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Clip: 440946_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 0
Original Film: 544-16
Location: USA
Timecode: -

San Francisco City Hall, streets Street in front of El Presidio, cable cars, cable car turns around. Building with palm trees. Street scenes -cars and bus quite nice. Sea front -hotel / building facade and cars pass by.

Clip: 440947_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master:
Original Film: 544-17
Timecode: -

San Francisco Skyline, Alcatraz, etc.

17 Year Cicadas
Clip: 433760_1_1
Year Shot: 1990 (Actual Year)
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 2139
Original Film:
Timecode: -

(Tape 2) Adult 17 Year Cicadas on fern

Princeton 16 - Harvard 0
Clip: 426450_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1730
Original Film: 037-090-03
Location: New Jersey
Timecode: 00:09:39 - 00:10:40

Princeton's unbeaten eleven takes on Harvard at the Tiger home grounds and score early as they recover a fumbled punt over the goal-line. Then Charlie Gogolak, who kicks with a side-winder motion, boots three field goals and Princeton wins, 16 to O, to remain undefeated. Princeton University stadium filled to capacity with football fans. Princeton faces off with Harvard on the football field. Princeton kicks the ball right into the end zone, Princeton falls on the ball to score a Princeton touchdown. The scoreboard, Princeton 10 - Harvard 0. Gogolak kicks the football and it sails over the goal post, Princeton 13 - Harvard 0. Charlie Gogolak kicks his third field goal and Princeton ends up winning the game, Princeton 16 - Harvard 0.

Cassius Clay / Muhammad Ali
Clip: 425632_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1756
Original Film: 040-007-08
Location: Texas
Timecode: 00:49:00 - 00:49:54

Cassius Clay (Muhammad Ali) is in heavy training in Houston, for his title defense, February Sixth, against Ernie Terrell. The champion's draft board has said he could be drafted in February, two appeals having already been turned down. Experts say Terrell should be Clay's toughest opponent to date. Cassius Clay (Muhammad Ali) shadow boxing in a boxing ring. CU Cassius Clay (Muhammad Ali) jumping rope. A group of people sitting and watching Cassius Clay (Muhammad Ali) working out. Cassius Clay with protective head gear boxing with his sparing partner. The boxing fans applauding approving of Muhammad's work out performance. CU Upper body shots of Cassius and his sparing partner boxing. CU Head and face shot of Muhammad Ali. Muhammad Ali reciting a little poem: "He's going around claiming to be the real heavy weight champ. But after I'm finished he'll just be a tramp. Now I'm not saying this just to be funny. I'm fighting Ernie because he needs the money. Boxing fans applauding. CU Muhammad Ali drinking water from a paper cup.

July 29, 1994 - Part 2
Clip: 460034_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10052
Original Film: 102861
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(11:55:28) The CHAIRMAN. Senator Boxer, I might just make one comment before yielding to Senator Domenici, and that is, as you spoke about Mr. Foster and the tragedy of his death and the impact upon his family, I was so struck, as I m sure you were in reading of the report of Mr. Fiske, that Mr. Foster in days just before his death did try to get help. He called professionals who might have been able to counsel him in dealing with this depression problem that be obviously bad. And one of the great ironies is that he called at a time when the professional was not there. So the evidence we have was that although be tried on two occasions to reach for help, it's just fate that be was not able to get the help at that moment and then sadly didn't try it again. Senator BOXER. And he also feared that if he did make this contact, he could lose his clearance. The CHAIRMAN. Yes. And that is a matter of the record and we'll get into that at some point. Senator Domenici. Senator MACK. If I could, Mr. Chairman, since you're having dialog back and forth on these different issues and questions. I feet compelled to make a response here that there's an implication that at some point there are going to be some questions asked about Foster's death, and somehow that's going to be terrible for us to do that on this side. But I would just remind everyone that we are here because, frankly, of the way the whole situation was handled. There have been serious questions raised so I think people ought to be sensitive to that. The CHAIRMAN. Let me say, Senator Mack, and I don't want to digress at this point, but that certainly wasn't the implication or intention of my remark. Senator Domenici. (11:57:17) OPENING STATEMENT OF SENATOR PETE DOMENICI Senator DOMENICI. I hope it wasn't the implication of anyone's remarks because I don't think that's the intention on this side, and I think we'll just let it evolve with reference to his death. I don't think anyone on our side is challenging whether or not it was a suicide. So perhaps we can get rid of that rather quickly. 33 But, Mr. Chairman and Members of this Committee, I guess as I look around-even though I'm wayover on this side of the table on the end-I think I've been in the Senate longer than anyone here and I have learned in that period of time, fellow Senators, not to rush to Judgement. And I don't do that very often. In fact, I did not do that in this case. But having considered the facts gathered in advance of these bearings, I have to admit that I'm more than a little distressed about the actions of a number of Administration officials in this matter. Mr. Chairman, much has been said about the Fiske investigation. I believe it is probable that we have more evidence today about Whitewater as it relates to these bearings than Mr. Fiske bad in his investigation, I believe we've bad depositions of more people. Just as much evidence has been gathered and so I believe we now what we're talking about. On this side, we're going to talk about facts. We have many facts. I'm not sure the House had facts, but we've had an opportunity because of this Committee's leadership and the Senate which gives a fair opportunity to both sides. We have plenty of facts to back tip what we're doing. But this story is regrettably an all too familiar part of history in this city because the contacts between the White House and the Treasury Department regarding the RTC investigation into Madison reveal yet another opportunity, another instance in which political considerations took precedence over all else, and I am firmly convinced about that. And that's not a small matter because these actions have seriously jeopardized the RTC's independence. Let me discuss just a couple of items-tbere are many more-but a couple that trouble me deeply. First, I want to focus on something Senator D'Amato raised in his opening remarks. Exactly what did the President's closest advisors at the White House know about the RTCs investigation of Whitewater and Madison Guaranty and bow did this knowledge potentially compromise the RTC's ability to complete this investigation? And I believe we are going to find, before we are finished, that it did that mightily. Confidentiality and secrecy are critical to a successful criminal investigation. Everyone knows that. Otherwise, evidence can be destroyed, testimony' tailored, investigative techniques limited, and the advantage of surprise lost. Yet, the Madison Guaranty investigation's confidentiality was repeatedly violated.

The Jets Bow To Buffalo
Clip: 426451_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1730
Original Film: 037-090-04
Location: New York
Timecode: 00:10:40 - 00:12:08

New York's Cinderella team, the football Jets, draw a record American Football League crowd (61,929) as they meet the Buffalo Bills. It's a game of long passes and long runs before the Jets go down before the undefeated Bills, 20 to 7. New York Jets kick off to Buffalo in front of a crowd of 61 thousand. QB for the Jets throws a long ball and it is intercepted. Dick Wood of the Jets passes the ball 71 yards, Turner catches it and runs it in for a touch down. Buffalo has the ball in the second quarter and the QB passes it for a long, long ball to Glen Bass and he runs it in for a touchdown and this makes it a tied up ballgame. he Bills have the ball in the second half. QB passes to Bass and he takes it to the 29 yard line. They call in Gogolak, he kicks the ball and scores a field goal, bringing the Bills in front 13 to 7. Sports spectators filling the seats in Shay Sadium. The ball is handed off to a Buffalo full back and he runs 67 yards and into the end zone for a touchdown. Buffalo 20 - Jets 7.

Slide Bamage Heavy: Coast Rains Trigger Avalanche Of Mud
Clip: 426452_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1730
Original Film: 037-091-01
Location: Southern California
Timecode: 00:12:16 - 00:13:39

Torrential rains beating down on the hills of Southern California compound tragedy with every drop. Brush fires this summer stripped the hills of vegetation and there is nothing to hold the run-off of water. First a trickle, then a flood followed by avalanches of mud in the wake of the water. One woman is swept to her death as scores of families flee their homes. Torrential rains have no mercy on the hills in Southern California causing land slides made of tons of mud. Tons of mud lay in an area where there used to be brook. A trickle of water running down a hill and following a road that used to be a bed of a stream. Water running down the steps of a walk-way of a private home, it looks like a little water fall. A pickup truck driving down the road that resembles a stream filled with mud. A ranch home that had a mud slide flow down the area burying it half way up in mud, including small trees that it took along its mud slide trek. Ruins of another home. Rear shot of a man dressed in rain attire looking at the moving stream of mud and water in front of his home. A house completely destroyed by the wake of the mud slides, there are only partial wall standing. Front view of a home, the piano is out in the used to be lawn, land has been washed away from a tree where you can see the roots. The large glass windows are gone from the home. Firemen carrying the remains of a woman that met her demise from the mud slides. A car that was stopped by a tree and some shrubbery from sliding into a house. A tow-truck and two men whit hard hats, water and mud swirling around the tires of the truck.

Push-Button Warfare: Computers Command British Carrier
Clip: 426453_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1730
Original Film: 037-091-02
Location: Atlantic Ocean
Timecode: 00:13:39 - 00:15:05

The push-button warfare of the future is an established fact. The British carrier "Eagle", refurbished at a cost of One Hundred Million Dollars is carrying a complex computer system that spots the enemy, figures position, range and bearing within seconds. The computer even keeps tabs on the amount of fuel in each plane and when an aircraft is running low, it is automatically recalled. The British Carrier 'The Eagle" cutting its way through the North Atlantic. Aerial shot - Camera panning the deck of the Eagle, Helicopter sitting on the deck. Inside the carrier in a special room there is a complex system with men sitting in front of some of the very first computers. Man operating a computer. POV - Looking up at radar going round and round. Rear view of a man sitting at his computer hitting switches. Plane coming in for a landing on the deck of the ship. The ship's catapults launching planes off the deck of the Eagle. Technicians and scientific men standing aboard the ship making observations of the planes taking off. Aerial shot - Her Majesty's ship the 'Eagle'

Honor Ross Hunter: Stars Toast Producer On New Film Contract
Clip: 426454_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1730
Original Film: 037-091-03
Location: Hollywood, California
Timecode: 00:15:05 - 00:15:56

Universal Pictures has signed Producer Ross Hunter to a seven-year exclusive pact and film stars who have worked with him gather to do Mr. Hunter honor. Bobby Darin, Sandra Dee, Hailey Mills and father John Mills, Carl Reiner, Andy Williams and Maureen O'Hara. Also James Garner, Angie Dickenson and Rock Hudson - they all add their congratulations. Producer Hunter will have $75,000,000 budgeted for his coming productions. He hopes every one will be a blockbuster. Exterior of a hotel, people walking in the restaurant of the hotel and in front of the door written on chalk board 'Ross Hunter Party. Bobby Darren, Sandra Dee and Ross Hunter. Haley Mills and her parents, John Mills. Carl Reiner, Andy Williams and Maureen O Hara. James Garner and Angie Dickerson. Rock Hudson. Overlooking all the tables and the guest sitting waiting for their lunches to com.

July 29, 1994 - Part 2
Clip: 460035_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10052
Original Film: 102861
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(12:00:50) As early as September, the information that Roger Altman and Jean Hanson provided the President's closest advisors was highly confidential and involved criminal referrals that had not yet reached the Department of Justice, a rather incredible set of facts. But the White House later received, through improper channels, even more valuable information. In January 1994, the RTC was facing three choices, as you've already indicated, Senator D'Amato. One, the RTC could file a case by the February 28 deadline, or it was all over. Now, the meetings occurring in February, the second day of February. The second thing they could do was to seek a tolling agreement under which the people involved, including the President and the 34 First Lady, might be asked to cooperate and to voluntarily agree to extend the deadline for further investigation and possible prosecution. And let me remind the Senators, this occurred frequently in RTC investigations and many Americans signed those kind of agreements under the threat of a suit being filed. Three, it could let the deadline pass without filing anything, Now, frankly, by February 1, 1994, the White House knew that the investigation of Madison Savings & Loan was occurring. The deadline for filing the suit was only 28 days away, on February 28. If that arrived, and no criminal referrals were made, no lawsuit could be filed. They would be saved by the bell, so to speak. During that February meeting with Altman, the President's closest advisors reportedly pressed Altman to remain the decisionmaker until the deadline expired, and the case was closed. But Congress unexpectedly intervened and extended that deadline. That was noted by one of the witnesses from the White I-louse ' Ellen Kulka, as the earthquake event. In other words, all was going well until that event occurred, and it was an earthquake. But that's not all that was said at that meeting. It's simply not true that Mr. Altman merely provided public information about the legal process when he went to that meeting. Sworn testimony by the White House Deputy Chief of Staff, Harold Ickes, establishes that at that meeting Altman told the President's closest advisors about the progress of the investigation. He told them that "the investigation was going to take a longer period of time to conclude, 79 and that's in quotes, and be also said-and these are in quotes----"that it was unlikely that the investigation could be completed and a recommendation. made by the General Counsel prior to the expiration of that statute." Now, Mr. Chairman and fellow Senators, if that occurred in any other case regarding witnesses or targets, we would have called those people before us and said, "you are guilty of giving favored information and treating people with favor that other Americans don't get." That was a big blow to this investigation because now, the White House staff knows that the case isn't ready yet. Without this knowledge about the status of this investigation, everyone involved would have been well-counseled to cooperate. and yes, even to sign whatever the RTC asked for in terms of tolling the statute. But when Roger Altman gave the White House this vital information about the progress of this investigation and he called it a heads up, he gave them heads up, all right -not to agree to anything because the RTC was not ready to file a lawsuit. Now, armed with this kind of information, the RTC's chance of obtaining an agreement for more time is eliminated. If he didn't know that, he should have known that. Altman destroyed an option when he gave this progress report at that February 2 meeting.

July 29, 1994 - Part 2
Clip: 460038_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10052
Original Film: 102861
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(12:15:25) In February, facing a recusal decision by Mr Altman, the White House was concerned that RTC attorney Ellen Kulka might be too "tough" in pursuing RTC's civil claims related to Whitewater. In order to avoid this tough litigator, the White House considered whether it might be preferable to have Special Prosecutor Robert Fiske take over the RTC civil investigation. In late February, White House officials, alarmed that the former U.S. Attorney, Jay Stephens, bad been retained by the RTC to conduct its civil investigation of Whitewater, had a series of contacts with Treasury and RTC officials to see if he could be replaced. The facts refute the suggestion that these contacts can be dismissed as simply blowing off steam. In short, these matters raise serious questions that demand full and honest answers. What relation, if any, exists between Ms. Casey's nomination as U.S. Attorney in Little Rock and the White House's knowledge that the RTCs criminal referrals regarding Madison Guaranty would be sent to that office? Why did Ms. Casey not recuse herself from the outset from matters relating to Whitewater? Why were the RTC's criminal referrals to the Justice Department leaked to the White House? Did the White House exert any influence to control the scope of authority to be given to the Special Prosecutor? Has the White House attempted to use the Special Prosecutor for its own ends? Overarching all of these questions, of course, is the question of whether Administration officials have been honest in informing Congress and the American people of what really happened. Finally, let me just say-let me note it is not the role of the Committee to act as a rubber stamp for the Special Counsel or for Special Counsel Fiske's conclusions. We have conducted our own investigation and, frankly, in a lot of respects, we have uncovered a lot more in 5 weeks than Special Counsel Fiske uncovered in 6 months. So let's focus on the evidence before the Committee. Now, finally, I would like to say this with regard to the Foster part of this. Pursuant to Resolution 229, this Committee was instructed by the Senate: To conduct hearings into whether improper conduct occurred regarding the Park Police investigation into the death of Vincent Foster. I know this has to be a terrible ordeal for the Foster family and my heart goes out to them. It is unfortunate that the tragic events of last summer must be the subject of conjecture. The Senate has instructed this Committee to review this matter, and I commend Senator Riegle and Senator D'Amato for their willingness to comply with the Senate's instructions. This is a disagreeable facet of Washington life and I want to express my remorse to Mrs. Foster and the children and friends. Accordingly, I want to be clear on one point. There is absolutely no credible evidence to contradict the Fiske Report's conclusion that Vincent Foster took his own life and it, happened at Fort Marcy Park. There is no credible evidence to the contrary. I suspect conspiracy theorists will always differ with this conclusion and lit 39 tle this Committee does is going to muffle their speculation Nonetheless the Committee may ponder whether bad Mr. Fiske been somewhat more assiduous in investigating the cause of Mr. Foster's depression, some of the added speculation we have witnessed in recent weeks would not have surfaced. The conclusion of Mr. Fiske that there is no evidence involving issues of Whitewater were a factor in Mr. Foster's death is tenuous. The Majority's reluctance to fully examine this issue is unfortunate. But in all honesty, I just want to make it clear that the conclusion is correct.  Thanks, Mr. Chairman. The CHAIRMAN. Senator Moseley-Braun.

July 29, 1994 - Part 2
Clip: 460036_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10052
Original Film: 102861
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(12:05:20) An act of Congress extended this deadline and, incidentally, that was done by you, I say to our Ranking Member, with the assistance of Senator Metzenbaum. This heads up is but one of the troubling aspects of this affair. Some in this city attempt to minimize these hearings, but I would simply point out that we have a serious oversight respon 35 sibility to unearth the truth and ensure proper procedures are followed , I would like to point out that we would not know what we know today had it not been for this Committee's hearing in February when Mr- Altman first revealed under questioning his contact with the White House. So I think we have a lot to get under our belt in a few days and I intend to be part of conducting this bearing with the highest dignity lilt and respect. But that does not mean that because we are doing is as Republicans on this side, it does not mean that we have any motives other than the right motives for the American people, They deserve the truth, whether it's this President or any President and their White House staff. The CHAIRMAN. Senator Campbell. (12:06:45) OPENING STATEMENT OF SENATOR BEN NIGHTHORSE CAMPBELL Senator CAMPBELL. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I along with my colleagues want to congratulate you and the staff for all the effort you've gone through to put these hearings in place. I have to say I've watched some of the bearings in the other body on the other side of the Hill as most other people have and it looks to me like they're getting vitriolic, long on posturing, long on accusations, and short on information. To my way of thinking, it's made great theatre for the American people but I'm not sure it's going to improve policy. If our bearings do lead to some policy changes, then we certainly will have done our job. These bearings begin with the investigation of Vincent Foster's suicide and that should turn the stomach of any caring American. I really believe we should drop that whole issue and it's obvious we're not going to but we should for the sake of Vince Foster and his family. That was their specific wish. The Independent Counsel, Mr. Fiske, concluded that this was a suicide, the family is satisfied with the Fiske investigation. It seem to me that rather than flogging the issue, we should be ashamed of ourselves and let the man's family live at peace and let him rest in peace. The Park Police, the FBI, the medical examiners, the Independent Counsel, they're all professionals and they did their job and concluded that Vince Foster did indeed commit suicide. It's sad and tragic, but we should let his family celebrate his many accomplishments and not dwell on the circumstances of his death. And I agree with Senator Dodd, that it does indeed, border on macabre. In the statement of the Vince Foster family they said themselves there's pow no justification for painful repetition or examination of these issues. The principle advocates for doing this appear chiefly motivated by mean-spirited partisanship. They certainly did not care at all for the feelings of Vince's family, particularly for his children, who suffered have greatly, And, with your permission, I would like to introduce into the record that whole statement by the family. As far as the rest of the bearing goes, we're supposed to discuss whether there were any improper contacts between the White House and Treasury or RTC officials. The Independent Counsel, Mr. Fiske, a man we have all] praised who has great credentials. who enjoy glowing praises of most of the 36 people on this Committee on both sides of the aisle, has said the contacts weren't illegal, I believe him. I also believe what Senator Domenici has said, maybe there are new things that have come up, if I can paraphrase him, that we need to look at and we shouldn't minimize the effects of the new things we may find out. In addition, the White House Counsel has said that White House officials did not break any Government ethics rule. That's said by a man whose reputation is as solid as a rock. His credentials and integrity are impeccable. I question why anyone would want to second guess his efforts now after giving him such glowing reports in the beginning. We've been here over 2 hours now and I don't want to repeat some of the questions that Members have said that we need to ask. I certainly want to be open- minded, but from everything I've seen" so far, there is no evidence that anybody violated any law or any ethics guidelines. It sounds like there were some cases of bad judgment. But if bad judgment was a crime, I venture to say a number of U.S. Senators would probably be in jail. It sounds like there's confusion about the chain of events and it sounds like there's disagreement over what the ethics guidelines allow and what they do not. We should look at those disagreements and make recommenda tions as to how the Administration could make those rules better. If we're really serious about finding the problems with the ethics rules here and with making recommendations, we should be out of here very quickly.

Skydiving Free Fall / Parachuting
Clip: 425633_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1756
Original Film: 040-007-05
Location: North Africa
Timecode: 00:46:27 - 00:47:21

The British Royal Air Force Parachute Team performs a mid-air, hand-holding "link up", thousands of feet over North Africa. The scenes are shot by a fellow parachuter whose camera is mounted on his crash helmet. It looks like "ring around the Rosie" between earth and sky. Three skydivers free falling holding hands. From the top right of the screen you see a fourth parachuter coming into the frame. The fourth parachuter finely makes it completing the hand holding circle. The parachuters form a hand holding line as they free fall. They break apart and prepare for landing.

Vietnam: Choppers Are War Workhorses
Clip: 425634_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1756
Original Film: 040-008-01
Location: Vietnam
Timecode: 00:50:35 - 00:51:35

Army helicopters, the real workhorses in the jungle warfare in Vietnam, are used for a variety of combat and non-military use. The 120th Aviation Company, They demonstrate aerial photography...troop transport, and combat support missions by "choppers". An airstrip with helicopters sitting on the tarmac. Helicopter coming in for a landing. A helicopter pilot putting on his helmet. Helicopter taking off. Aerial shot of a camera man taking pictures of the land below. Soldiers embarking on to a running helicopter. POV - Machine guns firing down at the enemy from a helicopter in flight. Head shot of pilot. Air to Air - Two helicopters in flight over Vietnam.

New Helicopter
Clip: 425635_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1756
Original Film: 040-008-02
Location: California, Palm Springs
Timecode: 00:51:35 - 00:52:16

A new rigid-rotor helicopter is exhibited at Palm Springs, California. Unlike other "choppers" it can roll, loop, fly upside down. Its designers claim it could even outmaneuver a fighter plane in a dogfight. Its stability makes it a perfect air-borne gun or rocket platform. Man walking over to a newly developed helicopter. CU Head shot of pilot with helmet. Lockheed 'rigio rotor' helicopter taking off. Helicopter in flight. Helicopter in flight performing aerial aerobatics. Aerial Helicopter dripping of hundreds of feet in the air in a short period of time.

Northwest Weather
Clip: 425636_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1756
Original Film: 040-008-03
Location: Pacific North-West / Washington State
Timecode: 00:52:17 - 00:53:06

Floods, mudslides and power failures all accompany torrential rains and gale-force winds in the Pacific Northwest. The Puget Sound area was hard hit. Downtown Seattle reported wide flooding where two and one-half inches of rain fell in one 24 hour period. Storm on the Pacific Ocean shoreline. Flood waters rushing into the shore pushing debris along. CU Tons of debris and remains of smashed homes wash upon the shoreline. Man moving remains of a home. CU Two policemen carrying the remains of people who were killed in a land slide. Forecast weather electrical sign flashing conditions cloudy and rain. Motorcycle policeman on his bike making his way through downtown Seattle. Back of woman walking downtown with her umbrella open. CU A flooded local street that has been transformed into a gushing river. High Angle of people camping out on high ground.

Macao Communist China
Clip: 425637_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1756
Original Film: 040-008-04
Location: Macao, China
Timecode: 00:53:07 - 00:53:33

Threat of a Communist Chinese invasion drives Portuguese civilians out of Macao, seeking sanctuary in Hong Kong. Alleged Nationalist spies and worker disputes are at the root of the trouble but the mass exodus is seen as a positive prelude to a Communist takeover in Macao. A Marquee with S.S Macau and a picture of an ocean liner made of florescent lighting. CU Chinese people held back by police in a roped off area. Two elderly women walking past in fur coats. CU Portuguese civilians in exodus. Back of a mother holding her sleeping child.

Automat Gourmets
Clip: 425638_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1756
Original Film: 040-008-05
Location: New York, New York
Timecode: 00:53:34 - 00:54:23

The Centrarie del la Chains des Restaurants, one of the oldest gourmet societies in the world, hold a gala dinner at the New York Automat. The reason- to prove that food, not atmosphere, is the important thing. On the menu: Oysters, caviar, filet of beef, and quail. Woman and a man walking out of a turn-style door in a building. The woman is greeted by another woman and hands are shaken. A small crowd of people members of a gourmet society. A food automat has pies, sandwiches and cakes. CU Betsy Palmer smiling. CU A coat of arms; "Chaine Des Rotisseurs". People in a line with plates, a tub full of oysters. CU Man and a woman putting food on their plates. CU Beverages and bottles of wine. People enjoying their meal at beautifully set tables. Table 9 shows people eating and drinking by candlelight.

Fashions On Parade
Clip: 425639_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1756
Original Film: 040-008-06
Location: England
Timecode: 00:54:22 - 00:55:25

New summer fashions are previewed in both London and Rome. They include "the boubon", a summer dress of African prints with that nation's language on the hem. Fontana shows a "hideaway" beach tent, underneath which a lady can change her suit, and a "monoskato" outfit with embroidered pants. In the streets of London, a two tier bus passes. CU Grapes, camera pulls back to disclose the grapes were on a dress. It looks like a mannequin but it s just a model posing as one dressed up in the high fashion print dress called a boo boo. CU Writing on the dress: Mpenzi Kanirudya Moyo. Limeni umeni Tuliya translates to " My sweetheart has returned. Now my heart is carefree. A short cover-up reminiscent of Cousin it from the Adam s Family is modeled. It s a large striped beach towel that covers her head, can be wore like a poncho with two holes cut for the eyes. A model wearing an evening gown with some sequins sewn on to it. One side is short like a dress right above the knee and the other is a long pant leg. Interesting fashion choice.

Ernie Terrell
Clip: 425640_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1756
Original Film: 040-008-07
Location: Houston, Texas
Timecode: 00:55:27 - 00:56:10

Challenger Ernie Terrell works out in training for his upcoming heavyweight championship fight with titleholder Cassius Clay (Muhammad Ali). He won an argument over unequal poster billing by threatening to walk out on the fight. Meanwhile, Clay still could be drafted. Ernie Terrell jumping around a training facility for boxers. Ernie Terrell punching a punching bag. Ernie Terrell working out with his sparing partner in a boxing ring.

July 29, 1994 - Part 2
Clip: 460037_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10052
Original Film: 102861
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(12:10:30) But you know, as I do, Mr. Chairman, there's blood in the water and we know what happens when there's blood in the water, and in this case Bill Clinton is paddling along there, trying to be the leader of the country, and certainly the First Lady is in there too. I don't doubt, in my mind, that if he were to step down tomorrow. all of these accusations would miraculously disappear the day after. There are some who say Whitewater is about the abuse of power., It may be in more than one way. Certainly what about the abuse of power in using television, radio and the print media? It's kind:" of a bully pulpit, those who have sought simply bring down President. I think to use those media entities to discredit the Presi dent is also an abuse of power. This hearing with all of the unfounded allegations parroted in:,' , the talk shows and newspaper articles, says more about what's wrong with politics than any real estate deal that went sour 16 years ago. And I fear this, if anything, is going to deepen the American people's distrust of Congress when they realize we're spending $400,000 of their money with this hearing. Many Americans think that these hearings are politically moti. vated. Silly Americans, I don't know how they can believe that about any U.S. Senator, but make no mistake about it, that is what many people do believe. The people in my State are, I think, more concerned about the wildfires that have been creeping up near their homes, about the tragedy in Rwanda, about what we're going to do with the Crime bill and the Health Care bill than they are 37 about this hearing. I'm hopeful we'll clear this issue up once and for all and get back to the Work of the people that sent us here. Thank you. The CHAIRMAN. Senator Hatch. (12:12:15) OPENING STATEMENT OF SENATOR ORRIN G. HATCH Senator HATCH. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Mr. Chairman, the Senate has named me as a Special Member of the Whitewater Committee for the express purpose of considering matters within the jurisdiction of the Committee on the Judiciary of which I am the Ranking Member. Consistent with this mandate, I intend to focus most of my inquiry on matters related to the Department of Justice's involvement in Whitewater. Let me emphasize at the outset that the scope of these bearings has been very narrowly defined by the Majority side. We are permitted to explore only matters relating to the death of Vincent Foster or to communications between the White House and the Department of Treasury or the Resolution Trust Corporation that involve Whitewater or Madison Guaranty, In other words whole areas of inquiry such as bow the Department of Justice handled the Madison Guaranty criminal referral from the RTC, that named President and Mrs. Clinton as potential beneficiaries of criminal misconduct, and whether there was any improper influence exercised by the White House or other Administration officials on DOJ's Department of Justice's, handling of criminal referrals regarding Madison Guaranty and Whitewater may have to wait for another day to have a full airing. Nevertheless, there are numerous Justice Department matters that bear directly on communications between the White House and the Treasury Department or the RTC with respect to Whitewater and Madison Guaranty. These matters include but are not limited to the following: On March 23, 1993, shortly after Roger Altman had been informed of a pending Whitewater criminal referral that the RTC made to the Department of Justice, President Clinton took the extraordinary step of dismissing all sitting U.S. Attorneys, including the U.S. Attorney in Little Rock to whom the Whitewater criminal referral had already been sent, I believe, and I believe history will show, that this was an unprecedented action, and I can remember being shocked at the time this happened because it did happen. Again, in late September 1993, the RTC leaked to the White House the fact that the RTC was forwarding nine additional criminal referrals concerning Whitewater to the U.S. Attorney's Office in Little Rock. A few weeks later, in late October, Paula Casey, President Clinton's appointee as U.S. Attorney in Little Rock and a former campaign worker of his, informed the RTC that her office would not prosecute the initial Whitewater criminal referral. In early November, then-Associate Attorney General Webster .Hubbell and Ms, Casey announced their recusal from participation in Whitewater matters. Around early January 1994, according to an entry in Roger Altman's diary, the White House was trying to negotiated the scope 38 of its Independent Counsel with Attorney General-let me give you the quote according to the diary, the White House quote was: trying to negotiate the scope of its Independent Counsel with Attorney General Reno and was having enormous difficulty.

Clip: 425509_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1767
Original Film: 040-100-03
Location: A hospital in Cape Town, South Africa
Timecode: 00:24:33 - 00:24:51

The world's first heart transplant patient, Louis Washkansky, continues to improve while his surgeon, Dr. Barnard, announces plans for a second transplant operation within weeks. The exterior of a hospital is shown. A nurse walks down a hallway in a ward. A nurse tends to a patient. A door's nameplate reads, "Private - Prof. C.N. Barnard." A doctor sits in a chair wearing a suit and tie.

Clip: 425510_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1767
Original Film: 040-100-04
Location: New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art
Timecode: -

New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art announces its ancient Greek bronze horse, valued at $250,000 is a fake. Gamma ray shadowgraphs show an inner construction which is modern in technique. A man traces his finger along the nose, neck and side of a horse statue. It stands about 18 inches high. Another finger points out details of an X-ray that shows the statue's inner core.

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