
Seek Cyprus Peace: Major Powers Hope To End New Crisis

Seek Cyprus Peace: Major Powers Hope To End New Crisis
Clip: 425321_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1726
Original Film: 037-064-01
Location: Cyprus
Timecode: 00:46:08 - 00:47:38

The tinder-box that is Cyprus verges on an explosion as Turkish planes raid Greek Cypriots positions in the Turkish Cypriote area of the divided island. With the two nations at the brink of War, the United Nations Security Council convenes in emergency session and both governments receive a direct appeal for an immediate cease fire with a warning from Ambassador Stevenson that hostilities must stop or full-fledged War develops. The resolution is passed: 9 to 0. Cyprus Looking down at the city of Cyprus. A bombed building burning with fire licking the upper side of the building. Fire department standing with a fire hose fighting a fire as smoke is filling up the area. Cameras pans over to damaged cars that got caught up in the fighting. Greek police blocking off a street. A bombed out home with just a burned shell. New York, NY An over all look at the United Nations Security Counsel. Ambassador Stevenson, "In this, the present flames are quenched and quenched quickly. They will spread fanned by these hot fires of fear. If that happens our deliberations will not be an inquiry They will be a autopsy. An appeal for a cease fire is the swiftness action the Council can take." Camera panning the members of the United Nations. Members of the United Nations.