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Displaying clips 4153-4176 of 10000 in total
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Hi-Jinks In The LowLands
Clip: 426767_1_1
Year Shot: 1965 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1740
Original Film: 038-075-03
Location: The Netherlands, Holland
Timecode: 00:15:03 - 00:16:24

It's the annual pole vaulting tournament in the Netherlands when contestants jump over canals (some do, some don't!) in the ancient tradition and honorable manner used by the searchers for birds eggs among the watery nesting sites. Some succeed - some do not, dunk you! The Netherlands, Holland One of the contestants running, leaping on to a pole that's stuck in the water, pole vaulting over the water and landing on sand. MS Contestant who cannot climb up the pole lands in the water. MS Contestant just make's it over the water. MS spectators. MS Contestant runs, jumps on the pole, gets good yardage in the sand landing. CU Fans applauding. LS A woman makes the jump on to the pole, makes it over the water and lands in the sand, she lands at 34 feet winning the woman's crown. MS The men's champion, runs, jumps, climbs and lands at 45 feet, winning him the crown.

Zippie-Zoom On The Bounding Ma
Clip: 426769_1_1
Year Shot: 1965 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1740
Original Film: 038-075-04
Location: English Channel
Timecode: 00:16:24 - 00:17:46

Power boats invade the Island of Cowes - headquarters for sleek, sailing yachts, for the 16th International Offshore Race. 50 boats start out, but not many are appertain enough to take the tough pounding of the sea during the 198-mile test. for the first time, an American craft "Brave Moppie", wins the race. Town at the northern extremity of the Isle of Wight, that lays in the English Channel Aerial shot - The town of Cowes and the waters of the Strait of the English Channel is dotted with yachts. High Angle shot - Speed boats racing a 198 mile grind through the punishing open seas of the English Channel. CUS US speed boat # 115, The Maritime. Different angles shots. Speed boats that are entered in the race. Aerial shot - United States entry, Brave Moppie cutting through the water. Medium LS - Brave Moppie speeding into the harbor. LS Throngs of Yacht enthusiast to greet the speed boat pilots at the end of the race. High Angle shot - The pilot of the speed boat, 'Brave Moppie' shaking hands with an official.

Kashmir War: China Threatens India On New Front
Clip: 426772_1_1
Year Shot: 1965 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1740
Original Film: 038-076-01
Location: Kashmir, India
Timecode: 00:17:53 - 00:19:23

As the big guns bark on three fronts in the Kashmir War, there are new threats that may plunge all of Southeast Asia into hostilities. Red China has issued a series of ultimatums to India, while the United Nations has ordered the Kashmir fighting to end within forty-eight hours. With the threat of a widening war, there is disaster in Asia's future. Kashmir, India A real battle taking place with huge guns blasting away on three fronts. CUS Behind one of the anti-aircraft guns and soldiers operating the weapon. LS anti-aircraft, big-guns firing away. MS Pakistani or Indian soldiers queue in line making their way down the slopes of a mountain range. Camera panning - Mountains in Kashmir. CU a home destroyed from the gunfire. CU a home burning. CU weapons, grenades and anti-aircraft shells. CU Grenade launcher, grenade. MS aftermath of a battle. Civilians leaving burned buildings.

250,000 Acres Burn: Forest Fires Range In No. California
Clip: 426774_1_1
Year Shot: 1965 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1740
Original Film: 038-076-02
Location: California
Timecode: 00:19:23 - 00:20:45

The worst forest fires in the history of Northern California have laid waste a quarter of a million acres. There have been 265 fires in 21 counties and forestry spokesmen hesitate to say when all the fires will be fought under control. California Beautiful country side disrupted by the signs of fires burning in the not to far, distance. High Angle shot - Trees burning and in the open land a fire engine with firefighters High Angle shot - Tree tops engulfed by smoke and fire. CU - Fire engine passing with a fire fighting crew on top of the truck. CU - Brush and trees burning. MS - A three story home engulfed by fire, all you see is just the frame burning. CU Fire fighter pulling a hose from side of a burning home and another fire fighter giving direction to him. Fire fighter with hose directed at a building. A burning inferno. A child's tire swing hanging from a tree, smoke. Aftermath of fire damage, no home. A few people standing on the country side street assessing the damage. A burned out Mercury or Chevy car.

Astronauts' Tour: Cooper And Conrad On Goodwill Trip
Clip: 426775_1_1
Year Shot: 1965 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1740
Original Film: 038-076-03
Location: Greece, Athens
Timecode: 00:20:45 - 00:22:05

The Gemini Five Twins, Gordon Cooper and Charles Conrad get a rousing reception in Greece as they begin a seven-nation tour. Most of Athens seems to have turned out for a glimpse of the men who spent eight days in space. Later, they meet with their Russian counterparts and have a shop talk with Cosmonauts Belyayev and Leonov. Greece, Athens Plane just taxied in from the US carrying the Astronauts. MS - Motorcade parade. Astronauts driven in a 1959 or 1960 Cadillac convertible. High Angle shot - Throngs turn out to cheer on the Astronauts. High Angle shot - Astronaut Conrad among the Greek school children shaking hands. CU - Cooper among the school age children. CUS - The American and Russian Astronauts holding a press conference and Q & A session in a hotel banquet room.

Oregon State 12 - Illinois 10
Clip: 426776_1_1
Year Shot: 1965 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1740
Original Film: 038-076-04
Location: Illinois
Timecode: 00:22:05 - 00:23:39

The Oregon State, Beavers, among the top ten last year, have to keep moving until the final whistle to overcome the lead run up by Illinois early in the game. Oregon gets a touchdown with 50 seconds to play in the first half to trail 10 to 6. Then, in the closing moments of the game they nose ahead with another touchdown! Illinois Looking down at the football field Oregon kicks off to Illinois, stands are filled to the capacity with college football fans. High Angle shot - Football players facing each other ready to put a play into action. High Angle shot - Illinois quarterback passes the football and it is caught and ran in over the goal line for a touchdown. MS - Score board, Illinois 10 - Visitors 0. High Angle shot - Oregon is handed off the football and runs it in for a touchdown. High Angle shot - Illinois quarterback is hit by Oregon, fumbles and Oregon recovers the football. High Angle shot - Oregon and gets a 5 yard gain setting off the next play for a touchdown. High Angle shot - Oregon passes the football, it's a little short, but one of the Illinois defenders tips the ball into the hands of Oregon and they win by the skin of their teeth.

Art Of Our Times: Heroic Sculpture Unveiled In NY
Clip: 426779_1_1
Year Shot: 1965 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1740
Original Film: 038-077-02
Location: New York, New York
Timecode: 00:26:32 - 00:27:25

New York's Lincoln Center is the setting for a monumental bronze by Henry Moore. The six-ton sculpture is set in a reflecting pool next to the new Metropolitan Opera House and Philharmonic Hall. Mayor Robert Wagner presents the City's Handel Medallion to the sculptor as his new work is dedicated. New York, New York New York's Lincoln Center, the camera is show casing a 6-ton bronze sculpture. MS - Seats are set up for an audience who will be in attendance for the dedication of the sculpture. MS - Mayor Robert F. Wagner of New York standing at the podium and awards a medal to the sculptor, Henry Moore for his achievements.

August 2, 1994 - Part 2
Clip: 460268_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10066
Original Film: 102873
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(11:59:57) Hearing resumes: The CHAIRMAN. The Committee will resume. Let me invite everyone to find a seat and we'll start momentarily. The next Senator to direct questions will be Senator Bryan from Nevada. OPENING COMMENTS OF SENATOR RICHARD H. BRYAN Senator BRYAN. Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman. Mr. Steiner, I have a couple questions for you. The record of this proceeding will reflect, and your own testimony bears out, that you yourself thought it was the better course of action for Mr. Altman to recuse himself. My recollection of the record is that Mr. Stephenopoulos agreed. Ms. Kulka agreed. Ms. Hanson agreed, Mr. Nye a agreed. My question to you first is, are you aware of anyone other than Mr. Nussbaum who disagreed with the basic premise that it would be a prudent course of action for Mr. Altman to recuse himself? Mr. STEINER. Well, Senator, let me say that at different points in time, different people had different views on the subject. I, myself, for example, didn't arrive at that conclusion until several conversations bad taken place. I recall the other members of the Treasury staff also went through periods of internal deliberations about is issue. I recall that Mr. Levy, for example, at different times did not think recusal was the wisest course of action but I cannot tell you what his ultimate position was. Senator BRYAN. But by the latter part of February, at the hearing on the oversight schedule for the 28th, which was really a very crucial time period, by that time you bad a lot of information in terms of the various factors to be considered. Mr. Nussbaum, from what we have learned, was vehemently opposed to recusal. At that point in time, being the latter part of February, and prior to Mr. Altman's testimony, are you aware of anyone else wit in the Administration who opposed recusal? Mr. STEINER. I don't recall, Senator, any conversations specifically about recusal prior to Mr. Altman's testimony. The last time I recall having a conversation with Mr. Altman about the subject of whether he should or should not recuse himself was a substantive contact conversation which was about February 16. In anticipation of the hearing, we had conversations about questions that he might anticipate, but I think, at that point, be decided he was not going to recuse himself, 353 Senator BRYAN. "At that point" being on the 16th of February, did you share with him, being Mr. Altman, your own view? Mr. STEINER. Yes, I did. Senator BRYAN. And that view was? Mr. STEINER. That he should recuse himself. Senator BRYAN. In your diary, you make reference to a tortured day. It's my understanding that tortured day was, your view, at least tortured in part, because of the anguish as to whether to recuse or not to recuse. Is that an accurate characterization? Mr. STEINER. I think that was one of the factors that made it a difficult day, Senator. You may recall that after Mr. Altman's testimony, he was confronted with a number of news articles which commented on this matter and be had conversations with editorial writers who also commented on this matter. So there were a variety of factors at work. Senator BRYAN. So we place your diary entry, the document that we have would indicate that your comments with respect to this part of your diary deal with the time period, February 13 through February 27, 1994. Now, that would be prior, would it not, to the oversight hearing? Mr. STEINER. No, That would be through the oversight bearings, Senator. Senator BRYAN. I believe the hearing was on the 24th. Mr. STEINER. I believe that's correct, Senator. Senator BRYAN. What were the considerations with, respect to recusal? What was being discussed on this tortured day and by whom? Mr. STEINER. I don't recall the specific conversations about recusal on that day. I do recall that,, as I said, articles had appeared, and that we had for a long time considered the recusal issue within a political context, which is to say, were there going to be political appeals or requests for Mr. Altman to recuse himself and would there be allegations about the manner in which he was conducting himself? And, I think, we were eager to prevent any allegations of misconduct. Senator BRYAN, Who was a party to the discussions on this tortured day? Mr. STEINER. Senator, I don't recall any specific conversation. As you know, it was several months ago, and the events become compressed, but Mr. Altman was involved in discussions. I believe Mr. Levy was involved. I believe Mr. Schloss, one of our press people, was involved. I believe Ms. Hanson was involved. I believe Mr. Nye was involved, and there may have been others, Senator, but I just don't recall. Senator BRYAN. Among those people that you recall being there, do you recall what their position was and what advice they gave Mr. Altman?

Homage To Heroes: England Remembers Battle of Britain
Clip: 426781_1_1
Year Shot: 1965 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1740
Original Film: 038-078-01
Location: London
Timecode: 00:29:45 - 00:31:48

It was just 25 years ago that a few Spitfires and Hurricanes and a handful of pilots stood between Britain and total defeat at the hands of Hitler. Now, a generation later, that Battle of Britain is remembered as tribute is paid to those RAF fliers and their leader, in Westminster Abbey. Lady Churchill and her family are here as well as members of that gallant band who turned the tide of World War II, as Queen Elizabeth unveils a plaque honoring Sir Winston Churchill. London Air to Air shot - Britain s Air Force flying in their Spit Fires. CUS Stained glass windows in West Minster Abbey. High Angle shot - A procession down the center aisle of the Westminster Abbey. CUS Labour Prime Minister, Harold Wilson, High Angle shot - The wife of Sir Winston Churchill - Clementine Churchill accompanied by her son, Randolph Frederick Edward Churchill followed by other family members. High Angle shot - A very gray Sir Anthony Eden accompanied with his wife, Clarissa. High Angle shot - Queen Elizabeth II in conversation with Clementine Churchill and shaking Randolph's hand. High Angle shot, CU - Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip shaking hands with high ranking officers of Britain s Air Force. High Angle shot - Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Philip and Ministers of the Church of England. High Angle shot - Queen Elizabeth II opens the curtain exposing a stone in dedication to 'Remember Winston Churchill' and England takes the time to pay tribute to Winston Churchill. Camera panning up altar in Westminster Abbey.

Seal Nose-Count: Census Shows Herds Increasing
Clip: 426782_1_1
Year Shot: 1965 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1740
Original Film: 038-078-02
Location: Bering Sea, Russia
Timecode: 00:31:49 - 00:32:58

Along the desolate and forbidding coast of the Bering Sea the seals come home so that the youngsters can be born in the old home town. This year, there is good news as they take a census - the herds are still on the increase. Before the turn of the century, indiscriminate slaughter of seals threatened to wipe them out. MS - The forbidding coast line of Russia that lines the Bering Sea. MS Birds perched on the side of a cliff. High Angle shot - Hundreds of seals swimming in the water making their way to the rocky coast line. CU Mother seal and cub. MS Russian scientist walking on top of a knoll on the rocky coast line of Russia, ahead of them is a herd of seals. MS Scientist walking on the rocky beach towards a herd of seals. CU researcher holding a manual counter, counting seal heads. High Angle shot - Seals among the rocks. From on top of a cliff thousands of seals, you can spot the bulls because of their size.

Purdue 25 Upsets Notre Dame 21
Clip: 426783_1_1
Year Shot: 1965 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1740
Original Film: 038-078-03
Location: Lafayette, Indiana
Timecode: 00:32:59 - 00:35:29

The only thing sure about the new football season is that nothing is sure. Upsets are the order of the day - and Purdue pulls the turn-about of the week on Notre Dame. In a see-saw battle, they pull out all the stops in their fourth quarter as Quarterback Bob Griese drives the Boilermakers down the field for a last-minute touchdown and victory. High Angle shot - Looking down at the football stadium and its filled to capacity with fans, 16mm camera off to the right of the screen. High Angle shot - A portion of the crowd has cards that their holding up forming the American Flag. High Angle shot - Football players facing off. MS Bob Griese, Quarterback for Purdue cannot unload the ball so he zig's and zag's gaining 14-yards. MS - Griese s passes the ball. They run it in for a touchdown. Purdue. LS - Crowd cheering. MS - Notre Dame has the ball, it is passed and picked up by. MS - The ball is passed off to Nick Eddy and it is ran in for a touchdown for Notre Dame. High Angle shot - Hands off the ball and it is run in for a 54-yard run for a touchdown. Tying up the football game 18 to 18 in the third quarter. MS - Purdue carries the ball over the goal line scoring for the Boilermakers. Purdue wins 25 Notre Dame 21.

Up From The Sea - Aquanauts End Underwater Stay
Clip: 426784_1_1
Year Shot: 1965 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1740
Original Film: 038-079-01
Location: La Jolla, California
Timecode: 00:35:37 - 00:36:46

Aquanaut Scott Carpenter and one of his crews of ten return to the surface after a stay in Sealab Two. Carpenter spent 29 days below - twice as long as any man - while three crews of ten men each manned the undersea chamber for fifteen days each. Sea Lab II was in a depth of water of 205 ft. Using synthetic breathing gas of helium, Oxygen and nitrogen. After decompression, Carpenter meets with his wife and has more tales to add to his experiences as the second American to orbit the earth and setting a new record for living underwater, the only American to do both. La Jolla, California MS - Sea Lab II sitting on the deck of the mother ship. CU Wives looking through the port holes of the decompression chamber. CU - Carpenter checking out gauges. CU - One of the Aquanauts climbing out of the decompression chamber. CU Photojournalist taking pictures of the aquanauts in training. CUS - Other Aquanauts climbing out of the decompression chamber. Press conference, Aquanauts sitting at a long desk answering questions. Photojournalist taking pictures with their 16mm cameras. CU Carpenter showing his wife a model of Sea Lab II.

Queen Opens Dutch Parliament
Clip: 426785_1_1
Year Shot: 1965 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1740
Original Film: 038-079-02
Location: The Hague, Netherlands, Holland
Timecode: 00:36:46 - 00:37:47

Queen Juliana rides through the streets of the Hague to cheering throngs as she opens Parliament. She has both good and bad news to announce. Taxes are going up, but she tempers this with the official announcement of Princess Beatrix engagement. The Hague, Netherlands MS - Queen Juliana sitting in a golden carriage waving to her subjects, a footman walking besides her coach. Queen Juliana disembarking from her golden coach. MS - Interior of the Hague Queen Juliana takes her seat and addresses her loyal subjects. Medium CUS - Princess Beatrix. High Angle shot - Holland's Parliament. MS - Parliament standing giving Queen Juliana and Princess Beatrix cheers on the engagement of Princess Beatrix. LS - The Queen and the Princess standing acknowledging the cheering.

Largest Tanker Is Launched
Clip: 426786_1_1
Year Shot: 1965 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1740
Original Film: 038-079-03
Location: Okinawa, Japan
Timecode: 00:37:48 - 00:38:42

The Japanese, already boasting the largest oil tanker afloat, launch one that's even bigger. The 150,000 ton "Tokyo Maru" is so highly automated that , despite its size, it will require a crew of only 29. Okinawa, Japan One huge propeller from the back of the enormous tanker that the Japanese built. CU - Name of the tanker, 'Tokyo Maru'. CUS - Japanese women looking up at the tanker. MS The Christening of the tanker with a bottle of Champaign. The ship is in dry dock, but they are letting in water in the chamber its sitting in. Pedestrians walking on the pier a long side the tanker. Aerial shot, camera panning - Tanker 'Tokyo Maru'.

Navy 7 - Stanford 7, Deadlock
Clip: 426787_1_1
Year Shot: 1965 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1740
Original Film: 038-079-04
Location: Berkeley, California
Timecode: 00:38:43 - 00:39:58

Navy travels to the West Coast to take on Stanford. Johnny Cartwright sparks the Middies with his passing and Terry Murry carries for the sole Navy score. Dave Lewis and Bob Blunt are the passing combinations that sets up Stanford's touchdown as the game ends: 7 to 7 Berkeley, California Wide shot - Stanford Stadium jammed packed with football fans. MS - Navy has control of the ball, Johnny Cartwright laterals and the ball is taken 15 yards. The same play is repeated with the same players and he gains another 12 yards. MS - Terry Murry is handed off the ball and he takes it over the goal line. Navy leads 7 to 0. CU - Sailors cheering, clapping and smiling. In the third quarter Stanford's quarterback passes the ball 15 yards. MS - Standford's Dave Lewis passes the ball for another 60 yards to Bob Blunt. MS - Stanfors takes the ball over the goal line and Stanford puts 7 points on the score board. Game ends 7 to 7.

Baylor 17 Washington 14
Clip: 426788_1_1
Year Shot: 1965 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1740
Original Film: 038-079-05
Location: Waco, Texas
Timecode: 00:39:58 - 00:41:25

Baylor plays host at Waco, Texas, as they take on Washington and its a see-saw battle through the first half. With 17 seconds to go in the half, Terry Southall hits Knox Pittard for a touchdown and it is Baylor 17 - Washington 14. Second half is score- less so that's the one that counted. Waco, Texas High Angle shot - Football players running on to the football field. MS - Baylor's pass was intercepted by Washington. MS - It's Washington's ball deep in Baylor territory. Washington running around left end and takes the football home for a touchdown. MS - Baylor passes the ball 51 yards and runs it over the goal line tying up the game. MS - Washington has the ball and brings it out to the 30 yard line. MS - Washington passes and runs the ball over the goal line, Washington leading. MS - Baylor launches an aerial offensive. High Angle shot - With 21 seconds, Baylor does a few ballot steps and passes the ball and its a touchdown. Baylor 17 Washington 14.

August 2, 1994 - Part 2
Clip: 460269_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10066
Original Film: 102873
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(12:05:20) Mr. STEINER. I do not recall their advice at this time, no. Senator BRYAN. Do you recall anybody at that meeting or at that time frame on this tortured day, as you've characterized it, that urged Mr. Altman not to recuse himself? Mr. STEINER. I don't recall specific guidance that he received one way or another, Senator. 354 Senator BRYAN. Mr. Foreman, a question of you. You indicated earlier, with respect to that initial contact with Mr. Nussbaum that you found that was, from an ethical point of view, proper, Is that in essence your testimony? Mr. FOREMAN. Senator, in response to a hypothetical about that, that's what I said. There appears to be a legitimate purpose there. Senator BRYAN. Are we talking about the meeting that was held on September 29? Mr. FOREMAN. Senator, I answered a question about a hypothetical. That's all I can comment on. I don't know any of the details of those fall meetings. I'm sorry. Senator BRYAN. Well, I think the record will reflect that after Ms. Hanson was notified on the 27th by Mr. Roelle, that there was a meeting with Mr. Nussbaum, as I recall, on September 29, at which time this was being discussed with Mr. Nussbaum. Assume for the sake of argument that is correct. You've indicated in response to a previous question that you found an ethical problem with information which had been imparted with respect to the referral being shared with Mr. Nussbaum. Mr, FOREMAN. Senator, that's correct, I said there were no ethics violation there. I didn't speak to the appearance or judgment questions. Senator BRYAN. You're referring to the ethical standard? Mr. FOREMAN. Yes, sir. Senator BRYAN. Would your answer be the same if you knew at the time that Ms. Hanson received the information, she was told by Mr. Roelle, that this was confidential? Would that alter your opinion? Mr. FOREMAN. I certainly would need to pay attention to whatever the rules might be within the RTC, of which I was not aware at the time. Senator BRYAN. Assume for the sake of argument, there was no prior knowledge that Mr. Nussbaum had of this referral that was being made, and the only source of that information came from Ms. Hanson and her conversation. Would it still be your view that would be an ethical contact for her to make? Mr. FOREMAN. Senator, are you presenting that with knowledge of the RTC policy or not? Senator BRYAN. I'm asking you. You are the individual who is the guardian, as I understand it, of ethical standards for the Department, and I'm just asking you your own view as to whether or not this would be ethical. Mr. FOREMAN. I appreciate it, sir. I just need to know all the circumstances which I'm commenting about. As I understand it ' and not very well from recent press reports and some parts of testimony, and also the OGE report, and the OGE bad access to more information than I know now. OGE determined that it was a legitimate Government purpose for Ms. Hanson to tell Mr. Nussbaum Chat there were impending press leaks about these criminal referrals. I don't know the extent of the information that was passed at that time, Senator BRYAN. My time is up. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. The CHAIRMAN. Thank you very much. Senator Bennett. 355 OPENING COMMENTS OF SENATOR ROBERT F. BENNETT Senator BENNETT. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Mr. Steiner, you have said here-is this on-are we back to that problem? The CHAIRMAN. I don't know. Let's check and make sure the volume is up on the microphone, please, Talk good and loud into it. Mr. STEINER. I can bear you, Senator. Senator BENNETT. I'm not sure the television The CHAIRMAN. It's got to be beard by everybody in the room. Senator BENNETT. I hope this isn't counting on my time. The CHAIRMAN. No. We'll protect your time. Senator BENNETT. Let me move down. Let the record show that's the auxiliary microphone that was put there yesterday to fix the one that didn't work before that one came about. Thank you. Mr. Steiner, you've testified today, referring to Roger Altman, he wanted this case handled in identical fashion to all other cases. Is that a true statement? Mr. STEINER. Yes, sir. Senator BENNETT. I go to your diary, then, where you say, "for weeks we have been battling over how Roger Altman should handle the RTC investigation of Madison Guaranty S&L." Battling for weeks trying to decide how to handle it. It doesn't sound like a decision we're going to handle in identical fashion to all other cases. Can you reconcile the implications of those two statements?

Pope Paul VI: Pilgrimage Of Peace
Clip: 426789_1_1
Year Shot: 1965 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1740
Original Film: 038-080-01
Location: New York, New York
Timecode: 00:41:38 - 00:48:04

History is made this day. The eyes of a troubled world are turned to New York City and the United Nations as a pilgrim seeking peace arrives at Kennedy airport. It is a journey without precedent. Pope Paul Sixth, of course, is the first Pontiff ever to set foot on the soil of the United States. New York, New York The epic journey beginning with the landing of the Pope's plane at Kennedy airport. Aerial shot - The tops of all the tall buildings in New York City. MS - Pope Paul VI plane lands at Kennedy Airport. Many clergymen and dignitaries are waiting to greet him. CUS - Pope Paul VI walking holding a hat in his hand waving to the crowd of people. His 24-mile motorcade terminates at Saint Patrick's Cathedral where he offers prayers of thanksgiving for a safe journey. Motorcade makes it way through the streets of New York City. High Angles shot - 50 Thousand turn out to greet Pope Paul VI. MS - Inside a packed Saint Patrick's Cathedral the Pope makes his way up to the alter and offers prayers of thanksgiving for a safe journey. MS - Pope Paul holds out his arms to the 4,000 attending the service. A round of applause breaks out for the Pope. The Pope extends a blessing in Latin. Aerial shot - Throngs in the street's of New York. CUS - Nuns taking pictures of the Pope. President Johnson traveled from Washington to meet with the Pope for 45 minutes. Both expressed deep satisfaction with the meeting. MS - President Johnson and Pope Paul VI shaking hands on the steps of a hotel. There is little rest for the Pope on his crowded schedule. At the United Nations the spiritual leader of 600 million Roman Catholics is greeted by a Buddhist, Secretary-General U Thant. The Pope addresses the UN in fluent French, pleading that the United Nations offers the peoples of the world a last hope of peace. CU - Pope Paul addresses the United Nation in French. At the end of his address he receives a standing ovation. Later, he offers Mass before 90,000 people in Yankee Stadium and here he receives an ovation from Catholic, Jew and Protestant. LS - The Pope goes to the altar and offers Mass. Pope Paul concludes his journey with a visit to Michelangelo's "Pieta" at the Vatican Pavilion at the World's Fair.

Storms Lash Europe Anew
Clip: 426859_1_1
Year Shot: 1965 (Actual Year)
Audio: No
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1743
Original Film: 038-100-03
Location: Netherlands
Timecode: 00:22:00 - 00:22:53

The worst autumn storms of the century cause more havoc on the Continent from Scandinavia to Spain. The toll has been heavy in property & lives & shipping has been especially hard hit. Off the Dutch coast a freighter goes aground & the crew is rescued in a hair-raising drama. LS - Stormy tide rolling ashore. TLS - Tide lashing against pier house, several people standing on walkway. LS/TLSs - Chinese freighter Ping An run ashore along Netherland coast; TLS - Lifeboat on freighter; LSs - Evacuation, crew boarding lifeboat; TLSs - Crowd gathered on beach, watching; TLSs - Lifeboat reaching shore, rescue team helping crew ashore; MS - Smiling Chinese man riding piggy-back with Dutch man.

August 2, 1994 - Part 2
Clip: 460270_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10066
Original Film: 102873
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(12:10:31) Mr. STEINER. Senator as I said, Mr. Altman repeatedly told Treasury staff and RTC staff that he wanted this case handled in an identical fashion, in a nonpartisan, nonpolitical manner. Senator BENNETT. What was the battle about? Mr. STEINER. My reference here, I suspect, was the question of whether Mr. Altman should publicly recuse himself. Senator BENNETT. So in fact, your diary should have said we've been battling for weeks over whether he should recuse himself, not how the RTC should handle the case? Mr. STEINER. I think, Senator, as I've said, the issue was a public recusal, and that was the issue I believe I was referring to in this instance. Senator BENNETT. So there was a battle in the Treasury Department or the RTC over that issue that lasted for weeks? Mr. STEINER. Senator, I think, if I might, there were deliberations about this issue, and there were discussions. I think the word 'battle" is perhaps overly dramatic. Senator BENNETT. It our word. Let me go into your diary to I sentence that no one has read yet. All the other sentences I picked out somebody else on one side or the other has read, until low, but I find this one fascinating. The reference to the tortured lay, again, on whether or not he could recuse himself Then after Howell Raines, from The New York Times, called to say they were going to write a brutal editorial, Roger Altman decided to recuse himself. Harold and George, then called to say that Bill Clinton ,,as furious. Is that a true statement? Mr. STEINER. I'm glad you're asking. I think it deserves clarification. I never bad a conversation with Mr. Ickes and Mr. Stephenopoulos concerning the President. And at no time did anyone say to me anything about the President's views on the subject. My 356 understanding was in a conversation between Mr. Altman Mr. Stephanopoulos, and Mr. Ickes, they relayed to him the fact That the President was unhappy about the manner in which Mr. Altman had recused himself. Senator BENNETT. We can ask Mr. Altman, then, exactly what Harold and George said to him and whether or not the impression that you received was sufficient to put it in your diary on that day, that the President was furious at his recusal. Mr. STEINER. As I said, Senator, I bad no direct conversation with anyone in the White House about this subject. Senator BENNETT. We'll ask Mr. Altman that question. Mr. Devore, I too have been a flack. You made comment that the best thing to do was to be as open and honest as possible and that you really shouldn't say "no comment" because that sends the sig- nal that you -might have something to hide. I agree with that completely and have had argu ments within organizations where I've served with lawyers who have said our public comment must be no comment and my comment is no, you do that, you create further circumstances. So I'm sympathetic with your other comment. But this is a slightly different circumstance here. We are dealing with information, which is by legal definition, confidential. Indeed, the leaking of which violates regulations and presumably could lead to dismissal. I'm sure, listening to the Treasury officials we've bad here, if they could find out who did leak this information from the RTC, that individual would be dismissed immediately. You're nodding, Mr. Foreman. Is that true? Mr. FOREMAN. Well 7 1 can't speak to an employee of the RTC, but I certainly think serious administrative action would be considered against such an individual, sure. Senator BENNETT. We are dealing, then, with information that is extremely sensitive and has the legal title of confidential. I ask you in your professional advice as a flack, using the term we both know and love, wouldn't it have been wiser to say to the White House, yes, I have had a call from a reporter. I think that's a perfectly legitimate thing to say to the White House. The reporter calls you, involving the White House. I have no reason at all to complain about your calling the White House and saying we've had a call. It deals with extremely sensitive information, indeed, confidential information with legal implications around that confidentiality. Your best stance is to distance yourself from it and say since it involves confidential information regarding the courts, the White House will not comment on it. Indeed, it would be inappropriate for the White House to comment on anything that potentially could go to the court. Isn't that a defensible position for a public relations man to advise his client to take?

Dartmouth 24 - Pennsylvania 19
Clip: 426799_1_1
Year Shot: 1965 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1741
Original Film: 038-083-02
Location: New Hampshire
Timecode: 00:15:18 - 00:16:50

A fighting Pennsylvania team come to Hanover, New Hampshire, to take on Dartmouth and the Indians have their hands full overcoming the Pennsylvania Quakers who become the first team to score on the ground against Dartmouth this season before they go down 24 to 19. Both teams on the field and a play taking place. LS - Football Fans. LS - Dartmouth has the ball and is setting up for another touchdown. LS - A hand off and carries the ball over the goal line for a Dartmouth touchdown. MS - Scoreboard, Dartmouth 14, Visitors 7 - 1 down - 1 yards to go. High Angle shot - Dartmouth has the ball and passes and it is carried 12 yards. High Angle shot - Dartmouth has the ball and carries it around for a touchdown. Dartmouth 21 - Penn 7. LSW - Shot of the College football fans. High Angle shot - Penn has the ball and passes the ball for a touchdown. LS - Football players walking off the field, Dartmouth wins the game.

Dodgers Win World Series
Clip: 426800_1_1
Year Shot: 1965 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1741
Original Film: 038-083-03
Location: Bloomington, Minnesota
Timecode: 00:16:50 - 00:19:12

The Minnesota Twins, after winning the first two games on their home ground, go down to defeat in the final two at Bloomington, Minn. The great Sandy Koufax with only two days rest, pitches a three-hitter in the 7th game, striking out ten men to give the Dodgers a 2-0 victory!! Baseball field in Minnesota, the twins are in their home park and it is full of baseball fans. MS - Sandy Koufax pitching for the Dodgers to Zoilo Versalles, and he gets nothing. High Angle shot - Strike out victim number two, Earl Battey. High Angle MS - Koufax pitches the ball to No.41, Lou Johnson takes a swing at a ball Koufax pitches and slams it in for a home run. MS - Ron Fairly doubles into the right field corner. MS Wes Parker swings away and Fairly races away for a second Dodger run. High Angle shot - Zoilo Versalles is at bat he swings hits the ball and Jim Gilliam makes a save stunning the home crowd. High Angle shot - Joe Nossek hits the ball. MS - Koufax goes to his fast ball and Earl Battey strikes out. MS - Bob Allison is at bat and Koufax strikes him out. Los Angeles takes home second World Championship in the last three years.

Farewell To Fair: NY Exhibit Ends Two-Year Run
Clip: 426801_1_1
Year Shot: 1965 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1741
Original Film: 038-084-01
Location: New York, New York
Timecode: 00:19:19 - 00:21:42

Film is slightly damaged. Two seasons and Fifty-One Million people after its gala opening, the New York World's Fair has a gala closing, too. A time capsule containing a record of this civilization, including newsreel film, is lowered into the earth for the enlightenment of people 5,000 years hence. The last flags are lowered, the final fireworks go off, and the great party's over. The large world globe at the entrance of the park and throngs walking around. Aerial shot - Of the World's Fair, the fair has been visited by 51 million people. The Time Capsules - Deposited September 23, 1938 By The Westinghouse Electric Corporation As A Record Of Twentieth Century Divination To Endure For 5,000 Years. News Journalist with their 16 mm cameras. LS World's Fair throngs by the Time Capsule. The time capsule will be sunk 50 feet beneath the earth. CU of a button being pressed by a human hand and the capsule lowers itself disappearing for 5,000 years. LS Evening shot with all the light glittering. Tram Shot - All the people walking around the lighted exhibits. High Angle shot taken from a tram - Silhouette of a tram passes, all the lights at the World's Fair are lit up. As the tram moves along, you see traffic on the freeway jammed bumper to bumper. CU American Flag blowing with a dark sky behind it, the American Flag is being lowered and "Auld Lang Syne" is playing in the back ground and there's fire works going off. The last of the visitors to the World's Fair are departing from the grounds.

USC 14 - Stanford 0
Clip: 426802_1_1
Year Shot: 1965 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1741
Original Film: 038-084-02
Location: Los Angeles, California
Timecode: 00:21:42 - 00:23:12

Sixty thousand at the Los Angeles Coliseum see USC and Stanford battle for 52 scoreless minutes before things begin to pop. Mike Garrett takes off on a 76 yard touchdown journey that scatters the opposition. Rod Sherman makes the second Southern Cal score, and USC defeats Stanford 14 to 0. Wide Angle of the throngs who turned out to see the football game. The football game is being held at the Los Angles Coliseum 60,000 in attendance. High Angle Shot - USC and Stanford facing off on the football field. High Angle Shot - After 52-minutes it happens Iron Mike Garret gets the football, breaks through the right side and cuts back and he's off on a 76 yard touchdown journey and breaks a deadlock game and USC get's on the score board. High Angle Shot - Stanford passes and the ball, the ball is intercepted by USC. High Angle Shot - Rod Sherman has the ball and runs for 25 yards right into the end zone. High Angle Shot - The two teams are mixing it up but the score remains, USC 14 and Stanford 0.

Displaying clips 4153-4176 of 10000 in total
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