
Capitol Journal - Jordan Arms Sales / Terrorism / Middle East Peace Process

Capitol Journal - Jordan Arms Sales / Terrorism / Middle East Peace Process
Clip: 459960_1_1
Year Shot: 1985 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10176
Original Film: 31-2607
Location: N/A
Timecode: -

DO NOT USE STILL PHOTO OF MAN KILLED BY TERRORIST (at 01.01.48) (01:00:00) WETA logo, PBS funding credits (01:00:14) Opens to various government officials in Congress including Secretary of State CASPAR WEINBERGER talking about U.S. arms sales to Jordan, from tv studio Capital Journal host HODDING CARTER introduces show, Capital Journal title screen and animation (01:00:49) In tv studio Carter explains shows topic and segues to footage of Middle East conflict, shots of murdered bodies of 3 Israelis aboard a yacht in dock at Cyprus - Israeli soldiers escort the murder suspects, shot of destroyed P.L.O. headquarters in Tunisia - YASIR ARAFAT walks with other people around building ruins, CHARLES RODMAN of the State Department defends Israel's attack of PLO HQ, shots of the Achille Lauro - Italian ocean liner hijacked by the PLO at sea, shot of wheel-chair ridden American passenger who the hijackers killed, shot of the surrendering ocean liner pulling into Egypt, shots of U.S. aircraft carriers and jets taking off it, shot of landed 747 plane in Sicily that was carrying the ocean liner hijackers, President RONALD REAGAN at press conference remarks of the hijackers' capture - "You can run but you can't hide", shots of hijackers coming off plane into the hands of Italian authorities, shot of prison in Rome where hijackers kept, shots of protestors in Egypt chanting with raised arms - surrounded by riot police, Egyptian President HOSNI MABARAK (?) condemns the U.S. action of forcing the Egyptian plane holding the hijackers to land (01:02:52) Senator ALFONSE D'AMATO surrounded by clapping fans says "shame on you Mr. Mabarak" and goes on to condemn the Egyptian president, King HUSSEIN of Jordan visits the U.S. - Hussein speaks before a U.N. congress promoting his peace plan, Hussein sits down with Reagan, Israeli Prime Minister SHIMON PERES in a Washington address says Israel is prepared to negotiate a peace with Jordan, Secretary of State GEORGE SCHULTZ speaks before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee about Israeli/Jordan relations, Senator CLAIBORNE PELL before the Foreign Relations Committee expresses skepticism about U.S. arms sales to Jordan, nice clip from U.S. defense department film of a stinger rocket launcher being fired by a soldier and the rocket blowing up an airborne jet - unfortunately through most the footage in the bottom right corner of the screen is the caption "Defense Department Film", Schultz before the Foreign Relations Committee defends selling arms to Jordan (01:05:54) Back in studio Carter introduces a Middle East Peace discussion panel: Deputy Assistant Secretary of State ARNOLD RAPHEL, Dr. MARTIN INDYK of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, Dr. JAMES ZOGBY of the Arab American Institute - they discuss whether or not arms sales to Jordan is a good idea relative to the peace process in the Middle East (01:14:31) Carter segues to another discussion panel: Senator ALAN CRANSTON and Senator NANCY KASSEBAUM who both speak from a Congressional office and are broadcast into the studio on a large monitor, and in the studio COKIE ROBERTS of National Public Radio and LES GELB of the New York Times - they discuss the proposed U.S. sale of weapons to Jordan and its relation to the Middle East peace process and U.S. funding of Middle Eastern countries in general (01:26:18) Carter thanks guest and closes out show, credits roll over footage of the capture of the Cyprus assassins, shots of the ruins of the destroyed PLO head quarters, and footage of the Achille Lauro docking in Egypt (01:27:30) PBS funding credits