
Capitol Journal - Contra Aid Postponed

Capitol Journal - Contra Aid Postponed
Clip: 459921_1_1
Year Shot: 1986 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10200
Original Film: 31-3117
Location: N/A
Timecode: -

(01:00:00) WETA logo, PBS funding credits (01:00:13) Opens to two unidentified men giving their opinions on recent Congressional activity about funding the Contras, from tv studio Capitol Journal host HODDING CARTER introduces the show - all this opening footage contained within a window in the center of the screen, under the window runs a banner reading Capitol Journal (01:00:58) Capitol Journal title screen and animation (01:01:06) In studio Carter introduces the shows topic - funding of the Contras in Nicaragua, shot of Speaker of the House TIP O'NEILL being interviewed by the press, President RONALD REAGAN at a press conference criticizes Congressional "back room deals", shots of a House vote on ending funding to the Contras, Representative ROBERT MICHEL gives a passionate explanation as to why the Republicans voted in support of the end of funding, Representative THOMAS GREY gives a passionate rebuttal to Representative Michel, shots of Representative O'Neill presiding over the House floor (01:05:19) Shots of a protest against funding the Contras on the steps of the Capital - man calls for stop to funding from podium, cheering crowd holds up protest signs, two tv commercials - one pro-contra funding the other against it - first commercial is shots of various Soviet military helicopters in the service of Nicaragua, the narrators warns that these "Soviet gunships" piloted by Cubans are only a few hours from the U.S. - the second commercial has a background of a bloody red cross and narrator lists atrocities committed by the U.S. funded Contras - then a list is displayed of the many religious groups opposed to funding the Contras, shots of a Contra regiment in training in Nicaragua, President RONALD REAGAN at a press conference warns that without Contra funding Central America could turn into "a sea of red lapping at our borders" (01:07:09) Carter from an unidentified government building segues to Congressional voting on Contra funding, Representative DAVE MCCURDY speaks on the House floor, Representative Michel at a press conference explains his plan to push forth a Republican bill to fund the Contras, later at same press conference Representative THOMAS FOLEY explains why Contra funding efforts have failed in the House thus far (01:09:03) Back in studio Carter segues to interview he conducted earlier with Representative TRENT LOTT and Representative MICHAEL BARNES in a Congressional office, they discuss the last House vote on Contra funding, international relations between Nicaragua, Central America, Libya and the Soviet Union, and the possibility of U.S. military intervention in Nicaragua (01:18:41) Back in studio Carter introduces his discussion panel: EDWARD WALSH of the Washington Post, COKIE ROBERTS of National Public Radio, and STEVE ROBERTS of the New York Times, they discuss whether Congress will ever pass legislation allowing more Contra funding, the relationship of recent U.S.-Libya relations on support of Contra funding, the effect of the memory of Vietnam on Contra support, and the surprise Republican vote (01:26:35) Carter thanks guests and closes out show, credits roll (01:27:30) PBS funding credits