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Hollywood's Night Of Glamour
Clip: 426601_1_1
Year Shot: 1965 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1734
Original Film: 038-029-03
Location: Hollywood, California
Timecode: 00:33:01 - 00:34:19

It's Hollywood's night to hold the world spotlight...the annual Academy Awards. Coveted Oscars go to "My Fair Lady" and its star Rex Harrison - Best Picture and Best Actor. Best Actress Award is bestowed on Julie Andrews for her role in Disney's "Mary Poppins" - a part she accepted after being by-passed for the movie version lead in "My Fair Lady" in which she created the original Liza Doolittle on the stage and which rolled up theatrical history. Hollywood, California Throngs of movie fans, theatre with marquee "Academy Awards. High-Angle Shot - Interior of the theatre all the Movie Stars seated in their assigned seats. Audience applauding. Audry Hepburn presenting award to Rex Harrison. Rex Harrison approaching the stage. Audience applauding. Sidney Poitier and Johnny Carson (Tonight Show Host). Julie Andrews approaching the stage after her name is called to accept her Academy Award for Mary Poppins.

Rampaging Nature: Mid-West Hard Hit By Spring Disasters
Clip: 426602_1_1
Year Shot: 1965 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1734
Original Film: 038-030-01
Location: United States
Timecode: 00:34:28 - 00:36:37

The most devastating series of tornadoes in many decades rip through six mid-Western states. In the wake of the twisters, there are nearly 250 dead. Damages mounting to hundreds of millions. Iowa, Wisconsin, Arkansas, Indiana, Illinois, and Michigan were all hard hit. To the West there was more tragedy as the swollen Mississippi river rose a foot every four hours. At sections along its banks, the famous "Father of Waters" was more than 27 feet at crest, 13 feet above flood stage. 39 counties in Minnesota were declared disaster areas as the flood crest barrels down stream towards St. Paul. The aftermath of a very bad tornado. MS - A woman walking on top of her rubble after a tornado destroyed her home. Another woman standing in the mist of her destroyed house. Camera pans - Rubble, some recognizable furniture but most of it looks like broken up wood and plaster. LS A woman seeing what she can salvage on what's left of her second floor. Crystal Lake, Illinois. Damaged home, half of it is gone exposing what's remaining of a bedroom and the cars that were once parked in a garage. Camera panning damaged cars. One completely laying on its side. Indiana, two ladies looking to see what they can salvage from their dining room. A leveled home with wood, plaster and some broken trees. A squished Volks Wagon. A swollen and turbulent Mississippi River part of the rail road tracks are gone. A flooded area of Minnesota, you can only see the top of the roof on one house. Men packed up a pick up truck with what they could salvage. People filling sand bags including some kids around 11 years old or so. St. Paul, Minnesota - One of the worst flooded areas. Men stacking sand bags. A flooded town, people are really suffering some property damage. A close up shot of a street that has been destroyed because the water got underneath its pavement.

Golf's Whiz Kid: Nicklaus Smashes Par In Winning Masters
Clip: 426604_1_1
Year Shot: 1965 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1734
Original Film: 038-030-03
Location: Augusta, Georgia
Timecode: 00:38:15 - 00:40:12

With 40,000 spectators - ticket selling stopped. Those lucky enough to get in saw unprecedented golf as Arnold Palmer and Gary Player battled to a second place tie as Jack Nicklaus goes 17 under par for the 72 holes. Jack Nicklaus gives the finest single performance in golf tournament history! Something sensational. Augusta, Georgia There are 40,000 spectators crowded on the Augusta National Golf Club in Augusta, Georgia. Arnold Palmer teeing off. Gary Player teeing off. Jack Nicklaus teeing off. The crowd is hypnotized watching Jack Nicklaus hitting a golf ball. Jack Nicklaus putting with a 5 stroke lead at the end of the third round. In the background the spectators are applauding the performance of Jack. Jack bent over hitting a golf ball. MS Jack chips his golf ball to only 16-inches of the cup. MS Jack Nicklaus putts and makes history. finishing 17 strokes under par, he picks up the golf ball and throws it into the crowd. The crowd suddenly moves trying to get the golf ball. The Green Championship Blazer goes over the shoulders of Jack Nicklaus put on by Arnold Palmer.

August 1, 1994 - Part 2
Clip: 460113_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10057
Original Film: 102865
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(12:05:27) Senator FAIRCLOTH. Mr. Ryan, the editorial alleges that you have provided the Minority staff of the House Banking Committee with documents regarding other thrift scandals. But you refused, even before Robert Fiske was named as Special Counsel, to give Representative Leach the same documents about Madison Guaranty. Why would you treat Madison Guaranty documents differently than other thrift documents? 29 Mr. RYAN. I don't believe we have, Senator. It's my understanding that our position has been, and remains, consistent with respect to the provision of information to individual Congressmen. We followed the position that an individual Congressman is entitled to information that is available under the Freedom of Information Act, unless it comes as part of a Committee request. That has been our position. That is the position taken by other Government agencies and that's the position taken by the Department of Justice. We are involved in litigation with the Congressman. Senator FAIRCLOTH. You made no distinction between providing these documents on Madison and any other failed thrift? You gave out just as much information on Madison? Mr. RYAN. We believe that we have been consistent. We are involved now in litigation with Congressman Leach over that very issue. I would submit for the record a copy of our brief in that regard. Senator FAIRCLoTH. The question is, you're negotiating with him now. But back when this first-before Fiske was appointed, did you give information on other failed savings and loans and withhold inFormation on Madison? Mr. RYAN. No, sir. We think we have been consistent in the provision of information, The other information given was in connection with a Committee inquiry. Senator FAIRCLOTH. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, The CHAIRMAN. Why don't you go ahead and give us that brief you spoke about and we'll put it in the record. Mr. RYAN. I will. The CHAIRMAN. Just briefly, Senator Sarbanes. Then I want to go to Senator Kerry, Senator SARBANES. You made the suggestion I was going to make, that the Committee should receive for the record the brief that Mr. Ryan and the RTC have filed in that case, which lays out their position as to why they believe they have been consistent in the ding of this information. I = that would be very helpful. The CHAiRmAN. Without objection, we'll make that a part of the record, I Senator Kerry. OPENING COMMENTS OF SENATOR JOHN F. KERRY Senator KERRY. Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman. Mr. Chairman, in the 7 minutes that I have, I'm not going to be able to-nor can any of us go through in depth-lay out the full Measure of what I want to try to establish here. But let me clarify a couple of points, if I can, quickly. A number of colleagues have made a point about this information going to the White House being privileged information at that particular moment. In fact, Senator Faircloth just mentioned it. Mr. Katsanos, isn't it a fact that at the very moment this discus$ion was taking place, Mr. Roelle sent a copy of an E-mail message that came from the RTC office, which actually bad reporters' inqueries about the criminal referrals? 30 STATEMENT OF STEPHEN J. KATSANOS, DIRECTOR OF THE OFFICE OF CORPORATE COMMUNICATIONS RESOLUTION TRUST CORPORATION, WASHINGTON, DC Mr. KATSANOS. I'm not familiar with Mr. Roelle's E-mail. Senator KERRY. There is-and we can the documents. In fact I'll find it, if you want, and we'll come back to you later on that' But there, in tact, is an E-mail message office. .Fe that came into your We have a copy of it, which is why I had able to say this. It refers: to the inquiry, and it's now a matter of record, that in the early bird publication 2 days later, there was reference to the criminal I referrals. So that's what prompted everybody's notion, uh oh, this is out In the press, Isn't that accurate? Mr. ROELLE. Are you asking me, sir? Senator KERRY. If you can answer it, fine. Mr. RoELLE. The E-mail I think you are referring to was sent to me by Mr. Katsanos. It was forwarded, I believe. It was an E-mail that had been sent from our investigator in Kansas City . there was an Senator KERRY. All I'm trying to establish is that E-mail. Correct? Mr. ROELLE. Yes, sir. Senator KERRY. And there was a reporter who's already inquiring about the criminal referrals? Mr. ROELLE. Yes, sir, but that wasn't at the same time that I had briefed. It was after. But I don't remember exactly when. Senator KERRY. Correct. This was on September 27, 1993. Senator D'AMATO. The E-mail ' I think ' was on October 6, 1993. Senator KERRY. The E-mail--September 30, 1993, was the date of the early bird, September 27, 1993, right around that time.

Firewalk with Lee
Clip: 425406_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1765
Original Film: 040-086-06
Location: Malaysia
Timecode: 00:38:16 - 00:38:59

"Chinese religious pilgrims gather in Malaysia for their annual fire-walking ceremony. It's an 85-year-old custom and the giant hot-foot attract pain-defying mediums and penitents." TLS main gate of the Temple of the Nine Emperor Gods, pilgrims passing through. MSs Chinese pilgrims placing incense sticks in a massive brass pot, pray with clasped hands. TLS laborers raking large pile of smoldering hot coals with long rakes. Sideview MS shirtless Chinese pilgrim waving small flag, holding machete. MS men carrying a Sudan Chair. TLS mediums carrying sudan chair across hot coals. MS penitents walking or running across hot coals.

Clip: 425452_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1766
Original Film: 040-092-07
Location: Laurel, Maryand - horse track
Timecode: -

"Fort Marcy" noses out top money-winner, "Damascus" to win the "Washington, D.C. International", making it a one-one finish for U.S. horses in an international field of starters. Horses break from their gates. One horse takes to the lead. A crowd shot. Horses run past in a broken line. Close-up of fans. The horses make a turn, and the leader crosses the finish line a head in front of the next.

Sato - LBJ
Clip: 425453_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1766
Original Film: 040-093-01
Location: Japan, USA
Timecode: -

While hundreds of demonstrating left-wing students are arrested and injured in Tokyo, Prime Minister Sato depart for Washington. After talks with President Johnson, it's agreed the Bonin Islands will be returned to Japan while the Ryukyu group, including Okinawa, will be retained. A black screen reads, "Japanese Premier - U.S. Agrees to Return Islands." Japanese protesters march through a street. Student locks arms and sway. Riot police watch close-by. A motorcade drives onto an airport runway. A helicopter hovers in the air. Pro-Japanese protesters wave flags from a plane terminal. The White House lawn has soldiers standing in formation. President Johnson and First Lady Johnson greet the visiting Japanese Prime Minister and his wife at their car.

August 1, 1994 - Part 2
Clip: 460114_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10057
Original Film: 102865
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(12:10:25) Mr, KATSANOS. If I recall the early bird you're referring to and the E-mail, the E-mail was in October and de September 30, 19939 early bird did not refer to that particular E-mail. It preceded it. Senator KERRY. That's accurate. No, it just referred to the reporters inquiries. That's all I'm saying. Mr. KATSANOS. That's correct. Senator KERRY. Right. That's all I'm trying to establish. It's in the public domain, is my point. I'm not diminishing the fact that the information went. That is of serious concern. I want to make it very clear. There are two parts that I see here. One is of great concern to all of us on the Committee, and that is what Mr. Altman and Ms. Hanson did with information and what the impact was on you. I clearly want to pursue that line of questioning. But, before I do, Senator Faircloth had an exchange with you suggesting that this is the first time ever that information has gone to the White House. Let me ask you, Mr. Roelle, while you were Vice President at the RTC in 1992 and 1993, was there any other criminal referral besides the Madison that you were told about? Mr. ROELLE. In 1992? Senator KERRY, Correct. Mr. ROELLE. Besides Madison? Senator KERRY. That's correct. Mr. RoELLE. No. 31 Senator KERRY. So this is the only referral that you were informed of in your capacity as Vice President. Correct? Mr. ROELLE. In 1992, yes, Senator KERRY. Correct. And there are hundreds of criminal referrals sent by the RTC to the Department of Justice, are there not? Mr. ROELLE. That's correct, sir. Senator KERRY, But only this one was singled out and told to you. Correct? Mr. ROELLE. Yes, sir. Senator FERRY. And this one happened to involve the Clintons in some respect, which we're not going into in great detail. Correct? Mr. ROELLE. Yes, sir. Senator KERRY. That happened while President Bush was still in office. Isn't that accurate? Mr. ROELLE. That's right. Senator KERRY. In fact, it was during the campaign, was it not? Mr. ROELLE. Yes, sir. Senator KERRY. So, even during the Bush Administration, this case was treated differently from other cases, was it not? Mr. ROELLE. Yes, sir. Senator KERRY. With respect to that, when did you first learn there was a criminal referral pertaining to Madison Guaranty at the RTC? Mr. ROELLE. I believe it was in September 1992. Senator KERRY. About 6 weeks before the election. Correct? Mr. ROELLE. Approximately, yes, sir. Senator KERRY. Who told you about this referral? Mr. ROELLE. Mr. Dudeny. Senator KERRY. Why did he tell you? Mr. ROELLE. He came to me and said, 'This is a criminal referral we ire processing and I think you should know about it because it mentions the President, or a person that's running for the Presidency." Senator KERRY. It mentions a Presidential candidate? Mr. ROELLE. Right, Presidential candidate. Senator KERRY. It does not mention the President. Correct? Mr. ROELLE. That's correct. Senator KERRY. Did you inform anybody else? Mr. RoELLE. I did. Senator KERRY, You informed Mr. Albert Casey. Correct? Mr. ROELLE. That's correct. Senator KERRY. Who is Mr. Albert Casey? Mr. RoELLE. He was the CEO of the RTC. Senator KERRY. He was the CEO of the RTC under President Bush? Mr. ROELLE. That's correct. Senator KERRY. Did Albert Casey tell you that he would tell Someone about the criminal referral? Mr. RoELLE. He said that lie felt he needed to tell the oversight board. Senator KERRY. Who sits on the oversight board? Mt. ROELLE. The Secretary of the Treasury is the Chairman. Senator KERRY. That would have been Mr, Nick Brady. Correct? 32 Mr. ROELLE. That's correct. Senator KERRY. And who else? Mr. ROELLE. The Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board. The Chairman of the FDIC. Senator KERRY. Did President Bush's Counsel, C. Boyden Gray, sit on the board? Mr. ROELLE. No, sir. Senator KERRY. So there would have been no reason for him to have learned it by virtue of the referral of Albert Casey. Correct? Mr. ROELLE. No, sir. Senator KERRY. But did you learn later that C. Boyden Gray had learned something about the criminal referral? Mr. RoELLE. Yes. Senator KERRY. Would you describe what you learned? Mr. ROELLE, Yes, sir. I don't know when it was in relation to when I briefed Mr. Casey, but I was later told by Mr. Casey that he had had a phone call from the White House asking about the criminal referral. I indicated to Mr. Casey that it would be inappropriate to discuss it with the White House. Mr. Casey said, "OK I'll tell him that." We had a fairly long discussion about it. I told him that I thought the appropriate answer would be it is now in the hands of the Justice Department and it's not something that can be discussed. As far as I know, Mr. Casey said he would express that view and I was told that he did express that view. Senator KERRY. Did it disturb you that C. Boyden Gray, at the White House, had somehow learned of the criminal referral? Mr. ROELLE. Yes, sir. Senator KERRY. So your answer to Senator Faircloth was not, in fact, purely accurate. This is not the first time the White House has learned about it, is it? Mr. ROELLE. No. I think it was accurate, sir. He asked me, " Is this the first time that the RTC had briefed the White House?" And I said ' "To my knowledge, it is the first time. We did not brief the White House. )) Senator KERRY. But you had, in your discussion with Mr. Gray, you discussed Mr. ROELLE. I did not discuss anything with Mr. Gray. Senator KERRY, I understand. But the discussion that took place was a discussion with respect to the appropriateness or inappropriateness of their learning more. Correct? Mr. ROELLE. Absolutely.

New Fire Extinguisher
Clip: 425404_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1765
Original Film: 040-086-04
Location: Washington, DC
Timecode: 00:37:13 - 00:37:46

"The Navy's answer to recent tragic fires aboard aircraft carriers: Purple K. It's a new liquid-extinguisher which douses 150 gallons of flaming fuel spread over 600 feet, using just one man and 25 seconds." TLS man igniting pool of gas; black smoke and flames rise quickly. MS firefighter approaches with a Purple K firehose, squelching fire. TLS firefighter putting fire out completely.

Venus Probe
Clip: 425405_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1765
Original Film: 040-086-05
Location: Pasadena, California
Timecode: 00:37:46 - 00:38:16

"Mariner 5, our Venus probe space-vehicle, sweeps by the planet and sends back data differing from Soviet findings. Future data will check out radioactivity and whether man can land safely on Venus." TLS scientists sitting in chairs at Jet Propulsion Laboratory briefing. Various shots of a Mariner 5 space probe model. MS/MCUs miniature Mariner 5 model on probe course around Venus; it shakes and sputters as it negotiates along a representation of one of planet's orbits.

August 1, 1994 - Part 2
Clip: 460115_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10057
Original Film: 102865
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(12:15:41) Senator KERRY. OK Now, obviously, my time is up, I want to develop this a little more. Mr. Chairman, the reason this is important, we learned just a little bit later of the Republican U.S. Attorney in Little Rock who gets a criminal referral and who is under some pressure to rush the indictment process. There are letters that have been made public, and articles with respect to this, and I will come back to it. I want to come back, obviously, with a series of questions to the RTC and Mr. Altman. The CHAIRMAN. Very good. Senator Bennett. 33 OPENING COMMENTS OF SENATOR ROBERT F. BENNETT Senator BENNETT. Thank you, Can I find a mike that works somewhere? Is this now on? 61, OF, Good. The gremlins have left us. This is now working. Mr. Katsanos, you're the only one of this panel that has institutional memory. You go all the way back to the beginning of the RTC. Mr. Roelle has some, but he's gone, and you're the one that bridges the whole thing so if I may, I had going to make you the star for a little while. Mr. KATSANos. Thank you, sir. The CHAIRMAN. I'm going to have you speak a little louder, Senator Bennett. I'm not sure that microphone is working properly. Senator BENNETT. This is as close as I can get without chewing it, The CHAiRMAN. Yes, that's fine. Senator BENNETT. Mr. Katsanos, I'm going to quote from your deposition. Let me make it clear, I am pursuing the issue of the independence of the RTC . That's what I talked about in my opening. statement * had concern is that this Administration has tried to politicize the RTC and destroy its independence and that's the direction in which I'm going here. You say in your deposition: I was told to coordinate my activities with the Treasury Department press office and when Roger Altman was installed, the practice was to consult with them on significant stories, In some cases, they would give me instructions on what they felt I should say in response to press inquiries. They, in effect, viewed us as an arm of the Treasury Department. Do you stand by that? Mr. KATSANOS. Yes, I do, sir. Senator BENNETT. You say on page 115-tbat was page 79 of your deposition-page 115, you say: , The final step was taken that really eliminated any concept of independence, and that was when they permitted the Treasury Department to assume direct control of the RTC. Question: In your view, did that under-mine the political independence of the RTC as it was intended to be constituted? Answer: The RTC was certainly much more political, and there were activities undertaken that were of much more concern to the career staff than there had ever been before. Is that still your position? Mr. KATSANOS. Yes, sir. Senator BENNETT. When you say "than there had ever been before," are you referring to the previous Administration? Mr. KATSANOS. That's correct, sir. Senator BENNETT. Thank you. You go on to say in your deposition "Neither Joan Logue-Kinder"-am I pronouncing that correctly? Mr. KATSANos. I believe so. Senator BENNETT. "Neither Joan Logue-Kinder or Jean Hanson had any official position at the RTC; correct?" You answer: That's correct. Question: Their involvement came strictly through Treasury and somehow related to Mr. Altman's appointment as CEO? Answer; That's correct. Question: Was that on an official basis? Answer: No, it was by virtue of they are staffing the CEO, the Interim CEO. She, in effect, was running )& legal department. 34 Question: What period of time was Jean Hanson running the legal department at RTC? Answer: It became her responsibility from the time that she started over at the Treasury Department, Do you still have that view? Mr. KATsANos. Yes, sir, Senator BENNETT. There have been references to Early Birds, Will you tell us what an Early Bird is, for the record? Mr. KATsANos. The Early Bird -is a daily publication, a news bulletin in a sense, that had office puts together at the end of each day. It summarizes stories that we anticipate could appear the next day or the next week, sometime in the future. Senator BENNETT. So, it's an internal publication that's for senior officials only. Mr. KATSANOS. That is correct. Senator BENNETT. Because of a call from Susan Schmidt of The Washington Post in late September or early October, I understand that the Early Bird publication noted that The Washington Post was interested in these matters. Do I have that basically correct? Mr. KATSANOS. Essentially, sir.

Test Radical Plane: Craft Combines Rotor And Prop
Clip: 425312_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1726
Original Film: 037-061-02
Location: Canada
Timecode: 00:27:17 - 00:28:26

The search for a stable, economical, small aircraft is taking off in a new direction. A group of Canadian designers have come up with this rotary-wing craft that combines a conventional engine with free-spinning rotors. Supposedly 100% foolproof, it has economy as its co-pilot -- 15 cents a mile, including insurance and depreciation. This is one strange looking helicopter or plane. The radical plane is taxiing on to the small runway and has a perfect take off. MS - Pilot demonstrates the dexterity of the aircraft.

Hail And Farewell: Churchill Retires To Britain's Acclaim
Clip: 425313_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1726
Original Film: 037-061-03
Location: England, United Kingdom
Timecode: 00:28:26 - 00:31:33

One of the greatest Englishmen of all time retires and his nation pays tribute. Sir Winston Churchill, wartime Prime Minister, comes to the House of Commons for his last appearance. He will be 90 years old in the Fall and will not stand for re-election. Thus ends an era for a man whose career spanned three major wars and who was the architect of victory in the defeat of Hitlerism. Never have so many owed so much - to one man.

Space Triumph Ranger Reveals Moon's Secrets
Clip: 425315_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1726
Original Film: 037-062-01
Location: Cape Kennedy, Florida
Timecode: 00:32:01 - 00:34:26

The Ranger Seven is launched from Cape Kennedy in one of the most successful shoots of the Moon age. Equipped with cameras designed to send back more than 4,000 pictures, the Ranger made the three day, 240,000-mile trip without a hitch and photographed the Moon in detail such as man has never observed before. Ranger Reveals Moon's Secrets. Thus, the United States was carried across new thresholds in space and brought closer to a landing on the Moon. Scientific technicians equipping the Ranger with cameras. The many lenses for the many cameras. The Ranger 7 on the launching pad. The Ranger on its journey to outer space. A anamated verson on the proceedures thats going to take place during the journey of the Ranger. It goes on to show actual footage of the moon but the footage is spoiled by horzontal distortion.

1964 - Miss Universe Pageant
Clip: 425316_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1726
Original Film: 037-062-02
Location: Miami Beach, Florida, United States
Country: United States
Timecode: 00:34:26 - 00:35:45

"Global Beauties: Greek Girl Reigns As Miss Universe," 1964 Miss Universe pageant held in Miami Beach Florida. Predominately Caucasian audience, including woman with 1960s hairdo smoking cigarette. Contestants modeling one piece swimsuits; Miss Brazil, Angela Vasconcelos; Miss England, Brenda Blackler; Miss France, Edith Noel; Miss Greece, Corinna Tsopei (referred to by VO as Kyriaki Tsopei); Miss Israel, Ronit Rinat; Miss Italy, Emanuela Stramana; Miss Republic of China (Taiwan), Lana Yu Yi; Miss USA, Bobbi Johnson; audience; contestants modeling gowns walking stage; Miss Bolivia, Olga Monica del Carpio Oropeza; Miss Finland, Sirpa Wallenius; female spectators by runway; Miss Greece, Corinna Tsopei is crowned Miss Universe; joined by runner ups Miss England, Miss Sweden, Siv Marta Aberg, Miss Rep of China, and Miss Israel; Caucasian male photographers. VO makes a reference to the Iron Curtin.

Pick The Kite-Ski Champ
Clip: 425317_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1726
Original Film: 037-062-03
Location: Austin, TX
Timecode: 00:35:46 - 00:37:13

As a curtain-raiser to Austin's Aqua Festival they hold the first Water Ski Kite Championships. This calls for a 16-foot Kite, a towboat and lot of nerve!! Ken Tibaldo proves the man who out distances his rivals with breath-taking feats on high. It's a good thing someone told him as a youngster: "go fly a kit..." The skiing competitors start off on water end up in the air. The 16 foot kites laying on the ground people are walking around and looking at them. Ken Tibaldo a noted skier / kite flyer is harness in his kite. People in a small crowd looking on at the athletes. Ken is being pulled by a speed boat and he is harnessed in his kite. Next athlete is Don Craybin. He is pulled by the speed boat and he slowly rises into the air, he skillfully hangs himself upside-down on his kite. Unexpected gust of wind come up and one of the performers goes tumbling down into the drink. Ken Tibaldo wins the contest by out performing the other contestants.

August 1, 1994 - Part 2
Clip: 460116_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10057
Original Film: 102865
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(12:20:30) Senator BENNETT. I understand that you were instructed by Joan Logue-Kinder to call Lisa Caputo at the White House in order to advise her that Susan Schmidt was interested in matters concerning Madison and Hillary Clinton. You believe that call occurred in late October. Is that correct? Mr. KATSANOS. Yes, sir. Senator BENNETT. In addition, you were told by Logue-Kinder that she did not want future editions of the Early Bird to mention Hillary Clinton, and that in mid-February, Howard Schloss of the Treasury also called you to direct you to, quoting from your deposition, "refrain from mentioning Roger Altman in any Early Bird items relating to Madison Guaranty." Is that correct? Mr. KATsANos, That is correct. Senator BENNETT. You said in your deposition that you stood up to Mr. Schloss and told him you would not follow those instructions unless you were given them in writing signed by Mr. Altman. Is that correct? Mr. KATSANOS. That is correct. Senator BENNETT. You also indicated that you did, in fact, make the call to the White House as pressured by Joan Logue-Kinder because you were concerned about your job. You were afraid that there might be reprisals taken against you. Is that a correct interpretation, Mr. KATSANOS. She was in a position that I felt could jeopardize had long- term employment safety Senator BENNETT. Sol you did make the call to the White House even though you had great misgivings about it. Mr. KATSANOS. I did make the call to the White House and I re layed simply the line of questions a reporter was pursuing. Senator BENNETT. But, in the case of Mr. Logue-pardon me-Mr. Schloss, you told him you would not respond to his direction unless you had instructions in writing from Roger Altman? Mr. KATsANos. That is correct, Senator BENNETT. Did you ever receive such instructions? Mr. KATSANOS. No, I did not. 35 senator BENNETT. Thank you. Now,, going back to your testimony, which I recognize is your perception, that Jean Hanson was running the legal department in the RTC. I would like to switch to Mr. Roelle for a moment. The law says that the General Counsel of the RTC shall be an employee of the FDIC. Is that correct? Mr. ROELLE. I'm not sure, sir. I'll accept that. Senator BENNETT. For the record, the citation that's given to me is 12 U.S. Code 1441A(b)(8)G that says "The General Counsel of the RTC shall be an employee of the IC." Was Ms. Hanson ever an employee of the FDIC? Mr. RoELLE. Not that I'm aware of senator BENNETT. Would you like to comment on the perception that Ms. Hanson, In effect, was the General Counsel of the RTC during that period? Mr. ROELLE. In effect, she bad an awful lot to say about RTC policy regarding legal matters. There was a dichotomy at the RTC once the Treasury, through Mr. Altman's appointment, became active. We were allowed internally for things, case-specific in most every instance, to make our own decisions. Most of the policy decisions, however, were vetted through the Treasury people that attended our meetings. Senator BENNETT. Thank you. I'll simply conclude, Mr. Chairman, with the same observation I made in my opening statement on Friday, which is that this Committee, prior to my arrival here, went to great lengths to ensure the independence of the RTC, even changing the law to make sure that the RTC would not, in fact, be an arm of the Treasury. I think what has come out of the depositions that we've taken and the testimony we've heard today is that this Administration has taken steps to move back in the other direction and turn the RTC into a politicized arm of the Treasury Department. Thank you. The CHAIRMAN. Senator Bryan. OPENING COMMENTS OF SENATOR RICHARD H. BRYAN Senator BRYAN. Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman. I, too, in my opening statement of last Friday raised some concerns about the structural relationship between the Treasury and the RTC and in had view, the untenable position that Mr. Altman was placed in, in effect wearing two hats. in addition to Mr. Katsanos, Mr. Ryan, you made a comment in Your opening statement to us, which indicates that there was certainly confusion in lines of authority, and the organizational structure in the RTC left something to be desired. I'm paraphrasing RYAN. Yes, sir, that's correct. Senator BRYAN. Mr. Roelle, you, too, have made comments with respect to the absence of the independence of the agency, saying 8 something deposition to the effect that the RTC did not in your operate independently of Treasury. Everything we do was cleared by Treasury You made that statement in your deposition.

Seek Cyprus Peace: Major Powers Hope To End New Crisis
Clip: 425321_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1726
Original Film: 037-064-01
Location: Cyprus
Timecode: 00:46:08 - 00:47:38

The tinder-box that is Cyprus verges on an explosion as Turkish planes raid Greek Cypriots positions in the Turkish Cypriote area of the divided island. With the two nations at the brink of War, the United Nations Security Council convenes in emergency session and both governments receive a direct appeal for an immediate cease fire with a warning from Ambassador Stevenson that hostilities must stop or full-fledged War develops. The resolution is passed: 9 to 0. Cyprus Looking down at the city of Cyprus. A bombed building burning with fire licking the upper side of the building. Fire department standing with a fire hose fighting a fire as smoke is filling up the area. Cameras pans over to damaged cars that got caught up in the fighting. Greek police blocking off a street. A bombed out home with just a burned shell. New York, NY An over all look at the United Nations Security Counsel. Ambassador Stevenson, "In this, the present flames are quenched and quenched quickly. They will spread fanned by these hot fires of fear. If that happens our deliberations will not be an inquiry They will be a autopsy. An appeal for a cease fire is the swiftness action the Council can take." Camera panning the members of the United Nations. Members of the United Nations.

Underwater Lab: Navy Team Lives Beneath The Sea
Clip: 425322_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1726
Original Film: 037-064-02
Location: Bermuda
Timecode: 00:47:38 - 00:48:36

A man made Island off Bermuda is headquarters for a unique Navy experiment - to find out how man can live under the sea. A sea lab, as the Navy calls it, houses four men for ten days as they see how they will react to this strange environment. Man continues his search for new worlds to conquer. A man made island off the coast of Bermuda, 'Argus Island'. SCUBA divers swimming down to the entrance of the sea lab. Diver swimming over the sea lab, U.S Navy. Diver pulling a cable and sticking it some pipe. Man looking in to a porthole. A large fish swimming by.

It's A Gift! Bookseller gives His Stock Away
Clip: 425323_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1726
Original Film: 037-064-03
Location: Boston, Massachusetts
Timecode: 00:48:36 - 00:49:25

Here's one for the book. A Boston book store proprietor is forced to move and hasn't room for 50,000 books. What to do? Invite everyone to help themselves. Most do all right. These pictures speak volumes. Exterior of a building that houses the book store. Throngs standing in line outside the book store. The sign hanging on the building by the book store. ' Oldest Continuous Antiquarian Book Shop In America Since 1925. Kids filing into the book store and the kids are grabbing books and putting them inside boxes. Inside the store, books are gone from the shelves and books thrown on the floor.

Luci Aids Father: Luci Stars At Party Of Young Voters
Clip: 425324_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1726
Original Film: 037-064-04
Location: Beverly Hills, CA
Timecode: 00:49:25 - 00:50:26

A young lady makes her debut on the political scene. In Beverly Hills, California, Luci Baines Johnson, youngest daughter of the President, attends a party for Young Citizens for Johnson. She's the hit of the show as she dances the Watusi - with verve. Exterior of a home in Beverly Hill, California. In the yard tables are set up, FBI walking around, very crowded with people. Sign 'Young Citizens for Johnson' Luci Baines Johnson heading up a line of people. Chefs prepare meat on a outside grill. The chefs culinary skills cutting up BBQ ribs. People queue up for some food. Sliced beef and BBQ beans. Luci 17 years old sitting and talking to another teenager. Four piece band, saxophone, drums, base and accordion. Luci dancing to the music of a rock & roll band, and she is doing the Watusi.

Football's Back: Pros Down All-Star College Eleven
Clip: 425325_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1726
Original Film: 037-064-05
Location: Chicago, Illinois
Timecode: 00:50:26 - 00:51:56

A preview of the coming season. The Chicago Bears take on a team of College All-Stars and the pros find themselves up against a surprisingly strong team in the first half. However, the Bears get down to business in the second half after the college boys had them running scared for a time. 65,000 football fans pack Soldiers Field Stadium at the lake front in Chicago. Joe Looney from the College All Stars kicks the ball only to have it caught, fumbled and finely the Bear, Charlie Taylor recovers the fumble. The College All-Star quarter back passes the ball, it is caught and taken in for a touch down. The College All-Stars lead at the half. Bill Wade, QB passes the ball to Johnny Morris for 39-yards. Wade takes the ball jumps over the All-Stars and at last the Bears are in the lead, 14 - 10. Pass to Mike Ditka, that was good for 14-yards and sets up another Bear touchdown. The final score Bears 28 to 7.

German Chutists Get Ready
Clip: 425327_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1727
Original Film: 037-065-02
Location: Germany
Timecode: 00:01:51 - 00:03:09

Members of a German Army parachute team supervise the packing of their own 'chutes before going aloft to practice. They are getting ready for the international meet that attracts jumpers from 30 nations. Delayed jumps are the thing if you want to hit close to ground targets. Members of a German paratroop team folding their parachutes. MS - Helicopter taking off. MCUS - Inside the helicopter members of the crew. Air to Air - Helicopter. The men jump out of the helicopter parachuting to their target as they open their colorful parachutes and the chutists are landing right on target.

They Start 'Em Young In Texas - Child Waterskiier
Clip: 425328_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1727
Original Film: 037-065-03
Location: Texas
Timecode: 00:03:09 - 00:04:11

Meet Danna (Banana) Morguloff who is a past mistress at the art of water-skiing. She's only four years old but she possesses a technique that is the envy of water skiers five times her age. Nice close up shot of a very pretty little girl and a lake in the background. MCUS - Danna's parents are helping her put on her water skis. MS - Father driving the speed boat that has Danna in tow on water skis. MS - Off the back of the speed boat Danna is water skiing. Father piloting the boat with head turned watching Danna ski. MS - Danna lets go of the tow rope and settles down in the water with a big smile on her face.

Displaying clips 3241-3264 of 10000 in total
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