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Football - Auburn 10 / Alabama 8
Clip: 429101_1_1
Year Shot: 1963 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1717
Original Film: 036-098-03
Location: Birmingham, Alabama
Timecode: 00:13:32 - 00:15:05

Alabama takes on the Auburn Tigers at Birmingham and the Crimson Tide finds it is up against Tigers of a different stripe this year. Auburn hasn't beaten Alabama in 5 years. Today is different. With a fine defense and an alert offense Auburn capitalizes on Alabama's mistakes to win. 10 to 8. Straight ahead - The Orange Bowl. Birmingham, Alabama Alabama's marching band is on the football field and they form a gigantic letter A. MLS - Sport fans attending this football event. MD - Auburn has the ball, QB throws a short pass, it is caught and the receiver goes 12-yards. MS - QB hands off the football and it is carried 7-yards. MS - The kicker, Woody comes out on the field and kicks the ball for 3-points. MOS - The fans are on their feet cheeing . MLS - The punter kicks the ball down to the 5-yard line. MS - The punter kicks the ball again the ball is fumbled by Birmingham and Auburn recovers. MS - Kent a substitute QB throws the ball and it is caught by the receiver, and he goes in for the touchdown. MS - Alabama has the ball and it is handed off to Nelson and it is carried 80-yards for a touchdown and that puts Auburn ahead 10 to nothing. MS - Joe Namath running the football in for a touchdown.

Pope's Pilgrimage: Council Hears Plans For Holy Land Visit
Clip: 429102_1_1
Year Shot: 1963 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1717
Original Film: 036-099-01
Location: Vatican, Rome, Italy
Timecode: 00:16:57 - 00:18:25

Pope Paul VI makes a precedent-shattering statement as the Ecumenical Council ends its second session. He announces that he will visit the Holy Land in 1964 -- the first known occasion in which the head of the Roman Catholic Church has traveled from Rome to the land where Christianity was born nearly 2,000 years ago. The Council itself was historic --- its major achievement a change in the liturgy allowing, for example, parts of the Mass to be read in the local language. Vatican, Rome, Italy The Pope sitting on St. Peter's chair surrounded by his Ecumenical Council, young priest. MS - Pope Paul the XI makes the announcement that he is going to visit the holy land, middle east. MLS - Pope Paul VI leads his council in prayer. MS - The Cardinals, Arch-Bishops and other clergy applaud Pope Paul VI decision. MCUS - Pope Paul VI sitting in St. Peter's chair as Cardinals, Bishops and other members of the clergy queue in a single file, kissing the ring of the Pope. MS - Pope Paul VI being carried out on a raised chair in a procession. (Vatican II, vatican 2)

Helicopters Prove Worth In Vietnam
Clip: 429103_1_1
Year Shot: 1963 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1717
Original Film: 036-099-02
Location: South Vietnam
Timecode: 00:18:25 - 00:19:36

The 'copter has come of age as a weapon of war in the fighting in South Vietnam. The whirlybird has won acclaim for its rescue work --- snatching the wounded and helpless from almost certain death --- and as a hit and run attack craft. South Vietnam Helicopter in flight, views from the open door of the helicopter. MCUS - An army base with soldiers going about their business a parked helicopter. MCUS - A wounded soldier is helped out and off of the helicopter. MCUS - A wounded soldier seated on a beach chair is put in an ambulance. CUS - The front of the helicopter. Aerial - Views from the helicopter. CUS - A disabled helicopter sitting in shallow water. MS - A larger helicopter comes in and the disabled helicopter is fastened by steel cables and is lifted out of the water. MLS - This large helicopter flying with this disabled helicopter hanging by short steel cables.

New Sea-Air-Sea Missile Unveil
Clip: 429104_1_1
Year Shot: 1963 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1717
Original Film: 036-099-03
Location: At Sea
Timecode: 00:19:36 - 00:20:49

The U.S. Navy unveils a new submarine missile that can hunt out and destroy enemy submarines within a 30 mile range. It can be launched from a submerged sub, fly through the air at supersonic speeds and explode on target underwater, destroying the enemy. The USS Seadragon armed with a new nuclear submarine missile. An naval officer is looking it over. MS - Animation showing how the missile lifts out of the water, and when the missile separates how a guidance system keeps it on target. It lifts out of the water and comes down entering the water acting like a dept charge. CUS - Two army officers sitting at the controls of the submarine and they shoot off the rocket. You see the rocket traveling under water.

August 4, 1994 - Part 2
Clip: 460717_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10098
Original Film: 104551
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(10:30:52) Mr. MCLARTY, I believe the questions about Mr, Altman's testimony were after he testified here February 24th. Senator KERRY. I am saying in terms of a question, it raises a question in terms of his credibility before the Committee. Mr. McLARTY. I am sorry. I understand the question. Senator KERRY. But it was a Treasury-initiated meeting? Mr. McLARTY. That is correct, Senator Kerry. Senator KERRY. So in all of this hullabaloo about Whitewater/ Madison, there are only four meetings over the space of 5 months, all of them initiated by Treasury and that is the full measure of your knowledge or involvement in this. Is that not accurate? Mr. McLARTY, Senator, I believe it is. I have not recast the meetings quite as precisely, but I believe you are correct in how you outlined them. Senator KERRY Well, that is certainly not a sign of a White House obsessed by this issue. Mr. McLARTY. Senator, I agree with that, and that is why, in my opening comments, why I tried to appropriately point out what we were focused on in the White House from September through the March time period. Senator KERRY, Now, despite the fact that you are as close as you are to the President, there was no, there is nothing in the record, no conversation, anything that indicates that somehow the President asked you to monitor this or stay in touch with it closely or anything, is there? Mr. McLARTY. That is correct, Senator, Senator KERRY. Now I want to come back to an issue that does concern the Committee, and see if I can maybe ask a question, and Ms. Williams, you can maybe help me. If it is an opinion you do not want to offer, then do not. Obviously, the Treasury was initiating an awful lot of outreach on this and many of us think much of that was inappropriate. I would think you, in hindsight, would probably have that judgment I hope that that may come up. On this meeting where Mr. Altman comes to the White House, I conclude that there was clearly a lower-level White House view, an individual view expressed by some people working in what they thought may have been the best interests of the President, and who felt that Mr. Altman did not need to recuse, for whatever reasons. Mr. Altman goes home, makes a decision, comes back and it seems is rather anxious to kind of let people know that he is going to stay on. I guess we are all sort of left wondering, I mean, is it your sense that he was trying to please people, or curry favor, or something by letting everybody know if this was not, in fact, a big-deal meeting? Why else would he call and get a group together in order to notify them of this non-recusal? 296 MS. WILLIAMS. Once again, I am hesitant to speculate because,. know speculation -just blows up on you, but I will say it was not my sense that he was in any way currying favor. I would not think that. Senator KERRY. Was there any rational reason for doing it? I am sorry, my time is up. The CHAIRMAN. Yes, we can come back to this. I will certainly see that you get a second round. Mr. MCLARTY. Mr. Chairman, if I may inquire of the Chair? thought Senator Kerry noted, and I should have clarified it during his comment, that the October meeting, as I understand it DeVore perhaps called, was in my office. That is not correct. Senator KERRY. Oh, I am sorry, I apologize. Mr. MCLARTY. That is not correct. Senator KERRY. It was the February 2nd meeting in your office? Mr. MCLARTY. Yes. Senator KERRY. I apologize and stand corrected. Mr. McLARTY. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. The CHAIRMAN. Senator Faircloth. OPENING COMMENTS OF SENATOR FAIRCLOTH Senator FAIRCLOTH. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Mr. McLarty, we have talked a lot here about the RTC criminal referrals that name the Clinton's and about the so-called, "Heads Up, that was first given to the White House on September the 29th of last year. But that was not the first time a Clinton appointee knew about these criminal referrals. In fact, a Clinton appointee not only knew that those referrals existed, she knew what was in them. Early in the Administration, President Clinton asked for the resignation of every U.S. Attorney in America, even those in most cases he did not have a replacement for. But one place he was ready, and that was Little Rock. He immediately appointed Paula Casey, a campaign worker, former law student of Bill Clinton, who became the U.S. Attorney in Little Rock. She not only had the criminal referrals in Little Rock, she knew what was in them. Mr. McLarty, do you know Paula Casey? Mr. McLARTY. I am acquainted with Paula Casey.

Heroes Cited: Guard Honored For Dallas Bravery
Clip: 429105_1_1
Year Shot: 1963 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1717
Original Film: 036-099-04
Location: Washington DC
Timecode: 00:20:50 - 00:22:41

See also catalog # 160076 Mrs. John F. Kennedy accompanies Secret Service Agent Clinton J. Hill and his family to ceremonies in Washington when the agent receives the Treasury's Gold Medal for attempting to shield the President and his wife during those horrible moments in Dallas. President Lyndon B. Johnson cites another Secret Service Man, Rufus Youngblood, for throwing the Vice-President to the floor of his car and putting himself in the way of the sniper. Washington DC Mrs. John F. Kennedy , Secretary to the Treasury, Douglas Dillon. MCUS - Mrs. Kennedy dressed in black with no expression on her face being very stoic. MCUS - The Secret Service Agent - Clinton J. Hill being presented with a gold medal from Secretary to the Treasury, Douglas Dillon. His family is sitting with Jacqueline Kennedy. MS - White House Rose Garden a small crowd of people and press has gathered. MS - President L.B. Johnson awarding another agent with a medal, Rufus Youngblood. President Lyndon B. Johnson, "There is no more heroic act then offering your life to save another. And in that awful moment of confusion, when all about him were loosing their heads, Rufus Youngblood never lost his. Without hesitation he volunteered his life to save mine. Nothing makes a man feel better than being an American, and to be witness to this kind of noble patriotism." - Crowd applauds.

The Pope's Historic Pilgrimage
Clip: 429200_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1719
Original Film: 037-002-01
Location: Jerusalem, Israel
Timecode: 00:07:07 - 00:10:58

Drop out at beginning of story A pilgrimage into history. Pope Paul Sixth travels from Rome to the Holy Land on his precedent-shattering trip. Even as he boards the plane he creates a series of historical firsts: the first Pope to fly, the first to leave Rome since 1809 and the first to visit the Holy Land in 2,000 years. He is greeted in Jordan by King Hussein before proceeding to Jerusalem where he enters the city through the Damascus gate and retraces the footsteps of Christ along the Way of The Cross. Police are helpless before the crowds that crush to see and touch the Pontiff. The Pope crosses into Israel and goes to Nazareth where Jesus spent much of his early life and then to the Sea of Galilee where St. Peter was singled out by Christ to be the first of the Apostles --- the Peter who first occupied the Throne that has come down to Pope Paul VI. Then the Pope met with Patriarch Athenagoras, leader of the Orthodox rite. Thus he ended his journey as he had begun it -- by making history. Jerusalem, Israel Pope Paul VI embarking from a Alitalia passenger jet liner. MS - Jet liner climbing in altitude with the Pope inside. CUS - Jordan s King Hussein. MS - Pope Paul VI disembarking from the plane and greeted by King Hussein, shaking hands. MS - The Pope travels 54 miles to Damascus gate and the crowds are amazing in numbers. MOHS - Pope is shaking hands with a Rabi. MLS - Throngs line the streets to greet the Pope. MCUS - The Pope is entering another church to say Mass in Nazareth. MS - Pope arrives at the church of the multiplication, where Jesus performed a miracle with fish and bread. MS - The Sea of Galilee. The Pope walks down to the sea and visually embraces what he sees.

August 4, 1994 - Part 2
Clip: 460718_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10098
Original Film: 104551
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(10:35:42) Senator FAIRCLOTH. I do not, Mr. Chairman, plan to go outside the scope of these hearings, so I will not ask why Paula Casey failed to act on the criminal referrals that the Special Counsel now has. I do want to ask some other questions. Did anyone in the White House have any communication of any kind with Paula Casey or any of her staff? Senator DODD. Mr. Chairman, that is out of order. 297 This is far beyond the scope. The CHAIRMAN. Senator Faircloth, we discussed that the other day and the problem with that area, it does cross the line into the areas that we have been asked not to go into by the Senate an the Special Prosecutor himself. I know you have strong feelings about the Special Prosecutor and I understand that, but that would take us into a zone that is going to have to be dealt with at a later time and cannot properly be dealt with by us here now under the instructions that we have been given. Senator DAMATO. Let me, if I might, Mr. Chairman, say to my colleague, Senator Faircloth, that there are a lot of disturbing as ects. The question of documents in Vincent Foster's office that we have now learned of. We were supposed to be able to go into the document area of the Whitewater papers that were initially found in Mr. Foster's office that were held at the White House apparently for 5 days. That is a subject we are going to have to wait on, that issue and others, that are beyond the scope of this hearing at this time. so I would ask my friend and my colleague to pursue it through an other line. Senator FAIRCLOTH. Well, are you saying that Paula Casey is out of the realm? Senator D'AMATO. Yes. As it relates to the criminal referrals at this time, yes. As it relates to any meetings that she may have had with the White House, I would have to say at this time, we should not. It's permissible to press inquiries, etcetera, but as it relates to the meeting specifically in September, etcetera, I think we have to be very careful. Senator KERRY. Mr. Chairman, I do not think it bears-I do not want to take from my colleagues time but senator D'AMATO. I hope we would restore his time. Senator KERRY. Absolutely, I think so. But every time these questions are dropped, and then there is a sort of statement about well, we cannot go into these things or something, then the listening public says, we will, what is going on, what is going on. And I think it bears repeating, in fairness, that this Committee is not trying to not go into something. We are not preventing the Senator from pursuing these at some point. We are simply adhering to the standards established by the Committee and the Senate to protect the investigation of the Special Prosecutor. There is going to be a second go around and we will all have an opportunity to do this. I do not want to leave an impression that somehow the White House, the Administration, this Committee are involved in not pursuing something, and so we are not just leaving questions hanging. There will be a time. The CHAIRMAN. Well, it should further be said, every White House person is appearing here voluntarily. All the documents have been turned over voluntarily. We have not subpoenaed anybody, and have not had to. So everything that we can properly look at at this time that we have asked for, we have been given. But the things that are outside 298 of what we can do now we will just have to it until another time. Senator KERRY, But most importantly, the reason we are not pursuing them now is to protect the integrity of the process and not for any other reason, The CHAIRMAN. That is correct, and in fact, we have been requested in writing by the Prosecutor to do that? Senator D'AMATO. Mr. Chairman, can I The CHAIRMAN. I want to restore-yes? OPENING COMMENTS OF SENATOR DOMENICI Senator DOMENICI. Mr. Chairman, might I just-without charging this to anybody-make a comment? If you want to, take it off of me, if I have some questions, that is fine. I just want to make a comment regarding Senator Kerry's observation. I think the flip side of what he says is true also. I think it is important for the public to know that there is a lot more to this than we are able to ask about. Some of these answers lead to some very logical follow ups but we are not able to ask them. Senator KERRY. Mr. Chairman, that is not true with respect to the portion that we are now looking-that is just not-that leaves an impression there is a lot more to this. Senator DOMENICI. Well, we are only looking into the Washington component: anything that has to do with the President and with contacts between Treasury and the RTC investigation.

Belgian Royalty In Tokyo
Clip: 429229_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 1719
Original Film: 037-007-04
Location: Tokyo, Japan
Timecode: 00:41:34 - 00:42:12

It is a week for royal travelers. Emperor Hirohito and the Crown Prince join with their spouses in welcoming King Baudouin and Queen Fabiola of Belgium, to Japan for a state visit. Tokyo, Japan Emperor Hirohito at the air port to greet King Baudouin and Queen Fabiola of Belgium. MS - The King and Queen of Belgium disembarking from the plane. MCUS - King Baudouin and Emperor Hirohito shaking hands. MS - Japanese military standing at attention. MS - Motorcade leaving the air port.

Balloon Race Ends In Tragedy
Clip: 429230_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1719
Original Film: 037-007-05
Location: Catalina Islands, California
Timecode: 00:42:12 - 00:43:28

A 42 year old grandmother flies to her death in a balloon race from Catalina Islands to the mainland. The hot-air craft are buffeted by high winds and only one entrant reaches the mainland. The body of Mrs. Barbara Keith is found miles off course -- two days after the race. Catalina Islands, California Several hot air balloons on the ground getting ready for the big race. CUS - The burner and the inflation of one of the balloons. CUS - An older couple, the lady holding an umbrella and watching the balloons take off. CUS - Mrs. Barbara Keith putting on her inflatable life jacket and helmet. Mrs. Keith's balloon lifting off the ground, all she has is a seat similar to a swing that she is sitting on. POV - Camera on the balloon records the take off and you see the people on the ground getting smaller and smaller. CUS - Famed balloonist, Don Piccard is seating himself on his balloon for the take off. Only one balloonist made it to the main land, six others had to be rescued from the water and Mrs. Keith was found 2-days later still strapped in her seat besides her submerged balloon.

Ancient Art Saved, Engineers To Move Treasures Of The Nile
Clip: 429231_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1719
Original Film: 037-007-06
Location: Egypt
Timecode: 00:43:28 - 00:44:35

An art treasure of the ages is being salvaged through modern engineering sciences. The temples of the Egyptian Pharaoh Rameses II are in the path of flood waters from the Aswan Dam on the Nile. In a $36,000,000 project, they will be sawed into sections and reassembled 200 feet above their original site. Great shots of the temples, interior and exterior. Egypt The temples of the Egyptian Pharaoh Rameses II. CUS - Some of the carvings and inscriptions on the temple. MCUS - Archeologists measuring the inside of the tomb, many drawings and inscriptions on the walls of the tomb. MS - A shot of a carved in stone image of Rameses II, and an engineer measuring the carving. MS - An engineer measuring the head of Rameses II, The head of the carving is three times larger than a man.

Bonnet In The Ring, Sen. Smith To Run For Presidency
Clip: 429232_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1719
Original Film: 037-008-01
Location: Maine
Timecode: 00:45:02 - 00:46:35

Margaret Chase Smith, Republican Senator from Maine, announces that she will enter the New Hampshire primary and seek the nomination for the Presidency. She has run for office 48 times and has had 48 wins so far. Maine This looks like it might be a ladies luncheon. CUS - Margaret Chase Smith standing at the podium, addressing ladies at a luncheon, with some men sprinkled in the audience here and there. Senator Margaret Chase Smith, "As gratifying as are the reasons advanced urging me to run. I find the reasons advanced against my running, to be far more impelling. For I were to run it would be under serve limitations, with respect to lack of money, lack of organization and lack of time because of the requirements to be on the job in Washington, doing my elected duty, instead of abandoning those duties to campaign, plus the very heavy odds against me. So because of these very impelling reasons against my running. I have decided, that I shall."

Royalty Gathers In Japan
Clip: 429233_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1719
Original Film: 037-008-02
Location: Japan
Timecode: 00:46:36 - 00:47:48

Emperor Hirohito of Japan and his Empress play host to the King and Queen of Belgium at a glittering State dinner in the Imperial Banquet Hall. Shades of an era that is passing rapidly. Japan Emperor Hirohito escorts Queen Fabiola of Belgium to her seat at a state dinner for King Baudouin. MS - Everyone seems to be seated at a very long table. MS - Emperor Hirohito standing up addressing the dinner guest. MS - King Baudouin stands up and addresses Emperor Hirohito and the rest of the dinner guest. MS - Everyone is standing now and lifting their wine glasses in a toast. MS - A reception attended by two hundred guest are greeted in the reception line. MS - Camera pans and you see the two Queens from two different countries sitting side by side. Some of the Japanese ladies are wearing their Japanese cultural dress.

There's No Stopping This Buggy
Clip: 429234_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1719
Original Film: 037-008-03
Location: Mississippi
Timecode: 00:47:48 - 00:48:44

Want to get away from it all??? Here's your transportation! A swamp buggy that is propelled by two buoyant screw devices. The Army is testing it. It goes over any terrain...damp or dry. Mississippi The Mississippi swamp buggy runs over the mud right into the Mississippi River. MS - The swamp buggy cutting through the water, and it is called the Marsh Amphibian. MS - The swamp buggy goes right through the gooey mud with no trouble at all. MS - The Marsh Amphibian is on dry grassy land and it's still moving just like it is on the mud and water. Aerial shot - From grass, to mud and finely to water once again.

Sports: Fishing On The Rocks
Clip: 429235_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1719
Original Film: 037-008-04
Location: Canada
Timecode: 00:48:45 - 00:49:52

Some people head for Florida on winter vacations. Other wind up in St. Anne de la Perade, Quebec...for ice fishing. Some 20,000 on a week-end throng the huts on the river and catch fish until their arms are tired. Canada St. Anne de la Perade, Quebec, lake. The little fishing houses keep the fishermen warm on the frozen lake. MS - Men on the frozen with lumber jack saws, sawing away cutting through the thick ice. The men pull out a huge block or ice with ice thongs. CUS - Two fishing buddies in a fishing cabin baiting their hooks with frozen pork Underwater shot - A Tummy Cod fish. MCUS - Inside a deluxe portable fishing hut, a fisherman (girl) pulls in a fish and seems to be quite proud of it. MS - A fisherman dumps all the Tummy Cod that was caught ringht on to the frozen lake.

August 4, 1994 - Part 2
Clip: 460719_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10098
Original Film: 104551
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(10:40:32) Senator D'AMATO. Let me say, if I might, Mr. Chairman, and I do not think we want this to be a back and forth. Number one, we are limited by the scope as it relates to that which was laid down and passed in the Senate Resolution. Second, though, and I think this is fair, we had intended to go into the subject of the handling of the documents, and we would have been looking into the handling of the documents. In fact, recent revelations indicate that they have become even more important, those documents being the Whitewater papers that were found in Mr. Foster's office. What happened? How were they handled? The process. Unfortunately, Mr. Fiske has not completed that phase and has asked to delay our investigation and public hearings on the subject. It was supposed to be part of these hearings. So I think that is what Senator Domenici is tying into. Senator KERRY. I agree with that. I agree with that, but that is the protection of the integrity of the process. Senator D'AMATO. That is right. The CHAIRMAN. Well, I am going to ask that-we have discuss ed this now. Every Member is going to have time to raise, in their pe- riod, if they want to make a comment on it, and I want to finish with the questioning. We have got Members waiting to ask questions that have been waiting a long time. So, Senator Faircloth, I would ask you then to keep the questions within what we can properly cover now, and let's restart your time, here to where it was, and let you finish. 299 Senator FAIRCLOTH. Mr. Chairman, I want to start out by saying, I thank you for the fairness with which you have conducted the meeting, and I respect your judgment in this. But, Senator Kerry, if you are concerned that the public is having questions and the audience about where we are headed and why we are headed there and in what way, you are absolutely right. And we have probably opened up a lot more questions than we have answered, and they are going to expect us to be answering them. Ms. Williams, you testified that you were assigned to be part of a so-called Whitewater response team that was set up in 1993 when the first press stories on Whitewater began to appear. Could you please describe who decided that there should be a Whitewater response team at the White House and what was the function of the team? Ms. WILLIAMS. First of all, Senator, the White House Whitewater response team was set up in January 1994. That is my understanding. That is the first time that I was involved in participating in any such team. Second, it was put together by Mr. McLarty who delegated to Mr. Ickes the responsibility of focusing on a coordinated response to Whitewater press inquiries. Senator FAIRCLOTH. How often did it meet and who were the participants? MS. WILLIAMS. It met for a while every day. At the height of the press inquiries, it met every day. The participants were Mr. Ickes, Ms. Caputo, Press Secretary to Ms. Clinton, Mark Geron, the Director of Communications, Mr. Eggleston, I believe, David Dreyer from the Communications Department, those were initially the Senator FAIRCLOTH. Well, why did you wait until January to put it together when Whitewater was an issue before the Banking Committee back in early November? Ms. WILLIAMS. Well, sir, since I did not put it together, I do not believe that you should direct that question to me, but let me say that my recollection is since we were responding to press inquiries primarily, our participation in such discussions around press inquiries heightened as the press inquiries heightened, so in October and November and December, to the best of my recollection, there were not lots and lots of press inquiries. They were starting. In January, they seemed to be at full speed ahead, I think, so I believe that we started it in response to the press inquiries at that time. Senator FAIRCLOTH. All right. Ms. Williams, why did you ask whether the briefing that Mr. Alt- man provided on the operation of the statute of limitations in the Madison case should be provided to Mr. Kendall, the President's personal lawyer?

Fly Away With Me - New Helicopter
Clip: 429133_1_1
Year Shot: 1963 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1716
Original Film: 036-088-02
Location: Washington DC
Timecode: 00:45:58 - 00:46:48

The trouble is -- there's only room for one in this jet turbine helicopter. It is transported to the fly away spot in a 12 foot box trailer and can be assembled and flown in five minutes. Its uses can be enumerated by the dozens. Washington DC A station wagon pulling a trailer. MS - There's a crowd that gathered that is watching the guy in the station wagon open it up. MS - When the trailer is unfolded there is a jet turbine helicopter. MS - The pilot is sitting at the controls of the little helicopter and is going straight up MS - This helicopter cruses at better than 50 mph. MS - The pilot is sipping all over the place and he finely lands the little chopper right on the open trailer.

Never Mind The Weather - Skiing on Artifical Snow
Clip: 429134_1_1
Year Shot: 1963 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1716
Original Film: 036-088-03
Location: Los Angeles, California
Timecode: 00:46:48 - 00:48:14

The drought and long Indian Summer don't stop skiiers in Los Angeles who build a 165 foot slide in the Dodger Ball Park and have themselves a ball jumping on artifical snow. Los Angeles, California At the Dodger stadium in Los Angeles they built a 65 feet high sky jump and they are applying crushed ice that is pretty much like a early spring snot. MCUS - Skiers sitting on the ground strapping on their skis. MLS - One of the first skiers goes down the ski jump. MS - The skiers are skiing down this ski jump with no fear in them.

Sports: Football - Navy 24, Pittsburgh 12
Clip: 429135_1_1
Year Shot: 1963 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1716
Original Film: 036-088-04
Location: Annapolis, Maryland
Timecode: 00:48:14 - 00:49:23

The Pittsburgh Panthers stalk into Annapolis all primed to claw the Navy. But the Midshipmen prove themselves big game hunters. Sparked by Quarterback Roger Staubach they riddle the Pitt Defense and hold the undefeated team to 12 points as the Middies score 24. Annapolis, Maryland Crowded football stadium. MS - Staubach passes the ball and it is caught and carried almost for a touchdown. Navy scores. MS - Jim Campbell passes the ball and it is intercepted by the Navy and makes it to the three yard line. and a touchdown is scored. MS - Midshipmen fire a cannon. MS - Pittsburgh passes the ball scores a touchdown but it's too little too late. Navy wins 24 Pittsburgh 12

Sports: Football - Harvard 17 Dartmouth 13
Clip: 429136_1_1
Year Shot: 1963 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1716
Original Film: 036-088-05
Location: Massachusetts
Timecode: 00:49:24 - 00:50:38

Harvard takes the measure of undefeated in 15 games until they meet a fighting Crimson team that turns the Dartmouth Green red. Interceptions and fumbles help John Harvard to a 17 to 13 victory. Massachusetts Harvard is having a frustrating first half at Dartmouth. MSOH - Harvard's pass is intercepted by Dartmouth. MS - Darthmout passes the ball, it is caught and ran into the end zone, scoring a touchdown. MS - Harvard hands off the football and the ball is carried to the 35 yard zone. MS - Harvard passes the ball it is caught and ran into the end zone, touchdown! MS - Harvard has the ball once again, runs it into the end zone and winning the game Harvard 17, Dartmouth 13.

August 4, 1994 - Part 2
Clip: 460720_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10098
Original Film: 104551
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(10:45:13) Ms. WILLIAMS. Well, Senator, first of all, let me say that I do not actually recall saying that, but it would not be inconsistent for me to say to anyone that there are matters that belong appropriately so I believe to the personal Counsel of the Clinton's. 300 I was trying to make sure, in my own mind, making a distinction between what rightfully belonged with the personal lawyer and what was an institutional matter. So I believed if we were talking about waiving of the statute that was not my business, that was the business of Mr. Kendall' Senator FAIRCLOTH. In your everyday course of duties as Chief of Staff to the First Lady, did you have contacts with Mr. Kendall, the Clinton's personal lawyer? Ms. WILLIAMS. Not in my everyday work. There would be sometimes, however, when Mrs. Clinton could not remember a fact about Whitewater that she would say, either call Mr. Kendall or I will call Mr. Kendall and try and get an an- swer. Senator FAIRCLOTH. What was the reaction of the other White House officials at the meeting, to your suggestion that President Clinton's personal lawyer be briefed on the operation of the statute of limitations in the Madison case? What did they think when you said that? Ms. WILLIAMS. Once again, sir, it is difficult for me to talk about their reactions since I do not even remember saying that. What I have tried to do is to volunteer to you that it would not be inconsistent of me to have said that. I was not paying any attention to any reaction because I do not recall myself saying that specifically. Senator FAIRCLOTH. Did you ever have any conversation with Mr. Kendall, the Private Counsel to the President, concerning the possibility of obtaining a briefing by the RTC on the operation of the statute of limitations in the pending Madison case? Ms. WILLIAMS. No, sir, to the best of my recollection, I did not. Senator FAIRCLOTH. That is all, Mr. Chairman. The CHAIRMAN. Thank you. Senator Bryan. OPENING COMMENTS OF SENATOR BRYAN Senator BRYAN. Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman. Mr. McLarty, Ms. Williams, it is nice to have you with us this morning. Mr. McLarty, I want to focus attention in my line of questions dealing with the testimony of Mr. Altman on the 24th, before this Committee. I continue to be very, very troubled by that testimony and yesterday we had testimony before this Committee by two gentlemen that I think are extremely able, whose instincts and judgments think were sound, and who I think were highly credible. Mr. Eggleston told us that on the day before the hearing, he was sufficiently concerned about how Mr. Altman's testimony was to be presented that he actually called Ms. Hanson to discuss, you know) the recusal issue there which had been the subject of the meeting on the 2nd of February. Mr. Eggleston further told us that he was assigned to be in attendance at the time of the hearing, and that after Mr. Altman testified in response to a line of questions from Senator Gramm, Senator Bond and Senator Domenici, that he was sufficiently concerned that he left the hearing, as I understood it, placed a cellular 301 call to the White House to in effect say I am concerned about that testimony, I am led to believe that thereafter, either he or others made contact with Mr. Podesta who was then in chain of command. For whatever reason, and this is the question that I want to ask you in a moment, that was not addressed properly, in my judgment, there were a series of letters, as you know, that flowed from, I think, March 2nd to March 3rd to March 11th and there was one other letter. Share with me what the organizational structure was in the White House because you had two fine gentlemen who I think immediately saw the problem, attempted, to the best of their ability, to alert the White House that this needed to be addressed, and I guess, to use a football metaphor, somebody fumbled the ball. Mr. MCLARTY. Senator Bryan, I think your assessment of Mr. Eggleston and Mr. Podesta and others is a correct one. The matter was brought to the White House's attention to Mr. Podesta and I believe Mr. Ickes, who made me aware of it sometime shortly after Mr. Altman's testimony. And my direction was that we should work with Treasury to make certain that Deputy Secretary Altman's testimony was complete, I would say, Senator, that Treasury testimony, Mr. Altman's testimony per se, he and his staff should take the lead in terms of that testimony. Mr. Podesta had worked with the Treasury Department regarding this particular hearing, at the request of Mr. Griffin, who is responsible for our legislative affairs, and me. This hearing was a regularly scheduled hearing, as I understood it, and covered a very wide scope in its meeting. Senator BRYAN. Mr. McLarty, when did you first become aware that there was, quote, "a potential problem," those are my words, I do not think that is the testimony precisely, but that clearly is the import of the testimony by Mr. Eggleston and Mr. Klein, when did you first become aware that there may be a problem with that testimony?

Yesterday's Big Story - A Mitchell bomber had crashed into the side of the Empire State Building at the 79th floor.
Clip: 429564_1_1
Year Shot: 1945 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1720
Original Film: 037-011-04
Location: New York, New York
Timecode: 00:17:25 - 00:19:23

July 28, 1945. New York City was shrouded in a smothering blanket of fog when scores of people heard a low-flying plane heading south. Then, an explosion! A Mitchell bomber had crashed into the side of the Empire State Building at the 79th floor. The crew of three and ten other people died as the plane hit with such force that parts of it passed through the building and across the street. From street looking up at building on fire, and from building looking down at street. New York, NY New York City shrouded in a blanket of fog, you can hardly make out the shapes of the buildings. MS - Downtown New York a lot of people and traffic on the street. Camera pans - Empire State Building engulfed in fog. MS - Military men running down the street, fire hoses, traffic blocked off. Camera looks up at the building - There you see smoke coming from one of the top floors. MS - Inside one of the units that the plane went through, smoking from the fire, and a fire hose spewing out water to put out any hidden fires. MS - Firemen inside one of the units with their fire hoses. MS - A man laying on a ledge presumably dead, he was blown out of the building. MS - The fog has cleared up some and you see rescue squads, firemen and policemen as well as pedestrians. CUS - Man who looks unconscious being carried away on a stretcher. MS - Inside of an office burned to a crisp, This made it very hard to identify the remains of the people who were in that office. MS - All kinds of charred stuff, unrecognizable on top of the desk. MS - Fire and medical examiners inside the charred offices and then the camera pans down looking at the street below.

Quick, Fred, The Flit - Beatles in New York
Clip: 429566_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1720
Original Film: 037-012-02
Location: New York, New York
Timecode: 00:21:09 - 00:22:13

There are rumors that this is Britain's revenge for the Boston Tea Party. You guessed it... the Beatles have arrived in the United States for their first appearance before an idolizing teen-age crowd, with the St. Vitus bounce. They take an airing in Central Park. 3,000 screaming teenagers are on hand to greet the Beatles when they arrive at New York's Kennedy Airport. John, Paul, George, and Ringo wave to the fans as they walk down the stairs from the plane. During their first meeting with American press John and Ringo dance for the camera, as fans outside their hotel hold up signs that say "Elvis is dead, Long Live the Beatles." New York, NY A plane taxing in and then the camera pans to the top of a building where there's over a hundred teenagers, screaming and cheering. The Beatles disembarking from a jet liner, they stop on the planes stairs to wave to their fans. MS - The Beatles all four of them standing on a podium. MS - Teenagers lining the streets, camera zooms on to a sign that reads; Elvis is Dead. Long live the Beatles. Another sign reads (With a picture of the Beatles on it) We Love You - Never Leave Us. CUS - Girls smiling, cheering and yelling. MS - Ringo, John, and Paul in Central Park. MCUS - The press armed with their cameras. Camera looking up - Ringo, John, and Paul with their arms spread out.

Mardi Gras Ushes In Lenten Season
Clip: 429567_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1720
Original Film: 037-012-03
Location: New Orleans, LA
Timecode: 00:22:13 - 00:23:21

The traditional New Orleans Mardi Gras is bigger and better than ever as parades continue thru day and night. Pretty girls and grotesque floats all add up to fun for one and all... People in garish costumes on floats throw beads at the spectators. New Orleans, Louisiana It's evening time all the lights are on and the floats are starting to come down the street, people on the float are throwing beads to the people on the street. MSLD - It's daytime and the floats still come and more and more people are lining the streets. MCUS - A strange looking dog float. CUS - The crowd and their all holding their arms up begging for the beads. MSLD - A float with a paper machete rocket ship, and people throwing beads.

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