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Mended Leg
Clip: 425666_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1757
Original Film: 040-012-04
Location: Boston, Massachusetts
Timecode: 00:25:48 - 00:26:33

In Boston, an 18 year old boy recovers the use of his left leg, after it was severed in an auto accident. Six doctors rejoined the leg in a five hour operation. They said Jan Dangora s youth, strength and basic health gave him a big edge toward recovering the use of his limb. Exterior of Boston City Hospital. Jan Dangora lies in a hospital bed being consulted by his attending physician. His left foot is sticking out from beneath the blanket. Dangora sits in a wheelchair holding a crutch. His left leg is propped up and he is wiggling his toes. Jan walks with the aid of crutches. His mother gives him a hug. A happy ending to a tragic accident.

Nazi Trial WW II War Crimes
Clip: 425667_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1757
Original Film: 040-012-05
Location: Germany, Munich
Timecode: 00:26:35 - 00:27:17

Three former Nazis stand trial in Munich for the mass murder of Dutch Jews including Anne Frank. Former S.S. officers Wilhelm Harster and Wilheim Zoepf and Secretary Gertrud Slottke are accused of mass deportation to death camps of thousands of Dutch Jews. Downtown Munich, people are stopping and reading protest signs. CU A poster/ picture of Dr. Edith Stein at the bottom it reads Harster Terrors". Interior scene of a court house. CU Wilhelm Harster. CU Wilhelm Zoepf. CU Gertrud Slottke. CU Prosecutor Robert Kempner speaking with another man who turns out to be a former Auschwitz prisoner. He pulls up his suit jacket sleeve exposing his tattooed prison camp ID number. High Angle shot three judges standing behind a long table. Exterior shot courthouse in Munich.

July 29, 1994 - Part 4
Clip: 460076_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10054
Original Film: 102862
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(15:50:53) Senator Mack Let me go to the scene at the park because what I have implied here, with Ms. Braun, is that there was a loss of control at the house. Did you have a sense that you had lost control at the scene? 85 Ms. BRAUN. At the scene, no. Mr. ROLLA. No, no. Senator MACK. How about at the house? Mr. ROLLA. Control was not a factor. Going in to make the death notification we would like to do it our way. yeah, I guess if you want to call it control or whatever, we bad a certain way we would have liked to do it, but all those people showed up and, it was a terrible notification, terrible grief, and everything else going on. Yes, at that point we waited, that is why we were there so long, we waited until things calmed down and people seperated and we started to talk to certain people as much as we could, pretty much in bits and pieces. Senator MACK. Let me just take you to the issue that we discussed this morning, a pager. Mr. ROLLA. Please, please. Senator MACK. I am concerned about the pager being turned over to the White House, Mr. ROLLA. I am aware of that. Senator MACK. Is that normal procedure? Mr, ROLLA. Well, let me explain it to you. You go on the scene, you observe the facts that are there, and the facts that are there was that this was an apparent suicide. Not one fact then or has ever come forward since then to this day to say it was anything other, anything sinister, anything other than a suicide. With that in mind, a pager, the White House credentials on the pager were recorded, at least the pager was. I do not remember if I recorded the White House credentials because obviously I am going to give them back to the Secret Service. They may have been xeroxed. The pager brand was recorded, the name brand, the serial number was recorded, the pager was turned off. As far as any information on the pager, be could have turned it off at any time, and if anybody paged him while it was off, that does not tell me anything. If they paged him after be killed himself, it does not tell me anything. It does not tell me what time he turned it off because he could have had his last page 20 to 30 minutes before be turned it off, If it turned out something crazy, that it was a homicide, the FBI could have taken my report and the serial number to the pager company and subpoenaed the pager records and got all the calls that were paged to him that date. We turned it over to the Secret Service, yes, any property that belongs to the White House United States Government, the credentials and the pager, a matter of security, yes, it is proper procedure. I called them up, they wanted to come down and get it, and I turned it over to them after I recorded the information that I needed to get from it. I bad no further use for it, because there was nothing to say that this was anything other than a suicide. Senator MACK. So it is your opinion, then, when you gave up this pager that it was really unimportant? Mr. ROLLA. Right. At that time, I had the information I needed that if something important came up, the pager records could be 86 subpoenaed. Again, the pager was turned off. I did not believe there was anything on there. I have a pager, I turn it off, there's nothing, there's no memory on my pager. You know, possibly some pagers have memories. I did, not think of it, to be honest, and why, again this was a suicide investigation. What it could tell me we found out. Of course, family members and many other people were looking for him, he was a high White House official, they were paging him. My feeling was that was part of his suicide note. He turned his pager off. He was not going to receive any more messages, No, at that time I did not need it, and if I did need it, I could subpoena the records. The CHAiRmAN. Thank you. Senator Kerry,

Whitewater Hearings August 1, 1994 - Part 1
Clip: 460095_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10056
Original Film: 102864
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(10:45:43) The RTC is also cooperating fully with Special Counsel Fiske, the House Banking Committee, the Treasury Office of Inspector General, the RTC Office of Inspector General, the General Accounting Office, and the Office of Government Ethics in their investigation of various aspects of this matter. During my deposition before Counsel for this Committee and before Special Counsel Fiske, I have been asked a number of questions which generally fell into the following categories: No. I. how I came to be selected for this job; No 2 my authority as Deputy CEO, which was my position when most of the events that are the subject of this hearing occurred; No. 3, my relationship with Mr. Altman and the Administration; No. 4 my knowledge of and/or participation in the White House Treasury contacts; No. 5 , whether I was ever instructed or pressured by the TreasurY or the White House to influence the investigation or the outcome Of the investigation into Madison Guaranty Savings & Loan; and 4 No. 6, whether I have done anything to impede or change the results of the RTC's investigation. For example, did I tell the RTC Staff that I preferred a finding that Whitewater did not cause a loss to Madison? I will cover for the record, briefly, my summary of the answers to these questions. First of all, concerning how I was selected for this job, I can only report what I know. I received a hone call in December 1993, while I was in Atlanta with the OTS, from Frank Newman, Under Secretary of the Treasury, whom I had known professionally when he was with Bank of America and I was at the Federal Reserve. Mr. Newman's call came not long after the nomination of Mr. Stanley Tate, as CEO, had been withdrawn, and he asked if I would consider a temporary assignment at the RTC, I traveled to Washington for two interviews, one with Mr. Altman and one with Secretary Bentsen. Those interviews were the first time I had met either of those gentlemen, either Mr. Altman or Secretary Bentsen. I don't believe the subject of Madison Guaranty came up during the course of those interviews, as most of the discussions dealt with morale problems at the RTC and what could be done about them. At those interviews, I agreed to serve as Deputy CEO of the RTC. The position of Deputy CEO is a statutory one enacted in the RTC Completion Act. There was no Deputy CEO before me and, as a result, the existing RTC organizational structure and delegations of authority did not provide for a Deputy CEO when I arrived. In fact, some of the senior officials of the corporation, by law, were required to report directly to the CEO, The lack of clear authority in the RTC's corporate structure, together with the temporary the fact that the Deputy CEO, created a very challenging nature of my appointment Secretary of the Treasury remained environment in which to assume operating responsibility. Obviously, much of my time in the early days was spent trying to gain an understanding and some control over an organization that is surprisingly decentralized with functional units operating independently of each other. The precise decisionmaking responsibility is not only difficult to explain under such circumstances, but my observation is that it is often not clear to those working at the RTC as well. During my tenure as Deputy CEO, I reported directly to Mr. Altman, who was the Interim CEO. It should be noted that Mr. Altman essentially withdrew from active RTC management following the February 24, 1994, Senate Banking Committee's RTC Semiannual Oversight Board bearing, some 7 weeks after my arrival. During the period preceding the hearing, regular meetings were scheduled to discuss RTC matters. But due to Mr. Altman's busy schedule, many of these meetings never took place.

July 29, 1994 - Part 4
Clip: 460077_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10054
Original Film: 102862
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(15:55:34) Senator KERRY. Officer Rolla, you were asked earlier about this question of moving up the autopsy. It is agreed that the autopsy was moved up by a day, Isthat correct, doctor? Dr. BEYER. Well, as soon as I heard about the case, I had the body transported over, and we make every effort to do an autopsy within less than 24 hours if possible. Therefore, once I could get the body over, we proceeded with the autopsy. Senator KERRY. But did you receive a message, doctor, asking you to try to proceed faster than normal? Dr. BEYER. No, sir. Senator KERRY. It is my understanding that Major Hines, who is sitting behind you but not at the table, that his recollection is different, and that he believes that the request to move it up was in order to facilitate the transfer of the body to Arkansas. Is that accurate, Mr. Rolla? Do you remember that, Ms. Braun? Ms. BRAUN. That was my understanding, when we left that morning, the autopsy was set for the day after the 22nd, and then I found out later on in the day that it had gotten moved up and that they did the post on the 21st. Senator KERRY. And it was your understanding that that was in order to facilitate the transfer of the remains to Arkansas? Ms. BRAUN. Yes, that is my recollection, Senator KERRY. Now, doctor, whether or not there was any request to move the time of the autopsy up, this would obviously call into question whether or not there was any reason for so doing. And I ask you, sir, whether or not, in the course of any of the 20,000 autopsies you have performed, you have ever altered, changed, or adjusted the outcome of your autopsy to fit anybody's requirements or schedule? Dr. BEYER. Not anybody else's schedule to me. We may alter it to fit our own schedule. Senator KERRY. I understand that, but have you altered the findings, what you determined in the course of autopsy, did you change that or alter any finding, as a consequence of anything anyone asked you to do in this case? Dr. BEYER. No, sir. Senator KERRY. Have you ever done that in any case? Dr. BEYER. No, sir. 87 Senator KERRY. So irrespective of the timing, you are saying to us that the findings with respect to this autopsy are true and accurate and as you found them to be at the time. Is that correct? Dr. BEYER. That is correct. Senator KERRY. Now, irrespective of what you learned that night when you went to the Foster's house, did either you, Mr. Rolla, or you Ms. Braun, find that anything that you subsequently learned from the family that you could not learn that very night, did that alter, in any way, the perceptions or conclusions you drew at the scene at Fort Marcy? Mr. ROLLA. I do not believe either one of us had any access to the family after that night. Other investigators and Captain Hume may have. Senator KERRY. But you learned things afterwards? Mr, ROLLA. Right. Like I said, nothing from the day, from that scene until today has ever altered my opinion that It is a suicide. Ms. BRAUN. That goes for myself also. When I went to the scene, observed the scene, and when I left, as far as I was concerned, I was dealing with a suicide and there was nothing to show me anything different. Senator KERRY. There are really three parts to the involvement here of the Park Police, One is at the scene, two is at the Foster house, and three is at the White House. You were not present at the White House, correct? Ms. BRAUN. I was never involved. Senator KERRY. So you cannot testify to any of that? Ms. BRAUN. No. Senator KERRY. You can testify as to your presence at the Foster house and there you used the word "stonewalled," and I want to be ' absolutely clear when the word, stonewalled, comes up that were clear about what we're talking about. Senator ROTH. MT. Chairman, could we ask the witnesses to speak into the microphones, please? The CHAIRMAN. Yes. These microphones aren't the strongest, and I think, Ms. Braun's trying to do that, Maybe if you tip it just a little bit, that will help. Those will bend. You just have to push them a little bit, senator KERRY. Looking at your deposition, Mr. Rolla, where you were asked previously about your presence there, you used the word "stonewalled," you were referring exclusively to family members who at that time were distraught. Is that correct? Air. ROLLA. That is correct. Senator KERRY, But no official or no one at the White House stonewalled you at that point in time. Is that accurate? Mr. ROLLA. That is very accurate. Senator KERRY, is that correct, Ms. Braun? Ms. BRAUN. Yes, I would say that is accurate. Senator KERRY. So your perception of stonewalling is on]), as to distraught family members 1 hour after you had been at the scene of the suicide? Mr. ROLLA. My meaning of stonewalling is that, yes, right. I guess it sounds worse than I meant it. Yes, we were stonewalled and again, I explain that by the fact that they had information 88 about depression, different things, and we were given no information Senator KERRY. Now, no one at any time whatsoever pressured you into what you should put into your report, did they? Mr. ROLLA. No. Senator KERRY. Ms. Braun? Ms. BRAUN. No.

Clip: 425497_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1767
Original Film: 040-098-05
Location: The base of a ski resort
Timecode: -

A giant "Skycrane" helicopter lifts a 5-ton section of ski-lodge, transporting it from trailer truck to mountainside foundation in a matter of minutes. It's one of the biggest air lifts of its kind. A 16-wheeler pulls into a parking lot with a big load. A helicopter hovers above it and lowers a hook down. The helicopter has had its passenger compartment removed to minimize its weight, but maximize its lift. Lifting the cargo, a long rectangular unit that looks like a mobile home, the helicopter carries it over a tree line.

Clip: 425498_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1767
Original Film: 040-098-06
Location: French countryside
Timecode: -

French tightrope-walker Henri Rochatein attempts a tightrope balancing endurance records, cramped on a wire 360 feet over a lake, where he plans to stay for two weeks! A French couple makes out before the macho stud leaves on a tightrope walk across a mountain's valley. Two laborers crank a wench keeping the rope taught. The long balancing pole tilts left and right as the walker's cute little slippers grip the rope with love. A load of supplies moves in front of him. A cameraman snaps pictures. An aerial view depicts the stud against the gay French countryside.

July 29, 1994 - Part 4
Clip: 460078_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10054
Original Film: 102862
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(16:01:05) Senator KERRY. No one at any time suggested to you that you should find certain things or alter any conclusions you had drawn, did they? Mr. ROLLA. No. Ms. BRAUN. No, sir. Senator KERRY. And nothing that you have learned since, either through the Fiske investigation or through the FBI investigation, has altered one bit your early conclusion that this was a suicide? Is that accurate? Ms. BRAUN. That is accurate. It is confirmed. Senator KERRY, Thank you. The CHAIRMAN. Is that true for you, Mr. Rolla? Mr. ROLLA. Same for me. The CHAIRMAN. Very good. Senator Bennett. Senator BENNETT. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Mr. Rolla, I would like to go along the same path that Senator Bond did and take you through some of the statements you made during your deposition to get them on the record here. So I will read to you a statement from your deposition, giving you a page number, and ask if that is still your present understanding. This is at the scene. You are asking questions of official people, and your answer is: "No, after again, I did not know who he was, even being in the White House, I was not overly concerned. Like I said, a million people work in the White House, but until such time as it started picking up all these people, trail of people following us to the house, I realized this guy is fairly important. And when the President of the United States walked in, then it dawned on me. I realized the White House is going to do whatever they want to do." Is that pretty much what happened as you went through that circumstance, thinking Foster was just another White House staffer and then Mr. ROLLA. Well, obviously, I am not very politically savvy. I did not know who he was. He bad a White House pager and a White House I.D. and many people work at the White House have Arkansas tags. A lot of people came from Arkansas with the President. You are right, I did not know, and until an entourage started arriving at the house, and we started Finding out a little bit more, that Mr. Foster was more than a staffer or just an employee of the White House, a little higher official. And then, I guess I was dumbfounded when the President of the United States walked in, and I realized, oops. Senator BENNETT. Who would not be? I mean, I am not criticizing you. 89 Mr. ROLLA. I have worked Presidential detail and I have been around, but when he walked in the house, I realized that obviously this was a higher White House official and a friend, Senator BENNETT. And that is when you realized the White House was going to do whatever they wanted to do in your phrase now? Mr. ROLLA. Wait. Senator BENNETT. This has to do with the autopsy, Mr. ROLLA. No, you are talking about the autopsy, about them moving up. The CHAIRMAN. Senator Bennett, I think he, wanted to make a comment to clear up a misperception and I think he should have the chance to do that. Senator BENNETT. OK, fine. Mr. ROLLA. I just wanted him to clarify. I was not sure to what question I made that statement, that the White House can do whatever they want. I did say, yes, right as far as the autopsy was concerned, meaning if the White House wanted that autopsy moved up a day, they were going to get it. And people Keep looking at me, well, why? It is the White House, it is the President of the United States, the White House, do people find that odd? The CHAiRmAN. No, I do not find it odd. Mr. ROLLA. You know, they want something, they get it. [Laughter.] I mean, that is not--I do not find that odd. Senator BENNETT. Neither do I. Mr. ROLLA. I am sorry, I did not mean to be funny or- Senator BENNETT. OK, then I'll go on to page 135, you are asked the question: "Did you feel that the presence of White House or Government people made your investigation more difficult?" This is a slightly different question than the first one. And this was your answer. "I feel this way. Mr. Watkins and his wife, who played tennis with her earlier that day, they were obviously friends of the family. I had no problem with that. I feel too many other people came in there. I do not know who was who, but I later found out Web Hubbell, he spent the whole time on the phone like there were official things going on there. It made my job difficult because we were not given access as fully as we would have liked with Mrs. Foster." Is that an accurate statement?

United Nations
Clip: 425412_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1765
Original Film: 040-087-04
Location: New York City, New York
Timecode: 00:44:46 - 00:45:11

"The UN Security Council condemns the renewed fighting in the Middle East, but refrains from placing blame. Russia wanted Israel held responsible. U.S. Ambassador Goldberg urges prompt action toward a final Middle East settlement." High angle LSs United Nations Security Council in session, council members sitting at circular table; zoom in and pan as delegates raise hands in vote.

Preparations for Coronation of Shah of Iran
Clip: 425413_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1765
Original Film: 040-087-05
Location: Tehran, Iran
Timecode: 00:45:11 - 00:46:07

"The city of Tehran prepares for the long-awaited Coronation of the Shah of Iran and his Empress. Decorations, flags, lights all add to the excitement and anticipation. For 26 years the Shah delayed his coronation until he produced an heir and strengthened his tiny nation's economy." Panning TLS city streets of Tehran decorated for the coronation. TLS pedestrians walking along a sidewalk decorated with flags. Family pictures of the royal family: Shah of Iran Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, Empress Faraj Pahlavi & Crown Prince Reza. 3/4 view TLS Golestan Palace. MS small Iranian flags hanging over sidewalk. TLS/MSs massive reproduction of the emperor's crown outside building. TLSs another reproduction of Shah's crown, this one made of lightbulbs, lit up at night.

Marine Hero
Clip: 425414_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1765
Original Film: 040-087-06
Location: Washington, DC
Timecode: 00:46:07 - 00:46:40

"Marine Major Howard Lee is awarded the nation's highest military decoration, the Medal of Honor, for heroism in Vietnam. His 3-year old son, Michael contently rests on the floor!" LS lawn of the White House cast in a light haze. MS President LYNDON BAINES JOHNSON (LBJ) presenting USN Major Howard Lee with the Medal of Honor. MSs Ms. Lee, son & daughter in attendance. MS cute young boy sprawled on floor during ceremony; tilt up to Mr. & Mrs. Lee, neither looking very happy.

Karate Demonstration
Clip: 425415_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1765
Original Film: 040-087-07
Location: New York City, New York
Timecode: 00:46:40 - 00:47:14

"Manhattan is the scene of a lunch-hour Karate demonstration where two experts pummel one another and smash a thick board with one chop!" Panning TLS crowd gathered outside Chemical Bank, standing behind police carrier. TLS/MSs two Caucasian men in white karate gi with black belts demonstrating karate on platform for crowd. TLSs crowd behind barrier applauding. Kicks, chops, punches, etc. The art of self-defense. MS man breaking wood with hand.

July 29, 1994 - Part 4
Clip: 460079_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10054
Original Film: 102862
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(16:05:45) Mr. ROLLA. Yes. Again, the transcript does not read so well. You are right, and obviously both sisters are family and other friends that arrived on that scene also. They had a legitimate reason to be there and grieve also. But the whole point I was making was there was too many people there for an ideal situation for us. And that was beyond our control and as far as Mr. Hubbell, yes, he stayed on a cellular phone most of the time, and obviously since Mr. Foster [Laughter.] was a high White House official, there were some calls to be made. Foster's senator BENNETT. OK. Now we're talking about on page 162, the Oster's documents, the ones that you were allowed to look at, and You were asked "Did the Park Police consider the diary to be evidence in the case?" 90 You answered: "No. Again, when we were finally told we could look, then Hamilton did not want us to look at the diary. He said it is personal and there was a little bit of a stink. He said we cannot look at this, and we said, we're going to look at it. All of it is possible evidence. Once we reviewed it, there was no evidence of anything of value." Mr. ROLLA, That is correct. Senator BENNETT. Do you recall that? Mr. ROLLA. That is correct. Senator BENNETT. Mr. Hamilton tried to prevent you, and you prevailed? Mr. ROLLA. Well, Mr. Hamilton asked us did we really have to look at it. It was personal, He did not see a need for us to look at it. And we told him, we need to look at it. We will decide whether we need to look at it, it is evidence. We're not here to embarrass anybody, but if there's evidentiary value in it, we're basically still investigating an apparent suicide, and that is what we're looking for. An thing to help with that or detract from that and lead us another direction. Senator BENNETT. On page 1-07, you were asked- "Was the police access to those papers unusual? Is that unusual for you in a case?" You say: "Everything was unusual. As I said, these papers came from his office in the White House, That is a high official of the Federal Government. To get those. papers, Park Police did not search that office, FBI did not search that office, Secret Service did not search that office. They were told to sit down while eight or nine attorneys searched that office. White House personnel searched that office and decided what would be OK to give to Mr. Hamilton to look at before he would give it to us to look at." Then you say, over on the next page, "In a normal case, that guy's files would have been in my trunk and I would 'nave taken them to my office to look at them." Mr. ROLLA. Actually, the last statement was, I attribute that to Detective Markland. He made that comment earlier on in the case when he was asked about it being a normal case, and it was not a normal case. Senator BENNETT. Oh, 1 see, Mr. ROLLA. He made that statement. The guy's files would be in my trunk. As far as the rest of the statement, yes; right, it is not a normal case. Senator BENNETT. OK, fine, Thank you. I will Just go through this in following on to what Senator Bond laid down to make it fairly clear that this was not handled as a normal case, I am not saying there's anything sinister about that, and I am, not saying there's anything improper in your behavior with respect to that, but I think we should face the obvious. When a high official in the White House, who happens to be a very close personnel, friend of both the President and the First Lady commits suicide, it is a fiction to try to say to the newspapers: Oh, the whole inves- tigation was handled in a routine fashion. It is impossible under,, those circumstances for it to be handled in a routine fashion. The very circumstances require that we recognize that people are going to be involved who would not normally be involved. 91 The only thing, Mr. Chairman, that concerns me out of all of these that I have laid down has been the final statement which we have zone over that takes, us into the White House and the report that the Park Police were not allowed access to those papers; the FBI was not allowed access to those papers; the Secret Service was not allowed access to those papers. Instead, eight or nine attorneys on the White House personnel went in ahead. That is the only thing that I find troublesome in this circumstance. Thank you,

Coronation of the Shah of Iran
Clip: 425418_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1765
Original Film: 040-088-02
Location: Tehran, Iran
Timecode: 00:49:11 - 00:50:22

"After 26 years, the Shah of Iran crowns himself King of Kings and his Empress, Farah, the first crowned Queen in his nation's history. Pomp and splendor recalls Old Persia as the new Monarch pledges more progress and prosperity for Iran." TLS Golestan Palace in Iran. TLS "Hall of Mirrors" inside Golestan Palace (looks more like Reception Hall Museum than Mirror Hall). MS ornate chandelier in hall. MS Shah of Iran (Mohammad Reza Pahlavi) walking slowly through hallway to throne, uniformed officers accompanying him with sabres drawn. TLS/MS dignitaries in attendance. TLSs Shah Pahlavi stepping before Peacock Throne; he crowns himself. TLS Shah of Iran crowning Empress Farah Pahlavi, becoming the first crowned queen of Iran. Panning TLS Iranian royal family (Shah, Empress and Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi) sitting in thrones.

Pope Meets Patriach
Clip: 425419_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1765
Original Film: 040-088-03
Location: Vatican City, Italy
Timecode: 00:50:22 - 00:51:07

"Pope Paul VI and Patriarch Athenagoras, head of the Eastern Orthodox faith, meet at the Vatican for church unity talks. The mood is optimistic and a permanent reunification commission may be formed." MS Ecumenical Patriarch Athenagoras walking through hallway with Church officials, Vatican guards accompanying. MS Pope Paul VI greeting Patriarch Athenagoras, the two shaking hands. MSs Pope Paul VI presenting Patriarch Athenagoras with a jewel-encrusted crucifix. MSs bishops & cardinals watching on. MSs Pope Paul VI presenting Patriarch Athenagoras with frame-like gift.

Boston Whaler Boats in Vietnam
Clip: 425420_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1765
Original Film: 040-088-04
Location: Vietnam
Timecode: 00:51:07 - 00:51:38

"Lightweight, speedy, maneuverable Boston Whaler boats do river patrol duty in Vietnam. They overtake and inspect boats for Viet Cong weapons and supplies." Tracking shot U.S. soldiers riding in speedboat along river in Vietnam. River patrol. Panning MS American soldiers on boat, one soldier wearing communications headset. TLS American patrol boat approaching sampan piloted by Vietnamese men. MSs soldiers searching the boat's cargo hold for contraband. MS soldier using land mine detector, scanning deck. Tracking TLS speedboat moves on, away from cam.

July 29, 1994 - Part 4
Clip: 460080_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10054
Original Film: 102862
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(16:10:28) Mr. ROLLA. Well, if I might say something? The CHAIRMAN. Yes, Mr. Rolla, you wanted to make a comment. Mr. ROLLA. Again, I was not there, Detective Marklin and the Captain of the Park Police were there when the office was searched. There were misconceptions in the paper. Park Police searched this and missed this note, Again, I just wanted to say that we didn't "search." We were told to sit down. I'm not sure now many people were there, 8 to 11 maybe White House personnel who searched the office, for reasons of national security I guess, and decided what we would be able for us to look at. And that material was turned over to the family attorney. After he had it for a day or so, then we were allowed to look at it. The CHAIRMAN. I think we have made it clear, Senator Bennett has made his point, and you have indicated this is your understanding. You were not at the White House. Mr. ROLLA. That is correct. The CHAIRMAN. So I guess we have to leave It at that for now. Senator Bryan. Senator BRYAN. Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman. I think it is clear beyond any reasonable doubt to any fair-minded person that the cause of Mr. Foster's death was suicide. All of the evidence that we have seen, all of the testimony we have received reaches that conclusion. I have no further questions along that line. Senator Bennett and others have raised questions about access to papers and access to Mr. Foster's office. As the Chairman 'has reminded us, and as Special Counsel 'has admonished us, this is not the appropriate time to go into those questions. There may, in fact, be a legitimate basis for inquiry, but I do not want anybody to have the misapprehension that there is no interest on this side of the table to inquire further about that. We are simply told that this is not the time to inquire, and that none of ,is want to jeopardize the investigation that Mr. Fiske is conductIng. For that reason, that ought to be not the subject or focus of the hearing. I thin Senator Kerry asked the most important question, and I want to make sure that I cover one other aspect about it. Is it Your testimony that no one attempted to either influence the contents or the conclusions of any of the reports, statements, or tes- imony that you have offered either by deposition or in person with respect to this investigation? Mr. ROLLA. No one, Senator BRYAN. And yours? Ms. BRAUN. No one. Senator BRYAN. I have no further questions The CHAIRMAN. Thank you. Senator Faircloth. Senator FAIRCLOTH. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Ms. Braun, the Park Police did not seal Foster's office, but you did instruct David Watkins to secure Foster's office until the Park Police could secure it? Ms. BRAUN. That's correct. Before I left the death notification, I asked that Mr. Watkins take care of having that office secured. Senator FAIRCLOTH. Of course, Davod Watkins is the former White House Director of Administration who resigned with some disgrace race after taking helicopters on a golf outing. But instead of sealing Foster's office, you asked Watkins to do it. Now it is my understanding you called Watkins the night of Foster's death and asked -him to do this, and he said he would? Ms. BRAUN. As I said, before I left the notification scene I asked for him to ensure that that was done. Senator FAIRCLOTH. But he didn't. That evening, Bernard Nussbaum, Maggie Williams, and Patsy Thomason made an unauthorized entry into Foster's office and took the Whitewater files. They kept the Whitewater documents out of the hands of law enforcement authorities. The CHAIRMAN. I think Senator Dodd. Mr. Chairman, that is not a question for this session. That is getting into a whole other area that we have already agreed is not going to be a subject here. The CHAIRMAN. Let me just raise a concerned here, Senator Faircloth. I think anything at this point that moves us over into the area of the documents that were in the office, how they were 'handled, who did what, where they went, I think that clearly in my view is what Mr. Fiske has said he is pursuing, and he is not fin ished with that, and he has asked us in writing to leave that aside until a later time. Senator FAIRCLOTH. Well, if this does not get right into the Park investigation, we are not asking what was in the files. I am just saying, did they take them? You know, it is my understanding that he was saying you cannot get into what was in the files. My question is merely the handling of the material itself. I am not pursuing what was in them, I just want to know how it was handled.

Remote Controlled Tractor Shovel
Clip: 425421_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1765
Original Film: 040-088-05
Location: Germany
Timecode: 00:51:38 - 00:52:27

"The world's first radio controlled shovel loader is demonstrated in West Germany. It's used in radioactive areas, can lift almost a ton and be controlled a half-mile away." Over the shoulder TLS technician standing at remote control panel in field, operating a radio-controlled tractor-shovel. MCU buttons being pressed on panel board. TLS/MSs tractor-shovel moving, scooping dirt, lifting shovel, hauling load, dumping it. CU button being pressed (lettering in German). Over the shoulder MS operator (in FG), tractor shovel (in BG).

Custom Cars
Clip: 425458_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1766
Original Film: 040-093-06
Location: New York City
Timecode: -

The National Hot Rod and Custom Car Show in New York displays some weird and flashy vehicles like the "Boot Hill Express", a lop-sided hearse, and the "Cosmo-Ray".... yours for $30,000. A horse and carriage pulls up in front of a building with two women waving from on top. The Boothill Express, a jazzed up hearse, is decked out with a rear lift kit and eight exhaust pipes. It dates to around the 1940s and the two women look like they love to straddle its' rear fenders. Sitting in the Cosmo-Ray the girls look like they are part of Batman's forces, and not just pretty faces. Close-up of the steering wheel.

Cardinal Spellman's Funeral
Clip: 425501_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1767
Original Film: 040-099-01
Location: New York, NY
Timecode: -

Nine Cardinals, nineteen Bishops, President Johnson, Vice-President Humphrey, hundreds of other dignitaries, both church and lay officials, and thousands of mourners of all faiths jam Saint Patrick's Cathedral for the funeral of Francis Cardinal Spellman. Following a Pontifical Mass, his body is interred in a crypt with his six predecessors, beneath the Cathedral's main alter. Saint Patrick's Cathedral, New York, NY A back screen reads, "Final Tribute To Cardinal Spellman." Mourners gather outside Saint Patrick's Cathedral. Thousands of onlookers gather on sidewalks to watch clergymen and dignitaries entering. Dignitaries are: New York Mayor John Lindsey, New York Governor and Mrs. Rockefeller, Senator Jabots, United Nations Ambassador Arthur Goldberg, Vice President Hubert Humphrey, President Johnson. Inside the Cathedral, nuns and dignitaries walk past the casket and sit in pews.

Clip: 425503_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1767
Original Film: 040-099-03
Location: Puerto Rico
Timecode: -

Millions in damage, and thousands homeless as angry seas pound coastal areas of Puerto Rico, not far from San Juan. The entire region is declared a disaster area. More than 300 homes are reduced to kindling. Storm surge pushes debris onto shorelines. Homes are destroyed, and residents sit outside and attempt to remove wreckage. Others sit in shelters.

July 29, 1994 - Part 4
Clip: 460081_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10054
Original Film: 102862
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(16:15:23) The CHAIRMAN. I am not sure that you can separate one from the other, I think what the record shows is the Park Police were not allowed in at that particular time. But in terms of what then followed who did what? what were the records? where did they ? does the Special Prosecutor have a concern about it? and so forth, in my view he has ruled that off limits because he is actively inves- tigating that. senator SARBANES. Mr. Chairman? The CHAIRMAN. Senator Sarbanes. Senator SARBANES. The letter from Fiske to you and to Senator D'Amato says: As I advised you in our meeting today, our investigation into the handling of documents in Vincent Fosters office is continuing, There are questions that are unanswered at this point which we must do our very best to try to resolve before we complete the investigation. 93 We believe the Public he hearings on the subject of the handling of documents in Mr. Foster's office while this investigation is continuing could prejudice our investiga- tion. That is Fiske's letter to you and Senator D'Amato, and that is why the third item, which under the Resolution we otherwise would have had hearings on here today-not today, but during this series-was not scheduled for hearing. Now, the handling of the documents goes beyond their content. Obviously that is part of Fiske investigation. I think we need to be very careful about that if we don't want to interfere with or adversely affect his investigation. The CHAIRmAN. Let me make sure, Senator Faircloth, your time is restored so that you do not lose your time based on my comment and on Senator Sarbanes'. But, again, without taking your time, I want to say to you that in due course those questions will be asked and will be answered. So I do not want to leave any suggestion here that we are not going to get those answers at a proper time. Senator FAIRCLOTH. Let me ask another one very quickly and see if it qualifies. Did Robert Fiske ask you about asking David Watkins to seal Foster's offlice? Ms. BRAUN. I am not sure I understand the Senator's question. Senator FAIRCLOTH. Did Robert Fiske, has he asked you all about your telling David Watkins to seal Foster's office? Have you discussed that with Robert Fiske? Ms. BRAUN. I did not personally speak with Mr. Fiske. The CHAiRmAN. Excuse me, Ms. Braun, did you testify before the Grand Jury? Ms. BRAUN. I testified-I did a deposition before coming here, sir, and I also spoke with the FBI Agent, Bill Colombell, The CHAIRMAN, I think we might want to check on that point. Anything she said in our deposition I think is open for discussion here. But if that interview would be what is called 6(e) material that was done for the Grand Jury, I want to be sure that we are not crossing the line into the very area that Fiske has said please do not interfere with this because I have got an active investigation underway. Senator FAIRCLOTH. All right. I will go on. Ms. Braun, the Park Police says it lost control of the investigation on July 21, the day after Foster's death. These are quotes: "If it lost control because-did it lose control because of White House interference?" Here are some of the things that happened. Ms. BRAUN. Senator, may I interrupt you before you continue? I think I should let you know that I bad no involvement in this case past the morning of the 21st. I briefed Captain Hume that morning and then I was no longer involved with the case. I was going to be promoted within a week of that time. Senator FAIRCLOTH. How about you, Mr. Rolla? Mr ROLLA. I was involved. I wasn't aware that we lost control. I was aware of certain things going on, but I was never aware that we ever lost control. Senator FAIRCLOTH. All right, I will skip over to Dr. Beyer. Dr. Beyer did you actually perform the autopsy on Mr. Foster? BEYER. Yes sir. 94 Senator FAIRCLOTH. You did it yourself? Dr. BEYER. [Nods in the affirmative.] Senator FAIRCLOTH. Dr. Beyer, Robert Fiske devoted over 70 pages in his report to the biographies of the pathologists, but none of them ever saw the body. Is that correct? Except you? Dr. BEYER. That's correct. Senator FAIRCLOTH. That's correct? Dr. BEYER. Yes, sir. Senator FAIRCLOTH. He devoted 70 pages to the biographies of people who never saw the body. Dr. BEYER, That's correct. Senator FAIRCLOTH. Dr. Beyer, your autopsy report indicates that you took X-rays of Mr. Foster. Dr. BEYER. I had anticipated taking them, and I had so stated on one of my reports. Senator FAIRCLOTH. Your autopsy report says you took X-rays of Mr. Foster, Did you? Dr. BEYER. No, sir. Senator FAIRCLOTH, Why did you say you did if you didn't? Dr. BEYER. As I indicated, I made out that report prior to actually performing the autopsy. We'd been having difficulty with our equipment, and we were not getting readable X-rays. Therefore, one was not taken.

Collegiate Football
Clip: 425423_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1765
Original Film: 040-088-07
Location: United States
Timecode: 00:53:32 - 00:54:46

"Harvard just misses nipping Dartmouth as the Indians pull it out in the final minute 23-21, after having led 20-0 in the third period. A field goal is good and Dartmouth keeps its cool, even though Harvard scores three times in the last quarter." Card: Football, Dartmouth 23, Harvard 21. Ivy League showdown. LSs crowd in stands applauding, sitting or cheering. High angle LSs rushing goal line touchdowns. TLS scoreboard showing Dartmouth with a 20 point lead (20-0). High angle LS running back Ray Hornblower scoring touchdown for Harvard. TLS scoreboard showing 20-7 lead for Harvard. TLS scoreboard showing 20-14 Harvard lead. H/a TLS Harvard running back Vic Gatto scoring touchdowns, running. TLS scoreboard showing 20-20 tie. H/a LS Dartmouth kicker Pete Donovan kicking winning field goal. TLS scoreboard showing final 23-20 score for Dartmouth.

President Thieu
Clip: 425424_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1766
Original Film: 040-089-01
Location: South Vietnam
Timecode: -

South Vietnam's Second Republic gets its first President. Nguyen Van Thieu stresses peace but offers no concessions to the Communists. Three Cong mortars explode outside the Inaugural Ball but Vice-President Humphrey and all guests escape injury. A black screen reads, "Inauguration - Thieu Sworn In, Stresses Peace." A large crowd gathers around a majestic building. A band plays. Soldiers and bystanders line a street. President Nguyen Van Thieu walks onto a stage where a large burning pot sits. In close-up, the President takes a stick from a soldier and performs a ceremonial lighting ritual. The President and his entourage walk amongst the crowd. They sit in box seats, while he gives a speech from atop an elevated stage. President Thieu walks towards his limousine.

Displaying clips 3073-3096 of 10000 in total
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