
Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, June 12, 1973

Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, June 12, 1973
Clip: 486611_1_1
Year Shot: 1973 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10396
Original Film: 109001
Location: Caucus Room, Russell Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

[00.52.07] Senator WEICKER. All right. Were there other documents or other instances where Miss Duncan performed services relative to---- Mr. PORTER, Yes, sir, I believe it was Miss Duncan. On one occasion, Senator Muskie's speech that he was going to deliver in the Senate against the nomination of William Rehnquist to the Supreme Court was on the film, and I specifically was--it was about 20 pages and I asked Mr. Magruder what he wanted me to do with it. He said, let me check, and he did check, and he got back to me and said, Mr. Mitchell would like to see it. So that had to be completely typed and I had to read-I read off the film into an IBM Dictaphone and I believe it was Miss Duncan who typed that, I believe it was she. Senator WEICKER. Miss Duncan now being your secretary, is that correct? Mr. PORTER, Yes, sir. Senator WEICKER. At any time, did you send Miss Duncan to the White House to give Gordon Strachan copies of the photographed documents or the transcripts emanating from those documents? Mr. PORTER. I do not remember, sir, whether I did or not; I do not remember. It is possible, that I did. If I did, it would have been because Mr. Magruder would have said, take a copy of this over to Gordon Strachan. Senator WEICKER. I do want you to think about this answer. Mr. PORTER. I understand. Senator WEICKER. I am not trying to mislead you, and if you care to take a minute or so, just to carefully think about it, please do so. I do not want to rush you. Mr. PORTER. I will tell it as I remember it, and I do-let me say this. Certainly, if Miss Duncan says that that happened, then it did happen. I would not dispute anything that she might say. On the other hand, the only reason that I would send a document over to Mr. Strachan would be at Mr. Magruder's suggestion or direction. I believe that I do remember sending--I believe there was only one copy of the Rehnquist speech put together--I think-it was so long. However, on the item that appeared that was sent to Evans and Novak, I think perhaps that may have been sent over to Mr. Strachan. I just do not remember, Senator. [00.54.53] Senator WEICKER. And you realized at that time that these various documents--well let me rephrase my question. The obtaining of these documents, did you consider them to have been obtained legally or illegally? Mr. PORTER. I remember asking Mr. Rietz. The first question I asked him, I said, "Is this any part of the U.S. mail?" And he said, "No." I knew that, interception intercepting the U.S. mail would be a violation of the law. I put the photographing of a document in the same category as xeroxing a document. If you are taking a picture of it, one way, you are taking a picture of it, another way. So I did not think it was illegal. I thought it was very surreptitious, but I did not, think it was illegal. Senator WEICKER. You thought it was surreptitious? Mr. PORTER. Yes, Sir. Senator WEICKER. But you did not think it was illegal? Mr. PORTER. No, sir. Senator WEICKER. Why, then, did you indicate to your secretary that these, were not matters to be discussed" Mr. PORTER. I think that is, in my opinion, that would be self-evident, Senator Weicker, that you would not go around discussing things like that, the same as you would not go around discussing any kind of information gathering that, you might be doing. Senator WEICKER. Did you indicate to her that if she discussed it, she would be fired? Mr. PORTER. I do not believe I ever made that statement, to her no, sir. Senator WEICKER. Again, let me just ask the question, am I correct in paraphrasing your answer to me that, there might have been an instance where you sent, material to the, White House to Gordon Strachan or am I correct in saying that there were those instances and if so, how many? That is my question. Mr. PORTER. I cannot remember the exact number of instances that I sent things to Mr. Strachan. Mr. Strachan would get copies, addressed to Mr. Haldeman of many things that I did, Senator, in relationship to my primary function at the campaign or the surrogate operation, schedules, and plans--- Senator WEICKER. I understand, but Mr. PORTER. I do not remember--excuse me. Senator WEICKER. Excuse me. Mr. PORTER. I just do not remember specific instances where Mr. Strachan was sent an item here or an item. there. As I say, if Miss Duncan says that, she did, then I would believe, that, But I personally do not remember that specific instance. [00.57.34]