
August 2, 1994 - Part 5

August 2, 1994 - Part 5
Clip: 460287_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10069
Original Film: 102876
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(15:40:48)(tape #10069 begins) But I think what's important here is not to make these sweeping statements about an Administration because of this one problem. Obviously, there are political reasons why there are those people who don't want us to look at the fact that we are working on a crime bill, and health reform, and all the other things that we're doing, things that have been neglected for 12 years, and I understand that, but I would say this: We know, in this particular circumstance, that there were some very good people who were really concerned that a press leak could derail the Administration from its very important agenda. And because too many people, had too many conversations, and were involved in too many meetings and in my view, using press leaks as an excuse to hold even more meet- ings. They undermined their own purpose, which was not to get off course. So that's a problem and I think everybody can learn from that. All of us in our lives. There was no criminality, no obstruction of justice, and no interference with the investigation. I think that's very important to the American people. We can learn from this, but lets not blow this up into proportions that it is not. Senator Gramm longs for the day when a Republican will take back the White House. I can understand that -from his perspective. But I would urge him, if be wants to put all this into perspective read the Haldeman diaries which I'm in the middle of reading. You want to really take a very good look at the White House, this was a diary that was kept for history, and it talked about how poli- tics and enemies lists and other things ran a White House and ran amuck, so there's something for us to learn in all of these things that occur. But they have to be put into perspective. 404 So in closing, let me say this to whoever cares, don't let press leaks or stories about press leaks run a White House or a Senate office, or a Government office. We should do our jobs for the American people, that's what we're supposed to do, and don't worry about the press. It won't be good no matter what you do. Just come to grips with that from day one. Let private counsel handle matters that happened before the President became President. Keep it separate. That's what I'm learning from all this. And, I hope the Administration is learning that and I want to thank these witnesses. You have been, I think, candid with us. This has been I look at you, I see the youth, and the loveliness difficult especially for you, Mr. Steiner, because as exuberance of youth, the exaggeration of youth, along with some of the problems of And I think you, of all people here on this panel, should talk to the guys with the gray beards and the gray hairs such as Senator Dodd. He's got gray hair. You can talk to him, too. [Laughter.] Senator BOXER. But, just because you're young doesn't mean your opinion isn't worth something, as Senator Kerry has stated. I think you showed us in this diary some of the feelings that are missing in public life today. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. The CHAIRMAN. Senator D'Amato, anybody else on your side? Senator D'AMATO. No, Mr. Chairman, but I do think, if I might respond to my friend and colleague, formerly a Brooklynite, now a Senator from California Senator BOXER. That's why I can keep up with you. [Laughter.] Senator D'AMATO. And you go beyond. [Laughter.] Senator BOXER. That's a compliment, coming from you.