
Released Prisoners Bridge of 17th Parallel

Released Prisoners Bridge of 17th Parallel
Clip: 425672_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1757
Original Film: 040-013-03
Location: Vietnam
Timecode: 00:32:06 - 00:32:44

On the bridge which separates North and South Vietnam, thirty VC prisoners are released by the Saigon government in observance of the Lunar New Year. Defiantly, the former prisoners throw off their clothing provided in POW camps in the south. Walking across the bridge on the 17th Parallel that divides North and South Vietnam are Viet Con prisoners. Many of the men have missing arms, hands and legs. Fellow VC at the North end of the bridge are also released. Low Angle Shot - In a gesture of defiance the released prisoners throw their ponchos given them in the Saigon prisons. Throngs are gathered on the bridge in celebrating the Lunar New Year.