
Biography: The Duke of Windsor

Biography: The Duke of Windsor
Clip: 459957_1_1
Year Shot: 1930 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 910
Original Film: WPA 1608
Location: Various
City: Various
State: Various
Country: United Kingdom
Timecode: 05:26:00 - 05:51:15

Biography: The Duke and Duchess of Windsor

Biography: The Duke of Windsor
Clip: 459957_1_2
Year Shot: 1940 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 910
Original Film: WPA 1608
Location: Various
City: Various
State: Various
Country: United Kingdom
Timecode: 05:26:00 - 05:26:30

MS's of the Duke and Duchess (Wallis Simpson) walking closely, occasionally kissing, on the deck of a steamship.

Biography: The Duke of Windsor
Clip: 459957_1_3
Year Shot: 1950 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 910
Original Film: WPA 1608
Location: Various
City: Various
State: Various
Country: United Kingdom
Timecode: 05:26:30 - 05:27:39

DO NOT USE Opening credits and Wallace's introduction.

Biography: The Duke of Windsor
Clip: 459957_1_4
Year Shot: 1930 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 910
Original Film: WPA 1608
Location: Various
City: Various
State: Various
Country: United Kingdom
Timecode: 05:27:39 - 05:28:12

CU of the British crown, spinning on a dark, plush pillow. MS of British soldiers, in very formal uniforms, marching information on an English street. Followed by a head-on MS of the Duke, also in regal fatigues, on horseback during a parade. Proceeded by a quick montage of British protocol.

Biography: The Duke of Windsor
Clip: 459957_1_5
Year Shot: 1900 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 910
Original Film: WPA 1608
Location: Various
City: Various
State: Various
Country: United Kingdom
Timecode: 05:28:12 - 05:29:27

MS of three children (the Duke, his brother and his sister) playing with plastic swords and rifles in a backyard on a sunny afternoon. They are wearing turn of the century kidswear (lil' Lord Fauntleroy type of stuff). They appear to be around five to ten years old. Tight LS of Queen Victoria riding in an open, horse-drawn carriage while a large crowd waves and watches happily. Montage of King Edward VII : riding a horse, walking through the streets, duck hunting, hanging out with military men on a navy boat, etc.

Biography: The Duke of Windsor
Clip: 459957_1_6
Year Shot: 1910 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 910
Original Film: WPA 1608
Location: Various
City: Various
State: Various
Country: United Kingdom
Timecode: 05:29:27 - 05:30:01

Edward VII's funeral. King George V performs Royal duties, inspects Navy, etc.

Biography: The Duke of Windsor
Clip: 459957_1_7
Year Shot: 1900 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 910
Original Film: WPA 1608
Location: Various
City: Various
State: Various
Country: United Kingdom
Timecode: 05:30:01 - 05:30:10

DO NOT USE Still photo of Duke of Windsor and his mother, Queen Mary.

Biography: The Duke of Windsor
Clip: 459957_1_8
Year Shot: 1911 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 910
Original Film: WPA 1608
Location: Various
City: Various
State: Various
Country: United Kingdom
Timecode: 05:30:10 - 05:31:03

1911, David (our Duke) becomes the Prince of Wales, his investiture. Montage of the formal ceremony (his crowning) followed by a montage of his formal duties as Prince of Wales.

Biography: The Duke of Windsor
Clip: 459957_1_9
Year Shot: 1918 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 910
Original Film: WPA 1608
Location: Various
City: Various
State: Various
Country: United Kingdom
Timecode: 05:31:03 - 05:31:54

World War I (WWI) footage of a Howitzer firing (in MS) and a tight LS of an army advance through an open field. 1918, Armistice Day. Tight and wide LS's of people happily celebrating in the streets.

Biography: The Duke of Windsor
Clip: 459957_1_10
Year Shot: 1920 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 910
Original Film: WPA 1608
Location: Various
City: Various
State: Various
Country: United Kingdom
Timecode: 05:31:54 - 05:36:05

Navy ship. Prince of Wales embarks on his Royal Tour. Various shots of the tour, crowds cheering, Prince inspects troops, etc. A display in Canada. The Duke attends a rodeo. Level, tight LS of a man riding a bronco in a dirt pit. MS of the Duke getting onto a horse (not a bronco) and riding around in the same pit. Prince David goes to America. Tight LS of the Duke walking through veranda doors and onto the front steps of the White House. MS of the Duke meeting and greeting American WWI veterans in a hospice of some sort. MS of the Duke riding in an open convertible, flanked by NYC cops, through the streets of Manhattan. Wide LS's and subjective MS of a ticker tape parade in NYC. The point is that America loves David, the Duke, the Prince of Wales. MS of the Duke and Douglas Macarthur, both wearing similar long, grey overcoats, watching troops at West Point Academy. Prince arrives in what appears to be the Bahamas. Prince riding in a open car, crowds waving. MS of two young women sitting comfortably on an outdoor sofa-swing. One of them talks (swoons is more like it) to the other about a dance she once shared with the good and single Duke. Navy ship at sea. Various shots of the Prince on tour. MS of the Duke wearing a nice suit and cranking an old film camera; cutaway to a panning tight LS of 20 or 30 nurses in white waving enthusiastically to the camera. Montage of the Duke visiting various British colonies. Prince wearing a pith helmet and military uniform while watching natives or native soldiers pass by his raised and canopied tent.

Biography: The Duke of Windsor
Clip: 459957_1_11
Year Shot: 1920 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 910
Original Film: WPA 1608
Location: Various
City: Various
State: Various
Country: United Kingdom
Timecode: 05:36:05 - 05:38:25

Tight LS of the Duke teeing off at a well attended golf match. Note he is wearing the traditional Scottish outfit one associates with early golf. Nice knickers, even worse hat. Tight LS of a horse race in motion. Pan left with the horses as they pass the camera. Tight LS of the Duke racing and leaping a horse in traditional equestrian fashion, only to take a tumble trying to leap over a hedged bush. LS's of daredevil airplane pilots doing aerobatics on a sunny day; cutaway to a MS of the Duke watching gleefully. Prince as adventure - seeker. King George V. Prince of Wales is asked to take over more official duties as King ages. Various shots of Prince performing Royal Duties. Tight LS of the Duke mounting a horse in front of a rather regal building, joins others at the very start of a foxhunt. Wide shot of Big Ben at night, the clock face lit up, as cars pass by in the near BG. Montage of the London Mayfair district night life: couples, all young, smoke and drink and dance in a swinging social club at night; MS's of the dancers, the attendees sitting coyly at their round tables; CU's of box-stepping feet.

Biography: The Duke of Windsor
Clip: 459957_1_12
Year Shot: 1920 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 910
Original Film: WPA 1608
Location: Various
City: Various
State: Various
Country: United Kingdom
Timecode: 05:38:25 - 05:38:46

Swooping aerial shot of Belvedere Castle. Wallis Simpson and other guests looking out of a window at the castle.

Biography: The Duke of Windsor
Clip: 459957_1_13
Year Shot: 1920 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 910
Original Film: WPA 1608
Location: Various
City: Various
State: Various
Country: United Kingdom
Timecode: 05:38:46 - 05:38:57

DO NOT USE Still montage of Wallis Simpson, the future Duchess of Windsor, as a young woman.

Biography: The Duke of Windsor
Clip: 459957_1_14
Year Shot: 1920 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 910
Original Film: WPA 1608
Location: Various
City: Various
State: Various
Country: United Kingdom
Timecode: 05:38:57 - 05:39:27

Various shots of a horse race. Prince and Wallis watching the race. Prince and Wallis on a ski trip. Prince and Wallis walking down the street.

Biography: The Duke of Windsor
Clip: 459957_1_15
Year Shot: 1935 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 910
Original Film: WPA 1608
Location: Various
City: Various
State: Various
Country: United Kingdom
Timecode: 05:39:27 - 05:40:33

Montage of the funeral of King George, the Duke's father. The ornate casket, the church, the carriage through English streets, and so on. Crier announces the Prince's ascension to King.

Biography: The Duke of Windsor
Clip: 459957_1_16
Year Shot: 1936 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 910
Original Film: WPA 1608
Location: Various
City: Various
State: Various
Country: United Kingdom
Timecode: 05:40:33 - 05:44:08

Edward VIII in dress uniform & on horseback, inspects the troops. Various parades and formal state ceremonies. Preparations for the coronation of the Prince as King Edward VIII. Tight LS's and MS's of the Duke and Wallis swimming and sunbathing in the Mediterranean. Prince returns to England and resumes state duties. CU of Stanley Baldwin, the Prime Minister of England at the time. Also, MS of him seated at a desk. MS of Winston Churchill standing outside of his home, posing for the camera. Various shots of Prince Albert and his family. Various shots of Queen Mary. Memorial ceremony with Royalty and politicians. Various shots of Wallis Simpson. Quick shot of Baldwin. Edward VIII tours the conditions of poor miners.

Biography: The Duke of Windsor
Clip: 459957_1_17
Year Shot: 1936 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 910
Original Film: WPA 1608
Location: Various
City: Various
State: Various
Country: United Kingdom
Timecode: 05:44:08 - 05:45:48

MS of Baldwin exiting his home, walks past the press and gets into a passenger car. Montage of various British tabloid headlines superimposed over a MS of an industrial printing press; the taglines all relate the shock-horror fervor over the Duke's intentions. Various shots of people reading newspapers. Wallis is hunted and hounded by the press. Paparazzi outside her home in England. She leaves for France. Paparazzi outside her home in France. Baldwin confronts King Edward VIII. Crowds outside the palace.

Biography: The Duke of Windsor
Clip: 459957_1_18
Year Shot: 1936 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 910
Original Film: WPA 1608
Location: Various
City: Various
State: Various
Country: United Kingdom
Timecode: 05:45:48 - 05:49:54

MS montage of English citizens talking to the camera about their feelings regarding the Duke and Wallis' impending marriage. Politicians, priests, journalists, the everyman (or woman) all voice their opinions (lengthy montage, with real audio). Crowds outside the palace. MS of a man riding a bike down an English street; he wears a body placard reading, "The King Must Not Abdicate" and "We Want Edward VIII". Of course, he is harassed by bobbies. MS of press photographers gathered around a passenger car. Crowds outside the palace. Edward VIII walking with Queen Mary. Baldwin announces that Edward VIII will abdicate. Low angle tight LS of Big Ben at night, a lamp in the FG. The Duke abdicates the throne. MS's of him sitting behind a stately desk and looking rather grim and ineffectual. The Duke delivers his abdication address over the radio (real audio). Excellent montage that intercuts various famous London landmarks with shots of people listening to radios in their homes, cars or workplaces. Families, youngsters, and people on the beat listening in their family rooms or kitchen and I think you get the idea here.

Biography: The Duke of Windsor
Clip: 459957_1_19
Year Shot: 1937 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 910
Original Film: WPA 1608
Location: Various
City: Various
State: Various
Country: United Kingdom
Timecode: 05:49:54 - 05:50:48

The Duke and Duchess are married in France. MS's of the happy couple posing for the camera. Various shots of the Duke and Duchess traveling around the world.

Biography: The Duke of Windsor
Clip: 459957_1_20
Year Shot: 1950 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 910
Original Film: WPA 1608
Location: Various
City: Various
State: Various
Country: United Kingdom
Timecode: 05:50:48 - 05:51:15

DO NOT USE Wallace's closing comments and end credits.