to ask Mr. Altman why he called me. Senator GRAMM. Why do you think he called you? Ms. WILLIAMS. One, Mr. Altman and I talked frequently about Health Care, all the time, in fact. In fact, one of the things that I did both as an Assistant to the President and Chief of Staff to the First Lady is I did a lot of meeting facilitation. I would try and get Senator GRAMM. Well, but he says in his diary that he had talked to you about Whitewater. He has in quotes that you had told him, "that the First Lady was paralyzed by it."

August 4, 1994 - Part 1
Clip: 460673_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10087
Original Film: 104550
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(10:00:44) Ms. WILLIAMS. Senator Gramm, you must let me take one ques- tion at a time. If you want me to go back and talk about the diary, then I am happy to do so. If you want me to finish this one question Senator GRAMM. My one problem is that my light is about to turn red and I am not going to get back to ask a question for 2 hours. You understand that. Ms. WILLIAMS. I understand that, but my problem is I have to tell you what I know. The CHAIRMAN. We will give you a chance, when he finishes, to answer both questions. Senator GRAMM. If, on my time, you will go back and try to tell me why you think he, of all the people he could have called, why he would call the Chief of Staff of the First Lady to set up this meeting for him to come over and say, I am not taking myself out of the investigation of Madison? Ms. WILLIAMS. First of all, let me say that I am very uncomfortable speculating about why Mr, Altman called me, because it will only be speculation. But I will say that I talk to Mr. Altman regularly in the course, of Health Care. I will say that I am known to be a person who puts people together to facilitate meetings. I would also say that I have instant access to Mr. Ickes, Mr. Stephanopoulos, and also people in the Counsel's Office. 285 So I think it might have been as a matter of convenience kind of one- stop shopping, since this is what I had done (10:02:10)(tape #10087 ends)

Abondonned houses
Clip: 314481_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master:
Original Film: 880-8
Location: California
Timecode: -

Abondonned houses

Abandonned Baldwin mine
Clip: 314482_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master:
Original Film: 880-7
Location: California
Timecode: -

Abandonned Baldwin mine

The Queen Elizabeth ship
Clip: 314483_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master:
Original Film: 880-6
Location: California
Timecode: -

The Queen Elizabeth ship

Clay mine (distant)
Clip: 314484_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master:
Original Film: 880-5
Location: California
Timecode: -

Clay mine (distant)

Sand Fences
Clip: 314485_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master:
Original Film: 880-4
Location: California
Timecode: -

Sand Fences

Power Pole & Man
Clip: 314486_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master:
Original Film: 880-3
Location: California
Timecode: -

Power Pole & Man

Princess Elizabeth Visits America
Clip: 460674_1_1
Year Shot: 1951 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: N/A
Original Film: HSC 3
Location: Various
Country: Unspecified
Timecode: 01:00:00 - 01:00:58

Title card: Castle Films Presents "The News Parade of the Year 1951" -- "Royal Couple Visits U.S." England: Princess Elizabeth wearing British military uniform, seated on horseback for the Trooping the Colour; British Army foot-guardsmen wearing ceremonial uniforms and bearskins (hats) parade in review. Household Division marches past Princess Elizabeth, she salutes. Male VO mentions Britain's economic problems at home and abroad. United States: Princess Elizabeth and Prince Phillip, Duke of Edinburgh disembark from Royal Canadian Air Force jet liner. Elizabeth and Phillip are greeted by U.S. President Harry S. Truman, First Lady Bess Truman, and daughter Margaret Truman. Adult Caucasian male U.S. Navy Sailors on tarmac. Elizabeth and Philip greeting crowds in Washington D.C., Philip dressed in Royal Navy uniform.

August 4, 1994 - Part 3
Clip: 460675_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10088
Original Film: 104552
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(11:00:00)(tape #1008 begins) turns out to be some number of months before in this setting we are getting these facts this late in the game in a complete and a full way. I mean, that is not good practice. You know that . Why did that not happen? Mr. McLARTY. Mr. Chairman, I fully concur with your comments I about complete testimony. I would underscore again that, while this was Treasury testimony, Mr. Podesta and others did try to make certain to the best of their ability it was complete. I believe they feel they did so in a timely manner. Now you press that matter further with Mr. Podesta and I think he more precisely answer. The CHAIRMAN, I will do that. I have got to put the Committee in recess. Our time to vote on the Floor is about to expire and I want to go make the vote. So we will resume very shortly. I would say within 10 minutes. The Committee stands in recess. 305 Mr. McLARTY. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. (11:00:54) [Recess.] (11:00:56) Commentary of hearings hosts DON BODE and NINA TOTENBERG from tv studios, they also talk to TERRY LEMONS of the Arkansas Gazette and Senator RICHARD BRYAN

Dutch Royalty Conquers Mexico
Clip: 429623_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1722
Original Film: 037-031-03
Location: Mexico City, Mexico
Timecode: 00:39:37 - 00:40:46

Queen Juliana and Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands arrive in Mexico for a state visit. They are received with wild acclaim. Their daughter Princess Beatrix accompanies them. Daughter Irene, who is to marry a Spanish Prince did not make the trip with them. Mexico City, Mexico OH shot view of Mexico City. MLS - Many people have turned out to greet the Royalty of the Netherlands, Queen Juliana and Prince Bernhard accompanied by their daughter Princess Beatrix. MS - President Aldolfo Lopez Mateos runs up and greets Queen Juliana and Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands. MS - The motorcade driving down the street's of Mexico City and once they drive through the downtown area it looks like snow, but actually it's tons of ticker tape being thrown out the windows. MCUS - Huge signs welcoming them in the Dutch. MCUS - Princess Juliana and Prince Bernhard at the Teotihuacan Ruins, ancient pre Aztec culture.

Hey Mets! Let's Win Some Ball Games
Clip: 429624_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1722
Original Film: 037-031-04
Location: Flushing Meadow, New York
Timecode: 00:40:46 - 00:41:30

Shea Stadium in Flushing Meadow, New York is dedicated with fanfare. Shea Stadium is the home of the New York Mets. William A. Shea, after whom the Stadium is named gives a speech. Shea Stadium is the last word in appointments. Even have escalators. Football's Cinderella team -- The New York Jets will call Shea home also. Flushing Meadow, New York Camera panning an overall shot of the World's Fair Grounds and finely ends up at a new stadium that was built, Shea Stadium dedicated by New York's major, Robert Wagner and manager Casey Stengel of the New York Mets. MCUS - World Fair President - Robert Moses. Camera pans up - Focusing on the seating arrangement. LS - Shea Stadium that will be also the home of the New York Jets, football team

Sports: Speed Come In Cycles
Clip: 429625_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1722
Original Film: 037-031-05
Location: Europe
Timecode: 00:41:30 - 00:42:33

In Europe, a couple hundred dedicated bicyclists take off on a cross-country race that is both back breaking and heart breaking. Real rough. And in Spain, they go all out in hill and dale motorcycle race. Take your choice but only the hale and hearty can compete.... France Hundreds of bicyclists come speeding around the bend. MS - This test has 125 men competing over 150 mile course, its a tough race between men and machines. MS - The winner gliding in, he's a German. Spain Down South - south Europe that is the motorcyclists. Its the International race of one of the most competitive courses ever built. Its the International race if Barcerlona and its considered more dangerous than a bull fight. MS - The motorcycles racing up the dirt hills with the man made bumps. MS - Cyclist banking a dust covered curve and the winner takes the checker flag.

Pluish Stadium Open: "Mets" Make Debut At New Balll Park
Clip: 429626_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1722
Original Film: 037-032-01
Location: Flushing Meadow, New York
Timecode: 00:42:40 - 00:43:51

Curtain goes up on a new stadium in New York. Shea Stadium. New home of Casey Stengel's New York Mets. 50,000 fans see the season's opener. It turns out to be woeful watching as the METS lose to Pittsburgh. 4 to 3. But just wait until tomorrow, or the next day -- or the next..... Flushing Meadow, New York Outside shot of the new stadium taken from the parking lot. MS - Throngs of people line up to enter the new ball park stadium. CUS - People filing in single file handing in their tickets. MS - The back side's of people taking the escalator up to their designated floors. Camera is stationed in the middle of the playing field, panning the people filling the seats. MCUS - Casey Stengel with musical baton in hand leading Guy Lombardo's orchestra. CUS - Baseball fans. MS - The New York Mets and Pittsburgh playing ball, the first game played in their new stadium.

Mount Etna Erupts Anew
Clip: 429627_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1722
Original Film: 037-032-02
Location: Sicily, Italy
Timecode: 00:45:23 - 00:45:56

Europe's highest active volcano asserts itself once more. Mt. Etna in Sicily is shaken by violent explosions that hurl tons of rock and lava in the worst eruption of Etna in 50 years. Sicily, Italy A very formidable Mount Etna, spewing smoke, fire and ash. Looking into the crater - You see nothing but smoke and most likely molten lava. MCUS - Stream of molten lava running down the side of Mount Etna, and it's moving at a pretty good amount of speed. LS - Clouds surrounding Mount Etna, and Etna is spewing smoke, and spitting out molten rock and lava.

Woman Flier Circles Globe (Aviatrix)
Clip: 429628_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1722
Original Film: 037-032-03
Location: United States
Timecode: 00:43:54 - 00:44:34

Mrs. Jerrie Mock is back in Columbus, Ohio ready to rest on some fancy records she rolled up circling the earth in 29 days. Flying more than 22,000 miles. The housewife -- a bit tired but happy is greeted wildly upon her return. United States Mrs. Jerrie Mock posing with her plane at an air port in Oakland, California. CUS - Two Photographers snapping pictures of Mrs Mock. CUS - Mrs. Jerrie Mock sitting at the controls of her plane, the Spirit of Oakland. MS - Jerrie Mock sitting at the controls of her plane makes her way down to the run-way, and off she go's, heading for Columbus, Ohio. CUS - She lands in Columbus and receives a harty greeting plus she is given an award for her achivements.

Displaying clips 6265-6288 of 10000 in total
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