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New Highway
Clip: 425545_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1767
Original Film: 040-104-07
Location: Austria Alps highway
Timecode: -

The new 26-miles long highway across the Austrian Alps, connecting Munich and Venice, gets its first real test this winter. Built as an avalanche-free road, it cost thirty million and 14 workmen were killed during its construction. A highway cuts through the Austrian Alps. An avalanche tunnel / shelter is driven through. One side is open to the ravine below. Great panoramic highway shots. Footage moves slowly. Tunnel footage.

Clip: 425546_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1767
Original Film: 040-104-08
Location: Canada - race track
Timecode: -

The World Snowmobile Championship is held in Munich and 28 international racers compete in speed and cross-country events. Over all winner: Steve Ave of Hurley, Wisconsin. Two woman jump on the back of a snow mobile driven by some cool cat in dark shades. Off they go. A father zips by trailering his kid a caboose cart. A few dozen snowmobiles take off from a start line. They maneuver through turns and snow banks. Close-ups show they go through various turns. A man waves the checkered flag. Crowd shots. Another race begins. A distant track is seen from a hill. Snowmobiles zig-zag through tree lines. Stunt devils go over jumps. Three jumps are shown.

Flood Aftermath: Death And Damage In Italy
Clip: 425547_1_1
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: No
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1754
Original Film: 039-092-01
Location: Florence, Italy
Timecode: 00:21:55 - 00:22:59

NO AUDIO In Florence, Italy mud and rubble fills the streets in the wake of a devastating flood. The Arno River overflowing from torrential rains, breaks its banks and causes chaos for its residents. It leaves 31 dead and along with other damages. LS Water gushing over a dam wall. MS Water rapidly pouring down some steps. In downtown Florence, a street is littered with mud, debris and some water with no place to go. Mud is caked on top of cars that have been trapped by the rains and flooding. The Italian army use shovels to try and dig themselves out of the muddy mess and return their streets back to normal. CU of Italian statues around the city that were affected by the disastrous weather conditions. People using rags and buckets in an effort to clean the water in the streets, MS Large crowds gather with buckets and gasoline canisters to gain drinkable water from a truck. High Angle Shots of tons of mud and other debris left in the streets from the flooding. People moving about with no distinguishable place to go.

Niagara Slowed: Waterfall Reduced For Erosion Study
Clip: 425548_1_1
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: No
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1754
Original Film: 039-092-02
Location: New York - Canada
Timecode: 00:22:59 - 00:24:05

NO AUDIO In a special one day cleanup and inspection operation, the mighty waters of Niagara Falls are reduced to a trickle. U.S. Army Engineers divert the flow over the Horseshoe Falls while workers remove debris from the base of the falls and inspect erosion. High Angle Shot of Niagara Falls and people standing on the observation deck. Water going over the falls. Low Angle of mists that cover the falls in a fog. MS A park ranger or policeman man checking out the rocks. Low Angle of water pouring over the edge of the falls rock formations. High Angle Shot as technicians and workers are lowered to the ground to remove debris from the bottom of the falls. They also check for the amount of erosion that has taken place throughout the years. LS wide view of the whole falls with water spilling over and a bridge in the background.

Horse Racing Thrillers
Clip: 425549_1_1
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: No
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1754
Original Film: 039-092-03
Location: New Jersey
Timecode: 00:24:06 - 00:26:37

NO AUDIO The Wheatley Stables "Successor" wins the Garden State Stakes with a 188 thousand dollars purse is awarded. The prior day In Laurel, Maryland, Washington, D.C. "International" is won by Behistoun of France in a tremendous finishing burst of speed High Angle of the jockeys walking their horses in warm-ups. Hundreds and hundreds of horse racing fans gather in the rainy filled stands. MS The horses are lined up at the gate and their off. Horse Number 2X takes an early lead on the wet racetrack as he makes his first turn around the bend. CU Two men hanging over the railing watching the race. Horse Number 3 "Successor" pulls ahead and wins the race. Crowds in the stands celebrate the victory. " Successor" is joined in the winner's circle and draped in a blanket of flowers as the jockey is shaking hands and awarded. On a sunny day, horse racing fans gather in a Maryland Stadium. The horses are released from the gate and take off around the first turn. Crowds watch in the stands. POV Horse race towards the cameraman and make a turn. CU of a gentleman better with a pencil in his hair checking the horses rankings on a piece of paper. MS The throughbreeds race past the winner's circle as the crowds remain calm till the finish. CU of Behistoun sitting atop his winning horse after the race. His owners pats his side in good job.

Football - Army 6 University of Californa 3
Clip: 425550_1_1
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: No
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1754
Original Film: 039-092-04
Location: Berkeley, California
Timecode: 00:26:38 - 00:27:44

NO AUDIO At Berkeley, The Army faces the University of California and comes out on top. The passing arm of sophomore quarterback Steve Lindell moves the Cadet offense and Chuck Jarvis scores on a six yard end sweep. California's 43 yard field goal brings the game to a finish with a final score of 6 to 3. LS Interior of the football stadium jammed packed with fans. High Angle Shot the two teams are lined up on the field. Army has procession of the football. The QB passes the ball and it is caught down field. The QB passes the ball and the receiver catches it just before the 30 yard line. Army still has procession of the ball and once again makes a pass. It's caught for first and goal. The Army QB runs the football in for a touchdown, and Army puts 6 on the score board to California's 0. High Angle Shot Berkley and Army face off once again, Army has the ball and it handed off to the receiver by the QB who gains a few yards before getting sacked. Berkeley takes procession of the football and brings it down to kicking distance from the goal post. Berkeley kicks and it is good.

Presidential Surgery
Clip: 425551_1_1
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: No
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1754
Original Film: 039-093-01
Location: Bethesda, Maryland
Timecode: 00:28:23 - 00:29:17

NO AUDIO At Bethesda Naval Hospital, a 53 minute double operation repairs an abdominal hernia and removes tissue from President Johnson's vocal cord. The tissue is found to be benign. An extended rest is scheduled for the President at his Texas ranch following hospitalization. MS President Lydon Baines Johnson and his wife Lady Bird arrive in Bethesda, Maryland during the night or early morning to photographers. Exterior shot Bethesda Naval Hospital. CU of "Naval Medical Center" sign. Exterior shot of the windows to President Johnson's hospital room. MS President Johnson laying in bed going over some papers. MCU Lady Bird and daughter, Lucy (Luci) Baines enter his hospital room. The press take pictures. CU Lady Bird, (Mrs. Johnson) and her daughter Lucy standing at her husband's bedside possing for the cameras. President Johnson smiling while laying in the hospital bed.He says he's okay with his fingers.

Gemini Finale: Program's Triumph Prepares Moon-Shoot
Clip: 425552_1_1
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: No
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1754
Original Film: 039-093-02
Location: Atlantic Ocean
Timecode: 00:29:18 - 00:34:09

NO AUDIO The final flight of the Gemini Space Program, Gemini 12, caps the project on a note of triumph. Astronauts James Lovell and Edwin Aldrin return with films showing Aldrin's record-breaking "working" spacewalk of over two hours. MS Naval helicopter taking off from the deck of the USS Wasp. CU Commanding Naval officer looking through binoculars. Aerial re-entry and splashdown of the Gemini 12 spacecraft at the close of the mission, 11/15/66, in the Atlantic Ocean. High Angle Shot Gemini 12 floating in the ocean and a rubber raft moving in for rescue. Once in the raft Command Pilot James A. Lovell Jr. and Pilot Edwin E. Aldrin, Jr. are helped into harnesses. POV from Helicopter one by one the pair are air lifted into the waitng helicopter. CU of Lovell and Aldrin inside the helicopter. MS aboard the USS Wasp, a welcome banner greets the two as sailors and officers all lined up at the railing's to witness and greet them. MS Astronaut Lovell and Aldrin disembarking from the helicopter. MS Aldrin takes off his hat and waves it to the camera. CU Sailors standing on the deck of the USS Wasp. The two astronauts greet Officers and General with warm smiles and handshakes. Various shots of the men at work in outer space. MS Aldrin conducted ultraviolet photography and Earth photography in his spacewalk. CU Aldrin in outer space with the backdrop of the planet Earth behind him. Aldrin installing hand rails on Gemini 12 and performing different tasks on the space craft. Buzz Aldrin broke a record spending 5 hours and 30 minutes out in space.MS of the two Astronauts holding sabers in their hands cutting their Gemini 12, Welcome Home cake. CU Aldrin and Lovell drinking coffee and eating cake.

July 29, 1994 - Part 4
Clip: 460072_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10054
Original Film: 102862
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(15:30:31) Mr. ROLLA. To my knowledge, the body had not been moved other than that we do have this blood transfer stain from the collar to the chin. Somebody either checked the carotid or whatever, may have moved the head, I do not know, but that is the only possible movement. Otherwise, no, the body bad not been moved. I approached the body carefully. The head was the first part of the body at the top of the embankment. Again, it is a very steep embankment with heavy foliage on both sides of the body. I carefully walked around the body, looking at it. Again, I was already told that there was a gun in the band and at that point, I leaned over the body and observed a dark-colored revolver in the right band of the deceased. The CHAIRMAN. Let me just stop you there. My time is up. I want top if I may, just ask one question, and then I will yield because I do not want to trespass on the time either. Did either of you see anything at the time that caused you to think that this might not be a suicide or the way it apparently would have appeared to you? in other words, when you arrived, saw the scene, and saw the body, was there anything that struck either of you that would have caused you to say, maybe this was not a suicide. Was there anything that stuck out at that time that you recall now, or that you made a point of at the time? Ms. Braun. Ms. BRAUN. No. When we arrived at the scene and I went up to the scene, everything was consistent with a suicide. The CHAIRMAN. Everything was consistent with a suicide. What would your answer be, Mr. Rolla? Mr. ROLLA. Pretty much the same. Again, it was the early stages of investigation just arriving on the scene but at that point, everything was consistent with a suicide. The CHAiRmAN. Let me yield now to Senator D'Amato. Senator DAMATO. I am going to yield my time to Senator Bond. The CHAiRmAN. Senator Bond. -Senator BOND. Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman, and I want .to thank the panel for their good work. I believe, Mr. Rolla, for ease of going through this, you have provided a great deal of information in the depositions. want to highlight for this Committee, some particular points of your testimony, and I will go through and give you the page numbers and ask you if that is an accurate reflection. It has to do with the outside interference in the investigation. On page 63, you were asked: "If, at any time, if someone outside the the Criminal Investigation Bureau, would you let me know, be- We there are lots of names." You give an answer. "It would be very odd if anybody outside the 'would ask anybody or do anything in the investigation." questioned you: "Did Officer Rule, when be called you, tell autopsy had been moved up specifically at the request of White House?" 80 Your answer was: "Yes, he told me it had been pushed up. They wanted it done sooner, so they got it." Is that an accurate statement? Mr. ROLLA. Yes, it is. Senator BOND. Next, on page 68, the question's asked to you: "Is it SOP, standard operating procedure, to have someone who was at the scene of the death attend the autopsy?" And your answer was: "Yes, that would be normal operating procedure. As I say, there may be nothing, there may be questions, you like to explain the scene and the doctor likes to hear besides reading the report and looking at the photographs. He can explain things, if you have questions. The investigator may have questions that he needs to ask the doctor."' Is that accurate? Mr. ROLLA. That is correct. Senator BOND. And you were not able to attend the autopsy? You did not attend the autopsy ? Mr. ROLLA. Well, myself and Cheryl Braun worked all night. We worked, our shift was 2 p.m. to 10 p.m. The day before we worked until 6:30 that morning, waited for Dr. Beyer to get in and confirm that the autopsy would be on the morning of the 22nd. So we went home to get some sleep after our reports were written. Senator BOND. That is understandable, but in other words, the autopsy was pushed up so you were Mr. ROLLA. It was pushed up and I was too tired to drive in and go back. Senator BOND. Next, on page 75, you are asked about White House contacts.

Clip: 425435_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1766
Original Film: 040-090-05
Location: Florence, Italy
Timecode: -

Ready to wear fashions from Italian designers for next spring and summer feature derby straw hats, wild floral-print after dark trouser ensembles with flowing trains, and youthful stripes with cute buttons and belts. Runway models stand and wear Derby hats (nice footage). Close-ups of the hats. The camera shows models entering a runway from backstage. Six modes turn and pose for fashion seekers. Close-up of critics in their seats taking notes. More models walk under large chandeliers. The finally shows 12 models all walking at the same time.

Clip: 425443_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1766
Original Film: 040-091-06
Location: Addis Ababa, Ethiopa
Timecode: 00:17:52 - 00:18:40

Ethiopia's Emperor Haile Selassie celebrates the 37th anniversary of his coronation in a day of special events. He's accompanied by Kenya's President Kenyatta and addresses Parliament, urging forces to end colonial rule in Rhodesia, South Africa, and Portuguese territories. Emperor Haile Selassie and President Kenyatta parade for onlookers in a convertible limousine. Onlookers cap and smile. A large banner shows the Emperor on the day of his coronation. The interior of Ethiopia's Parliament Building is shown where Emperor Selassie addresses listeners (no natural sound). Legislators sit in even rows, and are fixed upon their leader. Colonialism.

Cardinal Spellman
Clip: 425493_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1767
Original Film: 040-098-01
Location: New York, NY
Timecode: 00:07:30 - 00:08:33

Francis Cardinal Spellman, 78, dies of a sudden stroke. As Vicar General of the U.S. Armed Forces, he spent Christmas with the troops for the past 16 years. All 7 American Cardinals will attend his funeral. Pope Paul and world leaders express their sympathy. Saint Patrick's Cathedral, New York, NY Francis Cardinal Spellman is shown being ordained a cardinal in 1946. He slowly walks with the assistance of clergymen. American troops sit in attendance at mass during Christmas. Saint Patrick's Cathedral is shown in mourning. A mass is given in his tribute and people light Thought Candles.

Clip: 425494_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1767
Original Film: 040-098-02
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Timecode: -

The Main Mail-Exchange Building in Melbourne, Australia, is swept by fire. Two thousand employees flee the burning building, two are rescued from the roof. A million dollars in damage is done by the flames. Thick columns of black smoke rise from a burning building. A convertible fire truck cruises down the street with a fireman crowed inside. Flames and smoke pour from heat smashed windows. A crowd watches as a man runs the length of the building's roofline escaping sheer death. A massive crowd gathers near a parking lot to watch the show. A firefighter shoots water into a window from the extended ladder of a hook and ladder truck.

July 29, 1994 - Part 4
Clip: 460073_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10054
Original Film: 102862
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(15:35:15) They ask: "Did you talk about your theories of the case or how you felt the investigation was going." You said: "Yes." They asked: "Did the White House get mentioned in those conversations? You answered: "Yes," Next they questioned: 'Vill you tell me a little bit about them? How it bad come up, what kind of context?" Your answer was: "This is from memory, but I know that Captain Hume was very upset. The White House was stonewalling us in our investigation and getting access to the office. They went up there, were not allowed in, were not treated very nicely, and they were very upset. They bad to go up a second time before the things were put together and they were allowed to go in there. After that time, I was not there. I only heard what people told me." Does that reflect what you told the questioner in the deposition? Mr. ROLLA. That is correct. I was not there either time because this was all from memory, office talk. Senator BOND. Then, again, referring to the stonewalling and on page 156, the question is asked: "Did you ever talk in detail with Captain Hume about what went on at the notification to tell him some of those concerns that you had?" You answered: "Yes. We talked about them, that we were stonewalled, we were stonewalled there. People basically, we bad a few questions here and there of certain people but we were stonewalled." Does that reflect your memory of the situation? 81 Mr. ROLLA. The transcript does not read as good as it sounded when I said it. [Laughter.] Senator BOND. Would you like to state it in your own words? maybe, I am sure that it was The CHAIRMAN. That happens to us too. Senator BOND. Would you express your views for the Committee? Mr. ROLLA. Of course, you are reading parts of statements that were much longer. Talking about the death notification, You are speaking of the death notification? Senator BOND. Yes. Mr. ROLLA. OK Senator BONI). And the investigation that, went on. Mr. ROLLA. As far as the death notifi cation, it was not the situation we would normally have liked to have had, There were too many people there, too many people met us at the door. It was not the right atmosphere in which to make a notification in which to ask questions after a period of grieving. There were too many people there, and we did not have an opportunity to question the family or friends the way we would have liked to. Senator BOND. It was not just with the investigation at the time Of notification? You had problems with getting access to the papers? Is that correct? The papers of Mr. Foster and other personal effects? The CHAIRMAN. Let me just sound a caution here because the question of the papers and the handling of the papers is an issue that Mr. Fiske is still investigating, and be 'has written to us and asked us to not move into that subject because he is not finished with it. And so I think we have got to be very careful about the degree to which we inadvertently cross into that zone. Senator BOND, I gather there was an effort, by you to find if there was a suicide note or any other information that might bear upon the cause of death while you were at the Foster home? Mr. ROLLA. Yes. Senator BOND. Did you have any luck with it, were you able to carry that out? Mr. ROLLA. We were there for a total of almost an hour, I be- And it seems like a long time, but with all that was going on, it was not very long. We did not have the-we had opportunity to ask certain questions, but not anything at length and we were told, asked was there anything, did you see this forthcoming, was there anything different about him, has be been depressed, and all the answers were no. Senator BOND. But your testimony in the deposition was that you were stonewalled? Mr- ROLLA, And by that, I mean that everybody said, Do, they knew nothing about his depression or anything when It later comes Out that he was depressed and they were aware of it, but at the time, no one really spoke to us or gave us any Senator BOND. Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman. I think this witness, just in the limited area, has given us an idea of some of the difficulties of the investigation and we will be getting into the question, of access to the White House papers later on. 82 I think that this all leads up to the fact that this phase of the investigation by Mr. Fiske is another very important one that we will have to explore at a 'later date. I thank the witnesses. The CHAIRMAN. And we will do so. Senator Sarbanes, you are next in line. Senator SARBANES. Mr. Chairman, I just returned, and I would like to defer. I will defer to a colleague The CHAIRMAN, Would you yield to me, then, briefly? Senator SARBANES. I will pick up my round later. The CHAIRMAN. Just would you yield a couple of minutes of your time to me, then? Senator SARBANES. Certainly.

Clip: 441036_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 0
Original Film: 560-8
Timecode: -


July 29, 1994 - Part 4
Clip: 460074_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10054
Original Film: 102862
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(15:40:46) The CHAIRMAN. Mr. Rolla, I appreciate the job you do and the professionalism, and so I do not want to be misunderstood when I say this. But I was struck by your description of going to the Foster home, to give the notice, I fake it, and to try to do an initial questioning and investigation. You found a lot of people, and I gather a somewhat chaotic scene. I am just trying to imagine what it would be like, and you correct me if I am wrong in the impression that I took, but I cannot imagine anything else, if you just take the case facts. The family finds out that the husband in the family, the father in the family has just died by suicide, everybody's in a state of shock and grief and other people are coming to console them and so forth. It seems to me, you have a job to do and I respect that, and I want you to be able to do it, bat it seems to me that if you show up at a scene like that, that is probably what you are going to find in most instances, isn't it? Mr. ROLLA. Well, let me explain to you. The only people at the house were Mrs. Foster and the daughter, Lisa. The CHAIRMAN. Probably the two most important people in his life. Mr. ROLLA. Right. And that would have been ideal circumstances to make a death notification, But we got a call from our field com- mander to call David Watkins, a White House person. He's a personal friends of Mr. Foster. His wife had just played tennis with Mrs. Foster that afternoon, and it is not uncommon on to bring a close family friend along 'for a notification for comfort and support. So, of course, we agreed and we went to Mr. Watkins' house to pick him up and his wife followed us over there. After we're parking the car, we're notified that both Mr. Foster's sisters and some other people were coming over there, could we wait for them. I said, no, I do not want to wait for them. The police knocking at your door at night- when you are missing a loved one for a while is bad enough. To have a trail of people outside is a circus atmosphere. I asked them to wait outside, but there were still 5 other people, besides the 4, myself and Investigator Braun, Mr. and Mrs. Watkins, 4 or 5 other people waiting on the landing, which they could see, and when they opened the door, they all came in. It was not ideal circumstances, It was beyond our control at that point, and the grieving and everything else, you are right, is perfectly normal. 83 The CHAIRMAN. I guess I am just trying to imagine the scene and I appreciate your describing it . I think to imagine Mr. Foster's sister arriving in a state of Sock and grief, and the others, I think in many families, that is exactly what would take place. I mean, You would suddenly have everyone coming to console the family and try to find out what happened in a state of shock, and I guess what I am saying is I realize that makes it harder for you to go in and be able to talk to the family and do what you need to do. But I think under conditions like this, it is very understandable to me that that would happen, and I can see why you might view it one way, and they would view it a different way. That is my point. You can see that, I am sure, Mr. ROLLA. I see it is very understandable. My only point that ever made was that when we asked was he depressed or certain questions, did they see this coming, that everything was a negative answer. And it comes out that he was and certain people in the family knew about it, and we just did not get much cooperation. Under the circumstances, you are right, it is a hard circumstances, The CHAIRMAN. Senator D'Amato Senator DAMATO. Senator Mack. The CHAiRmAN. Senator Mack, do you want to be recognized? Senator MACK. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I am going to continue along the line of questioning that the Chairman was pursuing with respect to what you experienced at the home. In looking through the materials that you have prepared for us, there is an incident that occurred, Ms. Braun, involving you. You were engaged in carrying out your responsibilities under a very difficult set of circumstances.

Gals Hit the Silk: Soviet Women Display Parachute Skills
Clip: 426551_1_1
Year Shot: 1965 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1733
Original Film: 038-016-04
Location: Russia
Timecode: 00:48:32 - 00:50:24

How are you going to keep "em in the kitchen after this??? Russian women are going in for the sport of parachuting in a big way. They start at 5,000 feet - but after test in height altitude chambers they take off for the stratosphere for five and six mile jumps. Lady, it's a long way down!! Sky divers free falling, they finely open their shoots and they land exactly on the X. Woman parachutist coming down from the sky one after another and they all hit the mark. One woman comes within inches of hitting her bulls eye. The women are standing in a line without their parachute gear, camera pans the line of pretty women. The women parachutist going into pressure chamber. Women sitting in the pressure chamber with breathing apparatus covering their mouths. One of the women side profile. A technician looking into the window smiling at the ladies. Women embarking on to a plane wearing all their gear on. Women jumping out of the plane, some taking a long free fall. One of the women chutists taking off her mask.

July 29, 1994 - Part 4
Clip: 460075_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10054
Original Film: 102862
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(15:45:30) I doubt that any of us would want to find ourselves in a position like what you had to go through in trying to gain information at such an incredibly delicate time, but you were doing your job. And as I understand it, as you were interviewing Sheila Anthony, Webster Hubbell pushed you and effectively ended that interview. Is that correct? Ms. BRAUN. Yes. I was talking, I believe it was to Shelia An- It was one of the sisters, and I bad just basically started a conversation, trying to kind of build rapport to try to get information about Mr. Foster's state of mind prior to the suicide, and I virtually had just started the conversation when Webster Hubbell came up and moved me to the side with his arm, and then be took Sheila Anthony off the couch and into his arms, and walked away from me. co I do not know whether that was a function of grief, if be was comforting her or, I had not gotten far enough into a conversation to say, that be was trying to prevent me from getting information. her Senator MACK. I would suspect he probably was trying to comfort Justice her, which is a very understandable emotion. But is title at the Department, Associate Attorney General, says to me, he clearly understood what you were there to do. So, I am not questioning his motive. But let me ask you this question. Is this the first time that you have teamed up having to go make a notification? Mr. ROLLA. Together, yes. 84 Ms. BRAUN. Together, yes. Senator MACK, Individually, "have you -had to go to homes before to inform loved ones of a death in the family? Ms. BRAUN. I have done notifications before, both in person and over the telephone. This was John's first notification. Senator MACK. It was your first? Mr. ROLLA. This was my first death notification, yes. Senator MACK. Well, then let me just address my questions to you, Ms. Braun. I will tell you what my own feeling is, and then you tell me whether it might be accurate or not. I sense that when police officers come into someone's home, that there are two emotions that are being dealt with there. One is grief. The other one is who is in control, And I would think that in most circumstances, when police officers come into a home, there is a sense that the police officers have information they need to gather, and they are relatively in control of the situation. Is that a fair assessment? Ms. BRAUN. That is a fair assessment. Normally, of course, you are delivering a big blow to these people and you have to allow Some time for them to deal with the information that you have just given them. But after a period of time, they calm down and you can speak to them, and generally there's no problem in getting answers to questions. Senator MACK, I get the impression from the materials that we have looked through that both of you were kind of disregarded, pushed to the side, and that your ability to carry out your responsibilities was not given much consideration by the people in that house. Ms. BRAUN, I am not going to disagree with you, Senator. I kind of feel like we were being very understanding, maybe too understanding, and we did not overly assert ourselves either. The CHAIRMAN. Ms. Braun, would you pull the mike just a little bit closer. I just want to make sure that everyone has a chance to hear you. Thank you. Senator MACK. Mr. Rolla, did you have any thoughts about what you saw happen to Ms. Braun? Mr. ROLLA. No, I did not see it. She told me about U. Senator MACK, What was your reaction to it? Mr. ROLLA. Well, it was rude. Cheryl was angry because it was rude. Our action was that we were there and under the circumstances people act differently when you tell them bad news. And, you are right, the police are the good guys but we're basically intruders that brought terrible news, tragic news into your home. That is why I said it would be better without all the other people there, because people would calm down and they'd look to us for comfort, and we could -et some information At that point, they had enough other people there for comfort. There were close friends, relatives, and they did not need us, and they did not really want to deal with us or the situation at the time. That is what my feeling was.

Air Pollution
Clip: 425660_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1757
Original Film: 040-011-05
Location: New York, New York
Timecode: 00:19:41 - 00:20:23

The newest thing in air pollution control devices is installed in the incinerator of Saint Vincent's Hospital in New York. It comes with a heat and smoke-sensing attachment which helps reduce fly ash and soot in burned garbage. Officials hail the move as a step toward cleaner city air. A doctor and a nun are shown an air pollution device. Camera pans down to an incinerator lit burning a very hot fire. Housekeepers sweep trash into the incinerator. Someone opens a small door, so you can see the compressed ash and soot from the garbage that has been burned. ECU Incinerator burns garbage.

Malaysia Festival
Clip: 425661_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1757
Original Film: 040-011-06
Location: Malaysia
Timecode: 00:20:24 - 00:20:47

In Malaysia, the nation's biggest Hindu religious festival takes place. Some celebrators carry heavy wooden structures to atone for past sins. The festival crowd of half-a-million people includes tourists from multi-racial nations. Throngs gather for the biggest Hindu religious festival in Malaysia. Men dance in the street carrying objects made of bamboo with flowers. CU Men in the parade have mouth shields over their mouths. High Angle Shot crowds of Hindu people celebrate the festival.

Track Records
Clip: 425662_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1757
Original Film: 040-011-07
Location: Boston, Massachusetts
Timecode: 00:20:48 - 00:22:02

Track records tumble in one record breaking weekend. Neal Steinhauer shatters his previous shot-put record with a throw of sixty-seven feet, ten inches. Bob Seagren pole vaults seventeen feet, two inches, setting a new world record. Kerry O'Brien of Australia sets a second meet record within 48 hours running in the fastest two-mile ever in Boston. World shot-put champion, Neal Steinhauer with his own special technique throws a shot-put setting a new record. Bob Seagren runs with his pole vault in spite of a pulled muscle. On his second attempt he sets a new world record 17ft 2in. The enthusiastic sports crowd makes a standing ovation. Australian distance runner, Kerry O'Brien joins in the record setting theme of the day. He scores category 8.38 and 4/10 second on an indoor 2-mile run.

Yanks Freed: German Reds, Czechs Release Prisoners
Clip: 425663_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1757
Original Film: 040-012-01
Location: Germany, Czechoslovakia
Timecode: 00:22:42 - 00:23:54

A total of five Americans are released after being held prisoners in both Communist East Germany and Czechoslovakia. The West Berlin four, includes a girl, are released after serving one year on charges of helping East Germans flee to the west. In New York, Vladimir Kazan-Komarek is freed from prison in Prague after diplomatic moves. He was sentenced to eight years on subversion charges. Four men and a woman sit at a table with microphones. CU Fredrick Matthews of Elmwood, Pennsylvania. CU Moses Reese Herrin of Akron, Ohio. CU Mary Helen Battle of Oak Ridge, Tennessee and William Wyatt Lovett of San Francisco, California. They were all prisoners for more than a year. CU Czech-born American travel agent Vladimir Kazan-Komarek is greeted by his wife after disembarking a plane. He is overjoyed to have his freedom. ECU Vladimir kissing his wife. CU of their five children 3 boys and 2 girls. They sit together in a room as one big happy family. Vladimir kisses his son on the cheek.

Mekong Delta
Clip: 425664_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1757
Original Film: 040-012-02
Location: Southeastern, Vietnam
Timecode: 00:23:54 - 00:24:53

South Vietnamese troops kill 54 Vietcong guerrillas in brief but bloody fighting in the Mekong delta. Thick, heavy jungle makes tough going for the troops and provides perfect cover for VC snipers and mines. Meanwhile, the Pentagon announces total American causalities as over 50 thousand with the loss of 1,750 aircrafts. US Marines disembark from a marine duct, running through knee deep water onto the shore. Marines sinking knee deep into mud on their way to the solid ground. CU a Marine steadily making his way up an incline holding his assault rifle in one hand and steadies himself on the muddy wet ground with the other. CU Rear shot of two Marines making their way through the Mekong Delta. CU Marine making his way through the jungle. CU Marines making their way through a very thick and wet jungle. Low Angle Shots Marines making their way through the jungle, walking over fallen trees, jumping down onto the ground. CUS Marine troop leaders review their plans. The Mekong delta region encompasses a huge portion of southeastern Vietnam, and the size of the area covered by water depends on the season. That is the reason why the Marines are walking through so much water and mud.

Midwest Snow
Clip: 425665_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1757
Original Film: 040-012-03
Location: Chicago, Illinois and Indiana
Timecode: 00:24:53 - 00:25:46

Midwesterners are buried when the second major snowstorm hits within a week. It brings the total snowfall close to three feet. In Chicago, warned hours in advance, motorists and pedestrians accept it with good humor. Indiana, meanwhile, reports six deaths due to the storm. Chicago Blizzard of 1967. Michigan Avenue is busy with traffic and pedestrians in the winter. People walking on Michigan Avenue in the snow. CU either the people are waiting for a light to change so they can cross the street or their waiting for a CTA bus to come at a bus stop. Two girls look up to the sky. High Angle shot of traffic gridlock. CU ladies bundled up, waiting for a CTA bus or a traffic light to change. High Angle Shot more traffic gridlock. CU a pretty young blond all bundled up. People walking beneath the El tracks. Its evening time and people are getting off of work on their way home. A truck making its way down the outer drive early in the foggy morning. Snow keeps falling blanketing Chicago in snow. In Indiana, traffic is close to a standstill on the Frank Borman Expressway. It s the east west highway to Indiana (I-80). CU overturned truck. CU two men digging out the trailer of the truck. MS snow covered street in Indiana, cars are buried by the snow. POV looking out the windshield, car driving down a snow covered street.

Displaying clips 3049-3072 of 10000 in total
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