
Capitol Journal - Budget Gramm/Rudman

Capitol Journal - Budget Gramm/Rudman
Clip: 459918_1_1
Year Shot: 1986 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10196
Original Film: 31-3110
Location: N/A
Timecode: -

(01:00:00) WETA logo, PBS funding credits (01:00:13) Opens to President RONALD REAGAN speaking before a joint session of Congress and stating that the federal budget system is broken, unidentified man introduces budget to Congressional Committee - this opening footage contained in window in center of the screen, underneath window runs a banner reading Capitol Journal (01:00:32) In tv studio Capitol Journal host HODDING CARTER introduces show, Capitol Journal title screen and animation, Carter explains the show's topic - the federal budget, shot of Congressmen sitting around a rectangular line of tables fornulating the budget, graph of the rising national debt from 1961 to 1986, Reagan in his 1982 State of the Union address speaks of cutting taxes and government spending, in 1984 State of the Union Address Reagan says defense budget is not to be cut to save money - shot of Defense Secretary CASPAR WEINBERGER who nods in approval, 1985 State of the Union address Reagan says reduction of government spending comes with increased general prosperity, Representative JIM WRIGHT in interview with Carter says that Reagan is dooming debt on to future generations of Americans (01:03:55) Back in studio Carter segues to segment on budget talks so far, Senator WILLIAM ARMSTRONG makes a statement in support of Reagan's budget, various shots of Congressmen formulating and negotiating their own budgets - shots of Speaker of the House TIP O'NEIL and Senator Dole leaving a budget negotiation meeting, entering their cars and commenting on the future of budget negotiations (01:05:29) Back in studio Carter segues to footage of further development of the budget, Senator PHIL GRAMM at a press conference celebrates the success of his deficit reduction proposal, shots of the House of Representatives debating the balanced budget proposal (01:06:28) Back in studio Carter segues to another segment, at Republican Conference in Baltimore Representative JOSEPH DIOGUARDI speaks about the Republican party, various shots of conference, at Democratic Conference Representative RICHARD GEPHARDT addresses the Gramm-Rudman deficit reduction act, at 1986 State of the Union address Reagan says his budget will take care of all government needs even with further cuts in taxes, various shots of the 1987 Federal Budget running through the printing press machinery and emerging in book form, at the House Budget Committee Hearing Defense Secretary Weinberger testifies, quick shots of various department heads meeting with Congressional committees, Representative DAVID OBEY tells someone that the budget their asking for can't be afforded, footage of a Senate Budget Committee meeting where members discuss the formulation of a bipartisan budget - Senator PETE DOMENICI is one of those who speaks (01:10:48) Back in studio Carter segues to interviews conducted earlier with Senator Domenici, Representative WILLIAM GREY, and Director of Office of Management and Budget JIM MILLER in their respective offices - they discuss the budget in relation to Congressional Democrats, Republicans, the Reagan administration and the Gramm/Rudman deficit reduction act (01:19:30) Back in studio Carter introduces discussion panel: DONALD LAMBRO of United Features Syndicate, HOBART HOWELL of the Washington Post, STEVE ROBERTS of the New York Times - they talk about the budget war - tax increases, cuts in social spending, cuts in the military budget, if there will be a compromise, etc (01:26:54) Carter thanks guests and closes out show, credits roll (01:27:30) PBS funding credits