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August 1, 1994 - Part 2
Clip: 460117_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10057
Original Film: 102865
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(12:25:55) Mr ROELLE. I think I also said we were allowed to make internal decisions on our own in my deposition. I am not trying in- to be argu- mentative. I think that there was a dichotomy in the agency. It 36 was many of our decisions in terms of policy were-there were several people from Treasury that would be involved in policy decisions. Senator BRYAN. Although, Ms. Kulka, you, did not comment, from the reading of the record, the very fact that you get this phone call from Ms. Hanson asking you to brief David Kendall, which you declined to do, and I think appropriately-I think there's an indication of the relationships, or at least the perceptions, that may have existed, and I find that very troubling. Ms. KULKA. May I comment on that? Senator BRYAN, You certainly may. Ms. KULKA. I did not have a relationship where Ms. Hanson, in her own right as an official at Treasury, asked me to do anything, She performed the service of liaison in terms of explaining to me what had been happening, from a legal perspective, and what at Mr. Altman's interests were and how things happened. I had no circumstance I can point to where she ever asked or instructed me to do anything other than to be a liaison function. Senator BRYAN. Did you understand that request from Ms. Hanson-first of all, let me ask you: Did, in fact, Ms. Hanson call you and ask you to brief Mr. Kendall? Ms, KuLKA. She conveyed the message that I described, that I call Mr. Kendall and explain something about the tolling potential and the statute of limitations time period. Senator BRYAN. Was it your understanding she was being requested to do so by others? Ms. KuLKA. She clearly told me that someone had asked her. Senator BRYAN. Mr. Altman? Ms. KULKA. That's correct. Senator BRYAN. My question is-Mr. Ryan, let me start with you. What do we need to structurally change, either by regulation or by statute, to protect that independent relationship that, clearly, those of us who had some experience in working on this sought to accomplish? Obviously, there is confusion in lines of communication and the line of authority here, but what do we need to do in your judgment? Mr. RYAN. I think, first and foremost, Senator, you need to appoint a permanent CEO. I think everybody here would agree with that. That's probably what should have been done instead of asking Mr. Altman to serve in a dual capacity. I think he served in that capacity ostensibly during a time when consideration was being given to providing funding to finish the RTC's job of the S&L cleanup. There was a lot of concern in this Committee and other parts of the Congress about the way the RTC was being operated, There were lots of improvements in the management structure that were required by the Completion Act and that Mr. Altman began to put in place. In that respect, he did a very good job in terms of trying to clean up some of the problems and deal with some of the issues that the Congress bad raised in connection with their consideration of the funding, but I think it probably is a bad idea to let someone serve in that dual capacity. I think if we learned anything from this, it's that we shouldn't repeat that mistake. 37 Senator BRYAN. I happen to share that view, but my question is, without retrospectively analyzing Mr. Altman's conduct-there'll be a chance for us to ask him some questions about that - in your view, is the permanent appointment of the CEO, is that a we need to do to protect that independent relationship ? Mr. RYAN. I think so, Senator. As you know, the RTC is scheduled to go out of business by statute at the end of 1995. That's only 17 months from now so there's a lot of work that has to be done in terms of winding up the affairs of the RTC, transitioning back, with appropriate safeguards and control, any work that remains undone to our sister agency at the FDIC. That's what we've been busily doing these past few months, and it's an enormous project, as you might well be aware. Senator BRYAN. Mr. Katsanos, do you agree?

Historic Flight: Pope Paul Travels By Helicopter
Clip: 425326_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1727
Original Film: 037-065-01
Location: Italy
Timecode: 00:00:44 - 00:01:48

Castel Gandolfo, summer residence of the Popes, is the scene of another historic first in the precedent-shattering pontificate of Pope Paul Sixth. He becomes the first Pontiff to fly in a helicopter as he travels 70 miles to the North to officiate at religious rites. As Pope, he has flown in jets, as a Cardinal he flew in a helicopter - but he now becomes the central figure in another first at the Vatican. Over all view of Castel Gondolfo. MCUS - Swiss guards that protect the Pope Paul VI. MS - The pope exits his limousine and as he walks down the side walk to Castel Gondolfo he blesses everyone he passes. MCUS - Pope Paul VI boarding a helicopter. MCUS - The helicopter that has the Pope inside taking off.

Collegiate Football
Clip: 425408_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1765
Original Film: 040-086-08
Location: Alabama
Timecode: 00:39:53 - 00:41:07

"Tennessee ends Alabama's two-year, 25 game unbeaten streak, defeating the Crimson Tide 24-13. Third string Vol. quarterback Bubba Wyche leads his squad, whose defense and interceptions help mould the big victory." High angle LS marching band forming U.S. interstate insignia on football field during halftime. H/a LS Tennessee Volunteers quarterback Bubba Wyche passing to Walt Chadwick who runs to the 1 yd line. H/a LS Chadwick leaping for touchdown. LS tame crowd in stadium stands. LS Pickens rushing to five yard line. LS Wyche pitching to Chadwick who throws to Ken Delong for TD; Delong throws ball into spectator stands. TLS scoreboard. H/a Vols kicker Carl Krimzer (sp) kicks field goal (ball passing through uprights not shown). Panning h/a TLS Vols Al Dorsey intercepting Crimson Tide quarterback Ken Stabler, running for TD. Upset victory.

Vietnam: Planes Support Ground Forces
Clip: 425409_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1765
Original Film: 040-087-01
Location: South Vietnam
Timecode: 00:41:28 - 00:42:56

"A fleet of helicopters are used in a massive air assault on Viet Cong positions in South Vietnam. Near Conthien, Marine jets plaster enemy sniper nests while foot soldiers move in to mop up in a combined ground-and-air action." Air to air shots fleet of UH-1 Huey helicopter gunships flying over Vietnam jungle. Air to air shot Huey gunship firing rockets while flying over mountain. Over the shoulder MS pilot in cockpit of gunship. Quick sideview MS side-mounted rocket launcher firing. Air to air shot Huey firing rockets. Aerial shot from a hovering helicopter shows U.S. Army soldiers exiting Huey helicopter on crest of steep hill. LS soldiers running for cover. MS Army soldiers dropping shell into mortar. MSs US Army soldiers firing M-16 assault rifles & M-60 machine guns. Panning LS jet fighter plane swooping, dropping napalm bomb on jungle target. MS soldiers advancing from banked positions. LS jet fighter dropping bombs over jungle.

August 1, 1994 - Part 2
Clip: 460119_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10057
Original Film: 102865
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(12:40:40) Senator RoTH. The Office of Government Ethics sets standards of conduct regulations for all Executive Branch employees and defines "nonpublic information" to "include information that the employee knows or reasonably should know is designated as confidential an agency, has not actually been disseminated to the general public, and is not authorized to be made available to the public On request," So, Mr. Roelle, RTC criminal referrals do constitute nonpublic information under the Office of Government Ethics definition. Mr. ROELLE. I would assume so, yes, sir, based on what you've just read to me. . Senator ROTH. And those same Office of Government Ethics standards of conduct regulations prohibit a Federal employee from improperly using "nonpublic information to further his own private 40 interest or that of another, whether through advice or recommendation or by knowing unauthorized disclosure." Mr. Roelle, isn't it correct, then, that this regulation prohibits an employee from disclosing nonpublic information that would further the private interest of another person, even if that person is ill another agency of Government? Mr. ROELLE. Based on what you've read to me, that would be the case, sir. Senator ROTH. Did the Clintons have a private financial interest in Madison Guaranty, which was the subject of these referrals? Mr. ROELLE. I can t get into what I know as a result of the criminal referrals, sir, one way or the other. And other than that, I don't know, Senator ROTH. Let's assume that could be the case. Do you think it was proper for Mr. Altman The CHAIRMAN. Senator Roth, if you will permit me just to say that this falls on the scope screen in terms of, in effect, asking Mr. Roelle either to get into the substance of this, which he's reluctant to do and should not do, or to speculate about the substance of it, and I'm not sure he should be asked to do that. You may want to consider whether you really want to ask him to do that here. Senator ROTH. I have no desire to exceed the scope of the inquiry. Let me ask, Mr. Ryan, are you familiar with Mr. Nussbaum's February 22, 1993, memorandum prohibiting White House staff contacts with independent agencies? Mr. RYAN. No, I'm not, Senator ROTH. Mr. Chairman, I'll reserve the balance of my time. The CHAIRMAN. Thank you, Senator Roth. Senator Boxer. OPENING COMMENTS OF SENATOR BARBARA BOXER Senator BOXER. Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman. Ms, Kulka, you have a reputation as a very tough and independent litigator and many have told this Committee that in the depositions. Did anyone at any time try to influence you in your job as General Counsel here, vis-a-vis, anything to do with Madison, Whitewater, or any of the areas this Committee is looking at? Ms. KULKA. Other than the correspondence from various Congresspeople, the answer is no. Senator BOXER. If I might pick up on that, you have received letters from various Congresspeople on this matter? What did they suggest in their letters to you? Ms. KULKA. I think early on before I got there and continuing for the next several weeks, there were, first of all, requests for information that was part of our investigation and part of the criminal referrals, repeated requests and demands for that. There were also indications that it was the desire of those Congresspeople that we obtain tolling agreements from a wide variety of people. Senator BOXER. Outside of Members of Congress, no one from the White House or the Treasury tried to influence your handling of this case? Ms. KULKA. That's correct. 41 Senator BOXER. Mr. Ryan, in terms of people trying to influence you, did you ever brief anyone in the White House bout this case. Mr. RYAN. No, I didn't. Senator BOXER. Did an one in the White House ever ask you to be briefed about this case? Mr. RYAN, No, Senator. I've never spoken to anyone in the White House,

August 1, 1994 - Part 2
Clip: 460123_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10057
Original Film: 102865
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(13:00:46) Here is Mack McLarty. He knew it. Counsel Nuss. baum knew it. Harold Ickes knew it. Eggleston knew it. Beth Nolan knew it. Mr. Sloan knew it. Maggie Williams knew it, George Stephanopoulos knew it. Mr. Podesta knew it. Bruce Lindsey knew it. Frankly, I think the issue becomes very important because none of us know where and to whom this information was passed, as confidentiality was breached, and delivered to the White House. Mr. Ryan, if Roger Altman was put in a difficult position, do you have any idea why be did not recuse himself? Mr. RYAN. I only know what be has told me his reasons were. Senator DOMENICI, What did be tell you his reasons were? Mr. RYAN. He told me that he bad considered the matter very carefully 11 and had drawn a parallel between his responsibility at the RR with a CEO in the private sector. He said, if there was a matter of this magnitude with this kind of implication to a company, the CEO in a private sector would not recuse himself but' would perform his responsibilities. Senator DOMENICI. Does that lead you to think maybe be has some confusion, with reference to a private sector CEO and the acting bead of the RTC, with confidentiality and the other kinds of impediments to that office? Mr. RYAN. Sir, it leads me to conclude that, with all the advantages of hindsight and from political perspective, be would have been much better off had he recused himself. Senator DOMENICI. Do you believe now, with everything you have heard and based upon our long relationship in these kinds of activities, that he should Me recused himself? Is that what you just said? Mr. RYAN. All I can say is, from a legal perspective and from an ethical perspective, I don't have the expertise to make that kind of a judgment. I'm not a lawyer. I'm not an ethics expert. I can simply say, from an appearance perspective and from a political perspective, he probably should have. Senator DOMENICI, Mr. Roelle, there's going to be some discusSion-it's already started today-about the reasons for the delivery of all of this information some of which at least should not have been delivered. I think that's almost established prima facie here. There are going to be some allegations that it had to be done because of press information. You were asked in your deposition: Do you agree that one of the concerns underlying the confidentiality of criminal referrals is that premature disclosure could jeopardize the prosecution itself.? Your answer was, in my opinion, a very excellent answer and the reason I'm reading this. It says: If we turn out to be wrong, then it destroys the person if it becomes public information. If we are right, then it destroys the case or it potentially could destroy the case. So either way-either way, there is a reason that you should never discuss them. Many of our referrals arc rejected. I mean, not all of them are processed. 47 Does that summarize your concern about the value of keeping these things confidential? Mr. RYAN. Yes, sir. Senator DOMENIci. From what you have heard now, have things been divulged to the White House that should not have been divulged, that are confidential based upon the way you operate and what you think about the responsibility of someone in Mr. Altman's position? Mr. ROELLE. I'm glad you made it the way I operate. I cannot speak to what is proper in terms of the law' or in terms of these investigations. As far as I am concerned and in my opinion, these criminal referrals should not have been discussed.

August 1, 1994 - Part 2
Clip: 460120_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10057
Original Film: 102865
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(12:45:37) Senator BOXER. How about anyone in the Treasury, outside of Mr. Altman, who wore the two hats, and Ms. Hanson, did anyone else try to influence you on this case? Mr. RYAN No. Senator BOXER. Did you get asked by Senators or Members of Congress to brief them on this case? Mr. RYAN, Not that I recall, no, I did not, Senator BOXER. Did you ever go to any Senator's office or Congressperson on's office to discuss either this case or the statute of limitations surrounding this case? Mr. RYAN. I went to Senator D'Amato's office along with Peter Knight, our legislative liaison. Senator BOXER. What was the purpose of that meeting? Mr. RYAN. The purpose of that meeting was to discuss informational requests. We met with Senator D'Amato's staff and there was discussion about how we were going to respond to questions from Senator D'Amato regarding information. During the course of that meeting, there was a discussion about the statute of limita-tions with Counsel on the Senator's staff. We didn't get into the substance of the discussion because neither Peter Knight nor I are lawyers-it's my understanding that subsequent to meeting, Mr. Knight arranged a telephone call in which there was a discus-sion with lawyers at the RTC and Senator D'Amato's Counsel re-garding the statute of limitations. Senator BoxER. So information on the statute of limitations on, as I understand it, January 24, 1994, was the meeting which you attended with Senator D'Amato's staff? Mr. RYAN. I believe that's correct. senator BOXER. And follow-up conversations. That was prior to the information that was given to Mr. Nussbaum and others at the White House that Senators, or at least we know one Senator's staff, were briefed on the statute of limitations, and you were cooperative, as you should be, in giving all that information to him. Is that correct? . Mr. RYAN. The discussion dealt-my part of the discussion dealt primarily with the information that was going to be requested and how we were going to Senator BOXER. Can I ask you, was it typical for you to leave --Your office? What was your title at that time? Mr. RYAN. I was the Deputy CEO. Senator BOXER. Was that a usual and customary practice for you, Personally, to go to the Hill and go to a Senator's office? Mr. RYAN. No, it wasn't. I was specifically requested by Senator D'Amato's office to attend. Senator BOXER. But no one bad ever asked you at the White House to brief them on this matter? Mr. RYAN. No. 42 Senator BOXER. Mr. Katsanos, I'm looking at this Early Bird here. What was the purpose-was this your idea, this Early Bird? Mr. KATSANOS. Yes, Senator, it was. Senator BOXER. R. What was the point of it? Mr. KATSANOS, It was started very early on in the RTC's existence as a vehicle for communicating with our top managers about stories they should anticipate. Senator BOXER. How many top managers are there in the RTC? Mr. KATsANos. Are you asking what the distribution was? Senator BOXER. No, I'm asking you bow many top managers there are in the RTC? Mr. KATSANOS. I would say there's probably about six. Senator BOXER. Six. So you found it necessary to communicate with six people and put out what I consider to be, basically, press leaks. I mean, here's one. The RTC's use of the law firm Holland & Hart in a suit against Deloitte and Touche for its involvement with Otero Savings & Loan, Colorado Springs, is being explored by Westward, a Denver newspaper. According to Deloitte's Counsel, Holland & Hart may have represented Otero Savings on transactions that caused losses to the institution. That's signed by Felisa Neuringer. Who is Felisa Neuringer? Mr. KATSANOS. Felisa Neuringer is a member of my staff. Senator BOXER. So the purpose was to brief six people. Who got this Early Bird? Mr. KATSANOS. The Early Bird was sent to approximately six managers at the RTCs Washington office. It also was sent to our field office heads, which at one time included 19 officials. It was sent, during the period Roger Altman was CEO, to his office at the Treasury Department. It was sent to the Treasury press office and it was also sent to the General Counsel at Treasury-all at their request. Senator BOXER. And the purpose was to brief managers? Mr. KATSANOS. The purpose was to alert them to stories that we anticipated could appear based on what the reporters were telling us they were working on. It was not a vehicle for announcing press leaks. it was intended to show what reporters were coming to us to discuss. Senator BOXER. "The opposition of Jesse Jackson's Rainbow Coalition to Stanley Tate's nomination will be reported tomorrow in The Washington Post." What's the point of letting the managers know that? Mr. KATSANOS. Senator, I'm sure there are many times when you would wake up in the morning and you would see a story which you wish you would have known the night before was going to appear. Senator BOXER. I guess what Fm Mr. KATSANOS. It's nothing more.

6,000 Flee Hong Kong Avalanche: Quick Work Averts Hong Kong Disaster
Clip: 425330_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1727
Original Film: 037-066-01
Location: Hong Kong
Timecode: 00:07:01 - 00:08:10

Torrential rains in the wake of Typhoon Ida mounted what was nearly a major disaster in Hong Kong. Loosened by the storm, hundreds of tons of mud roared down from the hillside, burying houses and sending 6,000 people fleeing for their lives. Four persons are missing and presumed dead. Road swept away due to the amount of the torrential rain that fell. LD - Looking down at the city of Hong Kong with throngs lining the balconies of apartment buildings and city streets. LS - People legs as they trudge through 6 or more inches of mud. MCUS - The after math of the mud and debris that came down due from the collapsing hill. MS - Nuns on a balcony of an apartment building looking over the disaster that took place, CUS - Man shoveling away mud from his home. MS - Soup kitchens set up to feed the victims of the Hong Kong Disaster. CUS - Children receiving food rations. MS - A ling of men holding a make-shift metal tool pushing the mud away from a Hong Kong street. CUS - The faces of children watching the clean up. Children laughing. CUS - A mother holding her little boy looking horrified.

Queen Elizabeth Vacations
Clip: 425331_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1727
Original Film: 037-066-02
Location: Ballater, Scotland
Timecode: 00:08:12 - 00:09:16

The quiet little town of Ballater in Scotland comes into the news each summer with the arrival of the Royal Family for a vacation at Balmoral Castle. Balmoral Castle, is amongst the most beautiful places in Scotland and they're all here. Princess Ann, Prince Charles and 4-year old Prince Andrew. New on the scene is Prince Edward, five months. And - let us not forget a brace of Welsh Corgis. Looking down on the Scotish town of Ballater. CUS - Ballater Station. Queen Elizabeth. The townspeople looking on quietly. Queen Elizabeth reviewing the troops. Little Prince Andrew - 4 years old - holding by a leash a Cardigan Welsh Corgi dog. Princess Ann and Prince Charles (who are teenagers) Prince Edward being held by his nanny is 5 months old. MLS - An overall shot of the Highlands of Scotland.

Miss International Beauty
Clip: 425332_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1727
Original Film: 037-066-03
Location: Long Beach, California
Timecode: 00:09:17 - 00:10:08

A grave decision on the international front is resolved as "Miss Philippines" is chosen "Miss International Beauty". Gemma Cruz says she's using her $10,000 prize money to establish an orphanage in Manila. Inside the venue where many have gathered to cheer on the new chosen Beauty Queen. MCUS - Audience. MS - Screen and TV star, Hugh O'Brian (Life and Legend of Wyatt Earp) walks across the stage with all the Beauty Contestants lined up, He walks by her then he turns around and tells Miss Philippines she has been selected the winner and title holder of Miss International Beauty. MCUS - Audience applauding. CUS - Other ladies who are Beauty Contestants, are the runners up. CUS - Miss Philippines the reigning Miss International Beauty.

New Hollywood Tourist Attraction
Clip: 425333_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1727
Original Film: 037-066-04
Location: Hollywood, California
Timecode: 00:10:08 - 00:10:47

Ground is broken at Universal City for a Tourist Village. Here movie buffs can get an inside look at how movies are made - all of the magic revealed before their eyes. Can't you just picture the thrill? Outside a large and high Universal sign. MCUS - Movie star (The Birds) Tipi Hedren helping Los Angeles mayor, Samuel W. Ordie. CUS - Jules Stein, MCA Board Chairman. MS - A scale model of Universal City Studio that will hold future tours in 1965.

World's Greatest Horse Show
Clip: 425334_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1727
Original Film: 037-066-05
Location: Dublin, Ireland
Timecode: 00:10:48 - 00:12:36

Horse lovers consider the Dublin Horse Show the premier attraction in the world of horses and the Centenary exhibit proves why. In the Dublin Horse Jumping Stakes it's a duel between two Irish entrants before Tommy Brennan on Donegal is after coming out in front. It was a lovely affair, with all Ireland bursting with pride. Throngs of Horse Racing fans filing into the track. Youngsters on their steeds riding English saddle. Mother and daughter wearing the best of their fashion hats. Camera pans only to show more women wearing their lovely hats. One woman in a cowboy hat. Tommy Brennan and Donegal excepting the winning cup. He won by one second.

Tokyo Monorail: New Line To Speed Visitors to Olympics
Clip: 425336_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1727
Original Film: 037-067-02
Location: Tokyo, Japan
Timecode: 00:16:19 - 00:17:25

With the Olympic Games drawing in Tokyo. This is the longest Monorail in the world and will whisk passengers from the airport to the center of the city, eight miles away. It's operation will be watched with interest by traffic engineers, some of whom feel it is the answer to big city transportation problems. Monorail trains are put back into operation and checked out. Inside the head car you see the engineer looking down at the control panels. Inside one of the cars people are seated and enjoying a quiet ride at 60 MPH. POV - Traveling down the rail sitting in the engineers seat. POV - Looking out the window the Monorail passes an airport and is headed down into a tunnel. Looking up at the Monorail passing Tokyo Bay.

August 1, 1994 - Part 2
Clip: 460121_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10057
Original Film: 102865
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(12:50:50) Senator BOXER, I'm trying to understand why we spend taxpayer money on things people are going to read in the paper that I think take time away from the le ultimate work of the RTC. You've got a lot of work to do, a lot of cases out there, a lot of money out there. I'd like to ask, if I have a little more time here, Mr. Ryan, ou say in your deposition the Madison Guaranty investigation had been closed before and that the decision had been made sometime 43 back in 1990-91 that there wasn't a cost-effective case at Madison That was when George Bush was President, was it not? Mr. RYAN. I believe it was. Senator BOXER, In your deposition you also refer to a closure memo on Madison Guaranty. Are you, aware of the existence of a closure memo relating to Madison guaranty? Mr. RYAN. I am, but I'm not certain-yes, I am. Senator BOXER. Isn't it true that from February 1989 to February 1992 the RTC had the ability to sue wrongdoers at Madison and isn't it also true the ability of the RTC to sue wrongdoers which was dead as of February 1992, was revived by the RTC Completion Act signed into law by President Clinton in 1993? Mr. RYAN. That's correct. Senator BOXER. After the passage of this legislation, did you begin a review of all cases on which the statute expired or just those which would be considered cost-effective? Mr. RYAN. Senator, we've tried to review as many cases that were reopened by the statute as our resources would allow us to review. Unfortunately Senator BOXER. That means cost-effective? Mr. RYAN. Yes. Senator BOXER. Mr. Chairman, I see my time has expired. I have a final sum-up question if I might. The CHAIRMAN. If it's brief Senator BOYER, It is in this line. There was a decision made at the RTC under George Bush that there wasn't a cost-effective case at Madison but then the case was again being reviewed as of December 1993 when President Clinton was in office. Are you aware of anyone at the RTC who was ever pressured by anyone at the White House, White House staff, or Treasury staff not to begin a review specifically of the Madison case? Mr. RYAN. No, Senator. Senator BOXER. Thank you. The CHAIRMAN. I just want to note for the record because it was developed in the testimony, and you made it-you indicated Vol] don't normally come up here and talk with Members of the Congress, House, or Senate. Had there been other occasions? How many times have you done that? Mr. RYAN. Since I've been with the RTC, none, The CHAIRMAN. Senator Domenici, Senator D'AMATO. Mr. Chairman, if I might Mr. RYAN. I'm sorry. I have made several courtesy calls when I was the Acting CEO, but I've never come up at the request of a Senator or his or her office, The CHAIRMAN. It wasn't clear to me from your answer whether you had or had not and I wanted to pin that down. Senator D'Amato, you wanted to- - Senator D'AMATO. Mr. Chairman, let me set a context and later, run on my time, I will spend a little more tit-no developing it. We were trying to &et information as it relates to when the statute of limitations would expire. We were attempting to find out if there be a procedure to guarantee if the statute of limitations Were imminently going to expire, there would be a tolling agreement. In addition, I might say as it related to the meeting which 44 I did not attend, but which staff attended and also which the:' Chairman helped arrange, because we were getting no cooperation as to getting information. We were not trying to get information relating to the substance of the case. We have never asked for the substance of the case. I might say that I have a memo here, that I'll put into the file, to Ben Nye from Peter Knight. He accompanied you to that meeting. Mr. RYAN. Yes. Senator DAMATo. He concluded by saying, "I would not characterize the meeting as a briefing on the status of the Madison civil investigation." That was written March 3, 1994. So it was not written at my request. It was an internal document. The fact of the matter is that, even at that meeting, we were not told when the statute would toll. Subsequently, I came to my colleagues, got eight or nine of them to sign a letter to ask for this information and what would take place, and we learned one thing via the phone call that was thereafter arranged. Again, it was only because Senator Riegle said, come on, respond to the Congress, that we learned the statute might run out February 28, 1994, and there was another interpretation, it might be, I think, March 2 or 3, 1994. That's the only information we got in relation to when the statute of limitations might run out. We were told all other information could not be made available. A far different thing than the briefing that the White House received. I've seen, now, in a number of statements, statements put out by Mr. Cutler, statements put out by others, that the Congress got this briefing, and the White House got the same. Absolutely nonsense.

The Convention - Keynote Speech Sets Dems Theme
Clip: 425338_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1727
Original Film: 037-068-01
Location: Atlantic City, New Jersey and Washington DC
Timecode: 00:19:28 - 00:22:23

Senator John O. Pastore of Rhode Island sets the theme of the Democratic National Convention as he delivers the keynote address before a capacity audience at the Atlantic City Convention Hall. The Vice-Presidential hopefuls are all on hand as the President continues to keep the choice of his running-mate a secret. Mr. Johnson will be nominated by acclamation and it is expected that the Vice-President will be named unanimously, also. Atlantic City, New Jersey Exterior of the convention building where the democratic National Convention is being held, A statue of a donkey holding a top hat in his hand and a LBJ Bandwagon. Campaign volunteers walking outside the building holding signs and balloons. A volunteer worker driving a golf with the donkey that looks like a kangaroo and following behind him is the LBJ Bandwagon. Being the Bandwagon is a donkey with a blanket draped over his back; 'Young Citizens for Johnson' CUS - LBJ Campaign Button. Women and children, some of the women have white with dark lenses pussycat sun glasses on. Senator Mike Mansfield of Montana disembarks from a plane. Hubert Humphrey of Minnesota. Senator Eugene McCarthy. Democratic Supporters holding up their signs. LBJ signs, banners and pictures. John O. Pastore, Rode Island, "America now moves on with majesty of these nine miracle months. Never in so short a time has so much been accomplished that is good and great for our country. These months confirm the wisdom of our fallen leader and the vision of President Kennedy lives on in the character, the capability and the courage of his team mate of his choice. With all the sincerity in my soul, I say that God did bless America on that day four years ago in Los Angeles, when John F. Kennedy said, 'I need you, Lyndon Johnson' and on November the 3rd the American people echoed that call, 'We need you, President Lyndon B. Johnson.'" Washington DC President Johnson going for a walk with his two Beagle dogs and Lady Bird at his side. As President Johnson and his entourage passing the White House in the back ground.

Clip: 425339_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1764
Original Film: 040-077-08
Location: Holland
Timecode: -

The first major speedboat race ever held in Holland is won by a British entry, D. Burton. Roaring around dangerous turns and down straightaways, the 3-hour event thrills spectators.

Texas Floods
Clip: 425340_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1764
Original Film: 040-078-01
Location: Texas Coastal Region
Timecode: -

Disastrous floods follow in the wake of Hurricane Beulah in Texas. Levees give way and the lower Rio Grande Valley is covered. Some 30,000 flee their homes and damage estimates run as high as a billion dollars. Several city scenes show heavy winds blowing street signs, the roofs off buildings and debris down city streets. The Brownsville Airport is shown underwater. Several aerial shots show neighborhoods underwater. Other aerial shots show-flattened communities destroyed by wind.

Queen Mary
Clip: 425341_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1764
Original Film: 040-078-02
Location: New York City
Timecode: -

The Queen Mary sails from New York for the last time, before retirement. The "Mary", a troop ship during W.W. II has had 31 years of elegant Atlantic crossings. She'll become a hotel-museum in Long Beach, California. Onlookers watch as the Queen Mary pulls out of harbor. They cheer and wave. A fire hose boat shoots streams of water into the air. Shot of the Statue of Liberty. Various shots of the ship moving as tugs surround it.

Clip: 425343_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1764
Original Film: 040-078-04
Location: California
Timecode: -

Secretary of State Rusk's daughter, Margaret Elizabeth, weds Negro Air Force Reservist Guy Gibson Smith. Rusk reportedly was prepared to resign if the interracial marriage embarrassed the administration. President Johnson ignored the formal gesture of traditional ceremony. The couple stands on the steps of a church smiling and kissing.

Clip: 425344_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1764
Original Film: 040-078-05
Location: Washington, D.C.
Timecode: -

While anti-Castro Cubans march outside, 21 Latin-American foreign ministers condemn Castro's regime for subversion in the Western Hemisphere and they vote for tighter border and coast patrols, and increased trade sanctions as a retaliation. Marchers carry flags and banners. Most demonstrators are women. There is a wreath laying ceremony.

August 1, 1994 - Part 2
Clip: 460122_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10057
Original Film: 102865
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(12:55:54) Senator BOXER. Point of information Senator DAMATO. Absolutely nonsense and I want that to go into the record. I think it's important. I'll ask, Mr. Chairman, that this letter be put in as part of the record. The CHAIRMAN, Without objection. Senator Boxer, you're seeking recognition. Senator BOXER. My point of information is, I was just going to say, that I had a line of questioning, and I asked it for a specific reason, I have no problem with Senator D'Amato putting his statement, but then to go on to say it's different than what occurred at the White House when there's some confusion on that, I think, is going beyond responding to my line of questioning. Senator D'AMATo. There's no confusion by way of the depositions given by the people who gave the briefings and we'll get into that. Senator BOXER. But we've had people here Senator DAMATO. They did not, give the briefings to the White House. Mr. Altman gave the briefings to the White House. Ms. Hanson testifies as to what took place. Ms. Kulka refused, she said no. When asked to speak to private counsel, she said no. The CHAIRMAN. We can develop this further as we go along. Senator Domenici. OPENING COMMENTS OF SENATOR PETE V. DOMENICI Senator DOMENICI, Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman. I'm more than delighted to let that feud go on, if you'd like. 45 Mr. Chairman, first of all, I want to say to the witnesses, I appreciate the difficult position you all are in also. You expressed your concern, some of you, about the difficult position Roger Altman was put in but I'd like to explore that a little bit. I think, essential] , the fact that he was put in a difficult position did not that be could not have extricated himself from that difficult mean position at any number of times during his tenure in wearing two hats. Let me start: Who was it that said Roger Altman wanted this case treated like all other cases? Mr. RYAN. That was me. Senator Domenici. Would you agree now that it was not? Mr. RYAN, I would agree that it was not in certain respects; that's correct, Senator DOMENICI. Is there any doubt in your mind that Roger Altman, in these various discussions and given what you know about the message he carried to the White House, was treating the case differently than other cases that you had talked with him about? . Mr. RYAN. I think that's correct. Senator DOMENICI. What's going to happen is I don't believe we're going to be able to find out why, in this first round of hearin S. But I believe there are many inferences that will come from this. This is the very narrow part of the investigation, and I have in the back of my mind-and I'm sure many people watching are wondering-why did all of this take place? What was the White House trying to do or not do in gathering up this unique information, much of which was totally confidential? Now, having said that, let me ask, Mr. Ryan, as an experienced person in this field, would it be appropriate to tell the subject of an investigation that the investigation would not he completed before the statute of limitations expired? Mr. RYAN. No, I don't believe so, sir. Senator DOMENICI. What could the impact of that be? Mr. RYAN. Obviously, the impact could have various effects on the investigation. Senator DOMENICI, But, if there's a reason for not doing it, then there might very well be important ramifications that are prejudicial to one party or the other or people if that occurs. Is that right? Mr. RYAN, I think that's correct, Senator DOMENICI, Evidence could be, in certain instances, done away with. People could make it more difficult to gather the facts. People could be told about the situation and they could act accordingly. Isn't that correct? Mr. RYAN. Yes, sir. For all those reasons we keep these matters confidential es, Senator DOMENICI. When I think about this case and say, "What happened to this information," I know, -more or less, which people were at all those meetings. But, just so everyone will understand what worries me, I wonder where this information ended up after it was delivered, principally by Roger Altman, to the big meeting on February 27 1994, and the two meetings before that, one in September anyone on October 14, 1993. 1 just want to read a list of 46 people in the White House that know what Roger Altman knows and know much about this confidential information. This is just an abbreviated list of who would know. I give it to you because it seems to me, if you're concerned about, keeping information from getting out, it should be important to us to 11 know who bad this information because the more who know, the more it goes.

Clip: 425342_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1764
Original Film: 040-078-03
Location: Vietnam - rural
Timecode: -

U.S. and South Vietnamese troops combine in a concerted "pacification" program of teaching, building, and helping in the village areas. It's a battle against the Vietcong for support among the peasants. A rural country road is lined with shacks and trees. American soldiers walk through a market. A soldier picks up a crying boy. Another washes a young boy's neck in a medical tent. A mother holds a screaming child. American soldiers jump from a bridge into water. Vietnamese woman scrub clothing on rocks. A group of young boys swim near the shore.

New Fokker F-28 Jet Airliner
Clip: 425402_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1765
Original Film: 040-086-02
Location: Bremen, Germany
Timecode: 00:36:16 - 00:36:45

"A new turbo-jet passenger-transport, manufactured together by Germany, Holland, and England, goes on display in Bremen. Special brakes and tires allow short takeoffs and landings." TLS/MSs twin engine Fokker F-28 Fellowship passenger jet parked on tarmac. MSs cockpit nose. MS Rolls Royce engine. MS small group of spectators. Sideview TLS F28 taxiing.

Clip: 425456_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1766
Original Film: 040-093-04
Location: New York City
Timecode: 00:30:21 - 00:30:59

33. Popeye, the Sailor, beloved balloon and star of Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade for the past ten years, is retired from service due to wear and tear. A retirement party is held in Central Park. The Popeye balloon stands tilted over as workers hold its' ropes. Children push against a police blockade to get a look at the character. Workers are dressed in checkered clown outfits. They tug on its' ropes and smile. Close-up of the balloon's face.

Displaying clips 3265-3288 of 10000 in total
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