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Displaying clips 4177-4200 of 10000 in total
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Michigan State 32 - Ohio State 7
Clip: 426803_1_1
Year Shot: 1965 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1741
Original Film: 038-084-04
Location: East Lansing, Michigan
Timecode: 00:23:12 - 00:24:58

Unbeaten Michigan State goes after its fifth straight against Ohio State. 75,000 at East Lansing see the run of the week when Clint Jones breaks loose and goes 80 yards for the first touchdown. That's only the beginning as the Michigan State Spartans take a bead on the Big Ten Crown and swamp Ohio State - 32 to 7. Throngs of College football fans in attendance for the Michigan State vs. Ohio State football game. High Angle Shot - The fans in the stands are waving their pompons in unison. MS - Clint Jones breaks loose (Michigan) and runs 80 yards for the first touchdown. High Angle Shot - Fourth quarter Michigan State pours it on, passes, Clint Jones catches the ball and runs it in for another touchdown. Michigan State leads the Buckeyes 18 to Nothing. MS - Michigan dives over and puts 7 more on the score board for the Spartans. MS - Ohio State quarter back passes the ball and it is intercepted by Michigan State. MS - Scoreboard - Michigan 32 Ohio State 7.

Gadget Pageant: Patient Office Marks 175th Anniversary
Clip: 426804_1_1
Year Shot: 1965 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1741
Original Film: 038-085-01
Location: Washington DC
Timecode: 00:25:05 - 00:26:46

In Washington, DC, where it is celebrating 175 years of service protecting inventors, the Patent Office honors Leonardo Da Vinci, one of the most inventive minds of all time. The form is an exhibit of great Florentine's many anticipatory ideas such as a jack that foresees the flat tire and an airplane that suggests 20th Century aviation. A display concluded with a demonstration even he didn't foresee. A self-contained flying man who cavorts in the air before Washington Monument. Inside the Patient Office, a picture of Leonardo Da Vinci and above that a "jack" foreseeing a flat tire? CU - A full runner of the modern tank. MS - A page on Weapons Development, a steam gun. CU - A drawing by Leonardo of a man hanging from a parachute. MS - Da Vinci's - "Flying Machine". CUS - A Self Contained Flying Man Jet Pack aka rocket man.

International Auto Show
Clip: 426805_1_1
Year Shot: 1965 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1741
Original Film: 038-085-02
Location: London, England
Timecode: 00:26:46 - 00:28:08

London's 50th International Motor Show - a gleaming, dazzling display of the world's latest cars, equipped with some amazing labor saving devices and automotive engineering advancements. An irresistible display for compulsive car buyers. SMMT 1st Motor Show . Salesman opens the hood of a car showing off triple carbonators. He puts his finger on the headliner and the sun roof opens. CUS - Adjustable steering wheel, moving up and down. CUS - Salesman showing off the motor under the hood of the car. CU - Pulls a lever on the dashboard of the car and the hood pops up exposing the motor. CU - A Volvo split in half, showcasing the motor and the interior of the car.

Gobble, Gobble, Gobble
Clip: 426806_1_1
Year Shot: 1965 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1741
Original Film: 038-085-03
Location: Canada
Timecode: 00:28:08 - 00:28:45

From a Canadian Turkey ranch, a report that shows its feathered population is readying perfection. A promise of festive awards from Nome to Key West - come the Holidays. Opening shot - Throngs of turkeys on a turkey ranch. CUS - Turkey heads. CUS - Turkeys walking around. Brief shot - Turkeys following the Turkey Wrangler

Football - Forty-Niners - 45 Rams 21
Clip: 426807_1_1
Year Shot: 1965 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1741
Original Film: 038-085-04
Location: Los Angeles, California
Timecode: 00:28:45 - 00:30:49

The highlights of pro football's latest classic rivalry, the all-California clash between the Los Angeles Rams and the San Francisco 49ers, at the Los Angeles Memorial Stadium a series of thrill-packed shots that sees the 49ers overwhelm the Rams by a score of 45 to 21. The San Francisco 49's elect to receive from the Los Angeles Rams, playing in Memorial Stadium. MS - fumble recovered and score for the Rams. MS - Scoreboard - Quarter 1, 49's 0 - Rams 7. MS 49ers pass and rack up a touchdown in the first quarter in a tie. MS - Scoreboard - 49's 7 Rams 7. MS - A Rams fumble is recovered by the 49's. High Angle Shot - The 49's score on the fumble giving them the lead. MS - Score Board - 49's 21 Rams 7. MS - Rams pass is intercepted by a 49 defenseman. MS - Scoreboard - 49's 28 to Rams 7 as the first half ends. High Angle Shot - Rams gain 10 - yards. High Angle Shot - Rams quarterback passes the football and it is caught and he scores a touchdown adding to a victory Forty Niners 45 - Rams 21.

August 2, 1994 - Part 2
Clip: 460271_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10066
Original Film: 102873
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(12:15:57) Mr. DEVORE. It may be defensible, but it's certainly not the advice I would give a client. Senator BENNETT. What advice would you give in this cir- cumstance where there's confidential information that has this kind of legal thing? Forget what was done. Put your hat on and you're in a seminar now, Communications 101 at George Washington University, instructing people who want to go into your profes- sion. What would you advise them to do? 357 Mr. DEVORE. Well, let me distinguish between the situation we were actually in and the theoretical situation you're setting up. As I understand it, there were-I'm not aware of any questions being asked of the White House at this point by reporters that required an answer from the White House. Senator BENNETT. That's true. There were none. This was in anticipation, Mr. DEVORE. That's right. But let's assume that it had moved to the next stage, the stage at which the reporters were going to the White House and asking for a comment. At that point, if I were flacking, I would urge whoever is responsible for press activities in the White House to call the RTC and get the correct informationthe information, by the way, that really is not all that confidential since the reporter has it-to be sure the re reporter's facts are correct so they can devise an answer that is as forthcoming as possible, Senator BENNETT. I accept that as forthcoming as possible. Butas my time is running down, I postulate to you this articular problem. We are dealing with legal information here that could conceivably lead to an indictment. What is the President, or the White House Communications Director, or you in your role at the Treasury going to do when the reporter says- "We understand that there is a confidential-there is a criminal referral that proposes the following things and misstates the circumstances?" Would you comment? We got that from Ms. Hanson yesterday. She said it might be misstated and they must have a complete briefing so they could handle it. Do you then say oh, you've misstated what the confidential thing is, this is what's really going to happen in court? You can't do that. When you're dealing with matters that are going to end up in court, your posture is, I have to say, no comment because this is a matter under the jurisdiction of the Justice Department, and it will end up in court. I have no problem with notifying the White House that a call came from the reporter and, therefore, the White House is alert to the fact that the reporter is trolling around. I have no problem with telling the White House what the reporter told you. There's nothing confidential there. I do have a problem with a group of Treasury officials, not in cluding the flack going over to the White House, sitting down with the Counsel to le President and spending time in what appears to me to be a strategy session on the overall issue and not a headsUP on the question of "gee, we I 've got a reporter trolling out there and we need to be prepared for whatever he or she might say." I see that my time is up. The CHAIRMAN. Let me say, Senator Bennett, as you finish, we are on the second bells of still another vote and we all must go now in order to make that vote. Senator Boxer will be next in the order and I've asked her to go ahead so she can come back and resume the hearing. We must ail go now or we'll miss this vote. The Committee stands in recess for about 10 minutes. I'd ask the witnesses not to go far from the room so we can resume promptly. (12:19:47) [Recess.] (12:19:49) Commentary of hearings hosts DON BODE and NINA TOTENBERG, they also talk to MARY MCGRERY (?) of the Washington Post (12:27:32)(end of tape #10066)

August 2, 1994 - Part 3
Clip: 460272_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10067
Original Film: 102878
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(12:15:35)(tape #10067 begins) whatever he or she might say." I see that my time is up. The CHAIRMAN. Let me say, Senator Bennett, as you finish, we are on the second bells of still another vote and we all must go now in order to make that vote. Senator Boxer will be next in the order and I've asked her to go ahead so she can come back and resume the hearing. We must ail go now or we'll miss this vote. The Committee stands in recess for about 10 minutes. I'd ask the witnesses not to go far from the room so we can resume promptly. (12:19:47) [Recess.] (12:19:49) Commentary of hearings hosts DON BODE and NINA TOTENBERG, they also talk to MARY MCGRERY (?) of the Washington Post (12:27:32)(end of tape #10066)

Galapagos Islands 2 - Sea Lion
Clip: 427132_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 2029
Original Film:
Location: Galapagos Islands
Timecode: -

(Tape One) Young sea lion nursing, mother is sleeping in tide, closer view 01:58:32 Sea lions teat, still reclining, head of sea lion mother and baby under water, bubbles gurgling, sleeping, flipper flapping 02:00:23 Sea lion scratching its neck with hind flipper, close up of whiskers, another comes out of water calling 02:01:00 Sea lion mother patting her young on the head with back flipper 02:02:17 Two mothers and pups trying to nurse, CU of pup nursing and teat 02:05:41 Sea lion front and rear flippers, sleeping 02:06:07 Valvular nostrils

Clip: 427176_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 2032
Original Film:
Location: Salmon Glacier, Hyder, Alaska
Timecode: 05:34:16 - 05:37:31

(Tape Two) Salmon Glacier, Hyder, Alaska, jagged lines cut into a frozen river on each side is mountains 05:34:30 CU of the cuts in the glacier 05:35:45 LS of the glacier, woman with camera and tripod stands on bank, panning over view of mountains 05:36:20 CU of the jagged tips that make up glacier 05:37:06 Wide low open mouth of a cave flooded with water and ice, trees growing on the banks, this cave is the endpoint for the glacier, it all seems to stop here, the glacier cuts through the valley and pours down into the cave, LS of whole scene

Strip Mine
Clip: 427177_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 2032
Original Film:
Location: Hyder, Alaska
Timecode: -

(Tape Two) 'Premier Gold Project' strip mine in Hyder, Alaska, LS of a pile truck parked on a high mountain road, zoom out to show the mountain without vegetation, just scraped rocks against thick wooded area and darker snow-capped peaks 05:38:03 Panning of clusters of trees growing around the strip mine

Totem Pole
Clip: 427178_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 2032
Original Film:
Location: Alaska
Timecode: -

(Part Two) 05:38:26 ECU of the painted eye and half nostil of a wooded totem pole, whole face 05:38:42 Totem pole with clenched teeth, zoom out to show that this figure is holding a child, whole height of pole, bigger standing figure atop the one holding the child 05:39:10 MS of the two smaller figure and a disembodied head at the top of this pole 05:39:20 Side view of a wooded totem pole 05:39:38 CU of face on another pole, zoom out to show character holding child, in background is a peaked roof house with designs painted in reds and blues, camera follows pole up to show elaborately carved figures of people and animals, a carved bird sits at the top 05:40:11 MS of figures of bas-relief men carved round pole 05:40:33 ECU of black eye, zoom out to show face of totem pole, pole is laying on ground

Winter Scenics
Clip: 427179_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 2032
Original Film:
Timecode: -

(Tape Two) Snow melted by warmth of tree trunk 05:41:11 Frost crystals on window, gray metallic, closer look 05:42:19 Kopy's Pond in winter - scenic, pond surrounded by trees 05:42:45 Maple tree in winter

Clip: 427180_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 2032
Original Film:
Location: Yellowstone National Park
Timecode: -

(Tape Two) People photographing elk in Yellowstone National Park, cars parked on side of road, globs of photographers and gear set up, panning

Spider Web
Clip: 427181_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 2032
Original Film:
Timecode: -

(Tape Two) Spider web with dew drops, shown from different angles, zoomed

Mammoth Hot Springs
Clip: 427182_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 2032
Original Film:
Location: Yellowstone National Park
Timecode: -

(Tape Two) Yellowstone's Mammoth Hot Springs, puffy white and orange streaked mountain with smoke coming off the top of it

August 2, 1994 - Part 3
Clip: 460273_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10067
Original Film: 102878
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(12:29:24) Hearing resumes: The CHAIRMAN. The Committee will resume. Let me invite everyone to be seated. We have about 45 minutes before we must recess ,-Or the caucus luncheon meetings. 358 Senator Boxer. OPENING COMMENTS OF SENATOR BARBARA BOXER Senator BOXER. Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman. Mr. Steiner, I hope you're going to keep your idealism and Your belief that serving Government is a noble thing to do. When I look at you and I --you remind me of two people that I have great re- spect for who are motivated, I believe, in the right way and care as you do, and that's my son and my daughter. One's a lawyer and the other one's in the movie business and we know there's a defi- nite connection between the two of those. What I guess I need to ask you is about your diary. My daughter' kept a diary. Once we sat down and went through this diary and I remember stating well, you didn't explain it to me exactly this, way and she said, "Mom, this is a diary." This is a diary. And as, I go through your diary, I notice there are certain words there that are kind of exaggerations. They're words you wouldn't use, it seems to me, in ordinary conversation or in the course of keeping track of what occurred in your business life, words like "disaster unfold." It's very dramatic, "powerless," "intense pressure," "tortured day," "get rid of him," "brutal." Now, these are words that one would use, it seems to me, in trying to recount feelings perhaps rather than exact interpretations of, what went on. It's the way you felt when somebody said a certain event happened. Am I right in making that conclusion about your diary? Mr. STEINER. I think you're largely correct, Senator. The purpose, as I said before, was to reflect back on recent events and to think about what lessons I might draw and what feelings I may or may not have had. It was also true that more dramatic language can be used as shorthand rather than describing the events in the exact detail in which they occurred. And despite the fact that I kept this for a long time, I did consider it somewhat of a chore at times and did not write as expansively as I might otherwise. Senator BOXER. I also note that in your diary, there are some things that no one is picking up on here. For example, you make a reference to Senator D'Amato. You wrote "the GOP through D'Amato began " a countdown to the 28th which was particularly ironic since he, meaning D'Amato, "bad voted against extending the statute during the RTC reauthorization period. Now, when you wrote that, you didn't actually have information, did you, that the GOP had a meeting and asked Senator DAmato to do this, did you? Mr. STEINER. No, I did not, Senator. Senator BOXER. So your statement that "GOP, through D'Amato," this was a conjecture on your part, is it not? It's something you thought might have happened? Mr. STEINER, That's correct. Senator BOXER. It wasn't meant to be accurate; is that correct, in terms of this diary? Mr. STEINER We as I said before, Senator, it was never my intention to provide a precise narrative. Senator BOXER. I understand. I bring that out because I frankly think that too much is made of this diary. Now, as I understand 359 it, you're not really backing away from the things that you saw firsthand; is that correct? In other words, you I re not backing away from things that you knew when you put them in the diary, things that people actually said to you, you're not backing away from the actual facts? Mr. STEINER. I wouldn't say that I'm backing away from anything Senator. Senator BOXER. Now, when you wrote, "Roger Altman"- The CHAIRMAN. Senator Boxer, would you just stop there. I don't know quite what that phrase means. Either the diary is basically accurate with its facts or it is not. There have been stories to the effect, that I've seen, that you say that the diary is not accurate and she's just asked you a question and you really didn't give a straight answer. Mr. STEINER. Senator, I think I've been very careful, in fact, not to comment publicly on this matter at all in anticipation of appearing here before your Committee. This is the first public comment I have made on this subject. As I said in my opening statement, I think at times my testimony will clarify what I wrote. And I would say that, yes. The CHAIRMAN. If you'll just permit me and I'll restore your time. Senator BOXER. As long as I don't lose my time. The CHAIRMAN. Senator Boxer just asked you the question as to whether the basic facts you relays here, the basic text of what you've said, allowing for some hyperbole and exaggeration, if that is accurate, and the answer should be either yes or no. Is it accurate, the basic text? Mr. STEINER. Senator, as I said, if we went through it, I'd be happy to go through it on a point by point basis and talk about where there are differences and where additional clarity would be helpful. The CHAIRMAN. I think what you're re doing, if I may say respectfully, is what Roger Altman did here on February 24. You're not giving a direct, straight answer. Senator BOXER. Mr. Chairman, I would like to take back my time. And that is not my conclusion at all and I respect your opin ion but on my time I would like the opportunity to say that I do not agree with you here. I think what we have here is a young person who kept a diary about his time in Washington, DC. Now, when he looks back on this time 20 years from now, be doesn't want to think it was all boring. Now, some of the words in here

King Snake
Clip: 427214_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 2036
Original Film: B 1478
Timecode: -

(Tape One) King snake catches and kills mouse. 22:28:09 Snake swallowing rodent. 22:42:20 Snake burying itself underneath leaves to sleep after its meal.

Caneback Rattlesnake
Clip: 427215_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 2036
Original Film: B 1479
Timecode: -

(Tape One) Huge caneback rattle snake crawling and coiling 22:44:02 Zoom in of rattle snake crawling and coiling 22:46:39 Head on CU of tongue

Pilot Black Snake (Black Rat)
Clip: 427216_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 2036
Original Film: B 1479
Timecode: -

(Tape Two) Pilot black snake (aka Black Rat) climbing down tree 22:50:24 Snake crawling on fence 22:51:11 Snake climbing up tree 22:53:54 Reptile resting on tree branch, CU of head 22:56:31 Snake stretching itself out 22:58:53 Snake going up tree again 23:01:16 Snake coming down tree, slithering through autumn leaves

August 2, 1994 - Part 3
Clip: 460274_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10067
Original Film: 102878
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(12:35:21) The CHAIRMAN. I want to restore your time, Senator Boxer. Senator BOXER. Thank you. A lot of these phrases in here are te dramatic. As I went through them before, " powerless," "fate- "disaster unfold," "tortured date." You're using language here to indicate your feelings about it, and I respect the fact that you have a lot of feelings because you're not old like we are and you're not numb. And I would repeat, as far as I understand, in your testimony, you re not backing away from the basic facts that you yourself knew firsthand. Mr. STEINER. That's correct, Senator. Senator BOXER. Am I correct? Mr. STEINER. You are. 360 senator BOXER. I thought I was correct on that point. I would like to ask a question to our ethics expert, Mr. Foreman. Would it not be better when a matter comes up that deals with the Presidency and it's very important, and none of us should be holier than thou and say it wouldn't matter to us if we work for the President, be it George Bush, or Ronald Reagan, or Bill Clinton, or anyone else that we wouldn't care about it. Wouldn't it have been better if you, as an ethics officer, had said, since this happened before the President was President, I think it's OK to make one contact, perhaps, to Mr. Nussbaum. I'm not even sure that I think that's correct, but it should have gone straight from there to the President's private counsel, private attorney who would make the comments necessary. Did you ever think about that, that since this was something that happened before the President was President, that all such questions would go not for "no comment" answers, as was indicated earlier because I agree with my colleague, Senator Sasser, and I agree with Mr. Devore, when you say "no comment," that's the worst thing you can say to the press because they'll make a mountain out of a molehill if you say "no comment." But if you refer it to a private attorney who can then say the fact that yes, this matter is proceeding in order, et cetera, and my client did nothing that he or she is ashamed of or whatever. Did you ever think about that notion, of taking this to a private counsel since it was really a private matter that occurred before the President was President? Mr. FOREMAN. Senator, that's a very thoughtful option. As I said, I wasn't aware of the contacts when they occurred last fall. Senator BOXER. But you would consider now, in light of this, that that might be some way to proceed where it is a matter that happened prior to the President becoming President, that it would be better perhaps, or you'll think about it as ethically sounder to refer all of these questions to private counsel? Mr. FOREMAN. That's a very thoughtful option, as I've said, and it makes sense. Senator BOXER. Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman. The CHAIRMAN. Thank you. Senator Roth. OPENING COMMENTS OF SENATOR WILLIAM V. ROTH, JR. Senator ROTH. Mr. Foreman, as stated in the RTC's written response to Banking Committee questions for the February 24, 1994 hearing, and I quote: It is the policy of RTC not to disclose criminal referrals or information about their preparation on an institution-specific basis. Mr. Foreman, while you are the Designated Agency Ethics Officer of the Treasury Department and not of the RTC, are you aware of the RTC's policy regarding the confidentiality of criminal referrals. Mr. FOREMAN. Senator, I saw that policy for the first time, to the best of my recollection, in March of this year. Senator ROTH. So you were not aware of it on February 24? Mr. FOREMAN. That's exactly correct, Senator. 361 Senator ROTH, Let me ask you this: As the Treasury's Ethics Officer, wouldn't it be proper procedure for any Treasury official to consult with you to obtain ethical clearance prior to providing confidential information to the White House even if that information comes from the RTC since the Treasury official would be disclosing confidential information? Mr. FOREMAN. Senator, that's certainly something that could be done. There's no requirement that every time some activity hap pens, that someone checks with an ethics lawyer before they do it. Senator ROTH. Wouldn't it be the appropriate procedure if it involves confidential information? Mr. FOREMAN. It would have been a good idea, perhaps, to do so, but there's nothing that requires that it be done in every situation.

Scores Buried: Swiss Avalanche Traps Dam Workers
Clip: 426751_1_1
Year Shot: 1965 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1739
Original Film: 038-071-01
Location: Switzerland
Timecode: 00:34:36 - 00:36:19

One of the most horrible disasters in Swiss history takes an estimated 90 lives. 1000 men were at work on a hydroelectric project at Saas-Fee near the Italian border when a section of the Allalian Glacier broke off, sending millions of tons of ice & rock hurtling down the mountainside crushing to death 90 lives. Panning LS aftermath of avalanche. MS officials & police standing at rescue site. MSs - men running with empty stretcher. MS military officers wearing overseas caps closing doors of ambulance. MS man getting into rescue helicopter. Air to air shot of rescue chopper flying away from cam. MS crane shovel digging, night. TLS/MSs - rescue crews working, digging through debris, night, one worker wearing leather cap w/ flaps while smoking cigarette. MS rescue dog walking through snow mound. Fuzzy MS man carrying first aid kit, walking on mound. MSs - rescue workers digging, night. TLS crane pulling remains of car crushed by avalanche.

UN Bars Peking - Close Vote Rejects Move To Seat Reds
Clip: 426833_1_1
Year Shot: 1965 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1742
Original Film: 038-093-01
Location: New York, New York
Timecode: 00:26:33 - 00:27:35

For the 15th time the United Nations considers the admission of Red China to the world body. The US again leads the opposition to a resolution that would oust Nationalist China and seat the Reds. This year, however, the pattern of voting changes are more and more countries either vote to admit Red China or abstain. The final result is 47 to 47 with 20 abstaining. Observers expect that Red China will be seated next year. New York, New York Camera pans inside the room where members of the General Assembly meet, there are many absentees. A board with all the countries that are enrolled in the United Nations are listed, and before each country that is listed there's a light. As the country is called upon to vote a light comes on. I believe this is an indication if the country is present or voted. Unidentified gentleman reads off the tally of the vote in French. The final tally is 47 - 47, and there was 20 - nations abstaining and 3 not voting. U Thant is sitting on the chair at the desk to your left facing the UN Delegates

Ecuador & Galapagos Islands 1- Sally Lightfoot Crab
Clip: 427090_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 2028
Original Film:
Location: Galapagos Islands
Timecode: -

(Tape One) Sally lightfoot crab walking around rocks

Clip: 427183_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 2032
Original Film:
Timecode: -

(Tape Two) Roosters crowing, black, orange and red rooster standing on a railing fence 05:49:34 Black rooster on fence does not crow 05:49:55 First rooster trying to crow, jerking head because someone is trying to prompt him 05:50:31 Black rooster crows twice 05:51:24 White rooster flaps wings, puffs up feathers, flaps wings again and crows then hops off fence 05:52:34 Black, red and orange rooster

Displaying clips 4177-4200 of 10000 in total
Items Per Page: