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Displaying clips 2449-2472 of 10000 in total
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Airman Survival Test
Clip: 425847_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1760
Original Film: 040-034-06
Location: Norway
Timecode: 00:11:41 - 00:12:31

"NATO military pilots go through a rugged winter survival course in snow-covered mountains of Norway. Their only equipment: snow shoes, knife, parachute, and rubber dinghy. They practice for the time they may crash-land in remote areas. Some meals: entirely snow. TLS/MSs - NATO military pilots walking in single file line through snow with skis on feet, walking toward cam. MS - Airmen wearing snowshoes, pulling inflated rubber rafts behind them. MS- Airman hand-digging hole in deep snow (building shelter); MS - Airman placing inflated raft in ground shelter by tree, then climbing into hole himself. MS - Three airmen crawling into shelter built into side of snow mound; MS - Two airmen lying in snow shelter, one man using parachute for pillow while other man nibbles on snow; CU- Airman eating snow.

Monaco Grand Prix
Clip: 425890_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1760
Original Film: 040-039-07
Location: Monaco
Timecode: 00:47:43 - 00:48:39

"New Zealander Denis Hulme wins the Monaco Grand Prix with British driver Graham Hill, second; Chris Amon, New Zealand, third. But Lorenzo Bandini, leading Italian driver, is critically injured in a fiery crash near the end of the race. He dies in the hospital a few days later. Panning TLSs - Grand Prix race cars speeding along racetrack winding through streets of Monaco. Panning TLSs - Grand Prix racers speeding along coastal road. TLSs - Race car entering, exiting coastal tunnel. TLSs - Crowd at scene of accident, smoke filling frame, people milling about in FG; LS - Flames rising at scene of accident, rescue crews trying to save driver Lorenzo Bandini from progressive fire; MS - Firefighter aiming fire hose at fire from top of shady hill, stopping long enough to allow a race car to speed by accident scene; MSs - Severely injured Lorenzo Bandini slumped behind wheel of wrecked race car, rescue workers pulling his burned, limp body from wreckage; TLS - Bandini's burned, overturned Ferrari on racetrack. (Very disturbing footage - you see his burned face and the burned and smashed up Ferrari)

Indianapolis 500 Time Trials
Clip: 425899_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1760
Original Film: 040-040-08
Location: Indianapolis, Indiana
Timecode: 00:55:35 - 00:56:52

"Time trials for the Indianapolis 500 gain the pole position for Mario Andretti who breaks his own record, clocking 169 mph. Second best timing Dan Gurney; third, Joe Leonard. This year's Indy looks like the best ever and can be seen, live, in theatres and sports arenas. Rear view TLS - Pit crew pushing race car into Gasoline Alley. High angle TLS - Crowd at Gasoline Alley, race car being pushed onto track. MS - Two mechanics attenuating engine before time trial. Panning h/a LS - Pit crew pushing race car number 83 onto track. H/a LS - Race track, spectator stands. H/a TLS - Jim Clark driving race car (no. 31) onto track. Panning h/a TLS - Mario Andretti driving race car (no. 1) onto track. Panning h/a TLS - A.J. Foyt Jr. driving race car (no. 14) onto track. Panning high angle TLS/LSs - Time trials, cars racing along racetrack. LSs - View of racetrack from spectator stands, young white man on screen left standing & yelling something as certain car passes; later shot from same angle has him applauding. TLS - Crowd standing, looking largely sullen. TLS - Parnelli Jones pulling race car (no. 40) into pit. Panning TLS - Mario Andretti (no. 1) pulling car into pit. Head-on MS - Mario Andretti sitting in race car, zoom in to CU - Mario Andretti.

Capitol Journal - Oil Prices
Clip: 459940_1_1
Year Shot: 1986 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10199
Original Film: 31-3116
Location: N/A
Timecode: -

(01:00:00) WETA logo, PBS funding credit (01:00:14) Opens to two different men commenting on oil's relationship to the economy (01:00:34) Capitol Journal host HODDING CARTER in studio introduces show, Capital Journal opening title screen and animation (01:00:57) Carter summarizes current congressional issues and introduces falling oil prices (01:01:35) Map of Middle East focusing on Saudi Arabia, within this country's drawn border on the map is superimposed an image of an oil refinery (01:02:04) Carter outside in front of the Capitol (01:02:17) Footage of the benefits of dropped oil prices - a car factory where robot arms assemble car frames, tractor in the field harvesting, cars at gas pumps, interviews with happy gas consumers pumping gas into their cars (01:03:11) Static image of oil pump field plays background to smaller window in which footage of oil production machinery, facilities and laborers is shown (01:04:00) Interview with HENRY SCHULER "energy expert" explaining financial problems caused by dropping prices (01:04:24) Footage of oil tanker and more oil production operations are showcased in small window superimposed over map of Mexico (01:04:52) Back to interview with Schuler about economic ramifications of oil on Mexico's economy (01:05:22) Footage of Senate energy committee meeting to discuss oil prices, Carter outside the Capitol (01:05:55) Vice President GEORGE BUSH speaks from a podium in an auditorium about the dangers of rapidly falling oil prices, Secretary of the Treasury JAMES A. BAKER on McLaughlin's One on One says the administration supports the free market (01:06:35) President RONALD REAGAN gives differing opinions at a press conference about whether or not he supports a completely free oil market, interview with Schuler interspliced with footage of OPEC meeting in Geneva (01:08:00) Carter back in the studio segues to interviews: Secretary of Energy JOHN S. REMINGTON talks about why he believes in free market oil, the National oil reserve, oil prices, Senator LLOYD BENTSEN talks about oil prices and the damaging effect of free market oil on the Texas oil industry, Representative PHILLIP SHARP talks about falling oil prices and their effect on the domestic economy and domestic oil production (01:18:12) Back to studio where Carter introduces discussion panel : COKIE ROBERTS of Nation Public Radio, DONALD LAMBRO of United Features Syndicate, and CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER of the New Republic who discuss whether or not imposing import taxes is a good idea and the effect lower oil prices have on the national economy and domestic oil production (01:26:28) Carter thanks guests and closes out show, credits role (01:27:30) PBS funding credit

Whitewater Kayak Slalom Race
Clip: 425897_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1760
Original Film: 040-040-06
Location: West River, Green Mountain - Vermont
Timecode: 00:53:54 - 00:54:45

I think this Kayak Slalom Race takes place in West River, Green Mountains in Vermont. The outcome of this Kayak Slalom will choose the kayak teams from the United States and Canada to compete in the Internationals in Czechoslovakia. MS - Two-man kayak team in fiberglass boat rowing into river rapids, turning, then rowing with current. Panning TLS - Two-man team competing, the current turning then the wrong way, rear rower steering them to avoid large protruding rock near whitewater drop. MS - Kayak team rowing backwards, missing gate. MS - Backwards kayak team (foreground), overturned kayak & rowers (background). TLS - Upside-down kayak in river. MS - Overturned one-man kayak in river, rower managing to turn her over, continue competition.

Paced Bicycle Racing
Clip: 425898_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1760
Original Film: 040-040-07
Location: West Germany
Timecode: 00:54:45 - 00:55:35

Europe s top cycle races ready to match muscles and motors in a popular 2-man team event sponsored by Continental Reifen, Europe's biggest tire manufacturer. MS - Pace riders on motorbikes at starting line of race. MS - Bicycle riders at starting line. MS- Judge waving starting flag. High angle TLS - Pace riders starting off, followed by cyclists. TLS/MSs - Paced bike race on rain-slicked track. LS - Paced rider Pieter Post, crossing the finish line, judge waving checkered flag.

Vietnam Action
Clip: 425900_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1761
Original Film: 040-041-01
Location: Huong Hoa Air Base, South Vietnam
Timecode: -

Sprawling Huong Hoa Air Base target for Viet Cong rockets blasted an air plane hanger and a smaller air strip just north of the capital city of Saigon. In back and forth fighting, U.S. airbases are blasted by Vietcong; U.S. Marines clobber the enemy at Hills 861 and 881; Marine pilots blast Cong missile sites violating the neutral zone; and Marine ground troops clear a VC village. In all, close to 12 hundred enemy killed. Camera panning - Huong Hoa Air Base and jet planes parked on the tarmac. MS - A destroyed air plane hanger. MS - A small crowd of air base personal gather to look over the aftermath of the bombing. CU - A soldiers shoe laying among the rubble. MS - A soldiers bunk bed sitting in the mist of a destroyed building. LS - Smoke rising from the Vietnam hills. A explosion takes place and a cloud of black smoke rises. Rear shot medium - Two fully dressed for combat soldiers walking through the field in the foreground you can see bombs exploding. "Operation Baker" US Marines meet up with a communist attack at a point blank range. MS - Marines and tanks, High Angle shot - Viet Cong prisoners taken, a Marine holds one by the arm leading him through some high grass land. CU - A Marine handing another Marine confiscated communist weapons. CU - Marine standing with one of the assault weapons that were confiscated from the Viet Cong. Medium High Angle shot - Two dead Viet Cong laying on the ground. CU - US Marine tank with soldiers sitting on top of the tank with their machine guns at the ready.

Liverpool Cathedral
Clip: 425901_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1761
Original Film: 040-041-02
Location: Liverpool, England
Timecode: -

The world's newest Catholic Cathedral, in Liverpool, erected at a cost of seven million dollars. It's arena -style, 290 feet in diameter. It holds 2,600 worshippers, all with a clear view of the main altar. Built at a cost of 7-million dollars it's cost is dramatic. Camera panning - Exterior of the Catholic Cathedral in Liverpool, it has a very modern flair to it. Low Angle shot - From the floor your looking up through the stained glass dome of the Cathedral. 300 feet up. High Angle shot - Unique arena style seating arrangement. High Angle shot - The altar of the church is placed in the center where there is an unobstructed view of the priest conducting the Holy Mass. The voice over states that there's an elevator for the elderly, garage and other chapels within the church. CU - A large church bell.

Israel's 19th Anniversary British Rule Ends
Clip: 425902_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1761
Original Film: 040-041-03
Location: Israel / Palestine
Timecode: 00:02:35 - 00:03:18

The 19th Anniversary of the end of the British rule in Palestine is celebrated by Israel against a background of tenseness in the Middle East. Syria and the United Arab Republic exchange threats with Israel; all three permit border military "build-ups. ." Premier Levi Eschol is among the Nation's leaders in the line of march among the invited international guest are Generals Grinch and Moshe Dayan. A demonstration comes at a time of seething tensions. High Angle shot - A crowd of people have gathered in a sports arena. Premier Levi Eschol gets out of a car and shakes the hand of Moshe Dayan and General Grinch. MCU - L to R, General Grinch, Levi Eschol and Moshe Dayan (background thousands of people) High Angle shot - Thousands of people sitting in the hot sun in sport arena seating area. MS - Jewish command cars carrying only 80mm motors. MS - Jewish military branches marching by the spectators.

Capitol Journal - Abortion
Clip: 459945_1_1
Year Shot: 1985 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10180
Original Film: 31-2715
Location: United States
Timecode: 01:10:02 - 01:19:52

Capitol Journal - Abortion Back in studio Hodding Carter segues to earlier discussion with Representatives Christopher Smith (R - New Jersey) and Patricia Schroeder (D - Colorado) - the two Representatives have a heated discussion about current and future Congressional legislation involving abortion and what and why the American public feels about abortion

Shooting & Hostage Crisis Resolved
Clip: 425958_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1762
Original Film: 040-049-04
Location: New Mexico
Timecode: 00:02:57 - 00:03:46

Shooting & Hostage Crisis Resolved "Six Spanish-Americans are imprisoned after a wild-west, shooting raid on a New Mexico county courthouse. The rebel band, some of whom are still at large, claim territory by ancient Spanish land-grants. Some 20 people were briefly held hostage after the raid." TLSs county courthouse after incident. MCU bullet hole (bullet hole) in glass. Panning LS U.S. National Guard setting up roadblock in barren, remote area; numerous jeeps, lorries, trucks, etc. Panning MS police officers conferring in field. TLS captured Spanish-American rebel being marched from Santa Fe Police Department, press photographers taking pictures. MS another captured rebel being paraded from holding cell. Nice MS western lawman wearing cowboy hat, jeans, big belt buckle, posing with rifle outside state prison building. MS rebel insurgents behind chain link fence at state prison. LS state prison, two deputies wearing cowboy hats, brandishing shotguns while standing beside car in FG.

Capitol Journal - IIlegal Immigration
Clip: 459944_1_1
Year Shot: 1985 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10164
Original Film: 31-2403
Location: United States
Timecode: 01:03:18 - 01:06:37

Capitol Journal - IIlegal Immigration

Fashion - Minis For Teens
Clip: 425988_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1762
Original Film: 040-053-06
Location: New York City, New York
Timecode: 00:32:26 - 00:33:30

Fashion - Minis For Teens TLS vibrant fashion runway in park, crowd in FG. MS white female fashion model wearing floral miniskirt dress & matching see-through raincoat, spinning on runway. MS crowd. MS white female fashion model wearing striped sleeveless shirt, pants with stripes stopping at mini-skirt length of thigh. MSs black female fashion model wearing poofy mini-skirt dress, dancing on catwalk. MS African-American female wearing turtleneck mini-skirt dress & matching leggings, removing cow-print vest. MS skinny white female fashion model with short coif wearing jump suit with full-length zipper; she unzips, reveals striped two piece bathing suit-- modeling the Twiggy look. MSs Asian-American woman modeling dress & strange rubber helmet with built-in sun visor.

Wimbledon Tennis
Clip: 425989_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1762
Original Film: 040-053-07
Location: England
Timecode: 00:33:33 - 00:34:28

Wimbledon Tennis Slightly high angle MS Spaniard MANUEL SANTANA serving in near court. TLS play between Manuel Santana & Charlie Pasarell. MS American CHARLIE PASARELL running court, volleying. TLSs crowd applauding in spectator stands. MS/TLSs Charlie Passarell serving. TLSs Pasarell winning match, shaking hands with Santana, walking off court with him.

Jet Boat - Lee Taylor
Clip: 425990_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1762
Original Film: 040-053-08
Location: Alabama
Timecode: 00:34:28 - 00:35:20

Jet Boat - Lee Taylor MS men standing on docked "The Hustler" jet speedboat. MS driver LEE TAYLOR sitting in cockpit, donning helmet; CU steering wheel being turned. TLS Hustler jet boat pulling away from dock, spewing mist & water at camera. Panning LS jet speedboat zipping along water at 276 mph. Panning TLS Hustler speeding along water.

Moon Module: Astro's Sidecar Test-Ready
Clip: 425991_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1762
Original Film: 040-054-01
Location: Florida
Timecode: 00:35:38 - 00:36:36

Moon Module: Astro's Sidecar Test-Ready "The Apollo moon-shoot takes another big step forward with the shipment of Lem-One to Cape Kennedy. Lem One is the space sidecar that'll take two American astronauts from the Apollo mother-ship to the moon's surface, and back again. " NASA model simulation of lunar module hovering over lunar surface. TLS astronaut in spacesuit climbing LEM One in hangar on earth. LS/TLS/MSs NASA scientists & engineers working on LEM 1.

Capitol Journal - Air Safety
Clip: 459947_1_1
Year Shot: 1985 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10195
Original Film: 31-3120
Location: N/A
Timecode: -

(01:00:00) WETA logo, PBS funding credits (01:00:13) Opens to two unidentified, different men in suits making statements about air safety and deregulation - shots of them appear in window under which is a Capital Journal banner, in window, from tv studio, Capitol Journal host HODDING CARTER introduces show (01:00:41) Capitol Journal title credit and animation (01:00:48) Carter summarizes why air safety a current issue, shot of air traffic control tower, shots of planes moving on runways, shot of plane on a descent going by the Washington Monument, shot of plane taking off from runway with Capitol Building in background, meeting of the House Aviation Sub-Committee, Senate Aviation hearing (01:03:32) Shot of airport ticket line, on screen statistics of growth of airline industry and proposed government cuts to F.A.A., interview with DONALD ENGEN head of the F.A.A. who says air travel safety has never been better, interview with HOWARD JOHANNSSON President of the Professional Airways Systems Specialists who talks about proposed FAA cuts (01:06:11) Various shots of air traffic control room in Leesburg, VA - controllers busy at work in front of computers and radar screens, interviews with various controllers about the future of air traffic control, return to interviews with Engen and Johannsson (01:09:49) Back in studio Carter segues to earlier interview in Congressional office with Senators JOHN GLENN and WARREN RUDMAN about the current state of air safety and FAA funding and organization (01:19:10) Back in studio Carter introduces a panel of three journalists: TOM MCCARTHY of the Dallas Times, PENNY PAGANO of the Los Angeles Times, STEVEN ROBERTS of the New York Times talk about the current state of air safety and the future of the FAA (01:27:00) Carter thanks guests and closes out show, credits roll (01:27:30) PBS funding credits

Capitol Journal - Television Violence
Clip: 459948_1_1
Year Shot: 1986 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10212
Original Film: 31-2266
Location: N/A
Timecode: -

(01:00:00) WETA logo, PBS funding credits (01:00:14) Opens to montage of brief violent clips from contemporary tv programming - lots of explosions and gun firing, in tv studio Capitol Journal host HODDING CARTER introduces show (01:00:44) Capitol Journal title credit and animation (01:00:50) In studio Carter introduces the subject of tv violence, various clips of violent scenes from tv programs are interspliced with street interviews of boys who all declare their love of violence, Carter standing outside the Capitol Building segues to Senate Hearings on the subject of tv violence, shot of Senator PAUL SIMON introducing to the Senate Judiciary Committee a bill he has developed - this interspliced with quick clip from The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, representatives from the major networks testify at the Senate hearings about their fears of censorship (01:07:32) Clip from the "A-Team" of thugs a machine gun at a little dog and an ensuing hand to hand brawl, Psychiatrist Dr. ROWELL HUESMANN (?) testifies before Senate Committee about the effects of tv violence on children, various kids on the street give their two cents about the effects of tv violence on their peers, PEGGY CHARRON of Action for Children's Television explains how she feels tv violence should be countered with other programing (01:11:04) Back in the studio Carter introduces his discussion panel: Senator Paul Simon, Dr. THOMAS RODECKI, ROY DANISH of the Television Information Office, JOE SWERDLOW (?) of Channels - they debate whether tv violence causes violent behaviour in viewers, the tv industry's relationship to violence, how violent programing should be dealt with (01:26:42) Carter thanks guests and closes out show, credits roll (01:27:30) PBS funding credits

A Cat's Tale
Clip: 425881_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1760
Original Film: 040-038-07
Location: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Timecode: 00:39:48 - 00:40:21

"A leopard family at the Rio Zoo live much like many humans; mom keeps the cubs, and dad has only visitation rights. The birth of two kittens brought domestic difficulties, so zoo officials separated mom and dad. End of cute cat's tale. MSs - Two spotted leopard cubs in cage. MSs - Jet black adult leopard (mother) in cage with cubs. She looks like she has a bad attitude, when her baby climbs on her back she snarls and get's up.

Capitol Journal - Superfund / Toxic Waste
Clip: 459950_1_1
Year Shot: 1985 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10160
Original Film: 31-2357
Location: United States
Timecode: 01:09:22 - 01:17:19

Capitol Journal - Superfund / Toxic Waste

Capitol Journal - State of the Union
Clip: 459951_1_1
Year Shot: 1986 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10190
Original Film:
Location: United States
Timecode: 01:04:38 - 01:06:55

Capitol Journal - State of the Union

Shades Of "Moby Dick"
Clip: 426325_1_1
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1744
Original Film: 039-007-04
Location: San Francisco, California
Timecode: 00:43:44 - 00:44:50

Sightseers go on a whale hunt off the Pacific Coast, but the most dangerous weapon is a camera. The Grey Whale is making its annual migration from the Bering Sea to breeding grounds off lover California. Observation boats give a close up view of the event. Huge schools of the 30 ton monsters playing their way south. ( whale watching ) San Francisco, California Families embark on private "Whale Hunting Boats" the only weapon that is allowed is a camera. CUS - Sign "Whale Hunt" MS - On the deck of the cruiser are the Whale Hunters. High Angle Shot - Sightseers standing at the railing of the boat. POV - Back side of the boat where the water is turning the waters of the Pacific. CUS - Passengers of the craft armed with their weapons - cameras. MLS A couple of tails of Grey Whales. MS - Couple standing at the railing and the whales in the Pacific Ocean. MS - A Grey Whale shooting out water from the blow hole. MS - Two little boys standing at the back railing of the boat, mother in the back ground pointing and watching her sons. MS - People standing at the railing of the boat watching a couple of whales in the Pacific Ocean .

Russian Circus Thrills On Ice
Clip: 425582_1_1
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1755
Original Film: 039-101-05
Location: Holland, The Netherlands
Timecode: 00:31:14 - 00:32:53

The world famous Russian State Circus-on-Ice performs in Holland. A Russian skater, Tanya, thrills the crowd by balancing, on skates in the middle of a thin pole. A skating bear provides plenty of laughs and a whirling folk tale finale. Young women wearing ice skates suspended by a neck device spin and hang by their necks. A Russian ice skater jumps from a platform onto a trampoline and executes a Corkscrew over a female skater being held in the air. An audience of all ages applauds. Two ice skating men hold a thin pole for a female Russian skater to perform tricks on. She does a hand stand and some flips all while balancing on the pole in her skates. The men holding the pole skate around the arena at the same time. CU a cute little girl with a ballet bun in her hair sucks her finger watching the performances. A huge brown bear wearing an apron and ice skates, skates to the center of the arena to wash clothes. An old woman and child laugh at the spectacle. The bear and his trainer waltz around the ice holding each other. Wide shot as the audience applauds. The ice skating troop takes to the ice doing a Russian Folk dance. They skate in multiple rings bringing the show to a close.

Capitol Journal - Immigration #2
Clip: 459955_1_1
Year Shot: 1986 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10207
Original Film: 31-3469
Location: N/A
Timecode: -

(01:00:00) WETA logo, PBS funding credits (01:00:13) Opens to the comments of construction worker in cowboy hat about using illegal immigrant workers or "exchange students", Colorado Governor RICHARD LAMM calls in flow of immigrants "a social time bomb" - footage of both these men's comments contained within a window on the screen under which runs a Capitol Journal banner (01:00:32) Guest host COKIE ROBERTS introduces show, Capitol Journal title credit and animation (01:00:52) Roberts explains that immigration is currently an issue in Congress and segues to footage of San Antonio Texas on the 4th of July - racially mixed crowds watch and participate in 4th of July street parade, listen and play Mexican and American music, watch fire works, comments of local Immigration and Naturalization director, RICHARD CASILLAS, comments of the mayor of San Antonio, HENRY CISNEROS, brief footage of INS raid on restaraunt, shots of the kichen of a Mexican restaurant where food is being prepared, on screen text listing the immigration reforms of legislation passed in the Senate, footage of illegal immigrants creeping along and entering chain link fences along the Mexican-U.S. border, comments of an AFL-CIO representative - ARTHUR CHASKIN, comments of cowboy hat wearing construction worker from show's beginning - footage of him out recruiting workers, two restaurant managers who explain why they higher illegals (01:08:54) Roberts standing outside the Capital Building segues to footage of House hearings on immigration, Colorado Governor RICHARD LAMM testifies before House Sub-Committee about why illegal immigrants are bad for the economy and social services (01:12:00) Back in studio Roberts segues to interview she conducted earlier in a Congressional office with Representatives ROBERT GARCIA and DANIEL LUNGREN - they discuss immigration bill currently on the floor of the House (01:18:03) Back in the studio Roberts introduces discussion panel: STEVEN ROBERTS of the New York Times, WILLIAM GHOYKE of the Dallas Morning News, DONALD LAMBRO of United Features Syndicate, they talk about the different facets of the new immigration bill and who supports and is against it (01:25:35) Roberts thanks guests and closes out show segueing to concluding footage of Senator JOHN GLENN joking with the Senate about how to have a nice appearance during the first tv broadcast of the Senate floor, Glenn applies powder to his bald spot to take off the glare and brushes his hair with his hands - credits roll over much of this footage (01:27:30) PBS funding credits

Displaying clips 2449-2472 of 10000 in total
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