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Gray Squirrel
Clip: 433653_1_1
Year Shot: 1996 (Actual Year)
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 2138
Original Film: 517 1907
Location: North America
Timecode: 13:36:50 - 13:37:20

Master 2138, Tape 1 CU Male Gray Squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis) sitting in tree. CU squirrel's face. CU squirrel in tree.

Gray Squirrel
Clip: 433654_1_1
Year Shot: 1996 (Actual Year)
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 2138
Original Film: 271 922
Location: North America
Timecode: 00:18:06 - 00:18:42

Master 2138, Tape 1 MS Young Gray Squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis) sticking out of den hole in a tree. The squirrel climbs out of his den and climbs up the tree trunk.

Gray Squirrel
Clip: 433655_1_1
Year Shot: 1996 (Actual Year)
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 2138
Original Film: 271 922
Location: North America
Timecode: 00:19:09 - 00:19:18

Master 2138, Tape 1 MS Young Gray Squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis) sticking out of his den hole in a tree. The squirrel comes out of den hole and quickly goes back inside. MS squirrel's tail sticking out of den.

Gray Squirrel
Clip: 433656_1_1
Year Shot: 1996 (Actual Year)
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 2138
Original Film: 271 922
Location: North America
Timecode: 00:21:36 - 00:21:49

Master 2138, Tape 1 MS tree with den hole. MS Young Gray Squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis) pokes his head out of the den hole.

Track Meet - Cow Palace
Clip: 425619_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1756
Original Film: 040-005-06
Location: California, San Francisco
Timecode: 00:34:25 - 00:35:17

The All-American Games in San Francisco's Cow Palace brings U.S. and World record-holders together. Neal Steinhauer of Oregon sets a world indoor record for the shot put while John Rambo ties the American high jump record. Inside Cow Palace, Track & Field fans are gathered for the competition. Athletes taking off for a 60-yard dash. Charlie Green wins and breaks a record. Neil Steinhauer of Oregon breaking a record in the shot put at 66 feet. CU Neil Steinhauer holding a shot put. John Rambo jumps the high jump, 7 feet 3 inches and ties a record set by John Thomas. John Rambo kneeling down on the track catching his breath.

Rock & Roll Reunion - Out takes 2
Clip: 460024_1_1
Year Shot: 1982 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10245
Original Film:
Location: Washington D.C. Club
Timecode: -

This tape is out take footage from a WETA show titled "Rock & Roll Reunion". The premise of the show was to have a group of middle aged people meet in a club, dance to the music of their youth and possibly be set up to meet an old high school sweet heart. The show is hosted by TOM CURTIS a funny looking man reminscent of a game show host. There is a lot of footage here of people dancing to oldies - the Beatles, Rolling Stones, Beach boys, etc. Their style of dance and dress screams early 80s - a lot of funny/silly stuff here. (08:20:17) Opens to shot looking down line of people, line of people runs down stairs to the entrance of a club, people in line chat with one another - they where light winter clothing, a man with a bull horn emerges at the base of the line and tells everybody to move in - camera follows line into club, they walk past doorman/bouncer who says in a gruff voice "Yeah, you wish were 18 again" (08:21:21) Shot pans club where there are various seating areas, 80s club lights and a big bar as well as a large dance floor (08:21:43) Shot closes in on Rock & Roll Reunion host TOM CURTIS sitting at the bar - he is a short man in a suit, he has a moustache, poofy hair and big sideburns, Curtis introduces show explaining its premise and announcing special guest to appear later MORGAN FAIRCHILD (08:22:26) Shot moves to dance floor where large group of people enthusiastically dances to "Louie Louie", most the club patrons wear clothing that looks appropriate to an early 80s office, only a few of them dress with the flair one would expect of a night out at a club, the club patrons are all middle aged - late twenties to late thirties (I disagree with that characterization of middle age!!!)- at the finish of "Louie Louie" dancers all clap, shot continues to move around dance floor but the sound cuts out (08:38:28) (Time code skip) Shot returns to outside club at the end of the line of club patrons - retake of the above Rock & Roll Reunion introduction - this one is cut off when the camera reaches the doorman/bouncer (08:41:15-47:25) Retake of the above introductory segment - this one seems to be the keeper - the sequence is exactly the same as the first five minutes of the tape - however everything runs a little smoother - this time as soon as "Louie Louie" finishes the Rolling Stones "Satisfaction" comes on - crowd on the dance floor grows, many dancers sing along with the lyrics - there is much shoulder shimmying, pelvic thrusting, finger snapping and hand clapping, dancers all applaud at song's end (08:50:11) (Time code skip) Shot of dark dance floor, lights soon after turned up, crowd on dance floor stand and mingle (08:51:06-53:40) "Run Around Sue" is played, crowd dance, clap and sing along on the dance floor, many couples dancing twirl one another (08:57:30-00:30) (Time code skip) Retake of dance floor dancing to "Run Around Sue", this one starts with panning close up of various couples slow-dancing at song's slow beginning, at the end of the song cameraman dances with woman on the floor (09:07:17) (Time code skip) Blurry close up of line of four faces at dance club (09:09:11) Shot of the feet of people standing on dance floor (09:10:07) "Louie, Louie" is played, various shots of smaller crowd of people dancing on dance floor - this might be other footage of the last segment in which "Louie, Louie" was played (09:12:34-16:12) "Satisfaction" is played, slightly increased crowd dances on the dance floor, people put on more of a show when the camera falls on them (09:29:02-32:20) (Time code skip) Crowd mingles on dance floor, "Dance to the Music" soon after comes on and sets the dance floor on fire - the dancing gets a close as it has yet to disco (09:33:31-36:20) "Dance to the music" shot through the eye of a different camera (09:38:42) (Time code skip) Crowd mingles on dance floor (09:39:05-42:38) The Rolling Stones' "Let's Spend the Night Together" , various shots of people dancing on dance floor, shot of dance floor from behind the bar (09:47:35) (Time code skip) Crowd mingles on dance floor (09:47:57-51:25) "Let's spend the Night Together" shot through the eye of a different camera (10:15:53) (Time code skip) Crowd mingles on dance floor (10:16:30-19:07) New song "Stop in the name of love before you break my heart", large crowd on dance floor dances enthusiastically (10:19:08-21:55) Crowd keeps on moving to a contemporary version of "Why do fools fall in love"- dancers early 80s style come fully out in the open (10:37:08) (Time code skip) Crowd mingles on the dance floor (10:37:45) Re-take of the end of "Why do fools fall in love" - camera pulls back from dance floor to expose more of the club, sitting on a couch and a chair off to one side of the floor are a group of people engaged in an enthusiastic conversation (10:42:37) (Time code skip) Shot remains long one of dance floor and couch cluster beside floor, Rock & Roll Reunion host Tom Curtis sits and converses with people on couch (10:43:58) (Time code change) Shot remains the same (10:44:19-47:07) "When a man loves a woman" is played, shot returns to dance floor where couple slow dance in dim lights

Eye Research: $5,000,000 Center Begun At UCLA
Clip: 426408_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1728
Original Film: 037-077-03
Location: Los Angeles, California
Timecode: 00:28:47 - 00:29:56

A milestone in medical history is a new eye research institute at the University of California, Los Angeles. It has been named the Jules Stein Eye Institute in honor of its major contributor. Mr. Stein had a noted career as an Ophthalmologist before founding the Music Corporation of America and he speaks at ground-breaking ceremonies as his wife christens a bull-dozer with champagne. Notables attending ceremony are: director Mervin LeRoy (?), Gene Kelly, Bob Hope, Cesar Romero, Bette Davis Camera pans a lot filled with cars and the metal skeleton of a new building, The (Jules Stein Eye Institute) UCLA Health Science Center. Mr. & Mrs Mervin LaRoy. CUS - Gene Kelly. Bob Hope and Caesar Romero. Bette Davis steps up to the podium and addresses the crowd (no audio on speech). Audience applauding. Jules Stein speaking at the podium. Mrs Stein breaking a bottle of champagne on a bulldozer. - Jules Stein smiling looking at his wife. Camera pans in on a model of the building and then it pulls back giving a whole view of the building.

B-70 In First Hop: 2,000-MPH Supet Jet In Successful Test
Clip: 426409_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1728
Original Film: 037-077-04
Location: United States
Timecode: 00:29:56 - 00:31:40

A proud new plane, the XB-70 overcomes a score of vicissitudes to make its first test flight. Designed to replace the B-52, the new plane was discarded as a military weapon in favor of missiles. However, despite locked landing gear and blown tires on its maiden flight, the B-70 promises to shape the future course of commercial transports. The XB-70 a very impressive looking plane starting to taxi on the tarmac. People are lined up on a bridge to watch the XB-70 take off. The plane gaining altitude in a 30-*second time period. The XB-70 with the wings downward and the needle nose pointing up slowly gaining altitude. Next to the other jets this plane dwarfs them. From the ground the camera is focused on the back of the plane where the engine exhaust comes out. Military men watching the XB-70. The XB-70 coming in for a landing at Edwards Air Force Base. As it taxis on the run way parachutes open on the back of the plane to slow it down.

The Warren Commission Report
Clip: 426410_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1728
Original Film: 037-078-01
Location: United States
Timecode: 00:31:55 - 00:34:04

At the White House in Washington, President Johnson receives the Warren Commission's Report on the assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy, the 35th President of the United States. U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice, Earl Warren, personally delivers the document to the Chief Executive in the presence of the seven other members of the Commission. A dramatic incident, recalling the tragedy in Dallas, Texas, on November 22, 1963 and the subsequent appalling slaying of the assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald, by Jack Ruby, a Dallas night club owner. History vividly recalled by the Newsreel Cameras as the public storms the book stores of the nation to purchase bound volumes of the Warren Report, published by the United States Government Printing Office.

Scenic Bruce Trail A Scenic Trail In Canada, Ontario
Clip: 426411_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1728
Original Film: 037-078-02
Location: Ontario, Canada
Timecode: 00:34:07 - 00:35:51

A tour of Canada's new Bruce Trail, a footpath through the most scenic regions of Southern Ontario. The footpath, conceived solely for hikers, is 480 miles long, extending from Queenstown, near Niagara Falls, to Tobermory at the tip of Bruce Peninsula on Georgian Bay. Aerial shot looking down at Niagara Falls and other beautiful sites surrounding it. Aerial - Looking down at the area where a foot-path is called the Niagara Escarpment, 'Bruce Trail' is one of Ontario's beauty spots. Hikers on Bruce Trail passing a cave, looks very pretty. A sign; "Bruce Trail" A Foot Trail From Niagara To Tobermory. Stream. A Fern plant. A family picking wild flowers on Bruce Trail. A family standing on top of some small falls that go back thousands of years. A Red Wing Black Bird. Male hiker with a pack on his back. Trail marker. A troop of boy scouts on the trail. A frog sitting on a rock looking at the water and a larger rock.A cute shot of a ground hog face and how he is draped over a rock. Cliff swallows going in and out of their nooks or holes. A man looking through binogulars at the birds.

Army Cadets 19 - Boston College Eagles 13
Clip: 426412_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1728
Original Film: 037-078-03
Location: West Point, New York
Timecode: 00:35:51 - 00:37:36

Highlights of the most exciting football game of the week. The clash at West Point, N.Y., in Michie Stadium between the Army Black Knights and the Boston College Eagles, won by the Cadets 19 to 13. A startling 93 yard run by Army's Fred Barowsky and the Eagles desperate last quarter two goal offensive feature the report. At West Point's, Michie Stadium Boston's College Eagles battle the West Point's, Cadets. Rollie Stichweh passes to Sam Champi for a nice gain of yardage. Tommy Schwartz catches a pass by Stichweh in the end zone scoring a touchdown. In the 3rd quarter Boston punts for the Eagle and sends it down to the 7-yard line. Army has a spectacular 93 yard punt return. Boston making a 6 yard pass and it is caught in the end zone. Another Boston pass. Boston passes again and reciever is burried in Army pile up. Army wins 19 to 13.

13 Alarms: Gas Leak Starts Spectacular Fire
Clip: 425620_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1756
Original Film: 040-006-01
Location: New York, New York
Timecode: 00:36:00 - 00:37:35

A gas main explodes and burns sending a torch of flames 200 feet into the air in one of New York City's most spectacular fires in its history. 600 firemen fight the flames which destroy nine homes and damage eight others. Several hundred persons were evacuated with no deaths or serious injuries reported. This is an evening shot so the trees, telephone post and firemen fighting the blaze are in silhouette. CU Telephone wires is all that can be seen among the fire, flames and rising smoke. The silhouette of a truck is completely surrounded fire. Silhouettes of trees and firemen battling the fire. Two firemen fight the fire back with a hose. Fire trucks and cars burn. CU Building where fire and black smoke billow out of the windows. Firefighter holds a hose of gushing water working to extinguish the fire near the telephone lines. A team of firefighters use the hose to spray water. CU house burning with telephone wires in the frame. Aerial POV of the fire. Fire Hoses fight the blaze that rages out of control for four city blocks. CU Rear shot of a utility worker on a pole working on the lines. CU burned out fire truck and smoldering fire and smoke. A crowd of firemen still fight the remainder of the fire into the early morning. Fire hoses and water cover the street.

Weather News
Clip: 425621_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1756
Original Film: 040-006-02
Location: Mexico, Italy, Spain
Timecode: 00:37:36 - 00:39:00

Mexico, Italy, and Spain are all hit by extreme weather conditions including snow and freezing temperatures. 34 die in Mexico. Blizzards isolate many Italian villages. Madrid gets its first snow of the season. In Mexico, traffic jams are caused by rapid snow fall. Trapped in the mess are some 1960s Volkswagens. CU rear white wall tire spins in the snow. A fender bender (accident) on an icy street while people stand near one of the cars. Kids play in the snow on the side of the road. One child has climbed on top of the roof of a car. A single file line of cars going about 2 MPH move around the highway. Kids having a snow ball fight throwing the snow across and above the traffic. A truck passes by the camera with a snowman built on his front fender. In Italy, extreme weather conditions and snow have caused traffic delays and entire towns to come to a halt. Cars are buried under the snow. Spain reveals a picturesque snow covered town. It's just a light covering but it's pretty never the less. Aerial of streets while light traffic moving in the snow. Traffic moving slowly through Spanish streets. A man brushes snow off his windshield maybe 2 inches or less. Statues and park benches are dusted in the white winter snow.

Paris Talks
Clip: 425622_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1756
Original Film: 040-006-03
Location: Paris, France
Timecode: 00:39:00 - 00:39:36

French President de Gaulle meets with Chancellor Kiesinger and Foreign Minister Brandt of Germany to agree on a mutual policy toward Eastern Europe. Both nations move toward friendlier relations with the east in the hope of reuniting Germany. Paris, France. At Elysee Palace, President Charles de Gaulle meets with German Chancellor Kurt Georg Kiesinger and Foreign Minister Willy Brandt. The men gather for a group photo.

Vietnam Refugees
Clip: 425623_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1756
Original Film: 040-006-04
Location: Vietnam
Timecode: 00:39:36 - 00:40:32

Some six thousand South Vietnamese peasants are moved from their villages in the "iron triangle" area of the Mekong Delta. The biggest American and South Vietnamese offensive of the war forces their eviction from an area which has been a Vietcong guerrilla stronghold in the past. Thousands of Vietnamese peasants on the move.CU an older woman sitting holding a baby. A woman carries a very heavy load on her shoulders. Men and women moving their belongings down a road. A European or American man carries an old lady unable to walk. Military load refugees on to an open bed truck. Soldiers help children down from the truck. One man has a small girl in his arms. A soldier wearing a cowboy hat takes a child off the flatbed truck. In the refugee camp, a Vietnamese woman washes her children at a well pump. Vietnamese children look confused in the displacement.

Poster Boy
Clip: 425624_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1756
Original Film: 040-006-05
Location: Washington, DC
Timecode: 00:40:32 - 00:40:56

4 year old Kenny Cunningham of Colorado Springs meets the President in the Oval office. Kenny is this year's "poster boy for the United Cerebral Palsy Association. The President called him "quite a trooper". Little boy, Kenny Cunningham dressed up in cowboy boots and hat is greeted by President Lyndon Baines Johnson. CU Profile of President Johnson looking down at the little boy. Camera pans down to little Kenny sitting and holding his canes. He has Cerebral Palsy. President Johnson speaks with Kenny and his mother.

Super Bowl: NFL Champions Defeat Chiefs
Clip: 425625_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1756
Original Film: 040-006-06
Location: Los Angeles, California
Timecode: 00:40:56 - 00:42:36

In the first Super Bowl, the Green Bay Packers beat the Kansas City Chiefs, 35 to 10. Bart Starr passes for two Packers' scores, with McGhee catching. Pitts scores twice, also. The Packers wrap it up with three touchdowns in the second half. Marching band forms an eagle on the football field. High Angle Shot - Two teams facing off, Bart Starr passes the football and Max McGee catches and carries the ball in for a touchdown. Lynn Dawson passes the ball and hits Otis Taylor on the d-yard line. Dawson "Chiefs" passes the ball to McClinton and it's a touchdown. The Packers and the Chief's mixing it up on the field, and Jim Taylor is handed the ball. He runs it in for a Packer touchdown. The release of hundreds of balloons at the half. A Packer Blitz forces the Dawson to rush his throw and Willie Woods of the Packers rushes it to the Chiefs 5-yard line. Mike Garrett makes a touchdown save for the Chiefs. Elijah Pitts is handed off the ball and he runs it over the goal line for a touchdown. Packers win 35 Chief's 10.

Iron Triangle: Troops Destroy Vietcong Stronghold
Clip: 425626_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1756
Original Film: 040-007-01
Location: Vietnam
Timecode: 00:43:14 - 00:44:18

"Operation Cedar Falls", biggest allied offensive in Vietnam so far, continues to blast its way through the "Iron Triangle", a Vietcong stronghold dating back to the French Indo-China war. Enemy installations are located, supplies and documents captured and the hideouts demolished. Two soldiers sitting in a fox hole a machine guns is at the ready. CU One soldier is firing the machine gun and the other one is holding and guiding the bullets, the one feeding the bullets has a cigarette in his mouth. CU Over the shoulder shot soldier firing the machine gun. The machine gun gets so hot that it is cooled off by squirting oil on it. As the oil is being applied, the barrel of the machine gun is smoking. Profile of shoulder with helmet on his head. Soldiers walking through the jungle searching for VC food and supply installations. CU Side shot of soldier in full gear holding a machine gun as he searches the jungle. Solder planting explosives on the ground. Military commanders watching their men. A grass hut is blown up. Another explosive is set off blowing up a underground installation belonging to the enemy.

Starving Whale, Arctic Circle
Clip: 425627_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1756
Original Film: 040-007-03
Location: Canada, North-West Territory
Timecode: 00:45:10 - 00:45:48

A herd of white whales are ice-bound in the waters of Eskimo Lakes in Canada's Northwest Territory. Holes are cut in the ice to allow the mammals to breathe air and fish are fed to them. The government is searching for a new feeding ground and a way to lead them to it. Aerial shot Canada's North-West Territory with an early freeze on the water. White whales coming to the surface to breath. Three men standing at the opening of the icy water watching and bringing fish for the whales. CU Man with a huge drill, drilling air holes for the whales so they can breath. Aerial shot ice covered water.

Winter Puts Mid-West In Deep Freeze
Clip: 425628_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1756
Original Film: 040-007-02
Location: Midwest, Minnesota, Illinois, Michigan
Timecode: 00:44:19 - 00:45:07

Ten deaths are counted as winter aims its worst blow at the Midwest, packing blizzards and freezing temperatures. Traffic is clogged, schools closed, cities virtually brought to a standstill. Cold warnings continued on the heels of the storms, winter's most severe so far. A winter scene with houses in the background and the wind blowing the snow where it almost looks like a cloud or smoke. Cars parked at the curb side, very foggy outside or the appearance of fog caused by the blowing and falling snow. In Canton, Minnesota, one lonely gas truck making its way down the road. CU of a parked car covered in a lot of snow. In not for the falling and blowing snow, you can hardly make out the parked car. CU Man scraping off the ice on the windshield of his car. A road construction tractor piling up snow. A parked car with snow all around it. Man shovels his sidewalk. A car backing out of his driveway, his car gets stuck in the snow and the wheels start spinning.

Florence Fashions
Clip: 425629_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1756
Original Film: 040-007-04
Location: Italy, Rome
Timecode: 00:45:47 - 00:46:27

Italian designers show their new lines for spring and summer in the White Ballroom of the Pitti Palace in Florence, Italy. Among the highlights: shifts by Lydia with a softer silhouette, knit outfits by Ilaria in a riot of colors and patterns and formal gowns by Valdetivera. One of the many statues that line the streets of Rome and it looks like the Coliseum in the background. Models wearing pastel colored A-Line dresses walking down the runway. CU Two women sitting in the audience, maybe their fashion critics. Models wearing tights and tunics walking on the runway. Formal evening gowns in a printed light wool fabric.

Monte Carlo Rally
Clip: 425630_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1756
Original Film: 040-007-06
Location: Europe
Timecode: 00:47:22 - 00:48:10

The world famous Monte Carlo auto rally gets underway from eight different cities in Europe. 195 starters comprise the smallest field since World War II. Good weather and road conditions produce some excellent timing at the beginning, but Monte Carlo is a long way. Exterior shot Building "Automobile Club" and a crowd of people standing about waiting for the race to start. High Angle Shot of a red car with a male driver and his co-driver sitting next to him. CU you can see the faces pretty clearly as they check in for the race. CU two women are in the front seat of this car entry, smiling away. High Angle over the port of Monte Carlo. Car on its way from the starting point. POV - Driving down a Monte Carlo street with palm trees lining the way driving towards Nice.

Clip: 425631_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1756
Original Film: 040-007-07
Location: Australia
Timecode: 00:48:10 - 00:48:59

In Sydney, Australia, Kiama Blowhole provides plenty of thrills among divers and tourists alike. It's a 25 foot cliff carved out by a crashing sea. Divers leap into its churning pool, are dragged some 20 feet below the surface, then struggle back to the rocks. A spray of water shooting up approximately 25 feet or more from a opening in the earth (a hole). A group of scuba divers dressed in their wet suits. A scuba diver jumps into the hole which is a fairly deep jump. Scuba divers jumping into the water. The divers are in the water and it looks pretty threatening and ominous.

July 29, 1994 - Part 2
Clip: 460028_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10052
Original Film: 102861
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(11:24:54) (Opening of tape #10052) Captain Hume testified, at length in his deposition last week, that the Park Police were unable to do their Job investigating the tragic death of Vincent Foster because the White House wouldn't let them do their job. He went on to testify, and I quote: It became a joke that the Park Police had to wait to get permission from the White House before they could do their job. Clearly, if we are going to go into the manner in which the investigation was conducted, Captain flume should be here. I would hope if we cannot ascertain with definiteness by some time that we would issue the necessary subpoena and also bring in his supervisors, because we were also told that he could be beeped at any time. We have some -" you can get us any time. Any time you want, beep us." So I don 't know whether he's been ordered Senator BOXER. Point of order, Mr. Chairman. I thought we would all be heard and then we would get into these decisions. The CHAIRMAN. We will. Senator DAMATO, I just wanted to make our point of view known, And I've concluded, but I think it's important certainly that we get his boss to find out bow it is and how can we get contact 24 with him particularly when we were told we could get him any time of & day or night, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, always has a beeper. The CHAIRMAN. I don't want to get us diverted on this. I'd like to make this statement and yield- Senator KERRY. Well, before you do- The CHAIRMAN. No, I want make my statement first. I under- stand you're seeking recognition. Let me make my comment and then if you want to be recognized, I will be happy to recognize you. I want to indicate that we have a sworn deposition from this individual. He will be called to testify beyond today. We're not going to et hung up on that point. So that's not an issue. We'll have him in here for and questions that need to be raised. His supervisor is here today an be can answer questions as well. So I trust that we'll settle that matter. (11:26:56) Senator KERRY. Mr. Chairman, I just want to be recognized on this issue for a minute. The Senator from North Carolina said that the cover- up continues today and there's some impression being left, without adequate factual foundation, that this somehow may be something more than an innocent mistake or something. It's my understanding that while be was supposed to be available that be's on vacation because he didn't get the invitation prior to the time be was going on vacation and that he's available Monday. If be's available Monday and be is indeed, by mistake, legitimately on vacation-I'm not saying it is legitimate-but if that's true, then it's irresponsible to suggest that there's some great .99. cover-up going on and all I'm saying is we ought to be careful of the terminology we use before we understand the circumstances. He is going to testify. We all know he'll come here and we have the capacity to compel him to come here. The CHAIRMAN. He'll be here. Senator KERRY. We shouldn't The CHAIRMAN. He'll appear, Senator Kerry, let me call on make it a mystery that he isn't. as I've just indicated. you for your opening statement. OPENING STATEMENT OF SENATOR JOHN F. KERRY Senator KERRY. Mr. Chairman, one thing has become very clear through the discussions and bearings thus far on Whitewater and that is that the American people do not want these proceedings to become a partisan circus. They don't want to see Republicans and Democrats wasting dollars and time scoring points against each other. They want to know the facts. They deserve to know the facts, the truth, and they want to know that we are capable of finding those facts without ourselves violating standards of decency and ethics. I believe thus far, this Committee has done a good job of laying the groundwork for serious examination of this issue. That groundwork has been the most comprehensive to date, benefiting, obviously, from prior work of the Independent Counsel. More than 37 people have been deposed, some for over 3 days at a time. More than 44 deposition days have been crammed into a small period of time with three lawyer teams working each day and sometimes all night. 10,000 document pages have been turned over, reviewed and, despite leaks, there will be information which will be 25 heard here for the first time. I believe that this first stage represents a serious inquiry that will not compromise the work of the Independent Counsel. We've set the stage for competent probative bearings and whether they will be is up to us. While it's inappropriate to draw conclusions fore witnesses have fully testified, we do knoW from depositions the parameters of their testimony. We know what these hearings are about and equally importantly, we know what they are not about Just as we have a responsibility not to dismiss or diminish we also have a responsibility not to exaggerate what may have occurred, or fantasize So an honest appraisal, a nonpartisan appraisal, requires us to make clear that we are not close to a constitutional crisis, to a grand conspiracy, and there is no indication whatsoever, of direct Presidential abuse or involvement. But this is a legitimate inquiry, and there are important questions which deserve to be answered. There are clearly legitimate questions about some individuals who acting on their own in what they deemed to be the interest of the President or themselves--or both-may have exercised questionable judgment. That is mostly what these bearings are about, judgment. There is a world of difference, obviously, between Presidential directives, instructions or actions, and the independent actions of staff outside of the President's involvement, and there is a world of difference between conversation and actions taken or not taken by that staff.

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