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Displaying clips 1825-1848 of 10000 in total
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Clip: 443819_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 0
Original Film: 779-17
Timecode: -


Clip: 443820_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 0
Original Film: 779-18
Timecode: -

Balloons / b/w

Clip: 443821_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 0
Original Film: 779-19
Timecode: -

Weird tar /c/u

Clip: 443822_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master:
Original Film: 779-22
Timecode: -

Hypodermic needle

Clip: 443823_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 0
Original Film: 779-23
Timecode: -

Colored cards

Clip: 443824_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 0
Original Film: 779-25
Timecode: -

Swish pan by hops field ??

Clip: 443825_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master:
Original Film: 779-26
Timecode: -

C/u monster (wooly, mammoth, head, zoom in)

Clip: 443826_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 0
Original Film: 780-1
Timecode: -

Formation of earth

Lambs in limbo
Clip: 443827_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master:
Original Film: 780-2
Timecode: -

Lambs in limbo

Clip: 443828_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 0
Original Film: 780-3
Timecode: -

Smoke effects

Clip: 443829_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 0
Original Film: 780-4
Timecode: -

Man working (flap over?) electronic equip

Clip: 443830_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 0
Original Film: 780-5
Timecode: -

The season

Clip: 443831_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 0
Original Film: 780-6
Timecode: -

Billboard sign (Hart fund)

Dinosaur skeleton
Clip: 443832_1_1
Year Shot: 1955 (Estimated Year)
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master:
Original Film: 780-8
Timecode: 00:00:00 - 00:00:17

ON PREVIEW CASSETTE #221785 Dinosaur skeleton ext

Clip: 443833_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 0
Original Film: 780-9
Timecode: -

Zoom into rough texture

Clip: 443834_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 0
Original Film: 780-10
Timecode: -

Ship at harbor (frame by framer?/

Clip: 443835_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 0
Original Film: 780-11
Timecode: -

Wipe all the way around

Clip: 443838_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 0
Original Film: 780-12
Timecode: -

Puppet dancing on stove

Clip: 443839_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 0
Original Film: 781-1
Timecode: -

Color Effects

Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, June 12, 1973
Clip: 486602_1_1
Year Shot: 1973 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10396
Original Film: 109001
Location: Caucus Room, Russell Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

[00.07.00--MacNEILL in studio] MacNEILL states that later on, STANS will name the high authority that allowed KALMBACH to receive campaign funds in cash. [00.07.07--cut to committee room, Sen. ERVIN walking to table--MacNEILL V.O.] MacNEILL states that there were eloquent debates during the questioning over which branch of government was properly authorized to investigate Watergate. [MacNEILL continues, v.o., to give hourly summary of the testimony, ERVIN seen to continue his walk to his seat at table] [PORTER seen waiting to testify, appears somewhat nervous] [00.08.37--ERVIN gavels meeting to order, first rather softly, begins to speak, there is still noise, so he bangs the gavel very hard on the second try] Senator ERVIN. The committee will come to order. The witness will return to the stand. Senator Inouye, I believe it is your turn. to question the witness, is that right,? Senator INOUYE. I finished. Senator ERVIN. Are there any other questions? Senator Gurney. Senator GURNEY. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Mr. Porter, to get, caught up, to date, as I understand it you were the director of scheduling in the Committee To Re-Elect the President in charge of the speakers, the surrogates program, and also the celebrities, entertainment and athletes, and I think that two pertinent pieces of testimony you gave us last week were that you had disbursed some, $69,000 in this, I guess you might call it, sabotage program, and that you also perjured yourself at the trial at, Mr. Magruder's request, on what you paid money to Liddy for. Now, that I might clarify one or two points here, would You explain to the committee how you' disbursed the $69,000? I don't. think that was gone into in much detail last week. TESTIMONY OF HERBERT L. PORTER-Resumed Mr.- PORTER. Yes, sir;' I will. April 7, I passed approximately $31,000 to Mr. Liddy--the purpose of the funds to be used for a purpose I was not aware' of. I passed $8,000 to Mr. Richard Howard at the, White House at Mr. Magruder's request. Senator GURNEY. What did he use that for? Mr. PORTER. I do not know, sir. Senator GURNEY. Did you ask Mr. Liddy what he was going to use. this money for? Mr.- PORTER. No, sir- I did not. Mr. Magruder instructed me to pass Mr. Liddy funds when he requested them, and I did not ask what they were used for nor did he tell me. Senator GURNEY. Go on. Mr. PORTER, I gave $300 at Mr. Magruder's direction to Mr. Douglas Hallet who was at the White House. who worked to help put some reports, together and it was--I do know the purpose of that was to pay roundtrip Mr fare for Mr. Hallet to California for an Easter vacation because he had helped out in the campaign putting these reports together. I paid $1,100 to Lionel Hampton for a band appearance and rally in 'Miami, Fla., in March. I paid approximately $3,700, $3,800 to a Roger Greaves in Los Angeles. I paid- Senator GURNEY. Do you know what that was for? Mr. PORTER. Mr. Greaves, on two occasions, promoted some sign carrying placards to greet, I believe it was, Senator Muskie upon airport arrival in Los Angeles, and also came on to the-was also paid for a period of about 2 weeks, served for a period of about 2 weeks and actually paid a month's salary in fact to do some Dick Tuck type, as I think I cited the other day, Dick Tuck type prank harassments in New Hampshire, Florida, and it lasted for about, 2 weeks and he went back to California. Senator GURNEY. Go on. Mr. PORTER. Gave $200 to Mr. Robert, Mardian for an advance trip to California that he took when the bank was closed I gave approximately $300 to about, I would say, seven or eight people. in various spots around the country to promote the President's campaign at opposing candidates' stops, signs which would say "This Is Nixon Country," or whatever. [00.13.11]

Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, June 12, 1973
Clip: 486603_1_1
Year Shot: 1973 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10396
Original Film: 109001
Location: Caucus Room, Russell Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

[00.13.11] Senator GURNEY. You gave each one that amount? Mr. PORTER, No, sir; total aggregate approximately $300 to pay for Signs and paint and maybe a keg of beer afterward or something like that. I paid a hundred dollars, I believe approximately a hundred dollars to Mr. Roger Stone on one occasion to go to New Hampshire to leave a leaflet I believe, at, Senator McGovern's headquarters, and I paid, another $200 to Mr. Stone, the same Mr. Stone, to go a second time to New Hampshire to make a cash contribution to Mr. McCloskey's campaign. These were all at the direction of Mr. Magruder. Gave Tom Bell $350 at Mr. 'Magruder's direction for the printing of a small pamphlet having to do with Senator Muskie's candidacy. Approximately $25 went for stamps, and about a thousand dollars, approximately went to Mr. Magruder on about probably two or three occasions when his aide would come and say "Jeb wants $300 or Jeb wants $500." I don't know the purpose of that and I gave approximately $3,000 to Mr. Ken Rietz who was then the youth director, director of the President's youth campaign. Total amount that was passed pre-April 7 period was approximately $49,500. After April 7, I gave $3,300 to Mr. Liddy at' Mr. Magruder's direction for purposes I did not, know, I gave approximately $90 to my chief scheduler, Mr. Curtis Herge, which I understand was passed on to his secretary to pay for her parking for 2 months, rather than a raise. I gave another $450 over a 3-month period to the same -Mr. Roger Stone for salary supplement until such time as I could talk Mr. Odle in raising his salary to $550 a month. I gave $4,400 to Mr. Phil Joanou at, Mr. Magruder's direction, I did not, know the purpose of that money. I gave $4,000 to Mr. Robert Odle on two occasions of $2,000 each- I did not, know the purpose of that money. I think I took out about $300 for cash expenses or, the trip to California with the Mitchells and the Mardians and the Magruders and the LaRues on the weekend of the 17th. I gave $750 to Mr. Ken Wrights on two occasions, one I think a $300 payment and the other a $450 payment. I think Mr. Wrights told me what that money was used for but I do not remember whether it, was the first or second time he told me but I understood later it was for the gentleman sitting out, in front of the White House, Mr. Brill. I made total payment of about $6,000 over a 3-month period again to Mr. Stone that was passed on to a Mike, I cannot remember his last, name again now, I believe it was McMinaway, from Louisville, Ky., who worked in two or three of the primary campaigns as kind of an eyes and ears; and kept the campaign, kept Mr. Stone informed of morale and this kind of movement and that sort of thing. That totals about $19,000. The total was approximately $69,000, $52,000 before April 7 and about $17,000 after April 7, Senator GURNEY. When Mr. Sloan, who was testifying before us, he testified he had given you $100,000, as I recall. Mr. PORTER. I understand. Senator GURNEY. Can you account for the discrepancy between your testimony and his? Mr. PORTER. Senator Gurney, this discrepancy was brought to my attention around early July of last, year, and I at that time said that Mr. Sloan was wrong and that it had been approximately $65,000 or $70,000 find that Mr. Reisner, I had asked independently to come in and check those amounts. Now, I can't account for it any other way than to tell you that is my best memory of the approximate amount that Mr. Sloan passed to me. I noticed in Mr. Sloan's testimony on Thursday that the figure of $100,000 that was up on the board that was one, figure he was a little unstable on and unsure of. I believe he did say he, was not exactly sure of that amount but that was to the best of his memory. Senator GURNEY. Did you and he ever get together and reconcile--- Mr. PORTER No Sir, not at any time. Senator GURNEY. [continuing]. Amounts of money? Mr. PORTER. Never. [00.18.18]

Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, June 12, 1973
Clip: 486604_1_1
Year Shot: 1973 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10396
Original Film: 109001
Location: Caucus Room, Russell Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

[00.18.18] Senator GURNEY. One thing that has been a puzzlement to me is Why you disbursed money to Mr. Liddy at all, because Mr. Sloan also testified that he disbursed something like $199,000 000 to Mr. Liddy? Mr. PORTER, That is right. Senator GURNEY. Why didn't Mr. Liddy go directly to Sloan for all the money? Why get some from you? Mr. PORTER. I do not know, sir. All I can do, is answer the question. In December, -Mr. Magruder told Liddy that he was going to come to me and that I was to get funds from Mr. Sloan. I was not aware that Mr. Sloan was also giving money to Mr. Liddy. The last, money I gave to Mr. Liddy, I think it should be pointed out, was in March of 1972, with the exception of the $3,300 that I was directed to give him in early May of 1972, which I--- Senator GURNEY. Did you know during any of this period of time that you were disbursing moneys to Mr. Liddy that he was also getting moneys from Mr. Sloan? Mr. PORTER. No sir; I did not. Senator GURNEY. In your testimony last week, too, you mentioned this conversation with Mr. Magruder after he had come from the, White House, as I recall, and quoting from the record, you said: "he also told me there were going to be several indictments and listed off a series of names, a number of names, people that he thought would be indicted." Who were these people that he thought would be indicted? Mr. PORTER. I believe, and then I would ask the counsel's help on this one, I believe the names that he mentioned were Mr. Mitchell, Mr. LaRue, Mr. Mardian, himself, and Mr. Magruder, Mr. Haldeman, Mr. Strachan, Mr. Dean, Mr. Colson. Mr. Dorsen, does that run the list? Mr. DORSEN. I do not remember. I think that is it. Senator GURNEY. Did you and he have any discussions as to why he thought they were implicated? Mr. PORTER. I am sorry, Senator. Senator GURNEY. I say did you and he have any discussion at that particular time as to why he thought they would be indicted? Mr. PORTER. No, sir. Senator GURNEY. Now, then, let us go to the California visit. That, of course, was when the news broke about the Watergate break-in, out in California that morning. And you mentioned that you were at breakfast with a number of people. Now, who were these people? Mr. PORTER. Yes, sir. I came down to breakfast at about 8:30. This was at the Beverly Hills Hotel. Mr. Caldero, who was working on the celebrities portion of the activities of that weekend, was with me. We sat down at the table next to Mr. and Mrs. LaRue, Mr. and Mrs. Mardian, and Mr. and Mrs. Magruder. It was during that breakfast--I was reading the paper; I think Mr. Caldero was, too, that I overheard Mr. Magruder say, does anyone know where I call find a secure phone? And nobody did, apparently. And he leaned over and asked me and leaned back in his chair over to the next table and said, "Do you know where I can find a secure phone?" I said that we had a phone, an outside line up in the Mitchell's suite. He said, "No, that was not good enough." I said, "Why do you need it?" He, said, "Well, Liddy wants to talk to me." That was all he said. I said, "Well, why don't you just go to a pay phone, pick a pay phone at random and call him." I do not know whether he did that or not. Senator GURNEY. Did he leave the room then? Mr. PORTER. I do not, believe so. Senator GURNEY. There was also testimony that I think it was your wife, in a chat with Mrs. Magruder, got the information that Mr. Magruder was on the phone all morning long. Mr. PORTER. That is right. Senator GURNEY. With Key Biscayne. Mr. PORTER. Yes, sir. Senator GURNEY. Can you amplify that any further? Do you know who he talked to? Mr. PORTER. No, sir, all I can say about that conversation further is that Mrs. Porter did mention to me that morning, Sunday morning. I guess she later has now told me that she went in to have a cup of coffee with Gail, I think, Mrs. Magruder, and our rooms were like across the hall. And I believe Mr. Magruder's parents at that time were with him also. Carol came, back and made a comment to me that Gail had said to her that Jeb had been up since very early in the morning, all morning, she said, on the phone to Key Biscayne. And that was the not of the conversation. Senator GURNEY. Did you see Mr. Magruder at all the rest of the day? Mr. PORTER. On Sunday, Senator? Senator GURNEY. Yes. Mr. PORTER. I believe I saw him that morning. He introduced me to his parents and I said hello to them. Senator GURNEY. Was there any conversation at any time during this day about the break-in? Mr. PORTER. No, sir, because Mr. Magruder was making arrangements at that time for air transportation back to Washington and he, left the group and flew back-to Washington some time Sunday morning, I believe. Senator GURNEY. What hat other people did you see during that day--that is, principals in this--Mr. Mitchell, Mr. LaRue, Mr. Mardian, anybody else? Mr. PORTER. Are you talking Saturday or Sunday, Senator? Senator GURNEY. Well, the day of the, the morning of the break-in. Mr. PORTER, Yes, sir. There was a meeting, a California political meeting, at the Airport Marina Hotel, at about 10 o'clock or 10:30, I believe, and the arrangements were that Governor Reagan was going to stop by the hotel and pick up Mr. Mitchell, which he did. We went down to the Airport Marina Hotel, and it was at the Airport Marina Hotel that I noticed, again noticing a lot of rather private conversations going on, [00.24.09]

Small Birds - Baltmore Oriole
Clip: 433188_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 2131
Original Film: N/A
Location: USA
Timecode: -

TAPE 1 Male Baltimore Oriole at nest

Small Birds - Blue Jay
Clip: 433189_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 2131
Original Film: N/A
Location: USA
Timecode: -

TAPE 1 Blue Jay in tree calling

Displaying clips 1825-1848 of 10000 in total
Items Per Page: