
Cassius Clay / Muhammad Ali

Cassius Clay / Muhammad Ali
Clip: 425632_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1756
Original Film: 040-007-08
Location: Texas
Timecode: 00:49:00 - 00:49:54

Cassius Clay (Muhammad Ali) is in heavy training in Houston, for his title defense, February Sixth, against Ernie Terrell. The champion's draft board has said he could be drafted in February, two appeals having already been turned down. Experts say Terrell should be Clay's toughest opponent to date. Cassius Clay (Muhammad Ali) shadow boxing in a boxing ring. CU Cassius Clay (Muhammad Ali) jumping rope. A group of people sitting and watching Cassius Clay (Muhammad Ali) working out. Cassius Clay with protective head gear boxing with his sparing partner. The boxing fans applauding approving of Muhammad's work out performance. CU Upper body shots of Cassius and his sparing partner boxing. CU Head and face shot of Muhammad Ali. Muhammad Ali reciting a little poem: "He's going around claiming to be the real heavy weight champ. But after I'm finished he'll just be a tramp. Now I'm not saying this just to be funny. I'm fighting Ernie because he needs the money. Boxing fans applauding. CU Muhammad Ali drinking water from a paper cup.