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Displaying clips 2809-2832 of 10000 in total
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Pope Paul
Clip: 425511_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1767
Original Film: 040-100-05
Location: Rome - Piazza di Spagna
Timecode: -

Pope Paul ventures beyond the Vatican for the first time since his recent surgery. He joins with thousands of pilgrims on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception in the Piazza di Spagna and gives the crowd his Papal blessing. Crippled children carry flowers during a procession to a monument commemorating the Virgin Mary. Kids in wheelchairs look upward to the statue. Pope Paul waves from a convertible limousine to onlookers. He kneels at an altar before the monument. A close-up is made of him during a blessing. Crowd shots.

July 29, 1994 - Part 2
Clip: 460039_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10052
Original Film: 102861
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(12:19:30) OPENING STATEMENT OF SENATOR CAROL MOSELEY- BRAUN Senator MOSELEY BRAUN. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Mr. Chairman, under Senate Resolution 229, this Committee is directed to review whether improper conduct occurred regarding: One, communication between White House officials and RTC or Treasury officials regarding Whitewater or Madison Guaranty. Two, the Park Service Police investigation into the death of White House Deputy Counsel, Vincent Foster. Three, the way White House officials handled documents in Vincent Foster's office at the time of his death. At the outset, let me say, Mr. Chairman, I would like to associate myself with the remarks of Senators Bennett and Boxer regarding the Vincent Foster issue. We are not conducting an investigation into a suicide. Our investigation is only into. propriety of the investigation surrounding his tragic and untimely death. My condolences and sympathy also go out to his wife and family. This is no doubt a very painful time for them, and it's probably more painful to them that this matter has not yet been put to rest, However, we do have an obligation, nonetheless, to the public to ensure that no untoward or inappropriate activities occurred that would reflect on the remaining issues before this Committee. The first part of this hearing, I believe, will rightfully look into the process by which that investigation took place. What this means, therefore, Mr. President, is that at least in part, we are still dealing with the legacy of the savings and loans crisis. I was not in the Senate in the 1980's as that crisis exploded onto the scene. Like every Illinoisan, and I imagine every person in the country, I watched it develop with horror. It made me and my service here determined everything I could to prevent anything similar from ever happening again and to see that everything possible was done to minimize the public cost of completing the resolution of the savings and loan debacle. That is why, along with Senator Murray and a number of others on this Committee, I joined in insisting that a final taxpayer payment to the Resolution Trust Corporation include a wide variety of management and other reforms designed to bring more order and discipline to the RTC and to improve its efficiency. It is most important for us to protect the public interest in the final stages of the savings and loan issue and to ensure the integrity of the process in which that resolution occurs. Madison Guaranty is one of the thousands of savings and loan failures that 40 formed that crisis. It cost the taxpayers $60 million to make good the Federal Government's deposit insurance obligation to the Madison depositors. That is a very large amount of money, It is, however, chilling for us to remember what the savings and loan crisis cost each American. The Madison failure alone represents less than 5/100 of I percent of the $125 billion we are spending to resolve the savings and loan failure debacle overall. Madison is not, of course, the only savings and loan worthy of the attention of this Committee. There are many billion dollars- plus failures that deserve and need our attention. These hearings that are beginning today, however, involve only the Madison situation. The reason for that, Mr. Chairman, is all too obvious. It is because the President of the United States before be became President was involved in a real estate partnership with Madison's then CEO. The President was not a stockholder in Madison. He was not an officer of Madison. He was not a director of Madison, but he did have a tangential relationship to Madison. I believe that the media has done its job in bringing the President's connection to a failed savings and loan to the attention of the American public. The Special Counsel, the Resolution Trust Corporation, the Banking Committee of the House, and this Committee are now doing our jobs. We are all investigating matters that in some way relate to Madison or its fallout, These investigations are time- consuming and they are expensive. By the time all is said and done it is very possible that the Federal Government will windup spending as much money investigating Madison and the real estate partnership commonly known as Whitewater, as it cost the Federal Government to close Madison down in the first place. I support and appreciate the public demand for careful review of this issue, which is why I supported the appointment of Special Counsel, Also, Mr. Chairman, at this point I'd like to congratulate you for the careful attention that you have given to this matter and the kind of thoroughness of your persistence in following this through. Given that the heart of the matter before the Special Counsel involves reviewing a time before the President took office, I think that the obligation of Congress now is to let the Special Counsel do his work. This Congress should, therefore, not bold bearings on matters which are the subject of open investigations by the Special Counsel. The judgment of the Senate, as expressed in S. Res. 229, is entirely correct, In fact-, I would make the point even more strongly. Congress must not take actions that can undermine the Special Counsel's ability to do his job. The subject matters before the Committee today, however, relate directly to the times since January 29, 1993, when Governor Clinton became President Clinton. They are clearly appropriate for Congressional hearings. They clearly relate to the performance of the President and of public officials of the White House, and of a number of governmental departments and agencies. This Committee will meet its responsibilities in these areas. The Committee has already conducted 37 depositions and reviewed over 10,000 pages of documents, I hope this Committee's bearings will meet the public's expectations for a fair and balanced review of the matters before us.

Clip: 425512_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1767
Original Film: 040-100-06
Location: France
Timecode: -

France's new "aero-train" sets a world record for trains, hitting 233 mph. It rides on a cushion of air while straddling a concrete track and will be in operation by the mid-70's. An experimental monorail train is shown with a collection of jet engines mounted on its' rear. It construction is sleek and streamlined. A close-up is made of one of its' engines. Onlookers watch as the train goes by them. It moves at 200 miles per hour.

July 29, 1994 - Part 2
Clip: 460040_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10052
Original Film: 102861
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(12:25:27) 41 Essentially, Mr. Chairman, we have three levels of inquiry: The first, whether or not any laws were broken, The second, whether there were appropriate ethics policies and procedures in place, and were any of those policies or procedures violated. And third, putting everything else aside, in the opinion of the average common sense person, were these matters handled appropriately. As to the first level of inquiry, we already know from the Committee's review so far-I'm sorry, Mr. Chairman. I will file the rest of my remark for the record. I would just like to conclude by saying I was sitting here listening to my colleagues. I come from a State that had Paul Douglas as its U.S. Senator and I happen to sit at Paul Douglas' desk on the Floor. I pulled out his "Book of Ethics in Government," to review while I was sitting here. It is amazing to me, Mr. Chairman, how this book, written many years ago, has such relevance to the bearings before us. I think the most important point that Paul Douglas made is how important it is that we, who are in public life, have an obligation to give citizens a sense that their Government is an honest one, and that their Government officials are treated appropriately with the public trust. I believe that is what you are trying to do with these bearings. I am sure that is what all wellmeaning Members of this Committee would like to do, I suggest that we move expeditiously but carefully to the conclusion of these hearings because we have yet to handle and address a number of huge issues before the Congress, not the least of which is Health Care. I'd like to get on with the business of the Committee and get this matter resolved. Thank you. The CHAIRMAN. Thank you, Senator Moseley-Braun, Senator Murray. (12:27:07) OPENING STATEMENT OF SENATOR PATTY MURRAY Senator MURRAY. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. It's not easy going last,but you know, I don't mind my seat on this Committee. I'm all the way down here by the people I and I think it gives me a good perspective. As I went through I (the depositions and documents, I kept asking myself a few questions in search for the answers. Did the White House or the Treasury Department try to obstruct justice? Did anyone in the Administration try to influence any criminal or civil investigations? Was there any improper conduct? Those are the questions that we all must focus on. I am aware of the conclusions of the Fiske Report, and I have great faith in the integrity of his investigation. This Committee Covers the same ground. We're going to hear reconstructions of conversations and thoughts. Some of them occurred a year ago. Some of them were no more than scribbles on a page or a casual chat." A few of them were fairly substantial meetings. All of them took lace as this Administration and Congress were hammering out landmark legislation that really matters to the American people. But again, as we bear the testimony before this Committee, I will be asking myself the ultimate questions. Was information misused? Were investigations hampered? Was justice obstructed? And again, I have great faith in the Fiske investigation and his report to us. I have spent. an enormous amount of time on this issue, as 42 have all of my colleagues. It's made my long days longer and as I sit here down by the people and we begin the testimony today on the Vince Foster suicide, I have to wonder what kind of place is this, our Nation's capital? I came to Washington, DC, the same time Vincent Foster came here, and I know now what he meant when be wrote `%ere ruining people is considered sport." I agree with my colleagues who have said the Foster family has endured enough. Mr. Chairman, these days, with the media frenzy over even the most minor incidents, I wonder who will follow us in public service. What kind of a lesson is this for our kids? Let us all remember what integrity really means. Let us all remember about personal responsibility, all of us, those at the witness table, those in the audience, those who are listening, and of course, those around this dais. All of us should keep in mind our own personal responsibility for words we say and actions we take during this bearing. The stakes here are greater than an S&L in Arkansas. It is greater than this Administration or my tenure as a U.S. Senator. It is integrity and personal responsibility. And sometimes we lose that perspective and when we do, the victims are this great republic and the future leadership of this Nation. It is my hope that this hearing will allow us to la the facts on the table in a civil manner, to assess them rationally and determine their impact on the conduct of this Nation's business. Thank you Mr. Chairman.

Golf: Gay Brewer Wins Masters
Clip: 425818_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1759
Original Film: 040-030-08
Location: Augusta, Georgia
Timecode: 00:42:59 - 00:44:33

Former Augusta National parking lot attendant, Gay Brewer, wins the Masters with a masterful 280 total, beating Bobby Nichols by one. Day before the final round, Yancey, Boros, and Nichols tie for first place. Hogan and Brewer tie for second. A final round 67 gives Brewer the Master title, symbolic jacket and 20 thousand dollars! LS crowd of spectators walking along green. TLS Golfer JACK NICKLAUS teeing off. Crowd of male & female adults gaping, watching shot. Jack Nicklaus and his caddy walking onto fairway. Panning TLS Unidentified golfer putting, the ball rimming the hole. Panning TLS Former U.S. Open champ JULIUS BOROS chipping onto green, sinking hole (nice golf shot). Panning wide Golfer BOBBY NICHOLS putting, sinking ball for 16 ft birdie. Bobby Nichols celebrating on 18th hole. From behind spectators applauding. LS Golfer BEN HOGAN walking along fairway with caddy. TLS crowd of spectators applauding and giving a standing ovation. Panning TLS Ben Hogan sinking 20 ft putt on 18th hole. Bert Yancey, Julius Boros and Bobby Nichols posing outside clubhouse. High angle LS crowd gathering at green. TLS Bert Yancey missing crucial putt. Golfer GAY BREWER sinking putt, giving ball to black caddy. "The Golden Bear" Jack Nicklaus helping Master champion Gay Brewer put the green jacket on.

Common Market: Johnson Pledges Aid to Latin Bloc
Clip: 425819_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1759
Original Film: 040-031-01
Location: Uruguay
Timecode: 00:44:50 - 00:45:44

"President Johnson pledges increased support for the Latin-America common market at the opening of the 19-nation Western Hemisphere summit conference in Uruguay. TLS President of the United States Lyndon Baines Johnson disembarking plane with entourage of American diplomats. American flag & unidentified (Paraguay or Bolivia) flags flying from staffs. President Lyndon Johnson walking along tarmac. TLS Crowd gathered at airport. President Johnson greeting President of Uruguay OSCAR GESTIDO on tarmac. Newsreel cameraman filming event behind big ugly 35mm Mitchell camera. Helicopter (looks like Marine One) landing near house. Two U.S. Army soldiers riding horses on patrol. Security guard patrolling outside building, billy club behind his back. Security guard armed with machine gun patrolling parking lot. Summit meeting, delegates sitting at round table. Cocked angle TLS row of flags on poles blowing in light wind.

July 29, 1994 - Part 2
Clip: 460041_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10052
Original Film: 102861
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(12:30:11) The CHAIRMAN. Thank you very much. Let me now call to the witness table Dr. Charles Hirsch, chief medical examiner of the city of New York; Mr. Larry Monroe, special agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation; and Mr. William Colombell, who is a special agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Senator KERRY, Mr, Chairman, could I inquire, several Senators on the other side have said they are stipulating that Vince Foster committed suicide. I would like to know if, in effect, that is the position of the Minority as a whole and whether or not there is any inquiry here as to the question of the manner of death. Senator DAMATO. I'm not going to attempt to answer for the whole, but I will say I personally have no quarrel with the conclusions as it relates to the fact of a suicide and that it was committed at the location in the park. But I think there are legitimate questions as it relates to the manner in which the inquiry-. Senator KERRY. I totally understand, the reason I ask this is that in March, the Republican leader referred to the death as an alleged suicide. The Republican Whip on the House side was quoted a few days later as saying "there's a lot that's weird." A few days later, another Senator was quoted in the New York papers as saying "I don't know whether be committed suicide in some other place. A few days later, the House Ranking Member said it was his sense that Foster bad Whitewater on his mind, directly contrary to findings Senator D'AMATO. That has not been brought up. No one has said that at this hearing Senator KERRY. All I'm trying to say, Senator, I'm just trying to say there is enough out there-I could run down a long list 43 Senator D'AMATO. But no one at this hearing has said anything as it relates to stimulating this course of conversation. I have heard a number of Members allege that somehow it would convey the appearance if we are questioning the manner in which Mr. Foster died. I haven't beard any of that and I've heard a number of my colleagues-nor did I even raise that in my opening statement, but I've heard a number of my colleagues say it is not their intention to go into that but rather the manner in which the investigation was conducted and whether or not there was inappropriate outside influence, by the White House, and so I Senator KERRY. I appreciate that enormously. The on] reason I raise this is that this is the first occasion that we have been meeting The CHAIRMAN. Let's let Senator Kerry finish his point and then I'm going to regular order because Senator KERRY. The only reason I raise the question is that there has never been a repudiation of any of these prior statements. The CHAIRMAN. Let the Chair say that we've been charged by the Senate. The resolution is very clear that we are to review this matter. We're going to do so. I feel that we can do this rather directly and I'm going to now ask the three witnesses at the table to raise your right bands. STATEMENT OF DR. CHARLES HIRSCH, CHIEF MEDICAL EXAMINER OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK, NY; LARRY MONROE, SPE CL4,L AGENT OF THE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION; WILLIAM COLOMBELL, SPECIAL AGENT OF TIM FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God? The WITNESSES. I do. The CHAIRMAN. Very - good. Be seated, please. Senator DOMENICI. Mr. Chairman The CHAIRMAN. Mr. Domenici, I'll recognize you for a minute Nit I really want to get to the witnesses here. Senator DOMENICI. Mr. Chairman, on a matter that Senator Boxer raised with reference to depression, I'm very fearful to even talk about it for fear that it will cause some kind of an anguish on the part of the family, but I want to associate myself with her remarks regarding the serious mental disease called depression. Hopefully nothing we do as part of these hearings or these: investigations should further create the stigma that is already out there regarding this disease. This is an illness that we're beginning to understand, and clearly, it would be terrible if these hearings were used to make that a more difficult situation for people. I thank you and Senator Boxer for your comments. The CHAIRMAN. Thank you Senator Domenici. Let me state for the record that after very thorough and inde endent examinations into Mr. Foster's death, the Office of the independent Counsel, the Department of Justice, and the U.S. Park Police have all separately concluded that Mr. Foster's death was a suicide and I want to read the two-paragraph summary of Mr. Fiske's report into the record at this point. 44 On the afternoon of July 20, 1993, in Fort Marc Park Fairfax County, Virginia, Vincent Foster committed suicide. As discussed below, & evidence overwhelmingly supports this conclusion and them is no evidence to the contrary. This conclusion is endorsed by all participants in the investigation, including each member of the ,pathologist's panel we found no evidence that issues involving Whitewater, Madison Guaranty, CMS, or other personal legal matters of the President and Mrs. Clinton were factors in Mr. Foster's suicide. While Foster did confide to his family and friends in the weeks prior to his death, that certain matters were troubling him, we have learned of no instance in which Whitewater Madison Guaranty, CMS, or other possible matters of the Clintons were mentioned. Moreover, in the spring and summer of 1993, Whitewater and Madison Guaranty related matters were not matters, issues of concern either within the White House or the press.

Rams - Packers
Clip: 425514_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1767
Original Film: 040-100-08
Location: Football stadium
Timecode: -

A blocked punt is the turning point as the Rams squeeze by the Packers, 27-24, to keep their title hopes alive. The winning T.D., a Gabriel-to-Casey end zone pass, comes with only 34 seconds to go. A black screen reads, "Football - Rams 27 - Packers 24." Various play shots. Crowd shots. Shots of the scoreboard.

NATO Adopts "Flexible Response" Policy
Clip: 425515_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1767
Original Film: 040-101-01
Location: German Embassy in Brussels, Belgium
Timecode: -

The Big Four foreign ministers meet before the first NATO session in Brussels. NATO adopts a new "flexible response" military strategy, replacing the massive retaliation plan. A black screen reads, "Ministers Meet - ""Flexible Response"" Adopted By NATO." The French Foreign Minister and the US Secretary of State enter the German Embassy in Brussels. Diplomats sit around a table being photographed by the press. Various close-ups are made of the diplomats.

July 29, 1994 - Part 2
Clip: 460042_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10052
Original Film: 102861
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(12:35:48) That is the full summary of conclusions of Mr. Fiske and his panel and I thought they ought to be in the record at this point. Gentlemen, I understand that one of you has a statement to make at the outset. Mr. Monroe, you have a prepared statement so let us call on you first to make that comment and then when you've completed that, we'll go to questions by the Members. Mr. Monroe. Mr. MONROE. Thank you Mr. Chairman. Good afternoon, Senators. I am Special Agent Larry Monroe of the Federal Bureau of Investigation In March of this year, I was assigned to the Office of the Independent Counsel beaded by Robert Fiske, along with several other FBI agents, including special agent Bill Colombell, who is seated to my left. Our primary responsibility, at that time, was to investigate the circumstances surrounding the death of Deputy White House Counsel, Vincent W. Foster, Jr. At the outset of the investigation, we knew that in the early evening of July 20, 1993, Mr. Foster's body was found in Fort Marcy Park in Fairfax County, Virginia, Our investigation sought to answer three questions about his death. First, did Mr. Foster commit suicide or was he murdered? Second, if the death was a suicide, did it occur in Fort Marcy Park or had the body been moved? And third if Mr. Foster committed suicide, was it motivated in any way by concerns he may have bad about legal issues related to the Clintons' involvement in the Whitewater Development Company or Madison Guaranty Savings & Loan? We were instructed by Mr. Fiske and his legal staff to conduct a thorough and an aggressive investigation and to take all reasonable steps to resolve these questions, We are satisfied that we have done so. During the course of our investigation, approximately 125 people were interviewed, including Mr. Foster's close friends, family and the people that worked moist closely with him at the White House. These people provided valuable insight into Mr. Foster's state of mind in the weeks prior to his death. We also interviewed everyone known to have been in Fort Marcy Park on the afternoon or evening of Mr. Foster's death, including a confidential witness who first found the body members of the Fairfax County Fire and Rescue Department who of responded to the park, the Park Police investigators who conducted the investigation in the park, and the Fairfax County medical examiner who was present in the park. We also interviewed Dr. James Beyer who conducted the autopsy on Mr. Foster. In addition to these and other interviews, we analyzed physical and photographic evidence, a-, well as documentary evidence obtained from a number or sources, including the White 45 House. Experienced FBI laboratory technicians in the FBI laboratory here in Washington performed extensive analysis of the phys- evidence identified in this case, including the gun found in Mr. Foster's hand, his clothing, and a blood sample taken at the time of the autopsy. In addition, the FBI lab performed extensive analysis of the Park Police photographs taken of Mr. Foster's body in Fort Marcy Park and during the autopsy. The lab results are contained in reports attached to the Independent Counsel's report issued on June 30, 1994. A four-member panel of experienced and respected forensic pathologists reviewed the -results of our investigation. One member of this panel is Dr. Charles Hirsch, who is seated to my immediate right. Dr. Hirsch is the chief medical examiner for the city of New York and chairman of the Department of Forensic Medicine at New York University Medical School. Also joining Dr. Hirsch on the panel were Dr. James Luke who is a forensic pathology consultant at the FBI Academy and a project director of the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology. Dr. Donald Ray, who since 1975, has served as the chief medical examiner for King County, Seattle, Washington and who was a professor of Pa thology at the University of Washington, And Dr. Charles Stahl 1, who is a distinguished scientist and armed forces medical examiner at the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology.

Clip: 441804_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 0
Original Film: 554-6
Timecode: -

Ships in Hawaii

Clip: 441805_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 0
Original Film: 554-7
Timecode: -

Polynesian village

Clip: 441806_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 0
Original Film: 554-8
Timecode: -

Ships in Hawaii

Clip: 441807_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 0
Original Film: 554-9
Timecode: -

Hawaiian flowers

Clip: 441808_1_1
Year Shot: 1976 (Estimated Year)
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master:
Original Film: 554-10
Location: Hawaii
Timecode: -

Preview Cassette 220370 Maui Coast, Japanese garden, hotel swimming pool, tourists swimming in ocean, general landscape

Clip: 441809_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 0
Original Film: 554-11
Timecode: -

Hawaii - football

Clip: 441810_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 0
Original Film: 554-12
Timecode: -

Hawaii: loading ship with cattle

Clip: 441811_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 0
Original Film: 554-12
Timecode: -

Hawaii: loading ship with cattle

Clip: 441812_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 0
Original Film: 555-1
Timecode: -

Misc. Hawaii

Clip: 441813_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 0
Original Film: 555-2
Timecode: -

Misc. Hawaii - Kids swimming, flowers, Lei

Clip: 441814_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 0
Original Film: 555-3
Timecode: -


Clip: 441815_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 0
Original Film: 555-4
Timecode: -

Hawaii - pan through pineapple

Clip: 441816_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 0
Original Film: 555-5
Timecode: -

Island of Hawaii

Clip: 441817_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 0
Original Film: 555-5
Timecode: -

Island of Hawaii

Displaying clips 2809-2832 of 10000 in total
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