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Terror Bombing: Blast Rocks US Hotel In Saigon
Clip: 426499_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1731
Original Film: 037-104-02
Location: Saigon, Vietnam
Timecode: 00:44:40 - 00:45:31

Terrorist attacks against United States troops in Vietnam reach full fury in Saigon as a bomb is exploded at an officers headquarters. Two Americans are killed and 98 persons hospitalized among them 63 Americans. Now, with tighter security restrictions, authorities hope to bring such attacks to an end. (car bomb) Saigon, Vietnam The aftermath of a terrorist attack, burned out building, inside the building everything is charred. Capitan Archie Kuntz giving his statement to the press. Profile of a Vietnam soldier standing guards watching over the remains of the building. Men in slakes and white shirts looking over the mess and the site where innocent people were killed. American military men inside the destroyed area.

Children At The Zoo
Clip: 425641_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1756
Original Film: 040-008-08
Location: Hailfax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Timecode: 00:56:10 - 00:57:07

At Shubenacadie Wildlife Park near Halifax, Nova Scotia, kids enjoy some sixty acres of animals in their natural habitat. Among the stars is "Lottie", a one-year old American River Otter. She tussles with dogs, and takes her daily walk, run, swim and snow slide! A wintery scene and children walking through a zoo and admiring the animals on display. CU Lynx nervously pacing back and forth. A cougar sitting in the corner of his compounds. Raccoon climbing around its cage. Some Canadian Geese and swans swimming around. A rear shot of two peacocks parching on a fence and a group of children with their parents and teachers in the snow. An otter running and enjoying the snow. CU The otter (Lottie) plays and jumps over a German Sheppard. The dog and the otter playing in the snow. Lottie, the otter sliding around in the snow and she runs up to the trainer at the zoo.

July 29, 1994 - Part 2
Clip: 460045_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10052
Original Film: 102861
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(12:45:55) The physical evidence makes it equally clear that the suicide occurred right where the body was found on the slope of the berm located in Fort Marcy Park. The photographs taken of his body in the park show modest amounts of blood on his face and clothing. The blood visible on his clothing was limited to a small area on the right shoulder of his shirt which is consistent with Mr. Foster having COMmitted suicide where the body was found. The pathologist s ` who reviewed this evidence concluded that if the body had been moved, there would have undoubtedly been substantially greater amounts of blood on his skin and clothing than what is depicted in the photographs, 47 Once the body was taken out of the park and brought to the morgue, substantial blood loss did occur. When Dr. Beyer received the body to conduct the autopsy, Mr. Foster's shirt was saturated in blood and his face also had considerably more blood on it than what is depicted on the photographs taken in the park. Had the body been moved to Fort Marcy Park after his death, the Park Police would have found Mr. Foster's body and clothing far more bloody than they were at the scene, Simply stated, Senators, the photographs taken by the Park Police and reviewed by our panel of expert pathologists leave no doubt that the body bad not been moved, After concluding that Mr. Foster's death was a result of a suicide in Fort Marcy Park, our final task was to determine whether there was any evidence to connect any Whitewater related issue to his suicide. We have found no such evidence. Those who worked in the White House, during the first half of 1993, have all stated that Whitewater was not an issue of any significance within the White House during that period, The issue had received virtually no attention in the press _'nee the spring of 1992 during the Presidential campaign, As one person put it, Whitewater was not "on the screen" at the time of Mr. Vince Foster's death, It was not until October, 1993, 3 months after Mr. Foster's death, when it was disclosed that the Resolution Trust Corporation bad issued criminal referrals involving Madison Guaranty and Whitewater that the matter again received prominent public attention. Therefore, the timing of Mr. Foster's death does not suggest that Whitewater was a cause of any distress for him. Each of Mr. Foster's coworkers, friends, and family whom we questioned stated that Mr. Foster never expressed, any concern to them about Whitewater related issues. Obviously, the fact that Mr. Foster never expressed a concern about Whitewater to anyone does not mean that be did not, in fact, have such a concern. Thus we cannot conclusively rule out such a concern as a possible contributing factor to his depression. What we can conclude is that there is no evidence that be did have such a concern against a background in which Whitewater issues were neither a matter of express concern in the White House nor the subject of media attention. Senators that is a summary of the conclusions reached during our investigation. 1, Agent Colombell, and Dr. Hirsch will do our best to answer all of your questions. However, please understand that there were many participants in this investigation. There may be aspects of the investigation you are interested in that we are not qualified to address. In that case, we would respectfully suggest we be permitted to consult with the appropriate people follow- ing the hearing today and submit our answers in writing. In conclusion, I would like to state on behalf of the entire investigative team represented here on this panel, that it has been a privilege to have served under Mr. Fiske during these past months. He and his legal staff have repeatedly emphasized that we should leave no stone unturned in order to find the truth. We believe we have done that. Thank you, sir.

July 29, 1994 - Part 2
Clip: 460047_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10052
Original Film: 102861
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(12:55:40) Senator DAMATO. Let me ask this.- There's a question about the manner Mr. MONROE. Senator, excuse me. There were two parts to that. Of course, the search warrant was issued, as you know, sir, on July 20, but the warrant was not effected until July 21, which would have been the day after his death, sir. Senator D'AMATO. The question is would that have come to anybody's knowledge? Did he get a phone call from Mr. Hale's lawyer? I don't know. Did the FBI ever attempt The CHAIRMAN. Do you want to answer that question? Mr. MoNRoE. Yes, I would, Senator. We have no information or evidence that Mr. Foster received any telephone call Senator DAMATO. Did any White House personnel get a phone call from Mr. Hale's lawyer. Mr. MONROE. I'm not aware of that, sir, but, of course, we are still continuing the investigation as to the follow-up in the White House after Mr. Foster's death, sir. Senator DAMAT0. You'll let us know, then? Mr. MONROE. Absolutely. Senator DAMATO, I'll leave that an open question. Did the FBI ever attempt to determine what time Mr. Foster de parted the White House and do we know if the Secret Service keeps a vehicle exit log? Mr. MONROE. Sir , of our information right now suggests that Mr. Foster departed the White House on July 20 at approximately 1 p.m. Whether or not that departure time was based on interviews or a log by the Secret Service, I am not aware of that, sir, but we know that he left about that at time. 50 We were unable to do that Senator D'AMATO, Would you be able-I mean, this investigation, as it relates to the circumstances surrounding Mr. Foster's death ' wouldn't you look at the vehicle departure log to determine what time be may have left? Is that a routine thing? Mr. COLOMBELL. Senator, I don't believe the vehicle was logged out of the White House. I don't believe it was parked in an area where it would have been logged out of the White House. We confirmed that be left around 1 to 1:15 p.m. I can assure you that I personally and a number of other agents made every effort to try to determine his activities after that point in time up, until the point in time that his body was discovered at Fort Marcy Park. We had witnesses who possibly might have placed him at the park at an earlier time. (12:58:24)(End of tape #10052)

Lynda's Wedding
Clip: 425507_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1767
Original Film: 040-100-01
Location: The White House's East Room
Timecode: -

President Johnson's eldest daughter, Lynda, is married to Marine Corps Captain Charles Robb in the East Room of the White House. It's the first White House wedding in 53 years. Both splendor and poignancy mark the occasion. Within four months, Capt. Robb will begin duty in Vietnam. A black screen reads, "Lynda and Charles - Marriage Takes Place in the White House." President Johnson escorts his daughter past guests. Before a priest, Lynda and Charles cross their hands during their vows. A close-up is made of Lucy Johnson, Maid of Honor. A close-up is made of the President and First Lady. Various shots are made of the ceremony. The couple emerges from the East Room under a canopy of swords held by Marines.

July 29, 1994 - Part 2
Clip: 460046_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10052
Original Film: 102861
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(12:50:56) 48 The CHAiRmAN. Thank you very much, Mr. Monroe and thank you for your professionalism and your hard work in what is obviously a very difficult assignment. Dr. Hirsch, let me ask you, is it your professional opinion that Mr. Foster's death was a suicide? Dr. HIRSCH. Yes,, sir, absolutely. The CHAIRMAN. And Mr. Colombell, you participated with Mr. Monroe. I take it you associate yourself with his remarks and it's your professional opinion as well that this was a suicide? Mr. COLOMBELL. I do, Senator. The CHAIRmAN. Now, I'm going to reserve the balance of my time and we're going to a 7-minute question period here. Is there anybody on my side at this point that would wish to raise a question or make a point in the time I have remaining before I yield. Senator BOXER. I have I minute of questions. The CHAIRMAN. I yield 1 minute of my time to Senator Boxer. Senator BOXER. Yes, I would just like to state that Senator Hatch made a comment and I wish he was here. I think if anyone disagrees with the way I remember his point, he said that in his mind there was no question, after reading the report, that this was a suicide but that be said he didn't think that the Special Counsel did an assiduous enough job regarding the connection between the suicide and Whitewater. So I'd like to ask you one more time, Mr. Monroe, because as I understand it, you were the one who developed the state of mind evidence or you were one of the people. If you believe you did an assiduous enough job and you believe that there was no such connection. other than something in his mind that you had no way of knowing? Mr. MONROE. That's a two-part question. First of all, I am prepared to list in detail the manifestation of Vincent Foster's depression, and I can do that and I'd be glad to do so, Maam. The point about the Whitewater, I think, needs to be clarified, and I'd like to clarify that in two ways, Senator. We did not report that Whitewater played no role in Mr. Foster's suicide. We did report that based on all of our interviews that Mr. Foster never expressed a concern regarding this matter, and therefore, we have no evidence to this effect. I know, while -I might be repeating myself, we cannot conclusively rule out such a concern as a possible contributing factor to his illness. And while I'm repeating myself again, that although Whitewater today is of an intense media interest, at the particular time Mr. Foster was going through this depression, the spring and summer of 1993, it was not a media interest and was not according to our investigation, an interest of White House officials. Senator BOXER. But my question was simply do you feel you did a thorough enough investigation of this connection, of this possible connection? Mr. MONROE. Yes, ma'am. Senator BOXER- Or do you think you need to do more of an investigation? Mr. MONROE. No. I believe that we've done a thorough investigation. 49 The CHAIRMAN. Senator D'Amato. Senator D'AMATO, Mr. Monroe, on the day that Vince Foster took his own life, a search warrant obtained for David Hale's office in Arkansas, I believe, was issued; is that correct? Mr. MONROE. That's correct. Senator D'AMATO. Do you know when the paperwork for that search warrant was undertaken and how long it took? Did you interview people in the U.S, Attorney's Office to ascertain how long that took? Mr. MONROE. I'm not familiar with exactly how long it took, Senator. Senator D'AMATO. Did you interview people down there to see if there was any leak as it relates to that information being put out? Mr. MoNTRoE. I don't recall, Senator, how many people we interviewed but we uncovered no evidence to the effect that Mr. Foster was aware of the issuance of that particular search warrant. Senator D'AMATO. Mr. Hale's attorney called the White House or called Mr. Foster. There was some talk about that. If you have any information, I'd like to know about it. Mr. MONROE. I do not, Senator. Senator DAMATO, Has that been looked into? Mr. MONROE. Yes, sir. Senator D'AMATO, And we have no information with regard to that call from Mr. Hale's attorney? Mr. MONROE. I have no information in our investigation that there was any contact between Mr. Hale and Mr. Foster, Senator.

The Cliff of Death Bridge
Clip: 425502_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1767
Original Film: 040-099-02
Location: Mexico
Timecode: -

At least 35 construction workers are killed in the collapse of a bridge in Mexico. The search for victims is hampered by tons of concrete and twisted steel. The bridge gave way without warning and plunged 350 feet into a deep gorge. A portion frame hangs from the edge of bridge pillion. The camera pans left to show the gap between the two sides of the bridge. Searchers dig through twisted metal and concrete looking for bodies. Bodies are carried out of the wreckage on stretchers.

New Giant Jet
Clip: 425516_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1767
Original Film: 040-101-02
Location: A French jetport
Timecode: 00:29:45 - 00:30:30

The "Concorde" built jointly by the British and French, makes its debut. Carrying over 140 passengers, it's expected to cut the U.S. - Europe flight time in half when it goes into service in 1971. Footage focuses on the debut of the Concord. A ribbon-cutting ceremony. A tractor pulls the craft from its' hanger. Shots of its' underbelly and nose. Crowds of people stand around the craft.

Clip: 425518_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1767
Original Film: 040-101-04
Location: England - Sir Isaac Newton Telescope
Timecode: -

The largest telescope in Europe goes into operation in England. The 8-foot-wide mirror will transfer the image of distant stars to photographic plates. It's accurate to one-millionth of an inch. The Sir Isaac Newton Telescope is shown from a fare. Various shots are made from within the observatory. A technician works the positioning controls. There is a cool shot of the lens opening to take in light. Spinning dials.

Tourists and religious pilgrims flock to Bethlehem
Clip: 425519_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1767
Original Film: 040-101-05
Location: Israel - Church of the Nativity
Timecode: -

Tourists and religious pilgrims flock to Bethlehem to observe Christmas and view the sacred spots such as the Church of the Nativity. It's the most unrestricted observance in 20 years. A view from a hill shows the City of Bethlehem. Buildings and bell towers are made of stone, and appear weathered. Religious pilgrims enter a small door leading into the Church of the Nativity. Various shots are made of a mass being said with the Church's grotto. A priest blesses the bread by holding it out before him and speaking a prayer. Churchgoers watch with odd looks in their eyes, and then eat the blessed bread.

July 29, 1994 - Part 3
Clip: 460048_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10053
Original Film: 102860
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(12:53:54) (Beginning of tape #10053) is of an intense media interest, at the particular time Mr. Foster was going through this depression, the spring and summer of 1993, it was not a media interest and was not according to our investigation, an interest of White House officials. Senator BOXER. But my question was simply do you feel you did a thorough enough investigation of this connection, of this possible connection? Mr. MONROE. Yes, ma'am. Senator BOXER- Or do you think you need to do more of an investigation? Mr. MONROE. No. I believe that we've done a thorough investigation. 49 The CHAIRMAN. Senator D'Amato. Senator D'AMATO, Mr. Monroe, on the day that Vince Foster took his own life, a search warrant obtained for David Hale's office in Arkansas, I believe, was issued; is that correct? Mr. MONROE. That's correct. Senator D'AMATO. Do you know when the paperwork for that search warrant was undertaken and how long it took? Did you interview people in the U.S, Attorney's Office to ascertain how long that took? Mr. MONROE. I'm not familiar with exactly how long it took, Senator. Senator D'AMATO. Did you interview people down there to see if there was any leak as it relates to that information being put out? Mr. MoNTRoE. I don't recall, Senator, how many people we interviewed but we uncovered no evidence to the effect that Mr. Foster was aware of the issuance of that particular search warrant. Senator D'AMATO. Mr. Hale's attorney called the White House or called Mr. Foster. There was some talk about that. If you have any information, I'd like to know about it. Mr. MONROE. I do not, Senator. Senator DAMATO, Has that been looked into? Mr. MONROE. Yes, sir. Senator D'AMATO, And we have no information with regard to that call from Mr. Hale's attorney? Mr. MONROE. I have no information in our investigation that there was any contact between Mr. Hale and Mr. Foster, Senator. (12:55:40) Senator DAMATO. Let me ask this.- There's a question about the manner Mr. MONROE. Senator, excuse me. There were two parts to that. Of course, the search warrant was issued, as you know, sir, on July 20, but the warrant was not effected until July 21, which would have been the day after his death, sir. Senator D'AMATO. The question is would that have come to anybody's knowledge? Did he get a phone call from Mr. Hale's lawyer? I don't know. Did the FBI ever attempt The CHAIRMAN. Do you want to answer that question? Mr. MoNRoE. Yes, I would, Senator. We have no information or evidence that Mr. Foster received any telephone call Senator DAMATO. Did any White House personnel get a phone call from Mr. Hale's lawyer. Mr. MONROE. I'm not aware of that, sir, but, of course, we are still continuing the investigation as to the follow-up in the White House after Mr. Foster's death, sir. Senator DAMAT0. You'll let us know, then? Mr. MONROE. Absolutely. Senator DAMATO, I'll leave that an open question. Did the FBI ever attempt to determine what time Mr. Foster de parted the White House and do we know if the Secret Service keeps a vehicle exit log? Mr. MONROE. Sir , of our information right now suggests that Mr. Foster departed the White House on July 20 at approximately 1 p.m. Whether or not that departure time was based on interviews or a log by the Secret Service, I am not aware of that, sir, but we know that he left about that at time. 50 We were unable to do that Senator D'AMATO, Would you be able-I mean, this investigation, as it relates to the circumstances surrounding Mr. Foster's death ' wouldn't you look at the vehicle departure log to determine what time be may have left? Is that a routine thing? Mr. COLOMBELL. Senator, I don't believe the vehicle was logged out of the White House. I don't believe it was parked in an area where it would have been logged out of the White House. We confirmed that be left around 1 to 1:15 p.m. I can assure you that I personally and a number of other agents made every effort to try to determine his activities after that point in time up, until the point in time that his body was discovered at Fort Marcy Park. We had witnesses who possibly might have placed him at the park at an earlier time. (12:58:24)(End of tape #10052) But because of the passage of time we could not confirm through interview of those witnesses that that was, in fact, Mr. Foster's car that was observed going into the park at an earlier point in the day The CHAIRMAN. Could you pull the mike a little closer for any further responses. Thank you. Mr. COLOMBELL. Certainly, Senator. Senator D'AmATO, Although it's not mentioned in the report of the Independent Counsel, a pager was found on Mr. Foster in Fort Marcy Park. The record also shows that the Secret Service arranged to remove the pager from the Park Police custody the night of Oster's death before any analysis of the pager could be done by Park Police investigators to see whether any numbers were retained in the pager's memory. Do you 'know why the pager was recovered so quickly by the White House after the death of Mr. Foster? Could the pager have contained some numbers called in previously? Did you learn if usual Park-was this the usual Park Police---procedures were followed or were they circumvented? Mr. COLOMBELL. Our investigation confirmed that there bad been pages that went out to Mr. Foster from staff members of the White House, and I stand corrected, but I believe it was either Mr. Nussbaum or members of his office that might have attempted to page him. I would like to-rather than provide information that I'm not absolutely sure of-provide ythe Committee with a supplemental follow-up on information that might be pertinent with regard to that question, Senator.

Violence Ended: Nicaragua's Army Defeats Attempted Coup.
Clip: 425642_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1757
Original Film: 040-009-01
Location: Nicaragua
Timecode: 00:00:45 - 00:01:41

Two days of violent political street-fighting in Managua, brings death to thirty-five rebels with twice as many wounded. The revolt comes from opposition to the ruling Somoza family. Moderate Fernando Aguero, General Somoza's opponent, admitted an aborted coup. Exterior shot of a building that has suffered damages due to the street fighting. CU A burned out car. Same building, shot taken from a different angle. An armed military man stands on the corner by the building. CU Broken windows. Low Angle Shot of a balcony that has suffered some damage. CU Graffiti painted on the building "Nomas Somota". CU A military soldier checking civilians for guns and knives. A building in Nicaragua's business district, people walking around, camera pans up.

Two Faces of Nature
Clip: 425643_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1757
Original Film: 040-009-02
Location: USA, Brazil, Missouri, New York
Timecode: 00:01:41 - 00:03:17

Weather shows two faces in three separate locations. In Missouri, a sudden tornado kills one and injures twenty. In New York, mid-winter temperatures soar to a spring-like 67 degrees. Lastly in Rio de Janeiro: Rain, floods, and mudslides kill 500 people

Podgorny In Rome (News In Brief)
Clip: 425644_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1757
Original Film: 040-009-03
Location: Rome, Italy
Timecode: 00:03:20 - 00:03:41

Soviet President Nikolai Podgorny makes a week-long visit to Italy. He's greeted on his arrival in Rome by President Giuseppe Saragat and other diplomats. They meet for talks on expanding Soviet-Italian trade and a proposed future European defense conference. Soviet President Nikolai Vikorovich Podorny disembarks a plane. He shakes hands with politicians representing Italy. CU Italian Honor Guard bearing flags in full uniform. CU President Nikolai Podgorny moving amongst the crowd.

South Vietnam Premier Ky Visits Australia
Clip: 425645_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1757
Original Film: 040-009-04
Location: Sydney, Australia
Timecode: 00:03:42 - 00:04:29

South Vietnamese Premier Nguyen Cao Ky and Mrs. Ky make a goodwill visit to Australia. In Brisbane, violent demonstrations mark Ky's arrival. In Sydney, Prime Minister Harold Holt hosts a boat trip across the city's harbor. A protesting crowd huddled together shouts, waves and holds up signs "Go Home Murderer And Take Holt With You." In Sydney Australia, ECU Prime Minister, Harold Holt takes Premier Nguyen Cao Ky and his wife, Kim Nicole Le, on a boat trip. It looks like a yacht cruise across the city's harbor. Prime Minister Holt and Premier Nguyen Cao Ky wave to some people manning a small sail boat. A big wave hits the small sail boat.

Viet Cong Prisoners - Wounded Children - USS Repose
Clip: 425646_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1757
Original Film: 040-009-05
Location: Vietnam, Saigon
Timecode: 00:04:30 - 00:05:53

Viet Cong prisoners are taken after a V.C. regiment is crushed in the heaviest fighting near Saigon since the start of the war. Meanwhile, the hospital ship U.S.S. Repose cares for thousands of Vietnamese civilians and children in a tradition of mercy. A crowd of young men (Captured Viet Cong prisoners) sitting on the ground surrounded by the South Vietnamese soldiers. CU Confiscated weapons, grenades, riffles, ammunition and machine guns. CU The soldiers are blindfolding the captured Viet Cong prisoners. A medical helicopter is landing on a hospital ship the USS Repose with wounded Vietnamese children. A sailor washing very gently a little Vietnamese boy. Vietnamese children sitting in their hospital beds aboard the USS Repose. Children being led on the deck of the USS Repose by a Naval Nurse. Aerial Shot USS Repose.

S.S. Atlantic Goes Aground
Clip: 425647_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1757
Original Film: 040-009-06
Location: Florida, Port Everglades
Timecode: 00:05:53 - 00:06:22

Off Port Everglades, Florida, the Caribbean cruise ship S.S. Atlantic goes aground on a reef. For three days, various methods are used to float her free. Meanwhile the passengers enjoy themselves as if nothing happened. Finally, she's towed back to her home port. An evening shot of the SS Atlantic cruise ship, most of the lights are on. Low Angle Shot passengers throw streamers off the deck. Passengers dance wearing leis and straw hats to the music of a small band. High Angle Shot the stuck passenger liner is pushed and pulled from the reef by tug boats.

Russians Ashore Cargo Ship
Clip: 425648_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1757
Original Film: 040-009-07
Location: San Francisco, California
Timecode: 00:06:23 - 00:07:23

Russian sailors take shore leave in San Francisco. Among their adventures: a feast at Fishermen's Wharf, cable car rides, shopping, hot dogs and beer! The crew originates from Vladivostok. LS Russian Naval Cargo Ship docked in San Francisco. Russian sailors, men and women, walk away from their ship on shore-leave. At Fishermen's Warf the sailors are inside a fresh seafood restaurant trying crab. Some of the sailors are having fun turning a cable car around. CU the sailors sit on the cable car riding. Low Angle shot of Woolworth store sign and entrance. Sailors going inside Woolworth's. ECU a Russian sailor wearing a knit hat eyes the hot dogs. ECU female Russian sailor eats a hot dog and smiles. High Angle shot a restaurant manager showing the sailors a picture of a buffalo. CU the sailors eat buffalo steaks and have a beer.

July 29, 1994 - Part 3
Clip: 460050_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10053
Original Film: 102860
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(13:00:13) Senator D'AMATO. Why don't I give you these questions in writing and then if you could ascertain where that pager went, how it went, under whose direction, what took place to it, was there a check made for numbers. Did it go to White House personnel? flow come it was removed from the body? Is that usual procedure? Mr. COLOMBELL. I think that's a question, if you re saying is that usual U.S. Park Police procedure, I would respectfully submit that you ask the Park Police that question. It is my understanding that the pager was returned by the Park Police. And as I mentioned, I would prefer to be able to provide a more complete response in writing if I could, sir. Senator D'AMATO. Fine. All right, Mr. Chairman. The CHAIRMAN. Thank you, Senator D'Amato. Does anyone on our side seek recognition at this point? Senator Sarbanes. 51 Senator SARBANES. Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman. Mr. Monroe, you were asked about logging a vehicle out of the White House- this was not a White House vehicle or White House car or anything, it was Mr, Foster's own car. Mr. MONROE. It was his personal 1993 Honda that was used, his personal vehicle. Senator SARBANES. That's the car he commuted to work with and then he left and went out this afternoon in that car? Mr. MONROE. That's correct, sir. Senator SARBANES. And I wanted to clarify one thing about the pager Mr. Colombell, which is I think you indicated had a message or two from Nussbaum or someone in his office on it; is that--I mean, an effort to reach him; is that correct? Mr. COLOMBELL. That, I believe, is correct. Senator SARBANES. Now, Foster was Deputy Counsel to Nussbaum; is that correct? Mr. COLOMBELL. That is correct, Senator. Senator SARBANES. In other words, he worked in that office? Mr. COLOMBELL. That is correct, he worked next door. Senator SARBANES. Dr. Hirsch, I'd like to ask you if you could just briefly give the Committee your background and experience in working these kinds of issues. Dr. HIRSCH. How about my current position, sir? Do you want me to review my entire curriculum vitae? Senator SARBANES. I'm sure that's very lengthy. Why don't you give enough of it so that we can qualify you as an expert here today. Dr. HiRSCH. I've been a practicing full-time career forensic pathologist since I was honorably discharged from the U.S. Air Force in 1969. Since then, I've worked in my capacity as a forensic pathologist for 10 years at the coroner's office in Cleveland, Ohio, 51/2 years at the coroner's office in Cincinnati, Ohio. I served 4 years as the chief medical examiner of Suffolk County, New York, which is the eastern two-thirds of Long Island. And for the last 51/2 years I've been the chief medical examiner of the city of New York. Senator SARBANES. Chairman Riegle asked you your view on whether the Vincent Foster death was suicide and my recollection is you said yes, absolutely; is that correct? HIRSCH. Yes, sir. Senator SARBANES. Now, you served on a panel, you were one of a four- member panel that examined this matter; is that correct? Dr. HIRSCH, Yes, sir. Senator SARBANES. Are you in a position to tell us whether the other members of the panel agree with you in that judgment-is their judgment the same as yours on this matter? Dr. HIRSCH. Absolute] Senator SARBANES. All four of you? HIRSCH. All four of us unanimous without objection. Senator SARBANES. Mr. Monroe, are you familiar with the other scenarios or theories that are being a advanced with respect to the Foster death? Mr. MONROE. Somewhat familiar, Senator. There have been a host of them, 52 Senator SARBANES. I take it in preparing the report, you examine them; is that correct, or at least some of the assertions that were being made? I mean, there have been some very far-out assertions made in this matter. Mr. MONROE, That is correct, Senator. Senator SARBANES. Did you find any credible basis for those as. sertions? They're really directly contrary to the conclusions you've reached. You've reached a conclusion, and we understand how firm you are about it. I'm just curious as to whether you think these alternative scenarios have any credible bases to them. Thank you. The CHAiRmAN. Senator Bond. Senator BOND. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Mr. Monroe, I am concerned about the basis for the conclusion in the Independent Counsel's report that the Whitewater/Madison. issues were neither a matter of express concern in the White House nor that Mr. Foster did not have a concern about Whitewater. Were you the one who conducted the interview of Assistant U.S. Attorney, Fletcher Jackson, in Little Rock? Mr. MONROE. I was not. Senator BOND. Who did? Mr. MONROE. The location? Where was that, Senator BOND Who did the interview of the sir? Assistant U.S. Attorney Fletcher Jackson?

Raiders - Oilers
Clip: 425522_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1767
Original Film: 040-101-08
Location: Footbal stadium
Timecode: -

A Hewritt Dixon T.D. and four field goals by George Blands beat the Houston Oilers, 19-7. The victory makes the Oakland Raiders AFL Western Division Champions. A black screen reads "Football - Raiders 19 - Oilers 7." Crowd shots. Various plays are shown. Shots of the score board.

Silver Bridge Collapse
Clip: 425523_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1767
Original Film: 040-102-01
Location: Silver Bridge - West Virginia
Timecode: -

Scores of vehicles, unknown dead in Silver bridge collapse. Cranes clean up damage and victims are loaded into medical vehicle. A black screen reads, "Scores of Vehicles, Unknown Dead in Ohio Bridge Collapse." A suspension bridge is shown over a river. Large cranes atop barges work to lift sections of bridge from the water. Close-ups of wreckage sticking out of the water. Various shots of the bridge are shown. A press crew watches from the shore. An amphibious vehicle emerges from the water. Bodies on stretchers are unloaded by emergency personal and placed into waiting emergency vehicles.

P.O. Fire Destroys Christmas Mail
Clip: 425524_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1767
Original Film: 040-102-02
Location: Manhattan, New York - Morgan Post Office Annex
Timecode: -

Post office fire destroys tons of Christmas mail. Firefighters fight blaze using hoses and ladders. Thick columns of smoke pour out a burning building has hook and ladder trucks shoot water. Streetlights illuminate dimly through soot and ash. Close-up shows two firefighters holding a spraying hose. The extension on a hook and ladder truck moves to position a fireman closer to a window with his hose. Crowd shot features two women crying over burnt mail.

Viet Airlift - 101st Division
Clip: 425525_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1767
Original Film: 040-102-03
Location: Vietnam
Timecode: -

(Unable to read xereo copy) (480,000 troops in Vietnam)

Australian Premier Dies - Wate
Clip: 425527_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1767
Original Film: 040-102-05
Location: Australian shoreline
Timecode: -

The premier disappeared near his beach home. Footage of Premier enjoying water. A fishing boat bobs in the surf. A skin diver suits up Shots of the rocky shoreline. The diver falls into the water holding a spear, and then swims down to retrieve a fish that was hit and then pulls it to the surface.

Displaying clips 2881-2904 of 10000 in total
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