
Lynda's Wedding

Lynda's Wedding
Clip: 425507_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1767
Original Film: 040-100-01
Location: The White House's East Room
Timecode: -

President Johnson's eldest daughter, Lynda, is married to Marine Corps Captain Charles Robb in the East Room of the White House. It's the first White House wedding in 53 years. Both splendor and poignancy mark the occasion. Within four months, Capt. Robb will begin duty in Vietnam. A black screen reads, "Lynda and Charles - Marriage Takes Place in the White House." President Johnson escorts his daughter past guests. Before a priest, Lynda and Charles cross their hands during their vows. A close-up is made of Lucy Johnson, Maid of Honor. A close-up is made of the President and First Lady. Various shots are made of the ceremony. The couple emerges from the East Room under a canopy of swords held by Marines.