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Capitol Journal - Jordan Arms Sales / Terrorism / Middle East Peace Process
Clip: 459960_1_1
Year Shot: 1985 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10176
Original Film: 31-2607
Location: N/A
Timecode: -

DO NOT USE STILL PHOTO OF MAN KILLED BY TERRORIST (at 01.01.48) (01:00:00) WETA logo, PBS funding credits (01:00:14) Opens to various government officials in Congress including Secretary of State CASPAR WEINBERGER talking about U.S. arms sales to Jordan, from tv studio Capital Journal host HODDING CARTER introduces show, Capital Journal title screen and animation (01:00:49) In tv studio Carter explains shows topic and segues to footage of Middle East conflict, shots of murdered bodies of 3 Israelis aboard a yacht in dock at Cyprus - Israeli soldiers escort the murder suspects, shot of destroyed P.L.O. headquarters in Tunisia - YASIR ARAFAT walks with other people around building ruins, CHARLES RODMAN of the State Department defends Israel's attack of PLO HQ, shots of the Achille Lauro - Italian ocean liner hijacked by the PLO at sea, shot of wheel-chair ridden American passenger who the hijackers killed, shot of the surrendering ocean liner pulling into Egypt, shots of U.S. aircraft carriers and jets taking off it, shot of landed 747 plane in Sicily that was carrying the ocean liner hijackers, President RONALD REAGAN at press conference remarks of the hijackers' capture - "You can run but you can't hide", shots of hijackers coming off plane into the hands of Italian authorities, shot of prison in Rome where hijackers kept, shots of protestors in Egypt chanting with raised arms - surrounded by riot police, Egyptian President HOSNI MABARAK (?) condemns the U.S. action of forcing the Egyptian plane holding the hijackers to land (01:02:52) Senator ALFONSE D'AMATO surrounded by clapping fans says "shame on you Mr. Mabarak" and goes on to condemn the Egyptian president, King HUSSEIN of Jordan visits the U.S. - Hussein speaks before a U.N. congress promoting his peace plan, Hussein sits down with Reagan, Israeli Prime Minister SHIMON PERES in a Washington address says Israel is prepared to negotiate a peace with Jordan, Secretary of State GEORGE SCHULTZ speaks before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee about Israeli/Jordan relations, Senator CLAIBORNE PELL before the Foreign Relations Committee expresses skepticism about U.S. arms sales to Jordan, nice clip from U.S. defense department film of a stinger rocket launcher being fired by a soldier and the rocket blowing up an airborne jet - unfortunately through most the footage in the bottom right corner of the screen is the caption "Defense Department Film", Schultz before the Foreign Relations Committee defends selling arms to Jordan (01:05:54) Back in studio Carter introduces a Middle East Peace discussion panel: Deputy Assistant Secretary of State ARNOLD RAPHEL, Dr. MARTIN INDYK of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, Dr. JAMES ZOGBY of the Arab American Institute - they discuss whether or not arms sales to Jordan is a good idea relative to the peace process in the Middle East (01:14:31) Carter segues to another discussion panel: Senator ALAN CRANSTON and Senator NANCY KASSEBAUM who both speak from a Congressional office and are broadcast into the studio on a large monitor, and in the studio COKIE ROBERTS of National Public Radio and LES GELB of the New York Times - they discuss the proposed U.S. sale of weapons to Jordan and its relation to the Middle East peace process and U.S. funding of Middle Eastern countries in general (01:26:18) Carter thanks guest and closes out show, credits roll over footage of the capture of the Cyprus assassins, shots of the ruins of the destroyed PLO head quarters, and footage of the Achille Lauro docking in Egypt (01:27:30) PBS funding credits

Clip: 426327_1_1
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1744
Original Film: 039-007-05
Location: Paris, France
Timecode: 00:44:50 - 00:46:31

Europe's bitter winter has its lighter moments. Our Paris correspondent illustrates a song that's on the French hit-parade - a ballad about the falling snow. Paris, France Polar bears in a zoo and a fresh snowfall. MS - A sculpture of a woman sitting partially covered with snow and the French Parliament in the back ground. There's a voiceover of a woman singing in French. CUS - A large polar bear rolling in the snow. CUS - More French sculptures covered by the freshly fallen snow. MS - Two friends holding hands running towards the Eiffel Tower. MS - Man brushing off the snow on the windshield of the car with his hand. MS - A car covered with snow driving by looking very beautiful with the freshly fallen snow. MS - A group of nuns. MS - A man riding on a tiny motor scooter in the snow. POV - From the passengers window in a car driving by parked cars with snow on them. CUS - People cleaning off the snow. CUS - Birds in the snow. MS - Fallen snow in the park. MS - Man pushing out a stuck car in the snow. CU - Police officer putting a parking ticket on a windshield of a car. POV - From the other south side of the river the back side of Notre Dame Cathedral (Ile de la Cite). MS - A little girl on skis. ECU - Face of a little girl. MS - Man sitting on a small tractor blowing off the snow on the sidewalk or street. MS - People shoveling the snow off the side walk. MS - This clip ends up with a traffic accident due to ice on the street. One car rear ends another car that is stopped at a traffic light.

TV Stars Parade At Riverside 500
Clip: 426329_1_1
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1744
Original Film: 039-008-02
Location: Riverside, California
Timecode: 00:48:39 - 00:51:06

The Riverside 500 has added starters in TV stars who parade before the race. Almost everyone's here - Joe Flynn from "McHale's Navy", Denver Pile (Denver Pyle) of "Tammy", Eddie Williams who's in "The Pad". Also Vickie Lee, Robert Pine and Karen Jensen from "Out of Sight". And let's not forget Al Lewis & Pat Priest of "The Munsters". As for the race, Dan Gurney becomes the first man ever to win a 500 mile race four times in a row as he sets a new speed record to win by more than a minute. Great shot of "The Munsters" coffin shaped drag race hot rod, the Dragula or Dracula!! Riverside, California Riverside 500' Road Race, nice sunny day and the camera takes a shot of some of the spectators waving at the camera and their favorite TV stars on parade. MS - Al Lewis of the Munsters who plays a Dracula like character. MS - Pat Priest of the Munster's who play's a normal person and not a monster or vampire. MS - Denver Pile of Tammy waving to the crowd. MS - Eddie Williams of The Pad, she is wearing a bathing suit. MS - Joe Flynn of McHale's Navy, he played a commanding officer. MS - The stunt driver from the program "Out of Sight" MS - Vicky Fee, Robert Pine and Karen Jensen. MS - Some custom hot rods. MS - The Riverside 500 starts and the cars are winding around the zigzag course. Aerial shot - Cars speeding down the track. High Angle Shot - Car spins out of control and regains control and continues on with the race. Aerial Shot - Bleachers are packed with fans and the cars continue to speed around the track. MS - Number 121 wins the race averaging 98 MPH. CUS - Dan Gurney and his wife Mrs. Gurney winner of the race.

Capitol Journal - Trade Protection
Clip: 459956_1_1
Year Shot: 1985 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10175
Original Film: 31-2605
Location: United States
Timecode: 01:00:00 - 01:27:50

Capitol Journal - Trade Protection

Capital Christmas: First Family At Children's Party
Clip: 425583_1_1
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: No
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1755
Original Film: 039-102-01
Location: Washington DC
Timecode: 00:33:35 - 00:35:00

150 children from various Boy's Clubs and neighborhood houses are the guests of Mrs. Johnson for a White House Christmas Party. There is a marionette show, gifts from Santa, and refreshments to highlight the afternoon events. The First Lady and daughter Lynda greet, escort, and mingle with the kids. Washington DC Exterior shot of the White House with all the evergreens decorated in lights. Children are led by the hands inside the White House by Lynda Johnson. CU Mrs. Johnson (Lady Bird) walking with the children. The children are seated maybe in atrium of the White House. First Lady Johnson takes her seat and checks on the children sitting beside her. CU of a little girl from Friendship House, Mewa Alexander. Santa Claus enters the room jubilant and waving to everyone. The children follow him to a Christmas tree with presents. High Angle as excited children push and shove each other to get to the Christmas Tree first. A bunch of kids African American and Caucasian receive their gifts. CU Lady Bird Johnson helping Santa pass out Christmas Presents. The children are pleased even though the situation is chaotic for the adults helping.

Miracle In California
Clip: 425584_1_1
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: No
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1755
Original Film: 039-102-02
Location: Burbank, California
Timecode: 00:35:04 - 00:36:29

NO AUDIO A train wreck and a plane crash, both in California, bring only minor injuries to one person. 33 freight cars derail in Burbank and a tower operator is hurt leaping to safety. A naval attack bomber crashes in Rossmoor but the pilot ejects safely and no one on the ground is injured.

Elastic Water?
Clip: 425585_1_1
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: No
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1755
Original Film: 039-102-03
Location: Pasadena, California
Timecode: 00:36:29 - 00:37:44

NO AUDIO In Pasadena California at California Institute of Technology, a 28 year old graduate student, David James, discovers a rare kind of "elastic water". It flows from a container with a siphon-like action, defying gravity, climbing the side of the jar and over the lip. It can ever be cut with scissors! Exterior of California Tech. Grad student David James holds a beaker and measures out some grainy substance. CU scooping substance into a beaker. He adds water to the breaker and mixes it. He moves the substance from one beaker to another. The liquid now when poured is a gel substance. CU to stop the liquid he s pouring, he cuts it with a pair of scissors. He plays with the jelly substance, no gloves, just amazement on his face. MCU liquid slime.

Barrel Jumping Championships
Clip: 425586_1_1
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: No
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1755
Original Film: 039-102-04
Location: Grossinger, New York
Timecode: 00:37:46 - 00:39:20

NO AUDIO The 17th Annual World's Barrel Jumping Championship is held in Grossinger, New York. Top entries are from the U.S. and Canada. Defending champ Kenneth LeBel and challenger Jacques St. Pierre both clear 16 barrels, but St. Pierre s jump is longer and he's the new champ! Barrel Jumping fans are gathered to watch the competition take place on ice. Barrels are laid out on center ice with a measuring stick laid beside them. Some fans and a couple wave to the camera man. CU Barrel jumper taking to the ice and speed skating preparing to jump. He jumps but lands on the last barrel sliding on the ice on his back and butt till he crashes into a soft barrier. A second contender takes his turn. He lands on barrel #15 before sliding to a finish. A third contestant doesn t make a jump sliding towards the barrels on his chest. He tries to get up but rolls off to the side. Referees race to get out of his way. A fourth shaker lands on barrel #13 he slides into the barrier with the barrel attached to his foot. High Angle skater making a long jump briefly touching barrel #15 before sliding into the barrier head first. LS jumpers high speed skating and jumping over 16 barrels but wiping out at the end. Some of these crashes look really painful. With the win, #13 Jacques St. Pierre jumps for joy. CU Jacques holding a trophy and sporting a black eye. A woman gives him a kiss on the cheek as he smiles for the cameras.

Fiery Death: Four Killed In Car-Truck Crash
Clip: 425587_1_1
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: No
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1755
Original Film: 039-103-01
Location: Indianapolis, Indiana
Timecode: 00:40:02 - 00:41:40

Four people are killed and three injured in a collision and fire in Indianapolis in a crash involving three cars and a gasoline truck. Firemen fight the flames for two hours. Nearby homes, schools, and a shopping center are evacuated when the fuel spills into the sewer system. Firemen work to extinguish the flames. Four firemen carry a fire hose with the water turned on at full blast. It s a fiery inferno all smoke and fire. You can barely make out the truck and cars on fire. Truck lies on its side ablaze. Four firemen struggle to hold the hose pouring water onto the fire. LS accident scene. CU the fire chief trying to contain the situation. MCUS firefighters manning the hose. A car looks melted under the intense heat. LS a group of firemen fighting a fire. The crash involved two cars. CU smashed and burned out VW Beetle. MCU Cars smoldering, lots of smoke. Firefighters work to put out the blaze. A burned out, smashed up car is being pulled from the scene of the accident. It might have been a Plymouth. Man standing by his tow truck, operates a cable dragging a damaged and burned out car.

San Francisco Subway
Clip: 425588_1_1
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: No
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1755
Original Film: 039-103-02
Location: San Francisco, California
Timecode: 00:41:43 - 00:43:16

No Audio San Francisco will soon boast the most modern subway system in the world. Its Bay Area Rapid Transit will link San Francisco, Oakland and Berkeley. It covers 75 miles and is completely operated by computers. First passenger service expected in 1968. Aerial of San Francisco. Tall buildings and the San Francisco Bay are in the distance. POV A trolley car moving towards the camera man on a busy street. LS San Francisco in the distance and traffic on the freeway. Aerial of San Francisco. A large crane at a construction site. High Angle Shot construction workers building on subway tracks. Steel beams have been laid to make a bridge. Cement pillars line the track with a crane in the distance. Camera zooms on construction workers walking on a steel beam with no harness. LS Bridge beams under construction. High Angle of a tunnel entrance. Men work inside the tunnel. CU Dirt being scooped up and taken away. A worker checks the ceiling of the tunnel. Construction workers on a underground tram. POV Inside the tunnel it is all black but you can see the lights that line the top of the walls. POV Light at the end of the tunnel.

Glass Exhibition
Clip: 425589_1_1
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1755
Original Film: 039-103-03
Location: Budapest, Hungary
Timecode: 00:43:16 - 00:44:16

The Audio is spoken in Hungarian. Image is dark. Glass design is studied by apprentices at a special secondary school in Budapest. From the drawing board to the finished product, fine glassware is a combination of design and execution. An exhibition shows the best of the year's work. Artist sitting at a table designing vases, crafts and wine glasses. CU an artist is creating her design on a cake plate. CU artists working on designs for wine glasses and carafes. Her designs are displayed on a gallery behind her. The designer is working on a wine craft and glasses in different sizes to match. A woman shopper admires the craftsmanship of the glasses. The glasses are assorted in all different shapes and sizes on display. There s a martini glass, wine glass, brandy glass, etc. CU bubble sparkly glass decanter. CU round bottomed vase. Two crystal vases are on display.

Surfing Championships
Clip: 425590_1_1
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: No
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1755
Original Film: 039-103-04
Location: Oahu, Hawaii, USA
Timecode: 00:44:19 - 00:45:47

NO AUDIO At Makaha Beach on the island of Oahu in Hawaii, the 14th Annual International Surfing Championships are held. Judges come from Peru, Australia and California. Points are awarded on the basis of longest ride and the biggest and most difficult wave. A beautiful day on Makaha Beach on the island of Oahu in Hawaii. Throngs turn out on the island to watch the Surfing Championship. Young adult men take their surfboards into the water. CU Crowds gather to watch the competition between the surfers. One contest catches a wave and struggles to stay on the board. LS surfers ride the waves. They re not very big waves right now but keeping balance is a challenge. Crowds watch the surfing competition. A surfer rides a wave and wipes out in a splash. CU Young crowd looking unimpressed by the surfing championships. Surfer after surfer wipes on in the big waves. CU female spectators smiling at the scene before them. A surfer catches a curl but the water is just too much for him and he wipes out.

Papal Christmas Blessing - News Around The World
Clip: 425592_1_1
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1756
Original Film: 040-001-01
Location: Vatican City, Italy
Timecode: 00:00:56 - 00:01:35

Pope Paul VI expresses hope for a "miracle of goodwill" to bring about peace in Vietnam. His Christmas message and blessing is received by thousands in St. Peter's Square. The Pontiff celebrated Midnight Mass, meanwhile, in Florence. St. Peter's Square in the Vatican, throngs gather together to receive their Christmas Message and Blessing from Pope Paul VI. Low Angle Shot - The Pope is standing on his balcony blessing the people. CUS - Camera panning the many faces in the crowd. Low Angle Shot - A closer look at the Pope Pius VI blessing the people. High Angle Shot - The people standing in St. Peter's square applauding.

Johnson Greets Veterans : wounded
Clip: 425593_1_1
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1756
Original Film: 040-001-02
Location: San Antonio, Texas
Timecode: 00:01:36 - 00:02:52

At Kelly Air Force Base in San Antonio, President and Mrs. Johnson are among a huge crowd of relatives and friend who welcome home 18 wounded Vietnam veterans. The GI's are taken to military hospitals for further treatment. San Antonio, Texas A large crowd gathers at Kelly Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas. A military air-lift plane taxing on the tarmac. Air Force military men standing at attention. CUS President Lyndon Baines John and Lady Bird Johnson. Eighteen wounded military soldiers disembarking from the plane. President Johnson at the end of the stairs greets and shakes hand's with one of the first wounded soldiers. Mrs. Johnson at the President's side, shakes the hand of the soldier as well. Linda Bird Johnson stands with her parents shaking the hands of the wounded solider Felton Frost, of Dupatch, Louisiana, as he is carried off the plane and on to the ambulance he is still receiving blood plaza as he is carried off the plane.

Biography: The Duke of Windsor
Clip: 459957_1_1
Year Shot: 1930 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 910
Original Film: WPA 1608
Location: Various
City: Various
State: Various
Country: United Kingdom
Timecode: 05:26:00 - 05:51:15

Biography: The Duke and Duchess of Windsor

Peace March: Thousands Oppose Vietnam War
Clip: 425828_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1759
Original Film: 040-032-01
Location: New York, New York - San Francisco, CA.
Timecode: 00:51:49 - 00:54:40

Mass marches, rallies, and demonstrations point up anti-war sentiment, both at home and aboard. New York: 100,000 march on the U.N. for a gigantic rally. San Francisco: 50,000 march to Kezar Stadium for mass assembly. Rome: Pacifists try to storm U.S. Embassy on Via Veneto.

Instant Rehabilitation
Clip: 425829_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1759
Original Film: 040-032-02
Location: New York City, New York
Timecode: 00:54:40 - 00:55:36

A lower East Side tenement in Manhattan becomes a bright, sparkling modern apartment complex in just forty-eight hours. Demolition crews move in, take out floors, walls, windows, etc. Then kitchen-bathroom units go in through the roof. 48 hours later, Instant Apartments! It's a joint city-state-federal-private project with more to come. LS/TLS construction crews rehabbing a tenement, using wheelbarrows to haul debris away. Panning Markings on walls designating points of demolition. Sign hanging from balcony of fire escape: "Instant Rehab: A Demonstration of Rapid Rehabilitation of the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development & the City of New York". Zoom out to LS tenement building, series of fire escapes. Multiracial lower income families crossing street. Display of keys. New York Mayor JOHN LINDSAY giving new apartment key to girl at ceremony. TLS construction crew, all wearing hard hats, leaning over rail of stairs at ceremony. Panning Young African-American woman walking down narrow hallway of rehabbed apartment, entering kitchen. This can very well be the conception of Rehabilitation of homes and apartment buildings.

Biography: Wendell Willkie
Clip: 459958_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1989
Original Film: WPA 1609
Location: Various Locations
Timecode: -

0' to 100' ............. MS of Willkie at a photo gallery. The photos on display are of him at various points of his career. He points at certain ones and tell a little whimsical story or punchline about it. Ends with a quick montage of Willkie at various public events during his political career (or attempts thereof). Opening credits and Wallace's introduction. MS of Willkie standing on the backseat of a convertible while flocks of supporters flank him and the sunny, adjoining streets; they cheer and egg him on; cutaway to crowd shots; taken in his hometown in Indiana during one of his unsucessful presidential campaigns. 100' to 200' .......... stills of Willkie's parents, followed by stills of Willkie as a young man (first as a college student, then as a young lawyer). High angle tight LS of ten men seated at an oval desk in a large room, with Willkie at the head. They are all wearing suits and have papers and books before them. Quick montage of a hydro-electric plant being built, then shown at full finished operative status. MS of two men wearing business suits looking out the window of a tall building; another skyscraper is in near BG. 200' to 300' .......... MS of Willkie, from behind, walking and waving on a wood platform to the rural crowd surrounding him (note the cornhusks just behind them). MS of Willkie talking to the camera about his campaign; cutaway to several shots of Willkie on the campaign trail. The 1940 Republican National Convention. MS's of signs bearing the names of states passing by the camera; MS's of banners with various slogans emblazoned on them.; CU's of people blowing party favors and wearing party hats and drinking champagne. The crowd appears to be mostly Pro-Dewey. 300' to 400' .......... MS's of Willkie seated at home, eating a finger sandwich and listening to a large radio which happens to be relaying a pro-Willkie speech. Montage, the Dewey/ Taft/ Willkie deadlock: fairly bland and obvious material, mostly MS's of male delegates looking tired and bored or just plain nervous. MS of a sofa and an American flag; Willkie walks onscreen and greets his running mate, Senator McNary. They sit and talk to each other in CU. MS of Willkie and Hervert Hoover sitting on a white couch in a bright, windowful room as the press takes pix of their meeting. 400' to 500' .......... tight LS of a train, taken from a 3/4 perspective, as it passes the camera. MS of Willkie on the train, eating breakfast in a nice cabin car. Montage of Willkie's campaign staff doing their business on the train: MS of a female press secretary typing away in a cabin car; men smoke and write, etc., interceeded by cutaways of the railroad tracks (in CU), trains passing in the night, and subjective shots. Montage of life on the campaign trail. CU's of town line markers (mostly rural places), direction markers, MS's of pro-Willkie signs, banners and crowds, and tight LS's of parades in Willkie's honor. 500' to 600' .......... Election day. Montage: CU's of banners, CU of a tabulation machine, LS's inside polling places, MS's of celebratants inside Times Square, LS of a moving news ticker in Times Square, etcetera. MS of Willkie after the news of his defeat. He talks to the press about the defeat and the impending European War. 600' to 700' .......... MS's of Willkie playing darts in an English pub with some of the local flavor. MS's of huge flood lights (spotlights) poised towards the night time sky. London air raid. Montage: LS's of buildings burning and collapsing, CU's of men, women and children sleeping underground, LS's of firefighters battling the blazes. Tight LS of Winston Churchill standing on the sidewalk oiutside his home or office. He watches a car carrying Willkie drive away. Churchill waves goodbye. MS of Willkie testifying before a Senate Committee hearing regarding FDR's Land Lease plan. Says Willkie, "May I smoke?" to which the head committeeman replies, "Only if you have enough room there." The place laughs. You see, Willkie is surrounded by hangers-on, the press and friends. 700' to 800' .......... MS of Charles Lindbergh standing at a podium, delivering a speech to an audience off-screen regarding London Aid and subterfuge. Low angle MS of a man getting behind the lens of a film camera; another cameraman lurks frame left. 800' to 900' .......... CU of Willkie talking against colonialism and imperialism (referring to the Japanese government). Willkie dies. Funeral montage. Tight Ls of a church with large spires, the place where the services were held. MS of the coffin. MS of the gravesite. low angle MS of several flags rolling in the stiff breeze. Wallace's closing remarks and final credits. END AT 925'.

Kenyan Stars In Track Meet
Clip: 426330_1_1
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1744
Original Film: 039-008-03
Location: Los Angles, California
Timecode: 00:51:10 - 00:53:06

Kipchoge Keino from Kenya puts on an iron-man exhibition at the Los Angeles Invitational Meet as he runs in both the Mile and the Two Mile with only 90 minutes rest. He runs second in the Mile as Jim Grilla runs him down, in the last lap. In the Two Mile, Keino paces himself better and takes command at the end to win going away. Meanwhile, John Pennel sets a new mark in the pole vault -- 16 feet, 9 1/2 inches. Los Angles, California Charlie Green of Nebraska ties the indoor mark for the 60-yard dash. High Angle Shot - Sport Spectators applauding. High Angle Shot - The men take their marks for the 1-mile distance run. High Angle Shot - Kipchoge Keino wearing the cap on his head has the lead in the race so far. High Angle Shot - Jim Grilla or Oregon is running in second place. High Angle Shot - Jim Grilla moves ahead of Keino and wins the 1-mile distance run. MS - John Pennel on the pole vault goes for 16-feet 9 1/2 inches, he goes over bettering his old mark of 3/4 of an inch. High Angle Shot - Keino is back in the races trying for a 2-mile distance run. As Keino runs around the track he looses his cap. High Angle Shot - Keino passes John Lawson of Kansas with ease and he heads for home winning this race in 8-minutes 42.6 seconds.

One-Hitter for Billy Rohr
Clip: 425832_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1759
Original Film: 040-032-05
Location: New York City, New York
Timecode: 00:57:24 - 00:57:57

Red Sox Rookie Billy Rohr, in his first major league appearance, pitches a one-hit, three nothing shutout against the Yanks! He misses the no-hitter when Elston Howard smacks a two-out, three and two pitch into right for a line drive single. Boston Red Sox rookie pitcher BILLY ROHR pitching from mound. Men standing, applauding in bleachers. New York Yankee Elston Howard getting hit off Billy Rohr. Dejected Billy Rohr (no. 15) standing on mound. Boston Red Sox team walking to dugout form field, some hugging and congratulating Billy Rohr. Baseball spectators standing, applauding. Billy Rohr putting on baseball cap, standing and smiling in dugout.

Kayak Races
Clip: 425833_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1759
Original Film: 040-032-06
Location: New Hampshire
Timecode: 00:57:57 - 00:58:36

"Rough water and frequent spills punctuate the American Canoe Association's Eastern Championship on the Mascoma River near Lebanon, New Hampshire. The winner: Wick Walker. The best of the group will represent the U.S. in the world Contest in Czechoslovakia. Kayak canoeist (no.16) rowing into stream, turning, ready to compete. Kayak canoeist passing through gates backward. Kayak canoeist rowing through gates. Panning Wick Walker paddling in kayak canoe, passing through gate; seems as though he's having difficulty.

Capitol Journal - Special Interests / Egg Processing
Clip: 459961_1_1
Year Shot: 1985 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10177
Original Film: 31-2708
Location: N/A
Timecode: -

(01:00:00) WETA logo, PBS funding credits (01:00:13) Opens to shot of Capitol Journal host HODDING CARTER holding up a couple of eggs and talking about the power of special interests, Capitol Journal title screen and animation (01:00:44) In tv studio Carter gives a little background on the show's topic - special interests, shots of the opening ceremony and construction of a huge canal in Tennessee, Governor MARIO CUOMO and Mayor ED KOCH mingle at a political banquet, various shots of Manhattan's lower west side and the highway that runs along it and the Hudson River - several shots include the World Trade Center, shots of a lumber and pulp mills in the mountains of Alaska, shots of a miniature subway system put into the Western Virginia University Campus at Morgantown, shots of man bowling at bowling alley made possible by federal funding, footage of a performance by the Folger's Shakespeare theatre - performers on stage are all men and they wear what would appear to be nineteenth century military outfits (01:03:36) Senator WILLIAM PROXMIRE in interview with Carter comments on the wastefulness of special interest spending, shots of Miami Beach long sandy coast and high rise hotels and condominiums lining it, shot of man loading empty kegs on to a Miller beer truck, shots of a parade sponsored by Jack Daniels for Mule Appreciation day - crowded sidewalks look on to a high school marching band and mules on parade and in pulling contests, shots of bee keeper maintaining wooden bee hive - good close up shot of bees moving about honey comb, Representative SILVIO CONTE before Congress make a pun in criticizing special interest funding (01:05:34) Back in studio Carter segues to segment on a particular special interest case, various shots of the Egg Master being used in a bakery kitchen - it is a machine into which large quantities of eggs can be dropped and out comes blended shell-less liquid egg, Congressmen in the House debate the illegality of the Egg Master, Bakery chef in bakery kitchen explains to Carter the reason why the bakery uses the Egg Master, shots of cherry topped pastries being lined up on a display tray, nice shots of the removal of the canister within the Egg Master that contains the broken egg shells - canister is filled with broken shells, H. CONNER KINNET (?) of the U.S. Department of Agriculture comments on the sanitary reasons for the Egg Master's illegality, Carter interviews Egg Master developer MIKE MAYNARD about the result of his product being declared illegal, shots of stocked bakery display case, excerpt from a United Egg Producer tv ad promoting the "incredible edible egg" - shots of various silly people eating various egg entres (01:09:39) MICHAEL MCLOOD (?) Counsel for the United Egg Producers explains why the organization sought an amendment to make the Egg Master illegal, Representative LINDSAY THOMAS in interview with Carter explains the public health danger of "comingling the egg shell and the egg interior", Mike Meynard meets with his Representative - ROBERT DADHAM - in his office in Washington, Representative Dadham explains how the Egg Master issue was brought to public light, shot of various Newspapers which ran stories on Egg Master issue, Representatives BERKELY DEDELL and WINFORD DANNEMEYER (?) before a meeting of the House voice support for the revising of the Egg Master issue in favor of its legality, the House repeals the amendment banning the Egg Master, two Congressmen give mixed responses to the reinstatement of the Egg Master, chef at bakery explains to Carter in bakery kitchen how clean they keep their Egg Master (01:12:56) Segment on egg processing plant in Philadelphia - trucks load and unload egg products at factory docks, various shots of different steps involved in the egg processing - eggs are cleaned and moved about on a conveyor belt - at one point they travel over a bright light which is supposed to illuminate any defects within them, close up shot of amazing cracking machine which perfectly cracks down the middle an individual egg in a fraction of a second, more shots of further process steps - including the egg factory's quality control lab and stock shelves filled with cartons of eggs (01:15:04) Back in bakery kitchen Carter asks baker about the possibility of a rotten egg slipping into the batch, H. Conner Kinnet and another government official express their discontent at the Egg Master's reinstatement (01:16:03) Back in studio Carter introduces discussion panel: Representatives HENRY HYDE and LEON PANETTA join panel from Congressional office - they are broadcast in studio on a large monitor, in the studio are HOWARD KARTZ of the Washington Post and ANN WEXLER a Government Relations Consultant, they discuss special interests and how and why they get Congressional attention (01:26:38) Carter thanks guests and closes out show, credits roll over more footage of egg plant dis-assembly line (01:27:30) PBS funding credits

Lifeboat Race
Clip: 425826_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1759
Original Film: 040-031-07
Location: Long Island, New York
Timecode: 00:49:56 - 00:50:47

"Off Kings Point, Long Island, Merchant Marine cadets row lifeboats against eight-man crews from Norwegian American Luxury liners. The cadets win by over a half-minute in the mile long pull. It's training for an upcoming inter-academy rowing meet in Maine, where entries from Maine, Buzzards Bay, and Texas, will compete. Lifeboat race along very choppy waters. Stroke, stroke, stroke! Medium to CU oarsmen are from the Merchant Marine Academy The men are having a tough time rowing in choppy waters off of Long Island. The swells in the ocean are high and rough. CU Men working very hard rowing the life boats.

Adenauer Dies: 1876-1967
Clip: 425834_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1760
Original Film: 040-033-01
Location: West Germany
Timecode: 00:00:42 - 00:02:11

"Former West German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer dies and all the world mourns the passing of a great leader and statesman. President Johnson announces he'll attend the funeral in Cologne. Adenauer was West Germany's first postwar Chancellor. He rebuilt his nation and had an outstanding career embracing personal diplomacy with all world leaders. TLS - West German flag flying at half-mast in front of embassy building. MS - Emblem on building: "Bundesrepublik Deutschland." Still of Konrad Adenauer on wall in funeral home, tilt down to guest registry on desk. MS - Man signing registry at desk, then standing up. MSs West German Chancellor KONRAD ADENAUER walking along street, flanked by smiling crowd, then delivering speech. MS - Grim-faced German soldiers saluting American-style (though their helmets & uniforms are terribly reminiscent of fascist Nazi Germany). TLS - Konrad Adenauer taking oath of office, 1949; high angle TLS - German Parliament sitting at desks, applauding. MS - Konrad Adenauer greeting NATO Commander General DWIGHT EISENHOWER. Nice TLS - Room filled with reporters, newsreel cameramen. MS - President Adenauer greeting Prime Minister of Great Britain WINSTON CHURCHILL. MS - Mr. Adenauer posing, holding hands with Soviet Premier NIKOLAI BULGANIN and Soviet First Secretary NIKITA KHRUSHCHEV. MS/CUs Konrad Adenauer at various public events.

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