
Crisis In Brazil

Crisis In Brazil
Clip: 429608_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1722
Original Film: 037-027-01
Location: Brazil
Timecode: 00:13:13 - 00:14:18

Joao Goulart flees Brazil as he is ousted as President by an army rebellion. It was Goulart's leftist leanings and the fear that he would turn Brazil into a Castro state which led to his downfall. He began his regime as a middle-of-the-roader but runaway inflation and worker discontent led him to institute land reforms and legalize the Communist Party. Brazil Students marching with anti-Castro pickets. MS - Goulart disembarking from a plane. Army tanks being driven down the streets of Brazil. MS - Brazil s military marching down a street. MS - Soviet's hold a trade show in Brazil, a few motor vehicles that's it. CUS - Goulart smiling in the midst of a crowd. MCUS - Brazil s people riot breaking into the shops and looting. Military called in to restore law and order.