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Displaying clips 2281-2304 of 10000 in total
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California Landslide: Earth Movement Blamed; Luxury Homes Crumble
Clip: 426275_1_1
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1748
Original Film: 039-039-01
Location: Clemente, California
Timecode: 00:47:00 - 00:48:18

In San Clemente, California, midway between Los Angeles and San Diego, violent earth movement has destroyed several homes while an entire street is actually sliding into the Pacific Ocean. Damage in the hundreds of thousands of dollars in the wake of what city officials call "A natural phenomenon." Traveling shot of the partially standing remains of what was once a street of luxury homes. The remains of a collapsed house rest on the edge of a slope of land that gave way leading directly the beach shore. Various shots of the beach through the badly damaged existing house. The beach is then seen through a broken window caused by the land's movement. Two engineers walk above and below a large sink hole in the street. Trees are uprooted. Roofs are covered in debris. Looking up from the beach, houses have twisted and turned in the natural disaster Looks more like piles of lumber and rubble than a functional framework of a house. Part of a house is swallowed up by a sink hole. The foundation of another home has heaved and cracked because of the land movement. Families stand on the beach below their houses watching their houses slowly falling apart.

Art Through A Magnifying Glass
Clip: 426276_1_1
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1748
Original Film: 039-039-02
Location: Washington DC
Timecode: 00:48:20 - 00:49:41

One of the world's tiniest, and most valuable paintings, is acquired by the National Gallery in Washington, D.C., at a cost of $616,000. It's so small, it must be displayed in a special case and observed with a magnifying glass. "Saint George and The Dragon" by Rogier van der Weyden is a 15th Century masterpiece which draws crowds of interested visitors. CU of various people's eyes as they look through a magnifying glass. They are looking at a small painting of St. George and the Dragon. St. George rides horseback and drives a spear through the dragon. People walk around the museum and stop to look in the case. A man in a white jacket with pinstripes stops to observe. CU as the painting gets more detailed as the camera tries to focus through the magnifying glass. Panning down of painting with camera. An elderly man wearing wire rim glasses and a hat bending over to look at St. George and the Dragon. High Angle shot of two women looking at the painting. Various shots of many people observing the 5 inch by 6 inch painting. CU of the full enlargement of the painting. St. George and the Dragon is showcased in a plastic or glass case in front of an oil painting that hangs in the background.

Pedipulator Primary Balance Experiment
Clip: 426277_1_1
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1748
Original Film: 039-040-03
Location: Schenectady. New York
Timecode: 00:49:41 - 00:50:43

An 18 feet high metal skeleton is operated by a man on display in Schenectady, N.Y. The Pedipulator is to be used by the U.S. Army like a giant robot on rugged terrain; and is impassible by vehicles. Unlike a robot it is controlled by the operators hand and foot movements. The primary version of a 18 feet high walking machine is called a Pedipulator. A man stands inside the Pedipulator, a big open sided box on metal stilts. The machine rocks back and forth using his feet and hands to control his movements. The man wears a harness that goes around his arm pits, enabling him to move forward and backwards without falling off or out of the contraption. Stepping on a metal bar the Pedipulator moves forward. On the bottom of the box is written "US Army Tank Automotive Center". The Pedipulator legs or stilts resemble the braces of scaffolding which are for now bolted to the floor. But are expected to function freely in later models. The man inside the Pedipulator continues rocking back and forth.

Los Angeles Relays
Clip: 426278_1_1
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1748
Original Film: 039-039-04
Location: Los Angeles, California
Timecode: 00:50:43 - 00:52:44

At the Los Angeles Coliseum, Jim Ryun, our best miler last year at 18, sets a new U.S. record in the two mile and becomes our country's best two-miler at a mere 19 years of age. He beats Jim Grelle by just one yard in a thrilling finish while 17,000 track fans go wild. Seventeen thousand track fans pack into the California Coliseum to watch track relays. Robert "Bob" Seagren, a pole vaulter, prepares to make his first jump. He runs and makes it over a 17 feet 3 inch bar. The Crowds cheer as his coach/ trainer gives him a quick high five. High Angle Shot as the two mile race begins. The runners take off. Among the runners is a 19 year old Kansas Freshman named Jim Ryun. Shots of the race. In the lead is Kipchoge "Kip" Keino from Kenya. In the last lap at the finish line, Jim Ryun pulls ahead of Keino for the win. Keino is passed by "Jim" Grelle. Jim Ryun wins by a yard setting a new world record for the 2 mile race of 8 minutes .25 and 2/10 seconds. Track and field fans give them a round of applause. CU of Jim Ryun walking on the inside of the track regaining his breath.

Indianapolis 500' Time Trials
Clip: 426279_1_1
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1748
Original Film: 039-039-05
Location: Indianapolis, Indiana
Timecode: 00:52:45 - 00:54:09

Mario Andretti turns in the fastest time of the day, close to 166 miles an hour, and wins the coveted pole position as qualifying runs for the Classic Indianapolis "500" continue. Last year's champ, Jim Clark, is second fastest, with 164 miles an hour. Wide Angle of the Indianapolis 500' race track with massive crowds in attendance just for the time trials. Race cars reach top speeds on the race track. A. J. Foyt drives car No #2 that was built overnight for him. Shots of racing fans sitting and standing in the stands. Race car No #19, Jim Clark pulls into a pit stop. No #24 British racer, Norman Graham Hill makes a pit stop as well. Shot of Graham Hill without his helmet as he sits in his car rubbing his hair back. No #26 American Racer, Rodger M. Ward, takes photos in his car for the photographers. No # 98 "Parnelli" Jones pulls into the pit as his Firestone jacketed pit crew rush to attend to his car. CU of Parnelli sitting in his car without a helmet. Race car No #1 Mario Andretti pulls into the pit. Photographers and his pit crew including Little Tiger hold up newspaper headlining Andretti breaking a new racing record. The race cars resume speeding around the track.

Capitol Journal - Civil Rights
Clip: 459877_1_1
Year Shot: 1986 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10202
Original Film: 31-3119
Location: N/A
Timecode: -

(01:00:00) WETA logo, PBS funding credits (01:00:13) Two unidentified men make different statements about the Civil Rights Commission - footage of them is in a window under which runs a banner reading Capitol Journal (01:00:31) In tv studio Capitol Journal host Hodding Carter introduces show, Capitol Journal title screen and animation (01:00:54) Carter talks about the Civil Rights Commission under the Reagan administration, footage of hearings held by the Subcommittee on Civil and Constitutional Rights investigating the Civil Rights Commission, on screen text of Civil Rights Commission improprieties (01:03:57) Carter standing outside the Capital Building gives brief history of Civil Rights Commission, on screen text of Reagan's Commission changes, Commission Chairman CLARENCE PENDLETON explains administration's goals for the Civil Rights Commission (01:05:21) Testimony of Civil Rights Commission member MORRIS ABRAM before House Subcommittee, comments of MARY FRANCES BERRY employee of Civil Rights Commission on practices of the Commission, comments of RALPH NEAS of the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights on the Commission, testimony of WILLIAM BRADFORD REYNOLDS of the U.S. Department of Justice before the House Subcommittee on why federal affirmative action programs should be abolished (issues of sex, and or gender, race included in this bit) (01:09:40) President RONALD REAGAN at a press conference says he wants a "color blind society", Representative DON EDWARDS, Chairman of the Subcommittee on Civil and Constitutional Rights comments on rising racial and gender based discrimination (01:10:50) Back in studio Carter explains why he couldn't get interviews with members of Civil Rights Commisssion, Carter introduces interviews conducted earlier in a Capital building office with members of the Subcommittee on Civil and Constituional Rights: Representatives PATRICIA SCHROEDER and JIM SENSENBRENNER, they discuss budget and focus of the Civil Rights Commission (01:18:44) Back in studio Carter introduces a discussion panel: STEVEN ROBERTS of the New York Times, DONALD LAMBRO of the United Features Syndicate, GEORGE CURRY of the Chicago Tribune, they discuss affirmative action and civil rights legislation in Congress (01:26:35) Carter thanks guests and closes out program, credits roll (01:27:30) PBS funding credits

Capitol Journal - Superfund / Toxic Waste
Clip: 459878_1_1
Year Shot: 1985 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10160
Original Film: 31-2357
Location: United States
Timecode: 01:00:00 - 01:04:42

Capitol Journal - Superfund / Toxic Waste

Capitol Journal - Out-takes
Clip: 459879_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10150
Original Film:
Location: N/A
Timecode: -

Out-take footage from Capitol Journal - includes random shots of the Senate and House floors - empty and populated, some of the shots of the Senate floor are during the taking of a vote, Speaker of the House TIP O'NEIL appears in some of the House floor footage. Also included are the Capitol Journal title screen and animation, the Capitol Journal theme song, PBS credits, off-air comments of Capitol Journal host HODDING CARTER and fellow journalist COKIE ROBERTS.

Pearl Harbor Remembered
Clip: 425564_1_1
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: No
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1755
Original Film: 039-097-01
Location: Pearl Harbor, Hawaii
Timecode: 00:01:02 - 00:03:02

On the 25th anniversary of the sneak attack on Pearl Harbor, a nation remembers this "day of infamy". Scenes from the December 7, 1941 attack show the destruction that twenty four hundred dead and eighteen ships damaged or sunk. Honor guard walks up the steps to the USS Arizona Memorial. One sailor carrying the American flag breaks formation to approach the flag pole. Intercut USS Arizona bombed and burning. Black smoke and fire engulf the tower of the ship. A bombed out military building. A partially sunk battleship sticks out of the water. CU the top tower of a battleship blackened and twisted metal from the intense fire and heat. Panning shot of charred metal remains of the battleship. A few surviving sailors stand on the top part of the tower just below the cannons. The battleship s bottom hull and propeller sticks out of the water. CU melted and twisted steel of the upper tower of the ship. Cannon partially emerges from the water from atop the deck of the battleship. CU Sailor plays the trumpet at the Memorial site as two others hoist the flag. He is playing taps. CU Plaque "TO THE MEMORY OF THE GALLANT MEN HERE. ENTOMED AND THEIR SHIPMATES WHO GAVE THEIR LIVES IN ACTION ON DECEMBER 7, 1941 ON THE USS ARIZONA." Panning shot of rust covered remains sticking out from the water. The American flag flying high as we get an aerial shot of the USS Arizona Memorial.

Francisco Franco
Clip: 425565_1_1
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: No
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1755
Original Film: 039-097-02
Location: Spain
Timecode: 00:03:02 - 00:03:54

NO AUDIO Spanish Dictator Francisco Franco introduces a new national Constitution before the Parliament. It includes some liberalization of national politics, including wider voting and religious rights. General Francisco Franco saluting. Spanish high ranking military men shaking hands with Francisco Franco. People in the street cheering and applauding. CU General Francisco Franco walking with his military supporters. High Angle Shot a jammed packed ballroom with General Francisco Franco s well-wishers. General Franco nods acknowledging their loyalty and political support. Profile shot of the General standing at a podium getting ready to address the crowd. General Francisco Franco addressing the Spanish Parliament. CU Parliament member listening to speech. He receives a standing ovation.

Christmas Tree
Clip: 425566_1_1
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: No
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1755
Original Film: 039-097-03
Location: Washington DC
Timecode: 00:03:54 - 00:04:44

No Audio. An 80 year old 65 foot red fir from the Sierra Mountains of California is erected in Washington D.C. for Christmas Celebrations. The National Community Christmas Tree highlights this year's Pageant of Peace with over 25 hundred multi-colored lights. Washington DC A flatbed truck moves a very large Christmas tree on its flatbed. A painted sign reads The National Christmas Tree. From California to Washington, DC. Provided by Pacific Gas and Electric Company." The flatbed truck drives down Pennsylvania Avenue passing The White House. The Christmas tree is towed to The Ellipse or President's Park South. A small group of children watch the workmen unload the tree. Children watch the tree being planted and tilt their heads back to see. A crane is used to stand the tree up. In one direction you see the White House in the far distance and to the other the Washington Monument.

Norte Dame - 51 USC - 0
Clip: 425567_1_1
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: No
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1755
Original Film: 039-097-04
Location: Los Angeles, California
Timecode: 00:04:44 - 00:06:47

NO AUDIO Notre Dame s Fighting Irish become Number One in collegiate rankings after beating USC Trojans 51 to 0. This marks one of the worst games in USC history. High Angle of a packed Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum with football fans. The Trojans on the left and the Fighting Irish on the right. Notre Dame Player Coley O'Brien passes the ball to his receiver. It is caught and he is brought down. O'Brien again passes the ball and the receiver makes a touchdown. Coat clad Notre Dame Fans clap from the stands. Coley O'Brien hands off the ball to No. 47 and he carries it for a first down. MCU of players and coaches applauding from the sidelines. Notre Dame passes the football for another touchdown quickly followed by a first down on the next play. Sports fans are brought to their feet. O Brien passes the ball but an interception is made by USC Trojan s No 50. He gains a first down. Trojan coach John McKay walks the sideline with a smug look as his players applaud the attempt at a touchdown. Various shots of Notre Dame with possession of the football. The make a touchdown. Players jump and hug each other and their coach before more football is played. John McKay looks irritated as the final touchdown is made. Scoreboard reads Notre Dame 51 USC 0.

Winter's Debut: Heavy Snowfalls Arrive Early
Clip: 425568_1_1
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: No
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1755
Original Film: 039-098-01
Location: New York State
Timecode: 00:07:31 - 00:08:16

No Audio Across the country, many dig themselves out from the winter's first heavy snowfalls. Up to five feet of snow cover parts of western New York, the Midwest and the Rockies. A very pretty tree covered path of freshly fallen snow. Village of Mayville sign displays the depth of recent snowfall. A new car lot is parked with cars covered in snow. It looks at least 6 inches or more from the amount on their hoods. Mother and child walking down a snow covered sidewalk as it continues to snow. A man digging his car out of a snow bank in his driveway. CU rear wheel of a car spinning as it s stuck in the snow. Snow plow comes down the street pushing the snow off to one side. In town, a girl crosses the street as a car passes. No one else seems to be driving just a few parked cars. A two story home covered in ice and snow. The evergreens out front are almost completely covered as snow continues to fall.

Biography: George Bernard Shaw
Clip: 459880_1_1
Year Shot: 1950 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1454
Original Film: WPA 1604
Location: Various
Timecode: 01:00:11 - 01:25:16

Biography: George Bernard Shaw

Aden Insurgency
Clip: 425978_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1762
Original Film: 040-052-04
Location: Aden, Yemen
Timecode: 00:24:40 - 00:25:25

Aden Insurgency "Ten British soldiers are among 51 killed in a local Arab war in the small township of Crater in Aden. Rival factions want control of Crater following independence from Britain. " MS British Special Forces Marine commandos looking over map; CU pointed finger traversing map. Aerial shot of large oil production & processing facility. Traveling shot of two British tanks parked on bridge. Panning TLS old ambulance passing cam. CU two bullet bandoliers on chest of commando standing by lorry. MS Yemeni & British soldiers wearing short pants standing by ambulance with sub-machine guns. MSs British commandos standing guard.

Birthday of Prophet Mohammad
Clip: 425979_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1762
Original Film: 040-052-05
Location: Lagos, Nigeria
Timecode: 00:25:25 - 00:25:58

Birthday of Prophet Mohammad "Thousands of Nigerian Moslems celebrate the birthday of the Prophet Mohammed in a day of parades, feasting, family carnival. Military and political leaders urge prayers for peace and unity." LS crowd. MS Nigerian woman with child strapped to back. MS Nigerian children walking by camera, smiling. MS banner: "Kawamu Arabic School." MS children gathered around large dishes of food. CU unidentified fried food. CU black boy wearing Arab cowl scooping something gruel'ish from container with hand, eating. MS well-dressed Nigerian sister in African trappings, headdress.

Anti-Vietnam Demo
Clip: 425980_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1762
Original Film: 040-052-06
Location: Los Angeles, California
Timecode: 00:25:58 - 00:26:35

Anti-Vietnam Demo "Thousands of anti-Vietnam war demonstrators scuffle with police near the Los Angeles hotel where President Johnson addresses a Democratic fund-raising dinner. Several were arrested." Los Angeles, California MS white youth with protest placards parading by Los Angeles police, night. TLS gaggle of LAPD officers wielding clubs marching along street. MSs protesters and police in street: first peaceful cohabitation, then pushing & shoving by police. MS white male protester bleeding from scalp being placed under arrest by police. Relatively peaceful protest, considering the potential.

Swedish Mobile Long-Range Nuclear Field Artillery
Clip: 425981_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1762
Original Film: 040-052-07
Location: Sweden
Timecode: 00:26:35 - 00:27:33

Swedish Mobile Long-Range Nuclear Field Artillery "Sweden unveils its newest field artillery piece, a mobile, long-range nuclear cannon with a firing range of sixteen miles. It replaces French-made howitzers and is totally Swedish made. " Panning TLS Swedish mobile long-range nuclear cannon passing cam in wooded area. MS Swedish dignitaries arriving. MS cannon barrel swiveling. TLS mobile cannon turning. LS cannon firing several times, huge spent shells falling from rear. LS numerous muzzle flashes in distance. Side view TLS mobile six-wheeled cannon rolling through brush.

LBJ Welcomes King of Thailand
Clip: 425984_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1762
Original Film: 040-053-02
Location: Washington D.C.
Timecode: 00:29:51 - 00:30:20

LBJ Welcomes King of Thailand MSs President LYNDON BAINES JOHNSON (LBJ) and First Lady LADY BIRD JOHNSON greeting His Majesty the King BHUMIBOL ADULYADEJ & Her Majesty the Queen SIRIKIT of Thailand. TLS U.S. military honor guard standing at attention.

Tornado In Belgium
Clip: 425985_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1762
Original Film: 040-053-03
Location: Belgium
Timecode: 00:30:20 - 00:30:57

Tornado In Belgium TLS/LSs tornado damage to buildings in village outside Antwerp, Belgium. MSs storm-damaged cars. MS - A small crowd of people standing outside a building that endured a lot of damage from the tornado. MS - A huge tree that was up-lifted by its roots fall on a retail stores. MS - Building that has a lot of damage due to the tornado. MS Town Hall, the roof was blown off and other structural damage. MS - A truck that was smashed up. MS - A car that was blown on to its side. MS - Street scene a lot of damage, trees laying in the streets and other debris thrown about.

Patrick Lyndon Nugent Meets Press
Clip: 425986_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1762
Original Film: 040-053-04
Location: Austin, Texas
Timecode: 00:30:57 - 00:31:45

Patrick Lyndon Nugent Meets Press MSs new mother LUCI JOHNSON NUGENT and husband PATRICK NUGENT exiting hospital with newborn son Patrick Lyndon Nugent, grandson of President Lyndon Johnson. MS nursing sister (nun) posing for camera. MSs Nugents getting into car, pulling away. MS several African-American nurses with one Caucasian nurse. Lucy Johnson.

Bats and Balls: Making Rawlings Baseballs
Clip: 459882_1_1
Year Shot: 1997 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 212
Original Film:
Location: Costa Rica
Timecode: -

10.00.22.- MS's & CU's employee stacking stamped baseballs into a large pyramid. 10.02.29.- MS employee at stamping machine. CU baseballs being stamped. CU stamped balls being stacked. 10.06.49.- ECU stamped baseball: RAWLINGS, OFFICIAL BALL, NATIONAL LEAGUE. 10.07.51.- MS's employee stacking stamped balls. CU stamped ball: OFFICIAL BALL, AMERICAN LEAGUE. 10.10.43.- perspective CU dozens of stacked baseballs. MS's pyramids, Rawlings banner in BG. 10.13.48.- wobbly traveling shots past baseball pyrmaids, employees working to package them. 10.21.32.- MS's & CU's employees weighing baseballs, placing them into boxes for distribution. 10.25.01.- CU's & MS's employees wrapping balls in tissue paper. 10.32.38.- MS's & CU's employee placing lids over boxes, putting boxes into cardboard box for distribution. 10.34.39.- MS employee putting boxes onto loading skid. 10.35.00.- MS's & CU's employee mold-cutting white leather swatches to be used as baseball covers. 10.41.02.- MS's & CU's employees sorting & packaging baseballs. 10.47.52.- CU machine packaging baseballs. MS employee manning packaging machine. 10.50.11.- CU baseballs in tissue paper being placed on blue cloth. 10.51.09.- ECU packages in machine. MS employees manning machine. 10.56.05.- CU packages on small conveyor. MS employee manning belt. 10.57.31.- MS's employees individually packaging baseballs. CU packages rolling off conveyor.

Bats and Balls: Making Rawlings Baseballs
Clip: 459883_1_1
Year Shot: 1997 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 213
Original Film:
Location: Costa Rica
Timecode: -

11.00.17.- MS's employees packaging baseballs in factory. 11.02.39.- MS's finished baseballs in chutes of a holding bay. CU's holding bar pulled, balls rolling off chute. 11.08.35.- MS & CU's baseballs going through some sort of high speed velocity testing machine. 11.16.14.- CU baseballs coming out of machine. MS inspection desk. ECU printout of small calculator. 11.19.44.- somewhat shaky traveling shots through a large factory room where 75-100 employees sew baseball seams at separate work stations. Male and female, mostly young, all local. Camera wanders up and down aisles. Features some interesting motions. 11.32.17.- traveling shots of employee pulling dolly of boxes from packaging area to distribution area. 11.35.28.- wide MS's employee pulling dolly to distribution area.

Bats and Balls: Costa Rica
Clip: 459884_1_1
Year Shot: 1997 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 214
Original Film:
Location: Costa Rica
Timecode: -

05.00.18.- tight LS of lush rural Costa Rican valley. 05.01.40.- traveling shots along Costa RIcan town (homes, stores, farms, developed areas, etc). 05.03.35.- tight LS's & MS's of a small yet beautiful waterfall encapsulated by greenery. 05.04.45.- traveling shots of scenic valleys, quiet residencies, communities, etc. 05.08.15.- LS's inside a semi-active volcanic valley, steam seeping slowly from craters & reflective pool. 05.27.40.- LS's of Laguna Botos, a misty black lake surrounded by greenery. 05.30.25.- MS sign for Laguna Botos (gives depth, altitude, temperature, etc). 05.31.48.- panning wide LS's of valley and low-lying clouds (seems to be drizzling). 05.33.32.- tight LS's of several ramshackle homes (rusted tin roofs) atop a subtle hill in the valley. 05.35.28.- traveling shots of quiet residencies, communities, pedestrians, cars & stores in urban areas, etc. 05.37.09.- tight LS Costa Rican flag carrying crew jogging; one holds an olympic styled torch.

Displaying clips 2281-2304 of 10000 in total
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