
Vietnam: Big Enemy Force Repulsed by G.I.'s

Vietnam: Big Enemy Force Repulsed by G.I.'s
Clip: 425793_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1759
Original Film: 040-028-01
Location: Vietnam
Timecode: 00:24:00 - 00:25:17

Spring at home but business as usual in the grim struggle of year round war. A VC ambush damages a U.S. Marine truck convoy, killing one leatherneck, wounded four. Elsewhere, an allied sweep clobbers an enemy shore base, killing eighteen troops, and taking many prisoners, some of them women. TLS Mildly damaged United States Marines Rough Rider trucks after Viet Cong ambush. South Vietnamese soldiers (ARVN) walking gingerly along muddy shore of village, boarding landing craft. Cut to from behind, Two Caucasian United States Marines (note the M1956 webbing and flak jackets) wading through waist high water. African-American U.S. Marine wading through river, walking & occasionally peering into cam. Several U.S. Marines wading through rice paddy, M-14 rifles slung over left shoulders (more flak jackets). Nice U.S. Marine kneeling with M14 in grass, guarding several blindfolded prisoners (suspected Viet Cong); Blindfolded, shirtless prisoner with long goatee laying in grass. Vietnamese women, suspected VC informers, being herded through rice paddy. Medium-sized group of suspected Vie Cong kneeling in grass. Nice Marine with cigarette in mouth, cleaning blistered feet in field after completion of mission (note the flak jacket beside him). Marine captain talking into field telephone. UH-1 Huey helicopter landing. ARVN loading Viet Cong onto Huey helicopter in rice paddy.