
Capitol Journal - Special Interests / Egg Processing

Capitol Journal - Special Interests / Egg Processing
Clip: 459961_1_1
Year Shot: 1985 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10177
Original Film: 31-2708
Location: N/A
Timecode: -

(01:00:00) WETA logo, PBS funding credits (01:00:13) Opens to shot of Capitol Journal host HODDING CARTER holding up a couple of eggs and talking about the power of special interests, Capitol Journal title screen and animation (01:00:44) In tv studio Carter gives a little background on the show's topic - special interests, shots of the opening ceremony and construction of a huge canal in Tennessee, Governor MARIO CUOMO and Mayor ED KOCH mingle at a political banquet, various shots of Manhattan's lower west side and the highway that runs along it and the Hudson River - several shots include the World Trade Center, shots of a lumber and pulp mills in the mountains of Alaska, shots of a miniature subway system put into the Western Virginia University Campus at Morgantown, shots of man bowling at bowling alley made possible by federal funding, footage of a performance by the Folger's Shakespeare theatre - performers on stage are all men and they wear what would appear to be nineteenth century military outfits (01:03:36) Senator WILLIAM PROXMIRE in interview with Carter comments on the wastefulness of special interest spending, shots of Miami Beach long sandy coast and high rise hotels and condominiums lining it, shot of man loading empty kegs on to a Miller beer truck, shots of a parade sponsored by Jack Daniels for Mule Appreciation day - crowded sidewalks look on to a high school marching band and mules on parade and in pulling contests, shots of bee keeper maintaining wooden bee hive - good close up shot of bees moving about honey comb, Representative SILVIO CONTE before Congress make a pun in criticizing special interest funding (01:05:34) Back in studio Carter segues to segment on a particular special interest case, various shots of the Egg Master being used in a bakery kitchen - it is a machine into which large quantities of eggs can be dropped and out comes blended shell-less liquid egg, Congressmen in the House debate the illegality of the Egg Master, Bakery chef in bakery kitchen explains to Carter the reason why the bakery uses the Egg Master, shots of cherry topped pastries being lined up on a display tray, nice shots of the removal of the canister within the Egg Master that contains the broken egg shells - canister is filled with broken shells, H. CONNER KINNET (?) of the U.S. Department of Agriculture comments on the sanitary reasons for the Egg Master's illegality, Carter interviews Egg Master developer MIKE MAYNARD about the result of his product being declared illegal, shots of stocked bakery display case, excerpt from a United Egg Producer tv ad promoting the "incredible edible egg" - shots of various silly people eating various egg entres (01:09:39) MICHAEL MCLOOD (?) Counsel for the United Egg Producers explains why the organization sought an amendment to make the Egg Master illegal, Representative LINDSAY THOMAS in interview with Carter explains the public health danger of "comingling the egg shell and the egg interior", Mike Meynard meets with his Representative - ROBERT DADHAM - in his office in Washington, Representative Dadham explains how the Egg Master issue was brought to public light, shot of various Newspapers which ran stories on Egg Master issue, Representatives BERKELY DEDELL and WINFORD DANNEMEYER (?) before a meeting of the House voice support for the revising of the Egg Master issue in favor of its legality, the House repeals the amendment banning the Egg Master, two Congressmen give mixed responses to the reinstatement of the Egg Master, chef at bakery explains to Carter in bakery kitchen how clean they keep their Egg Master (01:12:56) Segment on egg processing plant in Philadelphia - trucks load and unload egg products at factory docks, various shots of different steps involved in the egg processing - eggs are cleaned and moved about on a conveyor belt - at one point they travel over a bright light which is supposed to illuminate any defects within them, close up shot of amazing cracking machine which perfectly cracks down the middle an individual egg in a fraction of a second, more shots of further process steps - including the egg factory's quality control lab and stock shelves filled with cartons of eggs (01:15:04) Back in bakery kitchen Carter asks baker about the possibility of a rotten egg slipping into the batch, H. Conner Kinnet and another government official express their discontent at the Egg Master's reinstatement (01:16:03) Back in studio Carter introduces discussion panel: Representatives HENRY HYDE and LEON PANETTA join panel from Congressional office - they are broadcast in studio on a large monitor, in the studio are HOWARD KARTZ of the Washington Post and ANN WEXLER a Government Relations Consultant, they discuss special interests and how and why they get Congressional attention (01:26:38) Carter thanks guests and closes out show, credits roll over more footage of egg plant dis-assembly line (01:27:30) PBS funding credits