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Displaying clips 6481-6504 of 10000 in total
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Clip: 431579_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master:
Original Film: 68-02
Timecode: -


Clip: 431580_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master:
Original Film: 68-03
Timecode: -


Clip: 431581_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master:
Original Film: 68-04
Timecode: -

Butterflies, various. swallowtail ?

Caterpillar (or centipede)
Clip: 431582_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master:
Original Film: 68-05
Timecode: -

Caterpillar (or centipede)

Insects: Praying Mantis
Clip: 431583_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master:
Original Film: 68-06
Timecode: -

Insects: Praying Mantis

Clip: 431584_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master:
Original Film: 68-07
Timecode: -


Clip: 431585_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master:
Original Film: 68-08
Timecode: -


Snake crawling in grass or leaves
Clip: 431586_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master:
Original Film: 66-02
Timecode: -

Snake crawling in grass or leaves

Misc. snakes -C.U.
Clip: 431587_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master:
Original Film: 66-03
Timecode: -

Misc. snakes -C.U.

SA Tropical tree snakes
Clip: 431588_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master:
Original Film: 66-04
Timecode: -

SA Tropical tree snakes

August 4, 1994 - Part 4
Clip: 460692_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10089
Original Film: 104553
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(12:50:34) And Mr. Chairman, I have to say I really fear that we are so totally focused on a few scraps of conversations and phone calls and 10-second or 10-minute meetings that we have mistakenly left the impression that the White House has been consumed with Whitewater. And indeed, it is my observation that Whitewater has been focused on instead of the real issues the American people care about here which come before this Committee, economy, jobs, Health Care, all of the real critical issues, I hope that as Senators and as Members of this Committee that we don't lose that perspective having gone through these intense hearings these last 5 days. The CHAIRMAN. Senator Murray, if you'll permit me on the remainder of your time just to agree with you. We all serve on other Committees. I serve on the Finance Committee, I'm Chairman of the Health Care Subcommittee and we've worked on it literally now for decades, and I want to be working on Health Care. This Committee, before we were given this assignment by the Senate, had spent no time on this issue, This has been assigned to us by the Senate and so we're discharging that obligation that we've been given, but I must tell you, when we finish this tomorrow evening, as I expect and trust we will, and we turn our attention next week to Health Care--I'm talking about the Senate as a whole and we can get back to itI'm fully in accord with your view. I think people want us working on Health Care and other issues, and I certainly join you in that sentiment. Senator MURRAY. And Mr. Chairman, let me add since it's still my time that this Committee has instead focused a lot of attention 330 on the RTC. In fact, the first vote I took on this Committee, as a' freshman Member, was spending billions of dollars for the RTC bailout which was not my idea of a great first vote on this Committee. And indeed as this is our job, to oversee the RTC in its im- mense capacity, I can safely say Whitewater is a very small part of that as well. I think it's a concern that we have spent 5 days focused on a very tiny part of the RTC when really maybe we ought to be looking back at the RTC and focusing on the broader picture as well. Senator D'AMATO. Mr. Chairman, Senator Bond has not asked any questions. The CHAIRMAN. Senator Bond. OPENING COMMENTS OF SENATOR BOND Senator BOND. Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman. Mr. McLarty, you've already testified that you were aware of the concern in the White House over the failure of Mr. Altman to mention the recusal discussions in the February 2 meeting; is that correct? Did you know of the meeting that Mr. Podesta had in the White House on March 1 where they spent 21/2 hours , I believe Counsel told us, talking about the questions relating to Mr. Altman's testimony? Mr. MCLARTY. Senator, I've already testified this morning that I was aware, that it had been brought to my attention that Mr. Altman's testimony might not be complete, and the recommendation to me was we needed to work to complete the record, and I certainly affirm that. Senator BOND. And did you see or know of the March 2 letter or March 3 letter sent by Mr. Altman to the Banking Committee? Did those come to your attention? Mr. McLARTY. No, I don't believe they did. I believe I saw them sometime after they were sent. Senator BOND. So they didn't. The White House was very concerned about the incompleteness of the answer and Mr. Eggleston , to his credit, immediately left the meeting on February 24, and called Mr. Podesta. It was discussed the next day. Mr. Eggleston read, I guess read the testimony on the following Monday, then they had a 21/2 hour meeting. So by then, as Chief of Staff, that had come to your attention; is that correct? Mr. McLARTY. Well, Senator, you're characterizing the very concern. I was aware that members of the White House staff had brought to my attention there might be a need to make certain that Mr. Altman's testimony was complete, and I affirm that. And if you'll recall, shortly thereafter, Mr. Fiske issued subpoenas and therefore, it really became inappropriate for us to continue to be involved in that process from the White House standpoint. Senator BOND. But you did-as Chief of Staff, you knew as of that March 1 meeting that he had not mentioned recusal? Mr. McLARTY. I'm not sure when I learned of that, Senator, whether it was March 1. At some point in time I was aware of what I just stated, that certain members of the White House staff felt Mr. Altman's testimony might need to be more complete, and I encouraged them to participate in that process. 331 Senator BOND. As Chief of Staff, did you ask why it was incomplete? Mr. McLARTY. I didn't get into a level of detail, Senator, as I recall it at that time. It was clear that the people who were responsible for that were engaged in it and I had confidence that they would work on that matter in a proper way.

The New York World's Fair
Clip: 429632_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1723
Original Film: 037-033-01
Location: Flushing, New York, NY
Timecode: 00:00:21 - 00:06:08

Are you ready? It's here!! The long-awaited New York World's Fair, which took four years to create, opens its doors to the first of 70,000,000 expected visitors. Dominated by the Fair's symbol The Unisphere (which means peace through understanding) the billion dollar baby of Robert Moses covers 646 acres. You'll stumble across all sorts of staggering statistics as you travel the 40 miles of walkways that wind through this City of Enchantment lined with 139 pavilions. Five crystal-clear fountains oscillate 10 million gallons of water through 5,000 nozzles -- illuminated by 2.5 million watts. There are enough telephones at the Fair for a city of 200,000. (See what we mean by staggering statistics....) Opening day is marred by rain. President Lyndon Johnson makes the opening speech. Approximately 100,000 Spartan souls braved the soggy weather for their first glimpse of what some say is "the experience of a lifetime". From the air...from the are some highlights of the World's fair -- theme of which is worth repeating "Peace through understanding". For the historically minded: America's first fair was held in New York in 1853. New York, NY The New York World's Fair grounds, people walking around and flags of all nations line each side of the street. MCUS - The 12-story stainless steel Unisphere. MCUS - On a rainy day people walking down a wooden bridge some with rain caps and umbrellas. Aerial shot - The Unisphere is sitting in a pond of water, dead center. MS - In spite of the rain, the opening day parade still takes place. MS - In the parade a group of people pass the camera holding a banner from Pakistan. MS - Chinese people dancing with their dragon. MS - President Lyndon Johnson pulls up in a limousine, gets out and walks up to the fairs president Robert Moses and shakes his hand goes over to the podium and makes a dedication speech. President Johnson, "This fair represents the most promising of our hopes, it gathers together from 80 countries, the achievements of industry, the help of nations, creations of man. This fair shows us, what man at his most creative and constructive is capable of doing. And so I took my leave of what Ogden Nash has called 'the Promise Land, of Mr. Moses.' Hoping and trusting that in the future it will not take anyone forty years to reach it. Thank you very much..." (Applause) The attending crowd in the stadium. President Johnson is in a good mood smiling and shaking hands with the people. MS - A building shaped like a pagoda, and little trams moving people around. MS - International Plaza. Maybe taken from a people tram of all the buildings lit up. Dancing lighted fountains. The Unisphere all lighted up, a fire works display. The silhouette of two people standing together looking on to the lit up Unisphere

August 4, 1994 - Part 4
Clip: 460693_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10089
Original Film: 104553
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(12:55:44) Senator BOND. I was concerned because, going back to our files, we've come across a March 7 article in The Washington Post that I believe refers to an interview done by you on Sunday's CNN Late Edition, with Mr. Gibson. In any event, The Washington Post quotes you as saying-well, actually, the transcript said, "Again, I don't think there was anything improper at all. It was an informational meeting. The same information was provided to the White House, had already become public record and had already been provided to Members, both Democratic and Republican Members of the Senate Banking Committee." Do you recall that statement? Mr. MCLARTY. I recall the interview. I believe it was with Mr. Sesno, if I'm not mistaken, Senator Bond. I don't recall the article that you're referring to, and I believe it refers to the February 2nd meeting and not any follow-up letters to this Committee. Senator BOND. But I'm concerned that at that time you knew the information was incomplete and when asked about it, you followed the same line that Mr. Altman had followed in the February 24 hearing. That's the reason that I asked the question about when you had knowledge that, in his February 24 testimony before this Committee, he had not mentioned that he had discussed recusal on February 2. Mr. McLARTY. Senator Bond, if I may respond. Senator BOND. Sure. Please. Mr. McLARTY. And I appreciate your point. I think I just testified that I was not certain of the date that I learned this, and I believe the way that question came was about the February 2nd meeting. As the matter was brought to me, it was about his testimony being complete. I don't recall the level of detail, as I just testified a few moments ago, as I testified to you. Senator BOND. Mr. McLarty, when did you first learn about the criminal referrals perhaps mentioning the Clintons? Mr. McLARTY. That was asked earlier, Senator. Sometime in November, I believe. Senator BOND. So you were not advised during, at the time that Mr. Nussbaum received the faxes from Mr. Altman, March 23 and 24, you were not advised at that time? Mr. McLARTY. No, I was not. Senator BOND. Do you recall who told you about the criminal referrals? Mr. McLARTY. I believe I read about them in the paper during that period of time. Senator BOND. That was about October 31? Mr. McLARTY. Sometime thereabouts or shortly thereafter. Senator BOND. As Chief of Staff in the White House, you were not advised by Counsel who had had meetings with Ms. Hanson, September 29th and the October meetings, that this was going on? That wasn't brought to your attention? 332 Mr. McLARTY. No, it was not, Sir. Senator BOND. Is it distressing to you as Chief of Staff that the information was not brought to you? Mr. McLARTY. No, it's not, sir. Senator BOND. Can you give this Committee any assurance that nothing was done to get rid of any records that might have beer related to or have reflected upon the matter in the criminal refer ral, any of the matters dealing with Whitewater? Can you give this Committee that assurance? Mr. McLARTY. I can only give you the best of my knowledge. All of the records have been given first, I believe, to the Justice Department and then to the Special Counsel, as I understand it . That's the best of my knowledge. All of the information has been provided that has been requested. Senator BOND. Anyone else? I thank you, Mr. Chairman. The CHAIRMAN. Senator Kerry, do you want to be recognized?

August 4, 1994 - Part 4
Clip: 460694_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10089
Original Film: 104553
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(13:00:23) Senator KERRY. Mr. Chairman, I don't want to belabor this , but I want the record to be complete so that we have a fair capacity to understand this. Senator Shelby spent a little while and others have asked a number of times about the memorandum or diaries of Roger Altman with respect to the words "paralyzed," and the quote, "If we don't solve this within the next two days, you don't have to worry about her schedule." I really wanted to place in the record, and ask unanimous consent to do so, just two newspaper-collections of news stories beginning in December of 1993 running up through the time of this diary. The CHAIRMAN. Without objection that will be made part of the record. Senator KERRY. I'd just like to run through it very quickly for a minute and then revisit the diary in that context. On December 23, 1993, a newspaper article appeared in The Washington Post and this is just The Washington Post/New York Times here. But The Washington Post had "Hill Pressure Builds for Probe of Clinton's Whitewater." I might add the "Hill pressure" might more accurately have been described as "Republican pressure" because it was exclusively Jim Leach, Senator D'Amato, and Bob Dole, but that was phrased as "Hill pressure." The day before that an article in The New York Times, "Investigators to Seek Ex-White House Files on Land Dealings." (13:02:11)(tape # 10089 ends)

Naval Base Water: US Moves To Assure Supply To "Gitmo"
Clip: 429573_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1720
Original Film: 037-014-01
Location: Guantanamo
Timecode: 00:32:25 - 00:34:44

Once more Guantanamo is under strong pressure from Castro as he cuts off its water supply. Water is on short rations as the United States prepares to install de-salting plants to convert sea water, meanwhile keeping the base supplied by shipments from Norfolk, Virginia. Service families are being rotated home as the Navy plans to cut back on Cuban employees to reduce drastically the $6,000,000 payroll that goes into the Cuban economy. Guantanamo, Cuba Camera pans Guantanamo Bay. POV - From the water you see naval buildings built near the water. CUS - Map, you see the tip of Florida, Cuba and the location of Guantanamo on the island of Cuba. MS - Road. MS - Sign - Water Condition Alpha, Conserve Report, All Leaks. MS - Two military men reading a notice posted up on the bulletin board. CU - Closed Water Condition - ALPHA. Closed - Castro Cut our Water. MCUS - A tanker docked at a pier in Cuba. MCUS - On of the engineers on deck turning on water to supply our troops. MS - The tanker in open sea. MS - Temporary water filtration plant on a tanker. MCUS - Cubans disembarking from a ferry. MS - Helicopter coming in for a landing. MCUS - Two military driving an army jeep. MCUS - Two military men, one of them is looking through a set of binoculars.

Clip: 314727_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master:
Original Film: 862-13
Location: Yosemite National Park
Timecode: -

Creek ***

Clip: 314728_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master:
Original Film: 862-12
Location: Yosemite National Park
Timecode: -

Half-dome, tree, & Golden tree in Autumn

Clip: 314729_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master:
Original Film: 862-11
Location: Yosemite National Park
Timecode: -

Snow on slope, treasure & mountains **

Clip: 314730_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master:
Original Film: 862-10
Location: Yosemite National Park
Timecode: -

Winter from Inspiration point

Clip: 314731_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master:
Original Film: 862-1
Location: Yosemite National Park
Timecode: -

Melting Iciles ***

Shooting Stars
Clip: 314732_1_1
Year Shot: 1942 (Actual Year)
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master:
Original Film: 861-9
Location: Yosemite National Park
Timecode: -

Shooting Stars (Flowers) **

Shooting Stars
Clip: 314733_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master:
Original Film: 861-8
Location: Yosemite National Park
Timecode: -

ON PREVIEW CASSETTE #201335 Shooting Stars (Flowers) ***

Shooting Star Flowers
Clip: 314734_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master:
Original Film: 861-7
Location: Yosemite National Park
Timecode: -

Preview Cassette 220022 Shooting Star Flowers & Meadow

Shooting Stars
Clip: 314735_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master:
Original Film: 861-6
Location: Yosemite National Park
Timecode: -

Shooting Stars ***

Displaying clips 6481-6504 of 10000 in total
Items Per Page: