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New Missiles
Clip: 425356_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1764
Original Film: 040-080-02
Location: Pacific Island Military Base
Timecode: -

Kwajalein in the Pacific is the site of experiments on a new anti-ballistic missile system. The proposed missile sites, some twenty across the country, would use intercept-missiles armed with nuclear warheads to stop any attack from Red China. Aerial footage shows a military island base in the Pacific. Artist conception of the missile base. Three individual shots of missiles being launched- the first is the best. Five missiles travel through the air- contrails. A missile explodes turning the night, wham, bomb, pow!

August 1, 1994 - Part 3
Clip: 460141_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10058
Original Film: 102866
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(14:40:22) Ms. KULKA. No. Senator FAIRCLOTH. No records or notes of the meetings? Ms. KULKA. I combed through h my records, sir, and I don't have any notes. I have calendar indications of meetings, but they could have been on a wide variety of subjects. There's nothing to tell me when I may have discussed this subject with Mr. Altman. Senator FAIRCLOTH. It would appear, then, if you were having a meeting with your boss, Mr. Altman, on something of this important of an issue, that. you would have kept some note or record or made notes of what you were doing and when you did it. Ms. KuLKA, Yes, sir. Senator FAIRCLOTH, Did you discuss any of the other pending RTC investigations into savings and loan's with Mr. Altman or only Madison? Ms, KULKA. Only Madison, sir. Ms. KuLKA. I had sorry, sir, but I did not. Senator FAIRCLOTH. All right. The RTC was investigating to find out who was responsible for $50 million in losses at Madison Guaranty, losses that the Federal taxpayers had to make good. Based on its investigation, the RTC could bring civil suits against persons who were responsible for questionable financial dealings or who had benefited from them, civil suits to get some of that money back 73 to the taxpayers. Unless Congress acted, the statute of limitation was going to expire on February 28, 1994. Persons who might be responsible for some of the $50 million that the taxpayers lost in eluded President and Ms. Clinton, their political and business associates . Was Mr. Altman aware that the statute of limitations was set expire on February 28, 1994? Ms. KULKA. Yes, sir. Senator FAiRcLoTH. Did you discuss what the option might be if the RTC did not meet the deadlines? Ms. KuLKA. Yes, sir. Senator FAIRCLOTH. What else did you discuss with Mr. Altman, Ms. KULKA. I discussed the reasons why private persons might be willing to execute tolling agreements and why they might not be willing to execute tolling agreements. Senator FAIRCLOTH. All this you, did without notes as to when you did it, and what you talked on. You just simply went in bad a little circular verbiage, came back out, and forgot it. You didn't know when, what, or why. Is that right? Ms. KULKA. I didn't forget my conversation, sir. I recollect the main points of it, and I don t invariably, , speak from notes. Senator FAIRCLOTH. Did you ever talk to Robert Fiske? Ms. KULKA. Yes. Senator FAIRCLOTH. What did you talk to him about? Ms. KuLKA. I talked to him on a couple of occasions about coordinating our investigations and dealing with information in similar matters. Senator FAIRCLOTH. That's all ' Mr. Chairman. The CHAIRmAN. Senator Sasser. Senator SASSER. Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman. I really just have one question, which I want to direct to Ms. Kulka. Ms. Kulka, as I beard it, you testified earlier today that you told Mr. Robert Altman that you would indeed file a civil case against Madison before the statute of limitations expired, if it were warranted. Ms. KuLKA. Yes, that's to Roger Altman, sir. Senator SASSER. I said Robert, didn't I? Ms. KuLKA. Yes. Senator SASSER. You're a good listener. I guess what I'm trying to resolve in my own mind is, if an attorney for a matter, who was about to be sued, somehow got wind of the information that you gave Mr. Altman, that you were going to go ahead and bring suit before the statute of limitations expired, if it were warranted, what value is that information to anybody? Ms. KuLKA. I don't care to speculate, sir. Senator SASSER. Let me just say, I think, as one who used to be a practicing lawyer for 15 years, it's of absolutely no value. In other words, what you're saying is yes, the RTC is going to bring suit in a civil case against Madison before the statute of limitations expires, if it is warranted, and if it is not warranted, if the facts don't justify, then you will not bring a suit. But you're going to make that decision, and if it's justified, move forward before the statute of limitations expires and bars the suit, If that's the information Mr. Altman got, and if he were to pass that on to anyone, particu- 74 larly the attorney representing Madison, it would not be of any particular value whatsoever. It would just simply say that you better-that you're going to bring the suit before the statute of limitations bars it, if there is-if you perceive there's merit to the suit That's it. That's no big deal, at least as I read it. I guess that's my only question, Mr. Chairman. The CHAiRmAN. Thank you, Senator Sasser. Senator Bennett

Clip: 374012_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 2100
Original Film: B1296
Location: North America
Timecode: 14:58:30 - 15:02:44

Master 2100, Tape 1 MS Cougar, aka Mountain Lion, aka Puma (Puma concolor) laying on rocky clifftop. Another cougar approaches and stands besides the resting cougar. The second cougar walks off. MS resting cougar panting. MS cougar standing on rocky clifftop. The cougar sits on his haunches. The cougar walks over and lays down on clifftop. Zoom out to TLS of cougar on top of cliff. The cougar walks down the rocky cliff; he is obscured at times by the dense brush. MS cougar sitting on cliffside, nearly totally hidden by the brush.

August 1, 1994 - Part 3
Clip: 460142_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10058
Original Film: 102866
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(14:45:40) Senator BENNETT. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Is this working again? All right. They gave me another one just in case. First, let me make an editorial comment, which I hope is in the nature of a compliment, Ms. Kulka. We understand from the testimony of a number of people that, at least, Mr. Nussbaum was quite concerned about the possibility that you would become the decisionmaker on this case if Mr. Altman recused himself. He described you in somewhat less than flattering terms, but the bottom line was that he thought you were too tough. I think Mr. Nussbaum's judgment about what would happen if you were made one of the decisionmakers was probably a correct one. I think you' would be tough, fair, and honest, and I think he was rightly concerned that Mr. Altman's recusal would put you in that decision,making tree. Let's go back to a coversation-a meeting that you talked a little bit about before. I simply Want to flesh out where the meeting was, and that there was a discussion of whether or not people would be willing to sign tolling agreements. Was Mr. Steiner there? Ms. KuLKA. I wish I could recollect exactly who was there, sir, but I cannot. Senator BENNETT. Can you tell us what was said? Ms. KULKA. Basically, Mr. Altman, who was not familiar with this kind of litigation, was asking why people would sign tolling agreements and under what circumstances would you try to get tolling agreements. I think I explained that if you thought you would want more time to shape up your case, if you could show it was also in the interest of a potential defendant to have more time, or if you thought it might lead to negotiated settlement, which would avoid expensive and lengthy litigation, that was it, Also, that different potential defendants have different personal needs. Some can't financially afford the litigation, and they may be willing to sign tolling a agreements even though they may be advised the case against them, from their own attorney's point of view, isn't strong. Or, as I told Mr. Altman, a political figure, who would have a great deal of difficulty not giving a tolling agreement even if that person felt that the case was not strong, because of the political heat he or she would take. Senator BENNETT. Did you specifically talk about any political figure, other than the generic class? Ms. KULKA. I think it would be inappropriate for me to discuss an thing other than that. Senator BENNETT. I see. The CHAIRMAN. On what ground? Ms. KuLKA. I think that I have an obligation to protect the confidentiality of my investigation, and I think, very strongly, sir, that I have tried to assert that in every forum. To the 'extent there are disclosures made, I do not want to waive any of the privileges this 75 agency has. I think for the General Counsel to do so would be inappropriate The CHAIRMAN, I just want to understand, If you're withholding an answer based on the fact that you think it's material to an ongoing investigation by someone, then I think that's an entirely appropriate response on your part. I just want to understand if that's the ground on which you're filing that reservation. Ms. KULKA. That's correct, The CHAIRMAN. Thank you. Senator BENNETT. You realize, there is the potential of an impression coming out of this, that there was discussion as to whether or not the Clintons would be willing to sign a tolling agreement, and what-I mean, you can take it from there. You &A have to be very astute in this town to know the kinds of implications that will be drawn from this. Ms. KULKA. I deplore the drawing of those implications, and I'm not able to deal with them. Senator KERRY. The same drawing of implications would allow you to draw the implication that, if the RTC were seeking tolling, given the history of leaks, it would be well nigh impossible for the Clintons to avoid signing it because of the political reality. If we're going to draw implications, let's go the distance. Senator BENNETT. I can't control in which direction the implication Senator KERRY. That's why it's better not to draw them, I think. Senator BENNETT. I have not drawn 'any. I'm just pointing out that the failure to answer will make it possible for some people to do that. Senator BENNETT. I have nothing further, Mr. Chairman. I'll yield my time to Senator Hatch. The CHAIRMAN. To whom?

Homes Razed By Wild Fire
Clip: 425241_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1724
Original Film: 037-042-02
Location: Boston, Massachuetts
Timecode: 00:08:24 - 00:09:55

Spectacular pictures showing blazes and billowing smoke which, in a few hours destroyed 17 Boston homes and severely damaging 19 more at the city line between Boston and Dorchester. 300 left homeless. Fortunately no lives were lost.A tragedy due to old, wooden, firetrap tenements. Boston, Massachuetts A neighborhood in Boston with rolls of two-story frame homes on fire. A lot of people on the street, the fire department with their hoses streaming water trying to contain the fire from spreading any more. MS - Looking down a gangway you see the flames and smoke shooting out of the buildings. MS - Back of one of the building's with the third and second floor engulfed in flames and smoke. You see the stream of water coming out of the fire hose. MS - An absolutely frightening sight of these houses totally engulfed in a very menacing fire. MSOH - Crowds gather on the streets to watch in horror the fire eating up the houses. MS - Firemen getting more hose to fight the fire off the fire trucks. MS - Firemen with their hoses spewing water fighting the fires. MS - People inside their apartments / homes handing whatever belonging s they can save. MS - The houses are totally in a casement of fire, you can see some of the skeletal building materials.

Labor and Management Share Spotlight in Louisville Show
Clip: 425242_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1724
Original Film: 037-042-03
Location: Louisville, KY
Timecode: 00:09:55 - 00:10:58

Down in the Blue Grass country, the AFL-CIO Union Industries Show of 1964 opens a 6-day run at the Kentucky Fair and Exposition Center, Louisville. IATSE President Richard R. Walsh participates at opening ceremonies of the multi-million dollar exposition. Louisville, KY A logo 'American operation of labor and Organizations'. MLS - Union members and in the back of them is a curtain, 'Americans at Work - AFL- CIO Union Industries Show' MS - Richard F Walsh steps up to the podium to address the workers. MS - A four sided sign turns, "Be Union and Buy Union, It Pays' .MS - Different exhibits in the show, Boot & Shoe Workers Union - Brotherhood Potters and Brick Layers.

Olympic Hopefuls In California Relays
Clip: 425243_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1724
Original Film: 037-042-04
Location: Modesto, California
Timecode: 00:10:59 - 00:12:04

Out Modesta way, Ralph Boston betters his own American broad jump record of 27 Feet - 13 1/4 inches by notching another quarter of an inch. The Mile Run has a finish that looks like a dead heat as Dyrol Burleson Early in the evening the sports crowd has gathered together to watch future Olympians of tomorrow. MS - The sports crowd sitting together in the early evening. MSOH - 100 Yard dash. MS - The Long Jump, Ralph Boston and he breaks his own record. 1 mile race.

World Mourns Nehru
Clip: 425244_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1724
Original Film: 037-043-01
Location: Various
Timecode: 00:12:14 - 00:14:50

A chapter that recorded history of a changing world has come to an end. Jawaharlal Nehru, the man who became the first Prime Minister of India, is dead. These are highlights of a career that began when he first met Mohandas Gandhi in and was converted to the Mahatma's campaign for an independent India. Nehru spent 17 years in jail (13 yrs according to narrator) but tasted the sweet fruits of victory in 1947 when his nation won its freedom.

Fire Sweeps New Jersey Waterfront
Clip: 425245_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1724
Original Film: 037-043-02
Location: Jersey City, New Jersey
Timecode: 00:14:53 - 00:16:05

A spectacular fire lights the riverfront across the Hudson from New York City as five piers and an abandoned stockyard go up in flames. More than 800 firemen battle the blaze that caused damage estimated at more than $10 million. It was one of the most disastrous waterfront fires in the history of the U.S. Jersey City, New Jersey It's evening time, the fire boat is approaching the pier that is all ablaze. There's a glow in the sky due from the fire. CUS - A pier and a little building completely engulfed by the fire. Silhouette of the firemen on the fireboat. Aerial shot - Looking down at the water and the surrounding land area which is almost a solid blanket of fire. Firemen fighting the fire with their hoses. CUS - Silhouettes of firemen and some skeletal remains of burnt out buildings. The collapsed burning lumber of a building all a glow from the fire and intense heat, and the silhouette of a lone fireman and his hose fighting a senseless battle. Dusk, the remains of buildings and of the pier. MS - The fire boat docked at the pier and firemen battling the smoldering remains of the fire. Silhouette of a fireman looking out at the remains and aftermath of the fire. Low aerial shot - Burned lumber the remains of buildings that once stood on the pier and a mass of twisted steel.

President Eamon de Valera Welcomed To USA
Clip: 425246_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1724
Original Film: 037-043-03
Location: Washington DC
Timecode: 00:16:05 - 00:16:57

A native son comes home. The President Eamon de Valera of Ireland is welcomed to the U.S. by President Lyndon Johnson - a visit of sentimental value rather than of international importance. The Irish patriot was born in the City of New York and taken to Ireland as an infant. He was a leader in the Irish fight for independence. Mr. de Valera was invited to the United States by President Kennedy on his trip to Ireland. Washington DC A limousine pulls up in front of the White House and the President of Ireland, Eamon de Valera steps out and is greeted by President Lyndon B. Johnson and Lady Bird. MS - A good size crowd has gathered to welcome the President of Ireland to the USA. MS - A motorcade drives down Pennsylvania Avenue. Crowds of people lining the streets. MS - Military marching band. CUS - Exterior shot of Blair House. MCUS - President de Valera, President Johnson and their wife s walking up the steps to Blair House. MCUS - The Irish and American flags.

Mid-Town Airport: NY Copter Base Undergoes Test
Clip: 425247_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1724
Original Film: 037-043-04
Location: New York, New York
Timecode: 00:16:57 - 00:18:06

Atop one of New York City's newest skyscrapers is a landing field for helicopters that is a center of controversy. Some say it's a hazard, others say it is the need of the future. Anyway, they make the first test and an okay may be forthcoming soon. New York, New York New York's tall buildings. POV - On top of one of the high rises. MSLU - A duel rotary blades on a helicopter making a landing on a 54 story building. MCUS - People on the street looking up at the helicopter's landing. CUS - Helicopter (six seater - small passenger) coming in for a landing on a roof top. MCUS - Members of the City Planning Commission disembarking from the helicopter. MS - A good size crowd on top of the high-rise. POV - Off the roof of the high rise, a roof top view of New York's corporate buildings. MS - Front view of the helicopter and the members of the City Planning Commission boarding. MS - The rotary blades start up on the helicopter and it slowly rises of the roof.

Asia Strategy: Top US Officials Meet In Hawaii
Clip: 425249_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1724
Original Film: 037-044-01
Location: Hawaii
Timecode: 00:18:15 - 00:18:57

With a time of crisis in Southeast Asia, the U.S. calls a high-level conference in Hawaii of the nation's top military and diplomatic minds. The strategy of the conference is to shore-up non-Communist governments in former French Indo-China. Hawaii One of the Hawaiian Islands. MCUS - Hickam AFB in Hawaii. MS - Military passenger plane sitting on the tarmac. MCUS - Admiral Harry Felt. MCUS - Secretary of State, Dean Rusk disembarking from the plane and he is greeted by Admiral Harry Felt. MCUS - Ambassador to Vietnam, Henry Cabot Lodge. MCUS - Rusk and Lodge walking from the plane with people shaking his hand. MCUS - Dean Rusk and Henry Cabot Lodge being greeted by Admiral Harry Felt. MS - A very pretty shot of the American Flag blowing in the wind. Hickam Air Force Base in Hawaii.

Throngs Throngs Pay Homage To Nehru
Clip: 425250_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1724
Original Film: 037-044-02
Location: New Delhi, India
Timecode: 00:18:57 - 00:20:52

A million and a half sorrowing Indians line the streets of New Delhi to bid a tearful farewell to one of the great national heroes Jawaharlal Nehru. His body is borne through the streets on a gun carriage to a funeral pyre on the River Jumna where he is cremated. New Delhi, India Throngs line the streets of India as the funeral slowly makes it way down the street. MS - India's armed forces. MLS - Camera panning the crowd. CUS - An Indian military has his head bent down in sorrow, you see other faces in the frame. MSOH - Nehru laying on a long pillow surrounded by flowers. MS - Nehru's family riding slowly in a convertible MS - Military men carrying Nehru's remains up the stairs and they will lay him down to rest and publicly cremate his body. MS - Lord Mountbatten standing behind a barrier with some other Royals. MCUS - Dean Rusk. MS - Mr. Nehru's daughter and her son. MS - Indian holy men light the fire, the wood is sandalwood laced with incense

August 1, 1994 - Part 3
Clip: 460143_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10058
Original Film: 102866
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(14:50:30) Senator BENNETT. Senator Hatch. The CHAIRMAN. Senator Hatch, the way we're going to handle remaining time from one person's questioning is that the next person has to take it right then, Are you ready to use that time now? Senator HATCH. Sure. Ms. Kulka, I want to return to some questions about the February 1, 1994, status of the investigation, since that's a critical time. You testified, as of February 1, 1994, you hadn't focused on individuals, as I recall your testimony. Let me just read to you from Mr. Nye's deposition, He said: The issue, as I understand it, was in light of the circumstances of the February 28, 1994, expiration of the statute of limitations, whether one should seek a tolling agreement drop the cases, or file suit based on what she deemed would be imperfect Information. Question: What did Ms. Kulka say about the imperfections of the information at that point? Answer: Just that she wouldn't have enough time between. Her feeling was that she wouldn't have enough time between then and the date of the meeting and February 28, 1994, the statute or limitations expiration, to make as informed a decision would need to make, in her opinion. That wouldn't be enough to sort of go through all of these mountains of documents and so forth or for her staff to do so, 4 she and that , ultimately, she would have to be making a decision with the best infromation possible at that time. That's what he said, but isn't it true, then, as of February 1, 1994 that the RTC needed to review many records with regard to these meetings? 76 Ms. KULKA. That's correct. Senator HATCH. Isn't it true that the RTC needed to interview additional witnesses? Ms. KULKA, That's correct. Senator HATCH. And isn't it true that on February 2, 1994, the RTC had a team in Kansas City, Missouri, interviewing the RTC investigators in an effort to gather information and identify records. Ms. KULKA. Yes. Senator HATCH. In fact, the RTC still hasn't completed its investigation as of today and certainly hadn't concluded its investigation as of February 28, 1994, Ms. KULKA. That's correct. Senator HATCH. Isn't it true, also, that it would have been ex- tremely difficult to complete an investigation by February 28, 1994? Ms. KuLKA. That's correct. Senator HATCH. You so informed Mr. Altman? Ms. KULKA. That's correct. Senator HATCH. Mr. Katsanos, if I could ask you a question or two. Mr, KATSANOS. Certainly, sir. Senator HATCH. I want to understand this Early Bird. Isn't it true the Early Bird in October did not publish information about, No. 1, the names of all of the parties to the criminal referral? Mr. KATSANOS. That is correct. Senator HATCH. In fact, No. 2, it did not give any status of the parties named in the criminal referral. Mr. KATSANOS. That's correct. Senator HATCH. No. 3, the allegations against the individuals named in the criminal referral were not referred to either. Mr. KATSANOS. That's correct. The Early Bird deals only with issues being raised by reporters in a very summary fashion. Senator HATCH. So none of those things were covered by the Early Bird. Mr. KATSANOS. That is correct. Senator HATCH. Mr. Roelle, just a question or two for you. As I understand it, you informed Ms. Hanson about, No. 1, the names of the parties to the criminal referral. Right? Mr. ROELLE. Yes, sir. Senator HATCH. No. 2, the status of the parties referred to in the criminal referral. Mr. ROELLE. No, sir. Senator HATCH. You did not inform her, in any way, about the status of those parties? Mr. ROELLE. No, sir. Senator HATCH. No. 3, the allegations against the individuals named. Did you inform her about those? Mr. ROELLE. Yes, sir. Senator HATCH. You gave her the names of the parties and the allegations against them. Mr. ROELLE. Yes, sir. The CHAIRMAN. Thank you, Senator Kerry. Senator HATCH. I only have one more, The time is up? 77 The Chairman. The time is up, If it's one brief follow-up question and it will finish you I'll defer to you. Senator HATCH. IF I may have this one, I won't ask any more. The CHAIRMAN. Very good. Senator HATCH. Ms. Kulka, given the status of the Madison investigation in early February and the fact that the statute of limitations was due to run on February 28, 1994, do you think a reasonable person might conclude that it would be to a potential defendant's advantage to have the case dropped by the RTC and turned over to Mr. Fiske? Ms. KULKA. I have no idea, sir. Senator HATCH. He was very busy. He had all of the thousands of issues involved in the matter and would not have bad the team or the time that you would have had to have followed through Ms. KULKA. I don't know who has more staff available or what resources are available to him, The CHAIRMAN. Excuse me. I misspoke earlier. Senator Shelby of Alabama.

Argentine Revolt: Rebel Naval Units Crushed By Troops
Clip: 425209_1_1
Year Shot: 1963 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1709
Original Film: 036-030-01
Location: Argentina
Timecode: 00:32:10 - 00:35:07

Argentine Revolt: Rebel Naval Units Crushed By Troops. The seething undercurrent of political unrest in the Argentine centers around the followers of former dictator Juan Peron and those forces which would crush them. Naval and Marine units rebel as they demand that Peronists be outlawed and two-day civil war rocks the country. President Jose Guido wants to allow them to vote in the June election, the rebels did not. Marines seize Buenos Aires for a few hours and Navy planes blast loyalist tank units. Sixty are dead in the two-day war and damage to installations is high. The empty streets of Argentina. MS - Government building. MS - People gathered in the streets, mostly men. MS - South American military carry a mired of thing out of the building. MOHS - US military ships. OHS - People on the streets of Argentina, and barricades being set up. CUS - General Juan Organia. MS - Armed military men on the streets of Argentina. MS - Aftermath of a bombing of a military building. MS - Tank with soldiers on the top traveling down the road. MS - Military truck pulling a stationary machine gun on the back MS - Aftermath of a bombed out military air field.

Tragedy At "500" Two Drivers Killed In Racing Classic
Clip: 425251_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1724
Original Film: 037-044-04
Location: Indianapolis, IN
Timecode: 00:21:34 - 00:24:06

Tragedy takes the wheel at Indianapolis. As the 33 starters end the second lap Dave MacDonald goes into a spin and hits the outside wall. It starts a chain reaction, and seven cars pile up. MacDonald and Eddie Sachs die, three others are injured, one seriously. A.J. Foyt goes on to win at an average of better than 147 miles an hour - four miles an hour better than last year's all-time record. Indy 500 Indianapolis, IN Throngs pouring into the gates of the Indianapolis - 500. MLS - The stands are packed tightly with people. OHS - The thirty three cars lined up and slowly making their way on the track. MS - At the end of the second lap Dave MacDonald racer goes into a spin, hits the wall and causes a 7 - car pile up. One of the car's hits the wall so hard that it burst into flames. MLS - You see one car pull out of the fire and the cars on fire and blows up as he smashes into MacDonald. Eddie Sachs is killed on the track and MacDonald dies later on in the hospital. LS - Ronnie Cuman making it over the wall, he is badly burned. The race continues. Another driver catches frire. AJ Foyt wins.

Baby Aardvark
Clip: 425359_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1764
Original Film: 040-080-05
Location: Miami, Florida
Timecode: -

The second aardvark ever born in captivity arrives at Miami's Grandon Park Zoo. It weighs in at four pounds, they think it's a female but they don't know who the parents are among their four adult aardvarks! The mother waddles around in her cage. The baby scurries about in a grassy area. Quick shot of an alligator and a cougar. A cages monkey ticks its' tongue out twice. A zoo trainer holds the baby as it kicks its' legs.

August 1, 1994 - Part 3
Clip: 460144_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10058
Original Film: 102866
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(14:55:15) Senator SHELBY. I'll try to be brief Ms. Kulka, could you go into, again, what Rule 11 says and why it was there, with a brief discussion? Ms. KULKA. There's a Federal Rule of Civil Procedure which provides, in essence, that an attorney may not sign or certify a pleading unless that attorney believes there is a factual basis for the allegations set forth in the pleading in the complaint, for instance, and that it's made in good faith and is not frivolous. There are sanctions that are assessable against the attorney, rather than the client, if inappropriate pleadings are filed that don't meet the standards set forth in Rule 11. Senator SHELBY. Basically, you and your office were aware that this case was not ready for filing at this point in time. Ms. KULKA. It wasn't ready for filing in early February, that is for sure. Senator SHELBY. That's what I mean. Ms. KuLKA. That's correct. Senator SHELBY. Information is very important, isn't it, Ms. Kulka? Ms. KuLKA. Yes, Senator SHELBY. And inside information or information that's not known to the public but could possibly affect someone's case is a precious commodity, isn't it? Ms. KuLKA. It can be. Senator SHELBY. It can be. Other than Mr. Altman, I'm aware of what Ms. Hanson's contacts were and so forth, but did anyone in the RTC other than Mr. Altman, to your knowledge, mention briefin the White House? vs. KuLKA. No, sir. senator SHELBY. So, except for Mr. Altman wearing these two hats, in other words, being the Deputy Secretary of Treasury and the Acting CEO of the RTC, was that the catalyst for the problem? Ms. KULKA, I don't know, sir. There is a provision in the statute, 1821T, although I'm not good at citing them, that permits Government agencies to share a lot of confidential information with other Government agencies without waiving the privilege. I think that's 78 in recognition of the fact that it was unclear, if you shared that in. formation before that provision was passed, that you wouldn't waive the privilege. That's all to a recognition that agencies do share information. Senator SHELBY. Ms. Kulka, this information regarding two pos-sible--criminal referrals, that is confidential information, isn't it? Ms. KuLKA. That's correct, and you wouldn't reveal it outside Senator SHELBY. Have you known, since you've been at the RTC out of any other information like that that's been disseminated the RTC? Ms. KuLKA. Of course, there is the information that our staff reg- ularly leaks, sir, and we've had a great deal of difficulty with. Senator SHELBY. Other than that, do you know of some specific , briefings that took place other than Altman, Bentsen, and so forth? Ms. KuLKA. Are you referring to the White House? Senator SHELBY. Yes. Ms. KuLKA. I'm unaware of a Senator SHELBY. There's a difference between an ordinary leak and a specific briefing, is it not? ~ ~ Ms. KULKA. There s a difference between a briefing within the Government and a leak outside of the Government, es, sir. Senator SHELBY. Would you call it a briefing within the Govern-. ment when the Counsel at Treasury goes to the White House and explains what's going on at the RTC regarding some people thatcould be targets of that? Ms. KuLKA. I don't understand if what you're telling me, sir, is the factual basis for what happened or if it was the subject matter. I have a lot of problems speculating about it, the way you've got it characterized. Senator SHELBY. In other words, you don't know what went on down there other than what you've been told or read. Is that what you're saying? Ms. KuLKA. That's correct. Senator SHELBY. You don't want to speculate at all? Ms. KuLKA. That's correct. Senator SHELBY. You did say, a minute ago, this is confidential information that should have stayed within the RTC? Ms. KuLKA. No, I said it could be shared amongst Government agencies, in the appropriate circumstance, without waiving the privileges. Senator SHELBY. What would you consider to be proper Government agencies? Ms. KuLKA. I think it depends on the circumstance. Senator SHELBY. What would you consider? Ms. KULKA_ For instance, when I was at OTS, OTS and the RTC shared a lot of information about criminal referrals and investigations, We shared them with other regulatory agencies. We shared them with the Department of Justice. They were not just criminal referrals. Senator SHELBY. Did you share them with the White House? Ms. KULKA. No, sir. Senator SHELBY. That's all. The CHAIRMAN. Thank you, Senator Shelby. 79 Senator Domenici. Senator DOMENICI. Thank you very much. Could I ask, would you give me your definition of a recusal, Mr. Ryan?

Brentwood Homes Collapse
Clip: 425096_1_1
Year Shot: 1963 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1706
Original Film: 036-004-02
Location: Los Angeles, California
Timecode: 00:24:05 - 00:25:12

Brentwood Home Collapse Landslide Wrecks West Coast Homes. Creeping disaster has spelled the doom of a dozen homes on a hillside in Los Angeles. Built on a layer of sixty-foot deep fill, two of the homes are slipping from their foundations and threaten to carry away a dozen homes on the hill below. All of the houses (all in the $45,000 class) have been evacuated and a heavy rain could carry a score down to the valley. CU UNSAFE sticker on property. Two women carry boxes out from home, and pile onto truck. Damaged, ruined property.

Ski Meet At Bear Mountain
Clip: 425097_1_1
Year Shot: 1963 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1706
Original Film: 036-004-03
Location: Bear Mountain, New York, USA
Timecode: 00:25:15 - 00:27:04

Ski Meet At Bear Mountain Spectators converge on the ski jump at Bear Mountain, New York, for the 18th annual Torger Tokle Memorial Jump. Named in honor of the U.S.'s greatest skier who was killed in the War. The meet brings together the cream of the Eastern skiers. Thrills galore before Dean Schambach winds up as King of the Hill. Various skiers. Man waves flag atop ski slope.

Sky-High Blaze: Fight Fire Atop New York Skyscraper
Clip: 425099_1_1
Year Shot: 1963 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1706
Original Film: 036-005-03
Location: New York, New York, USA
Timecode: 00:31:46 - 00:32:50

Fight Fire Atop New York Skyscraper New York's most famous landmark, the Empire State Building, is hit by a fire that proves elusive and stubborn. Traffic is snarled as firemen fight a blaze that touches nine different floors from the 24th to the 68th. Aerial of New York skyline with Empire State building in center. Pan up to Empire State building. Traffic at stand still. CU man in hat looking up towards sky. Firemen walking towards camera.

Monkey Shines - Sports
Clip: 425100_1_1
Year Shot: 1963 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1706
Original Film: 036-005-04
Location: Germany
Timecode: 00:32:54 - 00:33:57

This Chimp Is A Gay Blade Usually, summer is the wacky season, but this winter things aren't on an even keel in Germany. They've taught a Chimp to Skate and he's a real swinger! Trainer lacing up skates on chimp. Boys look on. CU Chimp smiling. Chimp skating backwards on ice, and also jumps over obstacles. Young teenagers gathered along sideline, clapping (applaud). Chimp twirling, goes around in circles. After some trick "Archibald" leads a Conga that proves he's a real gay blade with quite a line. (animal stunts, tricks)

Tax Cut Due
Clip: 425101_1_1
Year Shot: 1963 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1706
Original Film: 036-006-01
Location: Washington D.C., USA
Timecode: 00:34:40 - 00:37:35

Tax Cut Due!---President Outlines Plans To Congress Image is dark, hard to see In his State of the Union message to Congress, President Kennedy calls for an eleven million dollar tax cut for individual taxpayers. He wants individual tax rates cut from the present 20% to a 91% to a range of 14% to 65%. He says the recession is behind us. Warns to be cautious about the rift between Red China and the Soviet Union. President Kennedy speaking to Congress (nat sound).

Nuclear Power: Two New Subs Launched
Clip: 425102_1_1
Year Shot: 1963 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1706
Original Film: 036-006-02
Location: New Hampshire and Connecticut, USA
Timecode: 00:37:35 - 00:38:30

Nuclear Power: Two New Subs Launched Image is dark and hard to see. Added might for Uncle Sam's deterrent power as two more nuclear-powered submarines join the fleet. The "John Adams" is launched at Portsmouth, New Hampshire, while the "Natan Hale" goes into the water at Groton, Connecticut. The new subs will fire the advanced A-Three Polaris missile. Woman christens submarine. Sailors saluting aboard ship as submarine is launched.

Displaying clips 3385-3408 of 10000 in total
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