
Push-Button Warfare: Computers Command British Carrier

Push-Button Warfare: Computers Command British Carrier
Clip: 426453_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1730
Original Film: 037-091-02
Location: Atlantic Ocean
Timecode: 00:13:39 - 00:15:05

The push-button warfare of the future is an established fact. The British carrier "Eagle", refurbished at a cost of One Hundred Million Dollars is carrying a complex computer system that spots the enemy, figures position, range and bearing within seconds. The computer even keeps tabs on the amount of fuel in each plane and when an aircraft is running low, it is automatically recalled. The British Carrier 'The Eagle" cutting its way through the North Atlantic. Aerial shot - Camera panning the deck of the Eagle, Helicopter sitting on the deck. Inside the carrier in a special room there is a complex system with men sitting in front of some of the very first computers. Man operating a computer. POV - Looking up at radar going round and round. Rear view of a man sitting at his computer hitting switches. Plane coming in for a landing on the deck of the ship. The ship's catapults launching planes off the deck of the Eagle. Technicians and scientific men standing aboard the ship making observations of the planes taking off. Aerial shot - Her Majesty's ship the 'Eagle'