
Quick, Fred, The Flit - Beatles in New York

Quick, Fred, The Flit - Beatles in New York
Clip: 429566_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1720
Original Film: 037-012-02
Location: New York, New York
Timecode: 00:21:09 - 00:22:13

There are rumors that this is Britain's revenge for the Boston Tea Party. You guessed it... the Beatles have arrived in the United States for their first appearance before an idolizing teen-age crowd, with the St. Vitus bounce. They take an airing in Central Park. 3,000 screaming teenagers are on hand to greet the Beatles when they arrive at New York's Kennedy Airport. John, Paul, George, and Ringo wave to the fans as they walk down the stairs from the plane. During their first meeting with American press John and Ringo dance for the camera, as fans outside their hotel hold up signs that say "Elvis is dead, Long Live the Beatles." New York, NY A plane taxing in and then the camera pans to the top of a building where there's over a hundred teenagers, screaming and cheering. The Beatles disembarking from a jet liner, they stop on the planes stairs to wave to their fans. MS - The Beatles all four of them standing on a podium. MS - Teenagers lining the streets, camera zooms on to a sign that reads; Elvis is Dead. Long live the Beatles. Another sign reads (With a picture of the Beatles on it) We Love You - Never Leave Us. CUS - Girls smiling, cheering and yelling. MS - Ringo, John, and Paul in Central Park. MCUS - The press armed with their cameras. Camera looking up - Ringo, John, and Paul with their arms spread out.