
Vietnam: Planes Support Ground Forces

Vietnam: Planes Support Ground Forces
Clip: 425409_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1765
Original Film: 040-087-01
Location: South Vietnam
Timecode: 00:41:28 - 00:42:56

"A fleet of helicopters are used in a massive air assault on Viet Cong positions in South Vietnam. Near Conthien, Marine jets plaster enemy sniper nests while foot soldiers move in to mop up in a combined ground-and-air action." Air to air shots fleet of UH-1 Huey helicopter gunships flying over Vietnam jungle. Air to air shot Huey gunship firing rockets while flying over mountain. Over the shoulder MS pilot in cockpit of gunship. Quick sideview MS side-mounted rocket launcher firing. Air to air shot Huey firing rockets. Aerial shot from a hovering helicopter shows U.S. Army soldiers exiting Huey helicopter on crest of steep hill. LS soldiers running for cover. MS Army soldiers dropping shell into mortar. MSs US Army soldiers firing M-16 assault rifles & M-60 machine guns. Panning LS jet fighter plane swooping, dropping napalm bomb on jungle target. MS soldiers advancing from banked positions. LS jet fighter dropping bombs over jungle.