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Swamp Buggy Derby
Clip: 426364_1_1
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1746
Original Film: 039-017-04
Location: Naples, Florida
Timecode: 00:05:30 - 00:06:28

They don't need interstate highways in Naples, Florida, they have Swamp Buggies that can go through terrain that Detroit fears to tread. The 14th Annual Swamp Buggy Derby is a lively affair as they splash along a course that would give ducks the heebie-jeebies. Naples, Florida Throngs sitting at the lake side watching men driving their Dune Buggies into the water. MS - Crowd sitting in the stand's. MS - All the Dune Buggies are line up and one of the officials waves a starting flag and off they go. MS - The Dune Buggies in the water cutting through the water making large rooster tails of water. MS - One of the drivers of the Dune Buggy wearing a fireman's hat and on the side of his vehicle is painted a name 'Poni - Horse'. MS - All these Dune Buggies are made to look like jeeps, ducks, hillbilly cars etc.. MS - People sitting in the stands looking and enjoying this crazy race and the mud these Buggies are kicking and stirring up in the water.

Moon Comes Nearer: Apollo Space Craft In Successful Test
Clip: 426365_1_1
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1746
Original Film: 039-018-01
Location: Cape Kennedy, Florida
Timecode: 00:07:00 - 00:09:02

The United States successfully completes a first step on the way to the Moon as the giant Saturn hurls an Apollo Moonship 5,500 miles down-range. The shoot almost failed as the automatic systems cut off 3 seconds before ignition. However, technicians backed up the countdown and tried again. The gamble paid off handsomely! Cape Kennedy, Florida Apollo rocket sitting on its pad at Cape Kennedy. Low Angle Shot - Technicians checking out some components in the rocket. CUS (Back) - Back of a man's head as he looks through binoculars. Camera panning - You see the news media platform and the distance the rocket is from the crowd of people watching the lift off. MS - Its blast off time, the engines fire up, a flash of light and lots of smoke and fire from the rear of the rocket, Apollo slowly lifts from it launching pad. MS - Apollo starts to bank off to the right and you can see the amount of fire and smoke coming from the rear rockets. MS - As Apollo gains altitude you see the fire and smoke trail it leaves behind. One of the engines shuts down and drops off into the ocean, looking like a meteorite. MS - An artist illustration of how the Apollo climbs into space and then it starts banking and slowly reenters the earths atmosphere

A Winter's Tale: Spring No Closer As Storm Whips East
Clip: 426367_1_1
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1746
Original Film: 039-018-03
Location: New York, New York
Timecode: 00:09:45 - 00:10:53

Once again the eastern seaboard is reminded that winter is never over until Jack Frost gets a hot-foot that will send him scurrying on his way. Five to fifteen inches of snow blanket the east and the only optimistic note is: maybe it'll ease new summer's water shortage. New York, New York Even though this shot is in black and white it is very picturesque shot of New York taken under a bridge and the underside of the bridge frames the shot. Very pretty winter scenic. MS - Water fountain and of course the water is turned off. CUS - City Traffic, bumper to bumper. CUS - Plow pushing the sludge off to the side. MS - Woman all bundled up crossing an intersection. Mother holding her little girls hand as she crosses the street. Bottom Shot - Two men walking, one of the men has on boots and the other has no boots on and has to jump over a puddle of melted snow almost falling. CU As the snow, sleet and wind blows a man's umbrella is turned inside out, he is amused by the cold breath of winter. CUS - The blade of a plow pushing sludge and water into a sewer. Lower Shots - Peoples waist down shots, some wearing boots and others are just wearing their shoes.

Here's Mud In Your Eye - Cross Country Bike Race
Clip: 426368_1_1
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1746
Original Film: 039-018-04
Location: Spain
Timecode: 00:10:53 - 00:11:42

How the Spanish do carry on when they stage a bike race. In this slog and peddle epic, the 40 contestants make their way over muddy hill and muddy dale, walking mostly - and peddling when they can. At least the winner cleaned up the prize money. Spain The bottom half of a man running through mud carrying a bike. Rear Shot - Two men running carrying their bikes. Rear Shot - Man running through mud, he's wearing shorts carrying his bike as he reaches a point in the muddy road that is going down hill he jumps on his bike. CU A man who lost control of his bike and fell, he's getting up full of mud and he gets back on his bike. MS - the winner full of mud. People applauding his victory.

Clarke Adds Another Record
Clip: 426369_1_1
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1746
Original Film: 039-018-05
Location: San Francisco, California
Timecode: 00:11:42 - 00:12:48

Don Clarke, the greatest distance runner of all time, sets a new indoor mark in the two mile indoor meet at San Francisco, clipping two seconds from the 3 year old record. The fleet footed Australian leads all the way as he winds up his season in a blistering blaze of glory. San Francisco, California Indoor stadium and the seats are packed with Track & Field fans. High Angle Shot - Six runners are on their mark, an official shoots the starter gun and their off and running. High Angle Shot - The runners, Don Clark of Australia is in the lead and in this race he holds the lead to the end. High Angle Shot - Don Clarke pulls himself away from the crowd of runners gaining some distance. High Angle Shot - He hits the wire at 8.28.8, 2 full seconds shaved from his old record. CUS - Photographers. Low Angle Shot - Don Clarke, from the waist up.

August 2, 1994 - Part 8
Clip: 460329_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10072
Original Film: 104545
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(19:30:27) Mr. ALTMAN. No, sir, I wasn't. Senator CAMPBELL. On page 6, you say when you told General Counsel Hanson that she'd be making A the decisions relating to Madison, were there other people present when you told her that? Mr. ALTMAN. I think I told Ellen Kulka, the RTC General Counsel and yes sir, there were other people present. Senator CAMPBELL. Was that just done verbally or did you do that also in writing? Mr. ALTMAN. I think I did it just verbally. Senator CAMPBELL. Just verbally. 479 Mr. ALTMAN. Ms. Kulka has testified to the same effect. Senator CAMPBELL. We have some of your handwritten notes on lined paper here and I wanted to ask you, too, about them. Were those just random notes or was that---do you also keep some kind of organized daily journal or logbook? Mr. ALTMAN. Could I see them, Senator? Senator CAMPBELL. Yes. I have to dig them out. I don't know if you can see them from there or not. I just jotted a few things down from them. It seems to be your handwriting from the similarity to the letter to the President. And I wondered where did those come .from, were they part of an organized journal or were they notes that you give to somebody? Mr. ALTMAN. I keep-I used to keep. Senator CAMPBELL. Yeah, don't do that. Mr. ALTMAN. I used to keep a scrapbook, and by that I mean, it was filled with press clippings that I wanted to keep, some documents that I wanted to keep, and then some notes I made periodically that I wanted to keep for my own Senator CAMPBELL. Did you turn those in to someone or how did get those? ALTMAN. These were, I believe, subpoenaed in the sense of anything that could be germane to the inquiry. Senator CAMPBELL. I see. Just a couple more, if I still have the me. You also testified that you were kind of an alter ego for, I guess, the Secretary of the Treasury and that you had a very limited in the RTC. How did you divide your time, were you not there at all in the RTC office or did you spend half a day at each place or how did you keep track of what was going on? Mr. ALTMAN. I did not keep an office at the RTC. Typically I went there twice a week for senior staff meetings over lunch on and Thursdays. Lasted about an hour and a half each group of RTC senior staff people would attend those, perhaps 8 or 10. We would review the major issues facing the agency, I was not in a position to make any operating decisions. I just didn't have the time so I didn't make any personnel decisions Senator CAMPBELL. Who made the operating decisions if you weren't there? 'Mr. ALTMAN. In 1993, Mr. Roelle and Mr. Kelly were the two vice residents and they generally did. Senator CAMPBELL. On your first page, you also mention that you some major problems that you inherited. What were those? Mr. ALTMAN. Well, for example, when we took it over the agency ,no Chief Financial Officer, it had no permanent General Counsel had no Deputy CEO. Those were vacant positions. And we had to go ahead and fill them. In addition, the contracting area not what it should have been, The PLS area, which is the Pro fessional Liability Section, the attorneys working in there were staffed. A variety of managerial weaknesses that we set to try to do something about. Senator CAMPBELL. I thank you Mr Chairman. I think that's questions for me, but I would just like to commend Mr. Altthrough a kind of a test of fire sitting here 5 hours any questions, and some of them obviously not too is not easy. 480 Mr. ALTMAN. Thank you. Senator CAMPBE CAMPBELL. So I commend him for that. The CHAIRMAN. Thank you, Senator Campbell. Senator Domenici. Senator DOMENICI. Mr. Chairman, a while ago my good friend from New York gratuitously gave away my time. I'm usually not that complacent. The CHAIRMAN. For a good cause. Senator DODD. We'll give it back. Senator DOMENICI. I think it's a great cause and when one of you will do that for me, since I've been waiting for hours and I never get to speak, I very much would appreciate it.

The Historic Rendezvous: Greatest Triumph Of The Space Age
Clip: 426371_1_1
Year Shot: 1965 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1743
Original Film: 038-102-01
Location: Atlantic Ocean
Timecode: 00:30:43 - 00:36:24

"A pictorial record of one of the proudest achievements in American history. Aboard the USS Wasp, Command Pilot Walter Schirra & Lt.Col. Thomas Stafford take a last look at their now famous Gemini 6 before leaving for the mainland & medical de-briefings. As the crew of the carrier say farewell to one pair of Astronauts, they welcome another as Gemini 7 splashes down after a record-breaking 14 days in space. Both men of the Gemini VII are in fine physical shape, worried only about a shower & a shave. The crew took remarkable motion pictures aloft of their rendezvous in space, the successful meeting that will unlock the doorway to the Moon. In the words of Schirra, There is no doubt that a docking could be accomplished tomorrow."

Wall Open Again: Berliners Visit Over Holiday
Clip: 426372_1_1
Year Shot: 1965 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1743
Original Film: 038-103-01
Location: Berlin, Germany
Timecode: 00:36:35 - 00:37:39

Residents of west Berlin wait through a wet and long night for the hated wall of shame to be opened to West Berlin. Only during the holiday season does the Communist authorities allow border crossings and its a major event. Babies who have never been seen by their relatives are among those who make the pilgrimage. Opening the borders at Christmas is not an entirely act of good-will, on the part of the Communist authorities. They exact fees for permits and a few well placed marks cuts much of the red tape. Few West-Berliners don't hesitate to pay this tribute when they can visit mothers, fathers and others languishing behind the Iron Curtain. TLS/MSs people standing in line with umbrellas, night. Nice TLS several Volkswagen Beetles traveling along wet cobblestone road, night, glare on pavement from headlights. TLSs cars passing through gate, security guard wearing rain poncho waving them through. TLS/MSs people walking, standing in line while passing border on rainy night; nice shot boy with baby stroller (pram, carriage). TLS pilgrims walking along street, rainy day. Rear view TLS people walking, passing sign that reads, "You Are Now Leaving British Sector." Rear view TLS people walking, passing sign that reads, "You are now leaving the American sector." TLS/MSs people crossing border, passing metal obstacles designed to rip the bottoms & treads of any vehicles dumb enough to try & crash the border.

Floods Hit Europe: Storm Aftermath Damage is Heavy
Clip: 426373_1_1
Year Shot: 1965 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1743
Original Film: 038-103-02
Location: Netherlands, Holland
Timecode: 00:37:39 - 00:38:45

Europe has been plagued with storms through most of autumn & now floods have compounded the misery. In England & Holland they are hit by the worst inundations since 1953. In the Netherlands many dikes have been breached. LS/TLSs - Flooded areas, trees poking through floodwaters. Rear view TLS- Men pushing boat along flooded street. MS - White man carrying cute spaniel-like dog through flooded street. LS - Flooded rugby field, goalposts breaking water. LS - Flooded Ansell s Pub; TLS - Flooded bar. MS - Flooded room, water partially covering fireplace. LS - Swirling floodwaters. TLSs - Flooded houses, fields. TLS/MSs - Men in boat measuring depth of floodwaters.

August 2, 1994 - Part 8
Clip: 460330_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10072
Original Film: 104545
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(19:35:10) Mr. Altman, I know you fairly well and I heard your opening re- marks where you said I've been convicted and sentenced. I want you to know that I don't believe that's the case, at least not from this Senator's standpoint. As a matter of fact, on two different occa- sions in press interviews, one rather major one, I said, Roger Alt. man deserves an opportunity to come and speak to us and tell us his side. Now, Mr. Altman, you've done that and I've got to tell you that I'm searching my mind for some excuses for you. Maybe you bad too much to do. Maybe those two hats were too big. Maybe those two hats plus trying to manage Health Care and go to all those meetings was too much for someone even as competent as you. But I'm going to tell you today that I don't believe you did a' very good job on this. I don't think your short time as acting head of the RTC bodes very well for you in terms of your past performance in Government. I think it's much, much less than normally one ex- pects from you. Now having said that, I want to tell you that there are at least 3 things that bother me very much. Senator DAmato went to great ends to ask his questions to you on that important date when you appeared before our Committee and I could refer to his questions, but I'm going to refer to my own questions. We know tonight about the meeting that took place with Mr. Nussbaum and others from the White House. You went for the Health Care meeting. Where you met with them on February 3. Mr. Altman, I believe that's enough unless you want to claim that your memory totally disappeared, and I don't believe that. I mean you are doing very, very well with meticulous details here. I believe that when I asked you that question, well, I assume we're not arguing there-you are not arguing there that you had-you than one, are you, and your are not suggesting that you had more answer was pretty unequivocal. More than one meeting, correct, and the answer was no. Now, frankly, I don't know that I'm going to give you a lot of time to answer that one, but I just want to tell you that I believe that's very, very close to not telling us the whole truth that day. You may categorize it as something different, and again I'm trying desperately to say, well, maybe Mr. Altman was too busy, maybe he had too much on his plate, But then, Mr. Altman, I understand that literally more than a score of people helped you get ready for that meeting. 481 And it wasn't I day for that hearing. It was over a period of 4 or 5 days, and frankly, I don't believe it's possible. I mean I don't believe you should expect me to believe that you just plumb forgot about the second meeting and I want to tell you precisely why. Because I believe that the other part that you have not yet convinced me of at all is that you had not already made up your mind before you went to the February 2 meeting with the host of White House people headed by Mr. Nussbaum. You have not convinced me at all that you bad not already made up your mind to recuse yourself then and there. The reason I think you should have remembered the next day was because the next day you were going to tell them you agree with them, that even though you went to the previous meeting on the 2nd clearly to re-recuse yourself, you went to the next meeting the very next day with some of the very same people. You said, OK, in my opinion, my humble opinion, using my words, you said, OK I'll go along with you. Now those are pretty, pretty significant situations from my standpoint about the way you were running things. Now, Mr. Altman, you continue to say you didn't affect any decisions; after all, you had told everybody that you weren't even going to make the decision. Now, I almost said Roger, but I'm going to say Mr. Altman, because normally when we're great buddies and shaking hands I call you Roger, but I'm not your buddy right now, I'll tell you. Mr. ALTMAN. I can tell, Senator DOMENICI. You got it. The truth of the matter is--the truth of the matter is that you keep saying you didn't make any decisions of any consequence. Did it ever dawn on you that some people in the White House, including your very good friends in the White House, may not have understood that and wanted you to stay where you were? Frankly, I see that as the absolute situation Mr. ALTMAN. Well, Senator d

Honor West Berlin G I Hero
Clip: 426403_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1728
Original Film: 037-076-02
Location: Berlin, Germany
Timecode: 00:22:43 - 00:23:35

Mayor Willy Brandt honors Specialist Fourth Class Hans Puhl who risked his life under gunfire at the Berlin Wall to rescue a fleeing refugee.The East Berlin guards opened fire at the refugee and the United States soldier fired tear gas, threw a rope and helped cut the barbed wire and pull Michael Meyer to safety. The refugee is recovering after suffering five gunshot wounds. West Berlin's mayor Willy Brandt and an American GI receiving an award and shaking hands. Foreign press. Specialist Fourth Class Hans Puhl shaking hands with Mayor Willy Brandt. The barbed wire that is strung along the top of the Berlin Wall. Michael Meyer laying in a hospital bed wounded by gun fire. Berlin Wall and the post with strung barbed wire. A small crowd of people standing where the incident took place and then the camera pans to bullet holes in a window and gauges from the bullets left in the streets. A kitchen clock that was shattered by gun fire. A piece of clothing that is left hanging on the barbed wire fence.

The Wall Opens: East Germans Visit West After 3 Years
Clip: 426448_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1730
Original Film: 037-090-01
Location: Berlin, Germany
Timecode: 00:06:22 - 00:08:23

Fog-shrouded Berlin is a bright place as the Wall of Shame is opened for visits from both the West and the East. Thousands wait at the barrier in West Berlin, the vanguard of 120,000 who visit in East Berlin in four days. Meanwhile, the East German Communists have allowed the elderly and the ill to visit in West Germany. Significantly, no able-bodied workers were allowed to visit in the Free World - The Reds can't afford to have them defect. Fog shrouded Berlin appearing extremely ominous. A crowd of people some with their children waiting for the gates to be open to West Germany. In the darkness of the early morning with fog hanging over the city the crowd moves towards the open gates. The crowd of East Germans walking in West Germany to visit family and friends. Throngs waiting on train station platform, train makes a stop. Adults hugging their parents, sisters with their arms around each other. Mother pushing a child in a stroller and another little girl by her side. Older married couple walking, husband needs the aide of a cane and the wife is carrying a suit case. Boarded up buildings.

30th Anniversary: Johnsons Celebrate Wedding Milestone
Clip: 426461_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1730
Original Film: 037-093-03
Location: Washington DC
Timecode: 01:26:22 - 01:27:16

Thirty years ago a rising young politician and Claudia Alta Taylor were married in Texas. Today, that happy event is celebrated in the White House and the President and the First Lady recall those days of whirlwind courtship and marriage. Later, Mrs. Johnson helps inaugurate the annual Christmas seal drive which hopes to raise $27,000,000 to fight all respiratory diseases.

Heroes of Space - Astronauts Tell Of Epic Flight
Clip: 426664_1_1
Year Shot: 1965 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1736
Original Film: 038-048-01
Location: Houston, Texas
Timecode: 00:44:53 - 00:48:04

The return of the Conquering Heroes! There's a crowd at the Houston airport and of course their families - to meet and greet Astronauts James McDivitt and Spacewalker Ed White. It's a warm reunion that must send the two men orbiting once more. Following a brief meeting with their families the astronauts have a press conference on the flight of Gemini-4 and meet with President Lyndon Johnson who nominates them both for promotion to Lt. Colonel. MS - The plane that is carrying the astronauts James McDivitt and Spacewalker Ed White is taxing on the tarmac with the warm wishes of the people standing around for hours to greet them and welcome them home. CUS - Three Oriental children holding up a sign welcoming their hero's home. MS - Astronaut McDivitt's wife and children running up to greet their dad. MS - McDivitt hugs his wife and children and in the same shot Astronaut Ed White embraces his children and his wife walks into the reunion shortly, hugging each other. MS - James McDivitt and his family. children, wife, and his parents. Astronaut Ed White and his family, children, wife and his parents. MS - News photo journalists. MS - The Astronauts walking away from the crowd and their on their way to the space center. MS - At the Space Center, Astronauts McDivitt and White sit at a table on a raided platform. Question - Major White in relation to your walk in space would it been helpful to you to have a longer tether and from your experience do you think that man have any trouble working for longer periods of time? Major White - I think that's a good question. Yes, I would of liked to have a longer tether but more that that I would of like to have 10 times the supply of propellant for my maneuvering gun. And yes man I think that yes man will maneuver in space. I think quite a bit. I think what we really demonstrated is that man can go from point A to point B with some kind of aid such as a maneuvering unit that we had. People ask me if I feel exhilarated and I felt very thankful to been able to take part in this part and to represent the people up there. I don't know how to put it to you but I didn't feel any feeling of fear. I felt well trained for it. I felt completely natural out there. There are three things that I took along. I took a St. Christopher Medal, a Gold Cross and a Star of David. I took these things to express a little bit of great faith that I had. I had a great faith in the people, and the equipment that we were using for the mission. I had a great faith in myself and especially in Jim. And also a great faith in my own God. The reason I took these things is because I think this is the most important thing I had going for me on the flight. I thought that I couldn't take one for every religion there is in the country but the three that I had are the ones that I am most familiar with. Later President Johnson comes to the Space Center, with throngs in attendance. President Johnson will all his congratulation 's and take a lesions from Major White in the Space Maneuvering Gun. President Johnson has a surprise for Major McDivitt and White. He nominated them both for promotion to Lieutenant Colonels a tribute from the nation to the men who pushed back the frontiers of space.

Freedom's Heritage: Queen Leads Tribute To Magna Carta
Clip: 426665_1_1
Year Shot: 1965 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1736
Original Film: 038-048-02
Location: London
Timecode: 00:48:04 - 00:49:29

Saint Paul's Cathedral in the scene of ceremonies that mark the 750th Anniversary of the Magna Carta. The Queen leads a distinguished gathering who hail the signing of the document by King John in 1215. The Magna Carta is the basis for all the liberties that free men enjoy today. London Exterior of St. Paul's Cathedral with many people standing on the steps. MS - The crowd, some of the men are sporting top hats. CU - People queue in line entering the Cathedral. MS - Army officer on his steed controlling the crowd. MS - Prime Minister Harold Wilson going up the stairs to the Cathedral. MS - Century old guardian precede the Queen going into the Cathedral. MS - Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip. High Angle Shot - Interior of the Cathedral and people are seated in their pews. High Angle Shot - A procession carries the Magna Carta document to the alter.

The Animal Corner - A Visit to the Zoo
Clip: 426666_1_1
Year Shot: 1965 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1736
Original Film: 038-048-03
Location: Germany
Timecode: 00:49:29 - 00:50:07

It's time to visit the Zoo. This European display has a surprise for visitors. A bouncing baby boy tat is proudly displayed by it s mother, all 150 pounds of it. A baby elephant that wins the hearts of all. Germany Throngs are at the zoo in the springtime. High Angle Shot - Two bears. CU - People watching a animal. CU - Lions in their cage. CU - A pelican flapping its wings. MS - Crowd of people standing behind a high fence looking at a mother and baby elephant. CU - A father holding his baby girl up where's she's looking over the fence. CU - Baby elephant all cute and fuzzy. CU - Baby elephant walking against his mother's trunk.

Honor Space Twins: Johnson Pins Medals On Gemini Heroes
Clip: 426669_1_1
Year Shot: 1965 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1737
Original Film: 038-049-02
Location: Washington DC
Timecode: 00:02:33 - 00:04:14

The "Heavenly Twins" Colonels Ed White and Jim McDivitt, are guest at the White House as they receive the Exceptional Service Medals of the Space Agency. President Johnson invites the families of the astronauts to spend the night at the White House. Throngs attend a simple ceremony in the White House, Rose Garden. President Johnson, Lady Bird, Lieutenant Colonel James McDivitt and Ed White, their families and Hubert Humphrey. CU - President Johnson pinning The Exceptional Medal of the Space Agency on the lapel of Colonel Ed White. CU - President Johnson giving Ed White a framed certificate. CU - President Johnson awarding the Gemini Manager, Charles W. Matthews also receiving the service medal and the people in the background are applauding. MS - Colonel McDivitt's little boy, Mike shaking hands with the President and receiving a present, his sister Ann McDivitt and finely Patrick McDivitt. MS - Colonel White's little girl, Bonnie White and President Johnson shaking her hand and giving her a medal followed by her brother - Edward who also shakes hands with President Johnson.

August 2, 1994 - Part 8
Clip: 460331_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10072
Original Film: 104545
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(19:40:24) Senator DOMENICI. Let me finish that thought. You can answer this one. I believe you were expected to stay there for some very special reason, and the notion in your mind that you weren't going to do anything seemed to me to be rather irrelevant to the people that were kind of depending on you to stay there, and you can answer that in a minute. Let me tell you the last one. It is incredible to me that you come before us tonight and say that this recusal had nothing to do with Madison. I mean, that is so inconceivable when everybody is saying ,.the whole idea of recusal had to do with Whitewater and Madison. And you're coming before us and saying it bad nothing to do with It me on that one, I'll give you 8 quotes from people Now if you pus that are your pod friends who Say that's what it was all about. You can start with that one if you'd like, but I must tell you that I just don't believe that you ought to come before us and as if you 'really have never, never with reference to RTC done anything that Is More than poor judgment. I believe you intentionally stayed on for some reason. Now with that, perhaps you can talk a little bit and then I have Couple of questions for you. Mr. ALTMAN. Senator, I think it's largely a factual matter if not outright factual matter that I never played any role of any kind 482 on an investigation or any case at any time. I think the RTC people who have come before you, Mr. Ryan, Ms. Kulka, and others who testified right here under oath have said that. Senator DOMENICI. Did you get my point? Why do you deny that people in the White House wanted you to stay on this job? Mr. ALTMAN. Senator, as you know, I've said it before today. Lees look at what I did. Senator DOMENICI. No, I'm asking you a question. Do you deny that people in high places in the White House wanted you to stay on in this acting job? Do you deny that? Mr. ALTMAN. I can't speak for what they were thinking, Senator. I told them on February 2, not once but twice, that I wouldn't be making any of these decisions. I was unequivocal. Isn't that what you would have wanted me to do? Senator DOMENICI. Listen, Mr. Altman, I'm not good at going through these depositions, and all, I leave that to my good friend the trial lawyer over there from Alabama. When I was about 30 years old, I tried a lot of cases, but I forgot about all that crossexamination stuff, but I can guarantee you that the record is replete with your peers saying clearly that they wanted you to stay on, and then the record's replete that you changed your mind and stayed on. Now, frankly Mr. ALTMAN. Senator. Senator DOMENICI. It is replete. Mr. ALTMAN. Did any of that have an ounce of impact on the Madison Guaranty case? Senator DOMENICI. I understand that that's what Mr. ALTMAN. That is the salient point, Senator. Senator DOMENICI. That's the salient point as you see it, Mr. Altman, but you are here because we are pondering where the truth lies in terms of what you people have been saying. Now this business of no foul, no harm or no harm, no foul just doesn't sell with me. That's your theory. No foul, no harm, no foul, but I submit you should have gotten out of that much earlier than you did, if you ever should have taken the job. Mr. ALTMAN. Well, first of all, as to recusal, I agree with you. I started thinking about it around the end of January, or the 1st of February. I have recused myself on February 25, roughly 3 weeks later, I should have done it right off the bat. But I do think the most important thing is that I played no role and explicitly affirmed to the RTC people that I was to play no role in this matter. I took the step of saying to Ellen Kulka, more than once and there were people there when I did it, I'm not going to be making any decisions on this case. You're going to be making them. That was the way we always did it, but I affirmed it in this case. And then I went to the White House and said I'm not going to be making any decisions on this case, Ellen Kulka is going to be making them, and they all understood that and Mr. Steiner's diary, and I have mixed reactions to that, but Mr. Steiner's diary says ever one understood at the end of the meeting that he wouldn't be making any decisions on the case. Senator DOMENICI. Let me ask you so I won't have to go through these, but if you like, I will. Are you willing to admit to this Com mittee that de recusal was all about Whitewater and Madison? 483 Mr. ALTMAN. Senator, the statement I made earlier was that recusal had nothing to do with the RTC's investigation of Madison Guaranty. It had nothing to do with the investigation and I believe that to be true, I firmly believe that. Senator DOMENICI. Did it not have everything to do with people in the White House wanting you to stay on because of Whitewater? Mr. ALTMAN. Senator Senator DOMENICI. Can you answer that question? Mr. ALTMAN. I can't speak to what was in their minds. I've, obviously, read the transcripts of their testimony , and we've all read those. What I had to concern myself with, what is the right thing to do with this investigation in the case, and the right thing to do was to play no role in it, to be sure I played no role at all, and as you know, I did not. Senator DOMENICI. Now, Mr. Altman, are you willing now to admit to us that, as a matter of fact, you bad made up your mind before you went to that meeting at the White House with 6 or 7 people headed by Counselor Nussbaum?

Rare Portrait: Rembrandt Work On Loan To Museum
Clip: 426376_1_1
Year Shot: 1965 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1743
Original Film: 038-104-01
Location: Los Angeles, California
Timecode: 00:42:32 - 00:43:26

The Los Angeles County Museum puts a prized work of art on display, a Rembrandt portrait of his son Titus. Discovered in a Dutch farmhouse 150 years ago, the masterpiece was purchased by Norton Simon & through the Norton Simon Foundation it is on loan to the new museum. TLS - Los Angeles County Museum of Art, pan right across water fountains. MS - Two men hanging rare Rembrandt artwork on wall. MS -Industrialist NORTON SIMON & wife viewing painting. MS/CUs - Painting hanging on wall. MSs Mr. & Mrs. Norton Simon greeting guests. TLS/MSs - Art patrons viewing painting.

Slap Happy New Year!
Clip: 426377_1_1
Year Shot: 1965 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1743
Original Film: 038-104-02
Location: London
Timecode: 00:43:26 - 00:44:21

Let's not monkey around, we'll get straight to the point. If humans go on the town for New Year's, why not chimpanzees? In London anything goes when bunch of the boys whoop it up & then turn to the more aesthetic things of life - a band concert. MSs - Chimpanzees dressed in matching outfits sitting at table, eating fruits including grapes & bananas. 3/4 view MS crowd of children standing behind barrier. Hilarious MSs - Chimpanzees wearing matching outfits & Beatles moptop wigs, playing instruments (drums, guitar, saxophone, piano, trombone) & no-doubt creating an unholy racket. CUs - Chimp playing saxophone, bewildered look in his eyes.

August 2, 1994 - Part 8
Clip: 460332_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10072
Original Film: 104545
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(19:45:57) Mr. ALTMAN. I think that the people who were around me at the time or at least in this matter, can tell you that I was of two minds. When I went over there, I said to them-by "two minds," I mean I found it a hard decision, and that's why I sought advice. And I asked if there was any legal or ethical requirement to do it, and they said there wasn't. So it was a hard decision and I should have taken it right at the beginning, but I-when I went there I said I've been advised to recuse my self and I intend to take that advice, and albeit with a delay, I did take the advice. And when I did recuse myself, I didn't consult with them and say, "Is it OK?" Senator DOMENICI. Mr. Chairman,' could I take 30 seconds, 40 seconds. Mr. Altman, I just want to wrap this up and say, number one, I may not stay around here the whole evening, wait for another round, but I'm very concerned as to why it took you so Ion& to correct the so-called record. I think you knew maybe as much as 20 days before you corrected the record that you were wrong in your answers to Senator Gramm, Senator D'Amato, myself, and also our good Senator from Missouri. Maybe you could tell us about that. My last point has to do with whether you might be willing to tell us exactlywhy you stayed on in that capacity, Now you would have do I want to know these things and why am I raisin the inconsistencies? Because you would have this Committee believe that you're telling the truth and Ms. Hanson is not. You would have us-convince us you are telling the truth and Josh is not. In fact, YOU. 've done that two or three times already. It is very impor- because somebody is not telling the truth. Mr. ALTMAN, May I have an opportunity to respond? Senator SARBANES. Mr. Altman, we'll give you time to reply, and then we'll immediately go to Senator Moseley-Braun for her question. Mr ALTMAN. Senator, I'm not questioning Ms. Hanson's veracity. I'm just saying we have different recollections. With regard to the ansewer I gave to Senator Bond, which you raised, the answer on February 24, 1 gave him an honest answer and I think the record 484 makes clear that I gave him an honest answer. I did not know of the prior meetings at that time and I think I've presented pretty strong arguments that I didn't. With regard to my answer to Senator Gramm, I thought the question was have you had any communications that relate to the RTC investigation of Madison. Maybe that's not what be meant. I can't know exactly what's in any Senator's mind, and I apologize to Senator Gramm if I took the question to be differently, but that's the way I did take the question, and I gave my best answer. And I do want to say as emphatically as I can, during those 10 minutes that we're talking about on February 24 that we watched on the videotape, I may not have done the best I've ever done but I tried Vest. Senator SARBANES. Senator Moseley-Braun. OPENING COMMENTS OF SENATOR CAROL MOSELEY-BRAUN. Senator MOSELEY-BRAUN. Thank you very much Mr. Chairman. It is getting late and we're getting short-tempered because of the time that's drug out this evening. III try to be straight to the point and specific. Mr. Altman, in January 1993 you took the job as Deputy Treas. ury Secretary and then on or about March 16, 1993, you also took on the job as acting CEO of the RTC. The RTC is not a regulatory agency while Treasury, in many regards, is a regulatory and investigatory agency. My first question to you is, when you first took the job, when you took the job with the RTC were you aware that the Secretary of Treasury serves as Chairman of the Oversight Board for the RTC? Mr. ALTMAN. Yes, Senator, I was. Senator MOSELEY-BRAUN. You described your role as the alter ego, and so when you took the job with the RTC were you aware that the Oversight Board and, therefore, the Treasury was specifically excluded from involvement in case- specific matters? Mr. ALTMAN. Well, Senator, when I described myself as alter ego that's within the Treasury now, that doesn't have to do with the Oversight Board.

Buffalo 23, San Diego 0
Clip: 426378_1_1
Year Shot: 1965 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1743
Original Film: 038-104-03
Location: San Diego, California
Timecode: 00:44:21 - 00:45:53

San Diego plays host to Buffalo in the American League playoff & the Bills proceed to tear the local boys apart. The San Diego Chargers were heavy pre-game favorites, but they can't cope with an inspired Buffalo team who whips them 23 to 0. LS - Spectators in stands of open-air stadium. Panning high angle LS - San Diego Chargers quarterback John Hadl (no. 21) punting from Buffalo goal line; Butch Byrd (no. 42) catches for 10 yd gain. Panning h/a LS - Buffalo Bills quarterback Jack Kemp (yes, that Jack Kemp; no. 15) passing to receiver for 18 yd gain. Panning h/a TLS - Jack Kemp passing to receiver for touchdown. Panning h/a LS - Butch Byrd running for 76 yd touchdown on punt return. Panning h/a LS - Jack Kemp passing to Bo Roberson for 52 yd gain, Roberson knocked out of bounds. Panning h/a LSs - Bills kicker Pete Gogolak kicking field goals. LS - Scoreboard.

Congo Rescue: Paratroop Drop Saves Hostages
Clip: 426470_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1730
Original Film: 037-096-01
Location: Congo
Timecode: 00:42:51 - 00:45:08

A dramatic camera document is recorded in the Congo as more than 500 Belgian paratroopers are flown into Stanleyville to rescue white hostages held by Congo rebels. As the troopers reach the town, machine guns are turned on the whites and 30 die minutes before rescue. U.S. Air force C-130 transports shuttle between Leopoldville (Kinshasa) and Stanleyville to fly out more than 1,000 foreigners. From various towns wrested from the rebels 1,700 whites from 17 nations are freed from barbaric capture. Kisangani (Stanleyville), Congo Aerial shot from a US air force plane flying over the Congo. Belgium paratroopers disembarking from a plane. Paratroopers carrying supplies off the plane. Several paratroopers unloading some small kind of land vehicle off the plane. Military man driving a tri-motor vehicle loaded with supplies. Belgium military forces walking with assault riffles in their arms. A deserted street in Stanleyville. POV - Driving down the streets in Stanleyville. Dead bodies laying covered on the ground in a make shift temporary morgue. The remains of Dr. Paul Carlson and another American Phyllis Ryan. More dead bodies slaughtered by the Congo rebels. Cars that were shot at by the rebels and people that were killed by the gun fire. A home that was shot up by the Congo rebels. A disturbing shot of blood presumably human on the street. With the city secured the US air force begins the evacuations of loyal natives. Little native children. More than 1,700 hundred whites from America and other European nations patiently awaiting evacuation from Stanleyville. Some of the faces tell of total disbelief of the horrors they were exposed to. Aerial shot - American plane flying over the Congo loaded with refugees and taking them to safety. Air force plane taxing on the landing strip at the air port. Military men unloading the dead bodies from the plane. Two American military men draping an American Flag on a person who lost their life in the Congo. Hundreds of refugees disembarking from an US Air Force military plane. Hundreds standing by an Air Force plane that's sitting on the tarmac

War Hero Retires: Gen Curtis LeMay Ends Long Career
Clip: 426532_1_1
Year Shot: 1965 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1733
Original Film: 038-011-02
Location: Washington, D.C.
Timecode: 00:15:36 - 00:16:40

President Johnson also takes time out to honor the man who built the Air Force to its present awesome power. General Curtis E. LeMay, retires. He is the last of World War II combat generals to serve on the Joint Chiefs of Staff. General LeMay receives another cluster to represent his fourth Medal of Honor. President Johnson standing at the podium with General Curtis LeMay off to his left. General Curtis LeMay. The audience - Lady Bird Johnson, Vice President Hubert Humphrey. President Johnson pinning a third oak leaf cluster on General LeMay's chest. he was the last of the WWII combat commanders to serve on the joint chief's of staff. United States Air Force - Andrews Air Force Base located near Washington DC. General Curtis LeMay standing as the Air Force Band passes in review, planes in the sky zoom by saluting General LeMay. General Curtis LeMay looking up at the sky.

Displaying clips 4513-4536 of 10000 in total
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