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Displaying clips 6289-6312 of 10000 in total
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Shade Of Toscanini
Clip: 429629_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1722
Original Film: 037-032-04
Location: Paris, France
Timecode: 00:45:56 - 00:46:56

In Paris they uncork (the word is used advisedly) the music of the future. A symphony of steel sheets and glass tubes! -- a combo strange enough to set music back to the days of the cavemen. Pass out those ear plugs. Paris, France A young guy pushing a key board down the street's of Paris, France. CUS - A musician hitting medal tubes with drum sticks on to sheets of sheet medal. CUS - Musician's hands going up and down glass tubes. MCUS - A musician playing a key board that is hooked up to triangle sheets of medal. MS - An medal pipe sculpture, with medal hands welded on the ends, with round (radar type disk) welded on. To make this more interesting they have girls / women dressed up in black tights that run up to the hand's on the sculpture, take off the disk and do a dance.

Flying Up And Over Down Under
Clip: 429630_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1722
Original Film: 037-032-05
Location: Sydney, Australia
Timecode: 00:44:35 - 00:45:23

Australia is getting into the act --- we mean the rocket race. On a one-man scale. At Sydney they display the Down-Under version of the troop-carrying solo rocket. In 17 seconds it carries a pilot 120 yards! Sydney, Australia Australia is getting into the rocket race on a one man scale. The pilot walks over and get himself strapped in a jet pack. MS - He presses the button on the Pogo Stick and in a blink of an eye, he is lifted high and in 17 seconds he travels 120 yards. The camera man runs the film in reverse and puts the pilot right back where he came from

Travel-Easy Fashions: Gals Show Styles For Jet-Age Trips
Clip: 429631_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1722
Original Film: 037-032-06
Location: Caracas, Venezuela
Timecode: 00:46:57 - 00:48:30

Thinking of taking off for Europe or South America??? Take a leaf from the travel plans of these gals. They pack the new stretch fabrics that help them get through schedules without a worry or a wrinkle. Nothing but miles of smiles ahead. Caracas, Venezuela Models are disembarking from a Pan American passenger jet plane wearing new fabric blends in their clothing. CUS - Copy of a fisherman's jacket with a skirt that is slightly flared. CUS - This traveling suit looks like it could be a navy blue made of poplin, it has a blazer jacket and a slim straight skirt, accented with a purse that could fit in with today's fashion market (not bad for 43 years ago) CUS - This model has three coordinated pieces. The sleeveless vest buttons up the front and tops a straight skirt. Underneath a pass port print blouse (France stamped on it) with long sleeves. MCUS - The models walk out on to a balcony overlooking Caracas, Venezuela's beautiful landscape. CUS - Model wearing short sleeve button down shift dress, maybe done up in a dark pink color. CUS - Tan, V-neck sleeveless shift, dress.

August 4, 1994 - Part 3
Clip: 460676_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10088
Original Film: 104552
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(11:16:28) Hearings coverage resumes: Mr. Altman has denied tasking her, and that is one of the issues we are going to have to face-decide, as to who is telling the truth in that circumstance. That is why I asked the question, Now let us go to this first meeting, the one, Ms. Williams, where you were not quite sure why you were there, but you were asked to be there so you went there. I understand that that happens a lot, that people say we are having a meeting and you need to be there, and you have a very busy schedule and so you say, OK, I'll go, and pretty much find out what it is all about when I get there and not give it a whole lot of thought beforehand, 306 Is that a fair characterization of your attitude toward that first meeting? Ms. WILLIAMS. I did not know beforehand what the meeting was about, but I have to tell you I do not think it an unusual thing for me to be a participant in meetings at the White House. Senator BENNETT. No, I am not suggesting in any sense that it was unusual. Ms. WILLIAMS. OK. Senator BENNETT. When I say you did not know why you were there, it was not that it was unusual for you to be at a meeting that high powered, it was that you were not sure what the topic was going to be Ms. WILLIAMS. That is correct. Senator BENNETT [continuing]. And the impetus. Ms. WILLIAMS. Yes, Senator. Senator BENNETT. In your deposition you used the phrase you "tuned out" of the meeting after the discussion of the recusal thing was started, and you referred to that in your testimony here today saying that you "went on to other things and started thinking about your next issue because you felt this one had been dealt with, and you say you do that from time to time. That is a great talent, by the way, that I think a lot of people would like to cultivate. But just to be sure the record is completely clear and a Rush Limbaugh or somebody does not try to mousetrap you later on, I would refer to your comment in the deposition that Mr. Nussbaum made some kind of dismissive comment to you which, according to you, and I am quoting from your deposition, "was because I was a woman." Do you remember that? Or do you want to clarify that in any way? I do not want to make a big thing about it, but I do want to get the record very clear as to your tuning out. Ms. WILLIAMS. Of course I do not want to clarify that, but I will since you asked me. [Laughter.] What I referred to in my deposition was that I understood a couple of things in the meeting. One, that was informational. I felt I had gotten the information I wanted. The other, because I am a person given to strong opinions and given to speaking them, after I had heard Mr. Altman say said that he would accept the staff recommendation I spoke up and I said 'Well, then why would you recuse yourself if you are going to go along with what the staff says, and that seems appropriate? And after I finished, I guess I thought that there would be much more conversation around what I had said, since I thought it was an interesting comment. And Mr. Nussbaum said, and I thoughtI took it a little bit dismissively-he said, "It'll be Roger Altman's decision, whatever." And I thought, you know, once again I am the only woman in the room. I have made a very interesting comment, I believe, and Mr. Nussbaum has said, "It is Roger's decision, anyway." Senator BENNETT. OK. Fine. Thank you. I think that clarification helps because it makes it less of an issue than it might be with someone who did not have that. 307 Let's go to the next meeting, then, where Mr. Altman called you and said, "Will you get some people together" and you got some people together.

August 4, 1994 - Part 3
Clip: 460677_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10088
Original Film: 104552
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(11:20:35) From your deposition, you said it was 5 minutes. Stick with the 5 minutes, because that is closer to the 10 seconds, and that helps us narrow it, I am willing to stipulate, from all the conversation, that it was 5 minutes or less. That does not concern me. What concerns me is not the briefness of the meeting but the, if I may use the phrase, the high octane of the meeting. You have got yourself, you have got Mr. Ickes, you have got Mr. Stephanopoulos, and you have got someone from the White House Counsel. You do not convene a meeting with that level of people unless either the person asking for the meeting has a lot of octane connected with him or her, or the subject is a subject of intense interest, no matter how long the meeting lasts. Busy people like yourself and Mr. Ickes and Mr. Stephanopoulos and a member of the White House Counsel's Office do not come together casually. You all, as Mr. McLarty has so eloquently stated, had lots of other important things to do. So Mr. Altman is passing through. He has an important appointment on the Hill. He gives his report very quickly and then moves on to his meeting, and you do not even have time to sit down. Somebody, either Mr. Altman or you as the one who assembled the group, felt it was very important to get the message to the White House that Roger Altman had changed his mind, Now do you think that somebody was likely to be Mr. Altman? That he felt it was very important to get that message out? Or did YOU, as the one who convened the meeting, feel it was very important to get that message to the White House? MS. WILLIAMS. Sir, I do not know what it was Mr. Altman was thinking at the time that he called me and asked me to assemble some people. I do know that I did not place him coming to the White House to say this very high on my chart. I must confess that I did not think about it in a very engaged way, other than the fact that Mr. Altman had asked me to gather a few people and I did it, Senator BENNETT. Thank you. My time is gone. But if I might just summarize my reaction, it seems to me that it was far more important to Mr. Altman that the group be gathered to hear his decision than it was to the people in the group that they were looking forward to hear his decision. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. The CHAIRMAN. Thank you, Senator Bennett, Senator Shelby. OPENING COMMENTS OF SENATOR SHELBY Senator SHELBY. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Mrs. Williams, I want to again go back to the scrap book, or the diary, or whatever-I think Mr. Altman called it a scrap book but it looks like a diary to me- -that you are very familiar with. We are all familiar with it, and that you have been asked about. 308 This has caught my attention and a lot of the other people's. It says that on 1-11-94, the entry, "on Whitewater Maggie told me that HRC" that is Hillary Rodham Clinton "was 'paralyzed' " that was a descriptive word "paralyzed by it. If we don't solve this within the next two days, you don't have to worry about her schedule on Health Care." And then down a little further: "HRC" Hillary Rodham Clinton, "doesn't want the Counsel poking into 20 years of public life in Arkansas." Let's go back to the word "paralyzed." That is a strong word. It is descriptive. You have known Roger Altman how long? MS. WILLIAMS. When I came to the White House in January of 1994. 1 don't remember meeting Roger right away, and maybe in February or March of-- I'm sorry, of 1993, excuse me.

Sand Dunes
Clip: 314508_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master:
Original Film: 879-1
Location: California
Timecode: -

ON PREVIEW CASSETTE #98805 Sand Dunes ***

Coffee ***
Clip: 314509_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master:
Original Film: 878-5
Location: N/A
Timecode: -

Coffee *** CU coffee bean, tree

Bags of Coffee
Clip: 314510_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master:
Original Film: 878-4
Location: N/A
Timecode: -

Bags of Coffee

Details of rocks
Clip: 314511_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master:
Original Film: 878-3
Location: N/A
Timecode: -

Details of rocks

Berries on limb
Clip: 314512_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master:
Original Film: 878-2
Location: N/A
Timecode: -

Berries on limb

August 4, 1994 - Part 3
Clip: 460678_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10088
Original Film: 104552
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(11:25:32) Senator SHELBY. March 1993? Ms, WILLIAMS. Perhaps. Senator SHELBY. Had you dealt with him on more than this one occasion? MS. WILLIAMS. Yes, I have. Senator SHELBY. About how many times, in your best judgment, have you met and talked and dealt with Roger Altman? Ms. WILLIAMS. Well, quite a bit. Senator SHELBY. From 1993 on? Would it be as many as, say, 10 or 15 times? Ms. WILLIAMS. Yes, Senator SHELBY. More or less? Ms. WILLIAMS. It could be, yes. Senator SHELBY. And were those meetings or dealings about various things dealing with the Administration? Ms. WILLIAMS. Generally our meetings were Health Care related Senator SHELBY. Health Care related? Ms. WILLIAMS. Yes, Sir. Senator SHELBY. The word "paralyzed"---and he is quoting that and attributing that to you. Do you believe that Roger Altman is an intelligent man? Ms. WILLIAMS. Yes, I do. Senator SHELBY. I think we would stipulate that. Do you know whether he has ever attributed, done an attribution to you or something else that was not true? Ms. WILLIAMS. I do not know if he has done an attribution about me to someone else. I do not know that. Senator SHELBY. Have you used the word "paralyzed" in the context of a conversation with him? Did you, on this occasion? Ms. WILLIAMS. No, I did not, because I do not recall having a conversation with Mr. Altman. Second, because Senator SHELBY. You don't recall at all having a conversation with him on this occasion? MS. WILLIAMS. I do not, sir. Senator SHELBY. OK. Could you have had a conversation and not recalled it? Could there have been a conversation like this and you not recall it for various and sundry reasons? 309 Ms. WILLIAMS. I think that it is possible for a person not to have recalled it. I don't know if anyone here cae recall every conversa- tion they had on January whatever the date is, but I will say that what you do when you are trying to make a recollection, I believe, is you try and think about yourself. What would you do? What would you say? It gives you some sense about whether or not in an instance you would say that. I would not say that Mrs. Clinton is "paralyzed," one, because it just was not true. I look at her schedule. If this is the schedule of a "paralyzed" person, then she is in very good shape. Secondly, I would not discuss Mrs, Clinton's state of mind with anyone. That is what I know to be true about me. Senator SHELBY. Would you say, in describing the situation, if you do not want to claim ownership of the word "paralyzed" here, would you say she was deeply concerned? MS. WILLIAMS. Let me say that it would be unusual for a person who every day in the press was getting beaten up about a specific subject and a person who had to spend part of her time engaged in discussions with a private lawyer about things that happened 17 years ago, for this person not to be concerned. Senator SHELBY. "Deeply"? Deeply concerned? That is my phrase. MS. WILLIAMS. Mrs. Clinton did not express that to me, but I would have to be a blind person not to look at what was going on in the media and not to look at the time that she was spending with her personal lawyer not to know that this matter held some real interest for her. But let me go back to what I believe your question is. I do not recall having a conversation with Mr. Altman where I indicated that Mrs. Clinton was "paralyzed," for two reasons, and I will repeat them. One, it is not true she was paralyzed. Second, I know myself and I would not discuss Mrs. Clinton's state of mind. Now what I have volunteered to this Committee and to the House Committee is that during that period of time I certainly was outspoken in saying that I believed Whitewater was a distraction and that we needed to be about the business of the President's agenda. That is what I said. Senator SHELBY. If you didn't say that, or you have no recollection of saying that, or using that period, then do you believe that Roger Altman made this up and contemporaneously put it in his diary or scrap book? That would be sort of out of character for anyone would it not, to make up something like this that would be descriptive of what was going on, for example, at their house at that time, or his impression that he gathered from your conversation and write it down, put it in his diary or his scrapbook? Would that not be out of character for somebody to just make up something like that

Clip: 429849_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1764
Original Film: 040-077-06
Location: New York City
Timecode: -

The Metropolitan Opera opens its 83rd season with a standing room only crowd paying up to $50 dollars a seat. Verdi's "LaTraviata" is the opener for the MET's second season at Lincoln Center. Rich people dressed in tuxedoes and gowns mingle and walk about. Several shots of the MET's interior. Close-up of the chandeliers. Rich African Americans. People standing in line.

Bike Race
Clip: 429850_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1764
Original Film: 040-077-07
Location: England
Timecode: -

London stages its first six-day bicycle race in sixteen years. Twelve two man teams whiz around the track with over $25,000 in prize money offered. The best of Europe's racers compete. Racers take off from a starting line. Various shots of cyclists racing around a small indoor track. The track is banked on the turns. Onlooker shots.

Clip: 429851_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1764
Original Film: 040-077-08
Location: Holland
Timecode: -

The first major speedboat race ever held in Holland is won by a British entry, D. Burton. Roaring around dangerous turns and down straightways, the 3-hour event thrills spectators. A half-dozen boats take off from their docks. Close-up shots of the boats racing through turns. Onlookers watch from the shore. Panoramic shot of boats speeding through open water with the buildings of Amsterdam in the back ground. The winner holds a gold trophy.

August 4, 1994 - Part 3
Clip: 460679_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10088
Original Film: 104552
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(11:30:24) Ms. WILLIAMS. Well Senator Shelby--- 310 Senator SHELBY [continuing]. Not thinking it would ever be coming up before the Senate Banking Committee? Ms. WILLIAMS. Well, Senator Shelby, I cannot speak to what it was that Mr. Altman was doing, but I can speak to what I was saying, what I was doing, what I normally would not do. That is what I can speak to, my recollections, and I can speak to only my recollections. Senator SHELBY. Yes, ma'am, but you did say a few minutes ago that you had met and conferred with Mr. Altman on as many as 10, 15 occasions, mainly dealing in the Health Care area? Ms. WILLIAMS. Yes, sir. That's correct. Senator SHELBY. So if he is recording this in his diary describing what was going on at the White House with Mrs. Clinton from what he perceived or what he picked up from you, and it was in the subject area of Health Care, it would be in keeping with his meetings with you, would it not-the subject of Health Care? Ms. WILLIAMS. The subject of Health Care? Senator SHELBY. Sure. Ms. WILLIAMS. Yes. Senator SHELBY. In other words, this was in the context of Health Care. "On Whitewater, Maggie told me that Hillary Rodham Clinton was paralyzed by it. If we don't solve this within the next two days, you don't have to worry about her schedule on Health Care" and so forth. In other words, the context of your conversation generally with him was Health Care. Ms. WILLIAMS. Yes, sir. Senator SHELBY. And how it would affect, or how other things could affect the campaign for it. MS. WILLIAMS. Sir, I understand your question. I understand the logic of it. But that does not change my testimony with respect to my recollection of what took place. Senator SHELBY. Do you ever recall--or if you don't recall, is this phrase here, this sentence in keeping with something you may have said, that "HRC," Hillary Rodham Clinton, "doesn't want the Counsel poking into 20 years of public life in Arkansas"? Have you ever said, if not that, something like that? Ms. WILLIAMS. What I have said Senator SHELBY. Something he could interpret like that? Ms. WILLIAMS. What I have said, as I said before the House Committee, was that I have said that I believed that 17 years of Arkansas history was irrelevant to the President's agenda. That is what I have said. Senator SHELBY. So that he could have picked that up from what you said and written what he had in the diary. Ms. WILLIAMS. Sir, I am sorry; I really refuse to speculate as to how Mr. Altman arrived at that. Senator SHELBY. Well I will leave it up to the Committee. I mean, what you said referred to 17 years of Arkansas politics. We understand that. Then if he says HRC does not want Counsel poking into 20 years of public life, that is not far off. The sentences are not far off My time is up. 311 The CHAIRMAN. Thank you. Senator Roth. OPENING COMMENTS OF SENATOR ROTH Senator ROTH. Mr. McLarty, yesterday I tried to ask a number of the members of the White House Counsel's staff about a telephone call that George Stephanopoulos made to Josh Steiner in the Treasury Department on February 25, 1994, and whether it violated White House Ethics Guidelines prohibiting contact by White House staff with investigative agencies on pending cases. I was not successful in getting anyone to answer my question, so I would like to pose the same question to you. First, do you agree that the Nussbaum memorandum of February 22, 1993, prohibited White House staff contacts with investigative agencies, including Treasury, about pending investigations on specific cases? Mr. McLARTY. I think the memoranda that you are referring to, Senator, outlines written or oral communications concerning pending investigations must be directed through the Counsel's Office. Senator ROTH. Yes. And there is no exception in that guideline, is there, on that matter? Mr. McLARTY. Without reading it closely, I am not aware of any exception. I think it speaks for itself here.

Railroad Problem
Clip: 429614_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1722
Original Film: 037-029-02
Location: Chicago, Illinois
Timecode: 00:26:53 - 00:27:56

A surprise strike against the Illinois Central Railroad brings to a climax the management labor controversy that has been simmering for nearly five years. The railroad put new work rules into effect and the Unions threatened a strike. President Johnson's persuasive powers halted the strike for at least 15 days, having called both sides of the dispute to the White House for a meeting. Chicago, Illinois The railroad yards in Chicago. MS - Camera panning empty train station terminals. MS - A few people sitting in the almost empty terminals. MS - Railroad workers picketing in Downtown Chicago "the Loop" MS - Railroad tracks at the depot not in use.

Revlon Commercial With Mike Wallace
Clip: 316777_1_1
Year Shot: 1954 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 95
Original Film:
Location: United States
Timecode: 01:42:04 - 01:43:36

Revlon Commercial With Mike Wallace MCU Mike Wallace in tuxedo beside Revlon logo pitching "Lanolite Lipstick", Wallace lifts the lipstick & strikes a pose w/the product. CU lipstick tube w/text superimposed "Revlon s Lanolite Lipstick." Wallace introduces June Graham who does a demonstration comparing Revlon Lanolite to other lipsticks on the market. Back to Wallace as he pitches & poses with Revlon Lanolite lipstick.

TV Classics, Howdy Doody
Clip: 316780_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 96
Original Film:
Timecode: -

TV Classics, Howdy Doody

TV Classics, Art Linkletter
Clip: 316781_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 96
Original Film:
Timecode: -

TV Classics, Art Linkletter

August 4, 1994 - Part 3
Clip: 460680_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10088
Original Film: 104552
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(11:35:20) Senator ROTH. Are you aware that George Stephanopoulos called Josh Steiner, the Chief of Staff at Treasury, and complained about the hiring of Jay Stephens as Counsel on the Madison Guaranty case? Mr. MCLARTY. I am aware that Mr. Stephanopoulos called Mr. Steiner on February 25th. Senator ROTH. In fact, you talked to Stephanopoulos sometime after the call. In your deposition you testified that at a later time you asked Mr. Cutler to review this matter from the Counsel's Office. Is this correct? Mr. MCLARTY. Yes, sir, it is. I asked Mr. Cutler, as I said in my opening comments, to review these matters thoroughly, which he has done. Senator ROTH. Was that because you felt that the very first call that was made might have violated the Nussbaum ethics memo? Mr. MCLARTY. The very first call that was made, Senator? Would you please clarify that? Senator ROTH, Well when Stephanopoulos called Josh Steiner. Mr. MCLARTY. No. I asked Mr. Cutler to review all of the contacts as White House Counsel, which he has done. Senator ROTH. Because you felt there was a question as to whether they were in accord with the Nussbaum memorandum? Mr. McLARTY. Well I think in a broader sense they have become a matter of public inquiry, much like Secretary Bentsen directed the Office of Government Ethics and the Treasury. I followed a similar approach in the White House for Mr. Cutler coming aboard. Senator ROTH. Do you feel that kind of contact raised a question of violating the Nussbaum memorandum? 312 Mr. MCLARTY. It could have. And of course Mr. Cutler, Senator, as you know has rendered his report, as have the Office of Government Ethics, and Mr. Cutler will be here Friday, but I think Mr. Cutler concludes that this contact was understandable and no ethical impropriety was involved. That was his conclusion. And I believe the Office of Government Ethics reaches a similar conclusion in their report. Senator ROTH. How do you reconcile that with the memo which clearly states that any such contact should be made through the Office of the White House Counsel rather than from staff to staff? Does that not on the surface appear to be in conflict with the purpose of the Nussbaum memorandum? Mr- McLARTY. Senator, your point is well made, that any contacts with regulatory agencies that might be perceived as a contact regarding a matter under review or investigation, as Mr. Cutler did point out in his report, should be channeled through the White House Counsel's Office and, even better, as I said again in my opening comments, channeled Counsel to Counsel. I would note that most of the contacts did have White House Counsel involved, and many of course, as Senator Bryan or someone had suggested, were initiated by people at the Treasury. Senator ROTH. Now there was a similar joint call by Harold Ickes and George Stephanopoulos to Roger Altman at Treasury on February 25, 1994, complaining about the Stephens appointment. Does that not raise the same ethical question under the Nussbaum guideline? Mr. McLARTY. I believe that call was perhaps about the manner that Mr. Altman had chosen to recuse himself, Senator, if I understand the facts correctly. Senator ROTH. But the purpose of the Nussbaum memorandum was to be a guideline for all contacts between the White House and agencies where there were investigative, adjudicative, and similar regulatory matters before them, was it not? Mr. McLARTY. That is correct, Senator. Senator ROTH. Now I would like to turn briefly to another question There has been a lot of talk about something called a "de facto recusal" by Roger Altman in the Madison Guaranty case. Now it is my understanding, Mr. McLarty, you recused yourself from dealing with any issue since coming to Washing-ton from Arkansas-or let me put it this way. It is my understanding that during the Presidential transition you recused yourself from all RTC issues because your former company. Arkla, was a defendant in an RTC lawsuit? Is that correct?

Clip: 438768_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 0
Original Film: 393-6
Timecode: -

Snow skiing (trees)

Clip: 438769_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 0
Original Film: 393-7
Timecode: -

Artificial snow ski jump

Clip: 438770_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master:
Original Film: 393-8
Timecode: -

Ski lift (Palm Springs)

Clip: 438771_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 0
Original Film: 393-9
Timecode: -

Snow skiing

Displaying clips 6289-6312 of 10000 in total
Items Per Page: