
July 29, 1994 - Part 5

July 29, 1994 - Part 5
Clip: 460093_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10055
Original Film: 102863
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(17:01:33) It is easy to be startled, et cetera, but it is only as it relates to that aspect. That is what it seems to this Senator. I want to tell you, obviously given the significance of the person who died, given the significance of all those people who knew him, given the President coming in, I mean this certainly was not usual. It was totally unusual. We have to recognize that, regardless of who the personalities were in any one of those situations. So I would just tell you I think you did a good job under unusual circumstances. Any kind of death in this manner is horrific, but Giving the extra dimension surrounding it, I want to commend our Officers. 108 Dr. Beyer, listen, you operate under tough circumstances. I think sometimes some of our most important agencies get short shrift. You do not really recognize how important the coroner's bureau is,, We have got Leslie Lukash in my County who has been there I don't know how many years. He is an institution. You probably know him or have heard of him, and he continually -has to fight that battle to get adequate funding. But it does, given the nature and the seriousness of this case and all the circumstances surrounding it, give cause for people to as well, bow come some of these things weren't done as they should be or bow it appears it was done. In closing, let me say for the record, Mr. Codinha, Mr. Chertoff, those are our two counsel, and the Chairman have been extra ordinary in attempting to give us the opportunity to raise the kin of questions that should be raised, and I think we have gone to lengths to provide comity. I hope that we can continue, and I think we can. It is important for this institution and for the Committee. It is important for the' job that we undertake that we work in that manner. I We have our little back and forths as it relates to some politics that come in. We have not been without our own overstatements' at times, this Senator included, but the fact of the matter is it does' not mean that we should not grant to each other the kind of lati tude that extends to people working together in good faith and in a good faith effort. I have to tell you, I have seen that good faith,,' effort over and over again. So I want to tell you, Mr. Chairman, I appreciate the comity Of your staff. I cannot say this all the time as it relates to the other," side of the aisle because, politically down on the Floor, we have our: tugs side and battles, and Lord knows I am in there too on the other But I have to say that as it relates to the charge that we have from the Senate overall, you have been extraordinary in attempting' to deal with our concerns. I just think that has to be said. The CHAIRMAN. Thank you. I think everyone has worked coopera- tively. There are multiple points of view, but I appreciate the co- operation. I appreciate the work of the professional staff, I might just say, particularly to this panel, that the staff that has been assisting us. has been working 7 days a week, You folks have gone out on those' kinds of details. So everybody is a little tired just in terms of preparing to meet our start date which was mandated to us of today.' So I want to thank everybody for the record. There will be points at which there are some differences of opinion that have to be reconciled, and that is the nature of things. I think if we can continue to do it with good will and understanding and listening to one an-, other, we will get our work done and people will know what they need to know, and we can do a thorough and complete job. Thank you. Does anybody else seek recognition? [No response.] (17:05:24) The CHAIRMAN. Gathering not, then the Committee shortly will stand in recess. Let me also, before I adjourn, take this report the official bound report of the Independent Counsel on the Subject 109 Vincent W. Foster, Jr., and make this an official part of our record. Without objection. The Committee stands in recess until Monday at 10:30 a.m. [Whereupon, at 5:05 p.m., the hearing was recessed, to reconvene at 10:30 a.m., Monday, August 1, 1994.] (17:05:55) Commentary of Whitewater coverage hosts KEN BODE and NINA TOTENBERG, they also interview Senator PETER DOMENICI (17:28:29) WETA logo, PBS funding credits