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Displaying clips 1849-1872 of 10000 in total
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Small Birds - Indigo Bunting
Clip: 433190_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 2131
Original Film: N/A
Location: USA
Timecode: -

TAPE 1 Male Indigo Bunting feed in grass

Small Birds - Baltimore Oriole
Clip: 433191_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 2131
Original Film: N/A
Location: USA
Timecode: -

TAPE 1 Male Baltimore Oriole at nest

Small Birds - Goldfinch
Clip: 433192_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 2131
Original Film: N/A
Location: USA
Timecode: -

TAPE 2 Male Gold Finch in dogwood tree

Small Birds - Red Bellied Woodpecker
Clip: 433193_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 2131
Original Film: N/A
Location: USA
Timecode: -

TAPE 2 Red-Bellied Woodpecker and Blue Jay at feeder

Small Birds - Robin
Clip: 433194_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 2131
Original Film: N/A
Location: USA
Timecode: -

(TAPE 2) Robins in migration drink and bathe Robins in migration eat juniper berries Robins in migration bathe and drink

Small Birds - Cedar Waxwing
Clip: 433195_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 2131
Original Film: N/A
Location: USA
Timecode: -

(TAPE 2) Cedar Waxwing eat juniper berries (young)

Small Birds - Robin
Clip: 433196_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 2131
Original Film: N/A
Location: USA
Timecode: -

(TAPE 2) Robin

Small Birds - Cedar Waxwing
Clip: 433197_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 2131
Original Film: N/A
Location: USA
Timecode: -

(TAPE 2) Young Cedar Waxwings eat juniper berries

Small Birds - Robin
Clip: 433198_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 2131
Original Film: N/A
Location: USA
Timecode: -

(TAPE 2) Robin in Migration bathe

Small Birds - Golden Plover
Clip: 433199_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 2131
Original Film: N/A
Location: USA
Timecode: -

(TAPE 2) Golden Plover call

Small Birds - Baltimore Oriole
Clip: 433200_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 2131
Original Film: N/A
Location: USA
Timecode: -

(TAPE 2) Female Baltimore Oriole building nest Female Baltimore Oriole building nest Female Baltimore Oriole building nest and calling Female Baltimore Oriole building nest and bringing material Female Baltimore Oriole building nest and bringing material

Small Birds - Bluebird
Clip: 433201_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 2131
Original Film: N/A
Location: USA
Timecode: -

(TAPE 2) Female Bluebird with nest material at nest box Male bluebird with nesting material at nestbox Female Bluebird with nesting material at nest box Bluebirds bringing nesting material at nest box Male and Female bring nesting material at nest box Male bringing nesting material at nest box Female bringing nesting material at nest box

Small Birds - Red Bellied Woodpecker
Clip: 433203_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 2131
Original Film: N/A
Location: USA
Timecode: -

(TAPE 2) Female Red-Bellied Woodpecker in tree

Small Birds - Chipping Sparrow
Clip: 433204_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 2131
Original Film: N/A
Location: USA
Timecode: -

(TAPE 2) Chipping Sparrow on tree

Moon Photos: Space Lab Snaps Landing Sites
Clip: 425553_1_1
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1754
Original Film: 039-094-01
Location: Florida, Cape Kennedy
Timecode: 00:34:34 - 00:36:09

Potential landing sites for future American Astronauts on the moon are photographed by Lunar Orbiter Two, a flying photo lab. The shots, taken from an altitude of 30 miles, show a flat equatorial plain, marked with craters. In all, 13 landing sites will be photographed. LS Liftoff of Lunar Orbiter Two spacecraft heading for the moon to take some pictures. Animation of the Lunar Orbiter Two laboratory. Animation of the moon and the orbiting pattern of the Lunar Orbiter Two. Animation of twin lens cameras, radio signals and pictures being taken taking of the moon from the Lunar Orbiter Two. CU Tracking antenna back on earth. MS Two photo lab technicians looking at film strips. CU of dots on the film strip under a microscope. Lab technicians laying out larger scale photos of the moon's surface. MS At a press conference, the press get first looks at the first moon photographs. The press takes notes. CU as a scientist pointing out things on the moon s surface from the various photographs. MS a scientist relates information with the moon surface is on a background projection screen.

Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, June 12, 1973
Clip: 486605_1_1
Year Shot: 1973 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10396
Original Film: 109001
Location: Caucus Room, Russell Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

[00.24.09] Senator GURNEY. Between whom? Mr. PORTER. Among Mr. LaRue, Mr. Mardian, Mr. Magruder, and then ultimately, Mr. Mitchell. There were several large banquet rooms, empty banquet rooms, in the hotel that were not being used and a lot of these meetings were held in those rooms, off in a corner. I was asked at one occasion to stand some 50 yards away, whatever it was, and kind of be the guard on the door as they had this meeting. Senator GURNEY. Who was present, at that particular meeting? Mr. PORTER. Mr. Mitchell, Mr. 'Mardian, Mr. LaRue, Mr. Magruder, Mr. Clifford Miller from Los Angeles was present, but I am not sure whether he was present, at, that particular meeting. There were several of these conferences going on intermittently during the- Senator GURNEY, How many would you say? Mr. PORTER. Three or four, probably. Senator GURNEY. And would you please name All the, people that You can remember who participated in these conversations? Mr. PORTER. I think I have named them, Senator, those people. Senator GURNEY. Did you overhear any of the conversations? Mr. PORTER. No, sir, not a bit. Senator GURNEY. Did any of these people repeat to you later any part of these conversations? Mr. PORTER. No, sir. Obviously, my curiosity became piqued and I asked, I believe it was Mr. Miller--I think it was Mr. Miller--probably a question like, what's up? He said, I believe, that one of the committee's employees, had been caught inside the Democratic National Committee. I asked him who it was and he said, James McCord. And that was the first time I had learned of that. It was toward noon. Senator GURNEY. How long did you stay in California? Mr. PORTER. I personally, Senator? Senator GURNEY. Yes. Mr. PORTER. Through Tuesday, I believe, the following Tuesday. Senator GURNEY. And what about the rest of the time that you were in California? Do you recall an conversations that took place about Watergate that you have any knowledge of? Mr. PORTER. No, sir. At no time was I ever included in any of those conversations with any of those people. Senator GURNEY. While you were in California, did you make any phone calls back to Washington? Mr. PORTER. I have been asked, I believe, that question by one of the members of your committee. I received a phone call from the same Roger Stone who I mentioned earlier in this about the--in my earlier testimony, And Mr. Stone was taking care of our house while we were gone. I had taken my family out to California for the summer. Senator GURNEY. 'Is this significant? Mr. PORTER. Yes, sir, it is significant. He was, I think it was on Monday night, I guess feeding our dogs and the phone rang and a voice asked for me and he said, he said, is Bart Porter there? Mr. Stone said, no, he was not. He said, who is this? And the voice said, and it sounded like an older man, according to Roger, this is Jim McCord. And Roger said, I do not believe you. And I guess the man pressed him and said, yes it was. He said, where are you? He said, well, I am in jail. I want to talk to Porter. I do not think this is accurate. I think personally it was a hoax or some friend calling. But anyway, Roger called me in California immediately. I was convinced it was a prank because I hardly knew Mr. McCord and he would have no reason to call me. But, because Mr. Magruder--I think I tried to get Mr. Magruder, I am not sure. But I did call Mr. LaRue. I felt somebody should know that I had received that call. So I did tell, I think I called Mr. LaRue and told him that. And he just took the information and said, thank you. And that was the last I heard of it, Senator GURNEY. Now, when you returned to Washington again, did you participate 'in any conferences, phone conversations with anyone about this Watergate break-in? Mr. PORTER. No, sir, not at, all, other than the normal Senator GURNEY. Did you hear anybody discuss it there at the Committee To Re-Elect the President? Mr. PORTER. No, sir. Senator GURNEY. What about destruction of records? What records have you destroyed other than the accounting that you have mentioned? Mr. PORTER. Well, I really did not have any other records, Senator, other than some speech material; and some travel schedules that, were out of date and other things that I had been kind of saving over a period of months that really were not--I would not classify as anything important, but I did have those and I did throw those away, I think. Senator GURNEY. From the time that you were 'in the service of the Committee To Re-Elect the President, until now, have you ever had any discussions about Watergate or bugging or surveillance or sabotage with Mr. Haldeman? Mr. PORTER. Never. Senator GURNEY,. With Mr. Ehrlichman? Mr. PORTER. Never Senator GURNEY. With Mr. Dean? Mr. PORTER. Never. Senator GURNEY. With Mr. Colson? Mr. PORTER. Never. Senator GURNEY. With Mr. Kalmbach? Mr. PORTER. Never. Senator GURNEY. With Mr. Mitchell? Mr. PORTER. -Never.

My Own Yard To Play In
Clip: 430541_1_1
Year Shot: 1950 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 381
Original Film: WPA 320
Location: New York, NY
Timecode: 01:01:51 - 01:08:36

An excellent look at how city kids amuse themselves in adverse conditions. Many minorities and inner city poor play on or with anything they can get their hands on. Appears to be set in New York City.

Miss World: Indian Beauty Wins Crown
Clip: 425554_1_1
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1754
Original Film: 039-094-02
Location: United Kingdom, London
Timecode: 00:36:10 - 00:37:19

At London's Lyceum Theatre, 52 girls from around the globe compete for the title, "Miss World". Among the Miss World finalists are Brazil, Miss India, Greece, Italy, Norway, Yugoslavia, and U.S.A. Miss India, Reita Faria, a medical student wins the crown.She was the first Indian and Asian to win the title. MS The Miss World contestants are lined up for the camera during the swim suit portion of the competition. CU of the judges watching the competition. CU Miss United Kingdom works he way down the runway. Miss India strikes a pose followed by Miss Brazil, a blond Miss Italy and Miss USA. Cameraman takes a panning shot of all the girls one last time in their swimwear. MS Photographers and the press taking pictures of the girls. Flash bulbs flickering. CU Miss World of 1966 is crowned, Miss India. She comes to take a seat on her throne, all smiles. In addition to the crown, she is awarded $7,000.

Football - Notre Dame 10, Michigan State 10
Clip: 425555_1_1
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1754
Original Film: 039-094-03
Location: Lansing, Michigan
Timecode: 00:37:19 - 00:40:23

In East Lansing's Spartan Stadium, 80 thousand football fans gather to support Michigan State versus Notre Dame in a rivalry game dubbed "The Game of the Century." With one touchdown and one field goal each, the struggle ends in an 10-10 tie. CB Jimmy Raye for Michigan State and QB Coley O'Brien for the Irish are brilliant in leading their teams. High Angle of 80 thousand fans packed into Spartan Stadium in Lansing, Michigan. Marching band performing on the field. Michigan has control of the ball as CB Jimmy Raye passes to his right end. After a long throw, the aerial is good as it's received by Spartan #84. Sports fans cheer triumphantly. CB Jimmy Raye hands off the ball to Regis Cavender, who makes a first down. When the play resumes Raye hands off the ball to Cavender who makes the touchdown. Football fans cheer in the stands. Spartans have possession. CB Raye keeps the ball and runs gaining good yardage. LS Kicker for the Spartan's attempts a 47 yard field goal, and it is good, Score of Spartan's 10 Notre Dame 0.High Angle Shot Notre Dame receives the kick off and #19 Tom Quinn return the ball 38-yards. Notre Dame's QB throws a long shot and it's caught and ran for a touchdown by #20 Bob Gladieux. He runs around the field celebrating. Various shots of Notre Dame's QB mixing up the ground and throwing game trying to achieve another touchdown and gaining yardage. Notre Dames Kicker returns the ball for a 28 yard goal. It's good. MS Score board, Michigan State 10 - Notre Dame 10. Notre Dames kicker tries for a field goal and it is no good. The game ends Michigan State 10 - Notre Dame 10

Kennedy Memorial: Nation Remembers Fallen President
Clip: 425556_1_1
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: No
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1754
Original Film: 039-095-01
Location: Arlington, Virginia
Timecode: 00:41:05 - 00:42:45

NO AUDIO Approximately eleven thousand people visit President Kennedy's gravesite in Arlington National Cemetery on the third anniversary of his assassination. Members of the Kennedy Family leave floral tributes along with a squad of Green Berets. Low Angle shot of the tops of a young maple tree. Leaves turning colors for the fall. Reflections off of a pond. Reflection of the Washington Memorial on the Reflection pond. Exterior Shot of the White House. LS of the Lincoln Memorial from Arlington National Cemetery. MS Arlington National Cemetery, a solo military guard is posted by the grave site of President John F. Kennedy. CU The Eternal Flame burning. CU Head bust of President Kennedy. Inside the gravesite, mourners leave flowers. "Hail to the Chief." MS Members of the Kennedy family leaving flowers. They stop to kneel and say a prayer over the Eternal Flame. MS Honor guard at the grave site of President Kennedy salute. ECU insignia on the green berets hat. CU of green Berets who have gathering to pay respects to their fallen commander- in- chief. Solemn Faces. LS A long line of people and military men queue up to visit the grave site of President John F. Kennedy. CU Eternal Flames burning in the wind.

Lord Mayor's Show
Clip: 425557_1_1
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: No
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1754
Original Film: 039-095-02
Location: United Kingdom. London
Timecode: 00:42:48 - 00:44:16

In London, that world capital reviews its past and present in the annual Lord Mayor's Show. A tradition dating back to the year 1215. Sir Robert Bellinger reviews the gala parade and rides in his Ornate Lord Mayor's coach. LS of the Tower Bridge on the River Thames. Camera zooming in and out on the Tower of London. Camera pans the Financial district of London. Sir Robert Bellinger standing in the dais, dressed in proper attire for that time, reviewing the annual Lord Mayor's Show. MS A parade begins for the annual Lord Mayor's Show. People Marching. Fire Breathers walk in the parade spitting out fire. High Angle Shot of a very ornate "Lord Mayor's Coach." The coach makes its way down London streets proceeded by horses and their horsemen and guards.

Los Angeles Zoo
Clip: 425558_1_1
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: No
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1754
Original Film: 039-095-03
Location: Los Angeles, California
Timecode: 00:44:18 - 00:45:49

NO AUDIO America's newest city zoo opens in Los Angeles. It covers 110 acres and costs ten million dollars. Some 575 species of animals and birds are included in its population of three thousand. In the children's zoo, youngsters pet and feed the animals. Aerial shot of people entering the newly constructed zoo. Camera panning people walking through newly constructed paths lined with trees and steps. CU Children looking at a tropical bird Children looking at vulture type birds and the birds are looking back at the children. Young children petting a bird in a pen. Parents and their children leaning over a short wall looking and patting at a good size land tortoise. CU A smiling little boy giving a goat a cookie. Goats gather around little children begging for kernels of corn. Aerial shot Building with twin peaks housing some exhibits. CU A little boy being held by his mom to get a drink from a fiberglass lion water fountain. People standing around a bear exhibit. Brown Bears begging for food as people throw nuts to them. Monkeys hanging on the wire dividers looking at the people. CU A young leopard looking at the cameraman. He lays down on a rock and rolls on his side. You can see his tummy as he keeps rolling over. Families walking around the zoo. CU A baby girl being wheeled in a stroller, sucking on a bottle is fast asleep. Families walking with their young children. A daddy with his daughter's head on his shoulder. A mother holding her daughter's hand as she walks or wobbles along.

Koufax Retires: Ailing Arm Ends Career
Clip: 425559_1_1
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: No
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1754
Original Film: 039-095-04
Location: Los Angeles, California
Timecode: 00:45:49 - 00:46:50

NO AUDIO Sanford "Sandy" Koufax, star left-hander for the Los Angeles Dodgers, announces his retirement from baseball. Painful arthritis in his left elbow forces him out of the game. His career record, including four no-hitters, will earn him a spot in the Baseball Hall of Fame. MS Sandy Koufax attending a press conference. He works his way around meeting baseball professionals and press. CU Sandy in his baseball uniform playing ball. He signs autographs for fans. High Angle Shot Sandy Koufax making a couple fast pitches during a game. Sports journalists sitting in a press box at a baseball game. MS Sandy Koufax engaged in conversation with a fan and signing autographs.

Art Restoration: Gigantic Task Begins In Florence
Clip: 425560_1_1
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: No
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1754
Original Film: 039-096-01
Location: Florence, Italy
Timecode: 00:47:21 - 00:49:20

The City of Florence recovering from a devasting flood. An art museum is cleared to begin the gigantic task of cleaning and restoring its priceless art. Rare books and paintings are painstakingly dried and treated. MS A dug up city street in Florence, Italy. Exterior of one of Florence's museums. People completely covered in mud digging for hidden debris and removal. Camera pans books and art work that have been damaged in the floods. Volunteer workers make a human chain as they stand ankle deep in muddy water passing books to be restored. Piles and piles of books and papers soaked with water and mud. CU The restoration of books and art work. A woman carefully lifting the pages of book to investigate the damage. Book pages being laid with parchment paper. Art work is laid out to dry. A historian examining and cleaning a panting. Two volunteers removing caked on mud from some art relic. CU Two volunteers removing mud from a statue of the Madonna with Child. An artist cleaning up and saving one of the many art treasures from Florence. High Angle Shot a garden in Florence packed knee deep in mud. Inside of a church, volunteers sweep and mop under candlelit. MS A burial site of a Bishop getting washed and cleaned with a toothbrush. High Angle Shot Muddy trucks and earth movers fill the muddy streets of Florence, Italy.

Displaying clips 1849-1872 of 10000 in total
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